>tfw first at the stoplight
>tfw you go all out and you get a loud ass second gear scratch
>tfw you wonder what the car next to you is thinking
feels good man
>tfw first at the stoplight
>tfw you go all out and you get a loud ass second gear scratch
>tfw you wonder what the car next to you is thinking
feels good man
I know these feels, user.
>heading home from work earlier
>5 lane road, two each way and turn lane down the middle
>right lane ends up ahead, already in left
>some business suit guy in mercedes in right lane
>speed limit is 40, I'm already going 50
>guy keeps getting closer from behind
>trying to pass me on right before his lane ends
>was already behind me, could have merged over and still gone 10 over the limit
>gets even with me
>accelerate to match him
>is jabbering on his cell phone and glancing over
>'yanno what how about no?'
>shift from 4th to 2nd
>dump clutch without rev matching
>tires screech and car noses down
>punch it
>car squats as the 5.0 coyote roars to life
>rip through 2nd
>hit rev limit before shifting
>car noses down again
>shift to 3rd and dump the clutch with the pedal down
>look in mirror, can tell he thought about trying to race but aborted shortly afterward
>hit about 85 and have to brake hard for roundabout
>come out on other side
>blue-haired granny going 15 under speed limit in front of me
>actually say outloud 'Are you literally fucking me in the ass right now, grandma?'
>look in mirror expecting mercedes doucher to come up on my ass
>see him slow and turn off on a side street
>'Yeah, that's right mother fucker. Get some.'
Wtf is a second gear scratch.
Really should have been ecoboost instead of coyote
When he grinds his gears because he thinks he's a race car driver in his mom's POS 2001 base model Focus.
RIP clutch
Just happened 10 minutes ago
>driving to Wendys
>driving down a two lane road
>piece of shit Jeep is going 15 over the limit
>meh whatever
>cuts into my lane at a red light so he isn't stuck behind the single car in his lane
>makes me have to hit the brakes
>the second I come to a complete stop
>light turns green
>pissed at this point
>hit the gas full throttle
>speed around him then merge into his lane
>get in front of him, and break check him
>dude is furious
>I slow down to the speed limit
>he cuts into the other lane, he is speeding to get in front of me
>then out of fucking nowhere
>cop with a speed gun parked on the side of the road
>cop pulls him over
>I drive off, seeing him throw shit in his car in pure frustration
>enjoy that ticket buddy.
Wheel spin in 2nd grear
i'll go months and months without fucking up at all, then bam, i'll crunch gears twice in one day, so weird.
Wouldn't that be screetch? Never heard it called scratch before.
Something manual drivers need to prevent from happening in their full of problems checklist
autofags ladies and gents
When you shift like shit and dump the clutch before the RPMs drop
You see econobox fags do it because they want to be racecars but can't shift fast with their heavy as all fuck flywheels
I have bad synchros in 2nd and I still only grind gears if i try to float gears.
>all these fags saying that you're not allowed to have fun in an econobox
I have the least fun car possible and I still go WOT and shift hard when I'm on backroads or if I'm first at a stoplight. the car actually has fucking god tier gearing so I can get to 60 pretty fast. Fucking fight me
Guess it's time to update my checklist, thanks user.
Coyote clutches grow on trees over at Summit user
> thread full of manual fags pretending you shouldn't have fun driving a manual
Poor representatives of the manual community
>Manual ''''''''''''''''''''''community'''''''''''''''''''''''''
poor representatives of car enthusiasts
My commute to work is down 53 in front of road atlanta. Earlier today I was going 110 down there and slow down when limit drops from 55 to 45. So glad I did because right up ahead was a beamer that just came from the track that was pulled over.
Ok I'm done blogging in this blog thread.
>>tfw you wonder what the car next to you is thinking
>P plater rages next to me
>rapes off up the road
>cop pulls him over for racing