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post oldverwatch

>overwatch was helping with depression
>can't play

Ddos this!

you should play ana. But if you are asking this question I assume you can't so accept your team is shit and wait for gg.


Jamison Fawkes!

Cutest and best pairing


hes balanced as he is lad

i dont want to play him balanced
i want to play him broken like on release

>win for 20 points
>lose for 60

why? i'm omw to gold, from almost diamond, with 50% winrate. what am i doing wrong?

playing support

>wake up
>Mei stills exist

Typically, 60 point hits don't usually come out of nowhere. Did you just finish placement?

>Young Genji
>In Overwatch
>Implying he wasn't already a disgusting half robot back then

no, i calibrated mid-plat and went on a winstreak. pure support player. whenever i lost the 60 points nothing particularly happened, the last time i lost koth 2-3 with 4 gold medals as lucio

>implying he's more disgusting as a half-robot than he was when he wore orange and dyed his hair green

Meanwhile, at Overatch Canadian HQ..

Who cares about Canada? They don't do shit anyway.

I've only seen 60 point hits when I was going on losing streaks. The losses start at around 22, but each time you lose in a row it will get progressively worse. I went from 2800 to 2500 in a day like this because I'm a retard. I've been tracking gains and losses in a spreadsheet since then, trying to figure out how this shit works.

>4 gold medals as lucio
Also a support main here. A realization I had is tactics which work for Diamond and Top 500 players aren't necessarily going to work with players around Gold. Zen requires people to focus, for example, and Lucio requires people to group up. At lower ranks, pocketing the most effective players in your team may give you the highest win rate as support.

Or you could do what I did and just abandon support until you claw your way back out of hell.

At least he was human back then.

How to play Reaper with an uncoordinated team? I do really well with him when I'm getting supported, but when my team's disjointed or not going in I get my shit pushed in. Should I just be going around to the back of the enemy and waiting for a chance, or what?

There is no hope with an incompetent team.

I placed at 2300 playing supports and played reaper to platinum. If the team is shitters there is no hope reagardless of what you play. Even zarya

Always behind the enemy lines, but don't try to go alone, always show yourself when the enemy is fighting your team, that doesn't give them a chance to react to you in time.

get oot

Pair up. Your buddy doesn't even have to know that you're doing it, just find someone an follow their lead. Either do something like stick to Reinhardt like glue, or watch a high-aggro ally's chevron through the walls, then jump in on the opposite side of the objective the moment he approaches from the front.

I wonder this too, but about Genji
He's supposed to be a carry character but I only do especially well with him when my team is already good

You first, Canada.

played reaper to diamond*

I realized that I'm at my best when I'm the one getting all silvers, rather than golds. I'm more comfortable and confident in my own play when I know it's not all on my back. Like I know that I'm not good enough to reliably or consistently carry, but it allows me that flexibility to not have to be a singular role, allowing the rest of my team to play what they want.

>mercy rezing two people gets potg over a quadra
>"yeah we fixed it though"


>Eichenwalde defense
>well I take Symm.. no already taken
>we already got two tanks
>and two heals
I went for Torbjörn

why are people always underestimating Torbjörn?
his ult saved the point many times from being taken

How is gold rank? Is it actually elo hell? Do you think its because of people like you?

Can you win for 60 points? Going to try the "abondoning support" thing, and just ended losing streak and got 20 points for carrying a koth game with streetpig.

Because without his ult he's relatively useless

>playan comp
>only mid platinum in rank
>get fucking queued up with 4 masters and 1 GM against a team of 6 masters
I managed to not completely embarrass myself by playing zenyatta and letting them get most of the kills. And pressing q when the time seemed right.

Because his turret is trash

If only you could make it survive by whacking it but literally everyone outdamages your whacks.

Whenever I play McCree, I doubt how well I'm doing because my eliminations are relatively low. The reason it's low is because I'm focused on suppressing the hard to kill targets like Tracer, Genji and Pharah so the rest of my team are safe to do their work.

>Playing comp last night with a full team
>My team MMR avg is 2900
>Get placed against Masters and GMs in top 500 with an MMR avg of 3900
>1k MMR of difference

N-nice matchmaking Blizz.

A friend sacrificed himself and quit to not get stomped.

Are the servers back up yet?

Junkrat reporting for duty

Isn't Aimbotting someone's smurf

please Blizzard

why does this keep happening

I just want to get this Zenyatta trophy

he's not even my main

I assume yes because I just finished a match 10 minutes ago.

reminder that zen is a dps that can heal and not a healer

>mei 1v 1 battle with torbleborb
>about to kill him
>he molten cores
>still kill him
>use mei sitting emote after
>1 min later
>1v1 again
>used wall and iceblock
>he's about to kill me
>ult him
>he kills me
>he used a sitting emote in my blizzard
>get rezzed
>kill him

So, he's a projectile S76?

Maybe you should try and make a 6 man with that 4 stack.

Why does this happen on PS4 so much

Yeah. I climbed just as quickly as I've fallen before, though I've only had one win streak since I started tracking the changes. The changes went:
-24, 22, 22, 32, 31, 22, 38, 44, -31

This is what happens when game is dead.

He has a defensive ult though

Aha, on PS4 that will guarantee an instant queue against 1k overdogs

>climbed from X all the way to Z as Y!
>if you keep it up, you will improve!
>just bite through the losses, things will change eventually!

>literally 75% of my games involve someone leaving
>wins take 15-20 minutes and reward 20 points
>losses take 10 minutes and reward -40 points
>can't get a winning spree because no one ever wants to group up

Aside from the retarded point gain/loss structure, this whole community is rotten as fuck. The odd players that manages to climb through the ranks gets to boast about it, meanwhile everyone else notices how horrible the comp experience is. If you don't get ranked high enough during your placements you're pretty much fucked.

ps4 has a small user base so it's harder to find fair matches

don't you have a friend or something to tell this to?

76 with a sick debuff

What's top 500 on ps4? I think my brother is getting close by scraping master rank.

It depends on the both team's composition.
If they're full of squishies go fuck them in them in the ass, if the enemy team's tanks however are bashing your team's shit in you have to target the tanks first and go with your team.

t. silverfag

Odds are you can probably throw that game and only lose like 5 rank points, not worth trying desu.
Especially since a lot of these

is cute!

He's the cutest! I love him so much, and he makes me so happy I almost can't handle it!

What happened to the guy that did the bad junkrat impression?

Yeah that's the one thing I hate the most about getting close to Master rank, some people that beat me are clearly using M+KB.

I tracked his IP and circumcised his head

>not meihog

Not sure what you're implying. I've placed at 2800 and i'm roughly around that area right now.

Wow rude now he can't talk, how will he do an ok hanzo impression and a shit junkrat impression for us now?

Also, what happened to 5 facts about Mccree poster? I miss him ;__;

>not zaryamei

Funnily enough Top 500 on PS4 is BELOW Master rank. A buddy of mine is ranked around place 450 while having 3420SR.

Move on to For Glory.

yuri is not allowed though I guess zarya counts as a man

I miss hana posters

>we lost 2 posters
>1 old and 1 new
>they will both be missed
Press F to pay respects

>no one ever wants to group up
I get group and friend requests on a fairly regular basis, and I only ever see 40 point losses on major losing streaks. Maybe you aren't as valuable of a group mate as you think you are.

All the faggots chased them away.
If I could make one wish it aould be for gays to never exist.

They shit up everything

Why do all the genji fags and hanzo fags want lucio but won't be him

>have 3:00 advantage in second round
>think to myself "with my luck we'll probably still lose"
>only healer, nobody ever goes a second one
>they push the payload past two checkpoints in overtime
>we lose

Fuck you he was good

mfw I saved all his vocaroos and fell asleep listening to his voice on repeat

That's kind of creepy man

Not sure. Half the time i have to suggest to get a second support because people don't seem to even grasp the basics of this game.



I want to cuddle with Widowmaker.

Oh, I do indeed...

I hope I didn't creep you out though, I was just fucking with you about the falling asleep thing

>''Shhhh, just sleep mon cheri...''

Genjis would take a Harmony orb instead for heals and Discord on their targets, but it takes a very good Zen to have that there reliably when they need it. Transcendence has almost no practical usage for an allied Genji. Anas can't aim anything except a Q at him. Mercy is no use at all except for her rez.

Lucio gets Genji to site faster. A good Lucio can taxi and give Genji offensive assists. Genjis can usually get healing fairly promptly if they get within 40 meters of Lucio. Sound barrier saves man Genji lives, either defensively, or combined with Dragonblade. Lucio's pushes, even without Soundbarrier, gets the team onto the objective and give a huge distraction that lets him hit from the other side while usually being within range of Lucio's heals or speed on the other side of the objective.

And, finally, if Genji is ever stuck in a dire situation, only Lucio has the speed, mobility, survivability and the goddamned balls to zip in and bail him out.

Nah in all honesty it's kind of nice knowing people like my voice even though that's a bit too much.


>I will never spoon with Widowmaker
>she will never switch to her lewd french seductress mode while cuddling and push her perfect 10/10 butt against my crotch and not do anything else
>i will never be stuck just an inch from heaven for an entire night, before she gives me release the following day

You've earned it user. Do more pls


Why do I always have the Hanzo pickers on my team?

Alright, i'm trying to think of lines but as it's 8am i can't be shouting or laughing super loud.

Blame Seagull, that's the only reason I can think of anyone wanting to play that boring, garbage-ass hero.

needs a genji

Sym needs a rework, not a buff.

The only buff I'd recommend is make it so hitting with alt-fire (or even her turrets) charges her gun.