/cfog/ - Classic Fallout (& New Vegas) General

Sawyer edition

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>Fallout: New Vegas
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1st on the moon for America

Commie ghosts what don't know they're dead. Hoping to steal our rockets so they can fly up and paint the moon pink and draw a Lenin face on it.

>Interviewer: "But New Vegas was something different, the dev must have had quite close access to your own internal studios and tech. Would you ever do something like that again? Because I think that everyone felt that New Vegas turned out pretty well."

>Pete Hines: "I don’t know; we’ll have to see. [slight grin]"

New Vegas 2 confirmed.

I'm not familiar with the lore a lot and I keep seeing the Enclave being on the moon. Is that a legit thing in Fallout or a meme?

Source for interview?

Friendly reminder that the only respectable faction choices are House or the Legion.

Yes Man is a copout and NCR is for the uninformed.

Seventh for not being able to stay away for even a fucking hour

Terror tactics reporting in.


That's surprising to hear this from him. Even though I wouldn't be surprised if he just said this like that to change the subject.

Cut content from Van Buren, or what Fallout 3 would have been if not for the fucking hack artist and agent of Satan commonly referred to as Todd "You see that mountain?" Howard.

Also, 'canonically' in VB they wouldn't have even made it, but player choices and all that.

Probably a combination of the Pre-War government's original plan and memes.

Lynette deserves to be executed

Hey /cfog/, I am that Fallout Alaska user, and I rewrote it, do you guys mind if I post it?

Just post it.
Asking makes you seem like an attention seeking faggot.
You already know people here are enjoying it.

They do? Oh that's nice


>Legion fags thinking they are anywhere near as good as House followers

So uncivilised.

>What could have been.

>just started Old World Blues for the first time
>that endless Think Tank conversation

Is the whole DLC going to be like this? Dead Money and Honest Hearts both had elements I disliked, but this is brutal.

What mod is that? Is this Enclave-related?

I really am curious as to how Van Buren could have turned out. I'd say at least we have Dog City Denver and Beyond Boulder Dome to enhance the experience but we all know how those two turned out.


Personally I think OWB is trash
disgusting ugly boring worldspace with zany shit that I found unfunny

Look at the file name.

Only the ending will involve long dialogue again. Most of the DLC isn't spent with a lot of human interaction anyway.

Nope, it's just a bit front-loaded. I didn't mind that at all desu.

Fallout: The last frontier
>Vault 122 dweller called The Firestarter
>Problems in Anchorage, now called AnchorLight(the main city and trading general of Alaska/the last frontier)
>War between the Pyromancers (Enclave remnants based on a nacional socialism state) and the Noonday Moon (A chinese-american democratic state) and you must stop it or fight for a faction or neither
>Vault 122 didnt have a experiment, it served as a bunker for the veterans of the Anchorage reclamation and thus, its a military based vault, and its overseer is its General
>Game doesnt use caps, instead uses normal money, since the Hub isnt there to trade>There would be a town of ghouls in the north of the map and also, the Intelligent Deathclaws would appear again, in a cave seeking a safe place
>AnchorLight's problems would be raiders, you can help either Anchorage or the raiders, or maike the raiders help Anchorage as guards instead

I feel OWB is the most polarising of NV's DLCs.

HH is loved for Graham only as everything else feels too rushed and underwhelming.
DM is universally loved because of its gameplay, story and characters.
LR is disliked because its too on the rails, and that Ulysses, after all that build up, is just a poorly written villain.

With OWB, people either love the wacky science shit or hate it.

Either God Bless the Enclave or The Eagle has Landed, neither of which are complete. I just used it for 'ending' screenshots of an outdated concept.

Oh it's you again.
Glad to see you took my naming suggestion to hand. I recognized the term "Noonday Moon" straight away.

>After the war between the Noonday Moon and the Pyromancers, the Chinese would appear, and you must cross the Bering Strait to get to China and save the world from another apocalypse
>The game's perfect ending is: Vault 122 uses its G.E.C.K to make a city, both the Pyromancers and the Noonday Moon make a truce and join forces, AnchorLight would become the capital of the new country with V122 creating weapons and armor, and the new force becoming its Army, thus creating the country Midnight Sun, with the Firestarter as its leader
Well, that's it probably will de the expansions later hope you guys liked it

Didn't realize this was the cringe edition

>have to choose between factions
>oh wait, no choices, you can just unite them :^)
Is this the worst meme in vidya?

I was actually curios to see how this panned out considering you've mentioned this idea a few times. But honestly, having the Chinese come back for no discernible and recycling the plot of Fallout 2 is just awful.

My own fault for encouraging this shit I guess.

>Vault 122 didnt have a experiment, it served as a bunker for the veterans of the Anchorage reclamation and thus, its a military based vault, and its overseer is its General

Why don't you just say that its experiment was to test the effectiveness of an all-military population settling an area that they are adequately briefed on? That sounds like a social experiment relevant to space exploration.

Well I guess my idea flopped, can we still be friends right /cfog/? Right?

No, fuck you.

But why?

Posting this again. Cause last thread was about to hit bump limit.

Just recently got a new PC with ultimate edition.

When should I start adding graphic modifications and shit?

Also first time playing with DLC.


Is there a way to do a "new game +" in New Vegas? I know there's no official way, but is it possible to reset all the quest stages, or use a mod or something?

>graphics modifications
after you get the stability mods and bugfix mods

I suppose you can just cheat.
But why?


>When should I start adding graphic modifications and shit?
Whenever the hell you feel like, after you've gotten essentials like anti-crash and bug fixes.
The modding pastebin is your friend, it's there for a reason.

Wait, surely a new game + is a new character with some shit from your older saves carried through.

Hem... now? Why are you asking? The base game is fugly enough to be worth graphics mods. Just watch out for awful recolours that spam the Nexus.

Also, don't forget the performance mods, or else your game will be an instable piece of trash.

Why not just start again?

The only other way would be to write out every single quest, unmarked quests included, and then scour the wiki to find them all and set their quest stages back.
Even then, you're going to run into a LOT of issues.

I like my character's face, and want to be absolutely broken and overpowered.

Then just get a facelift, take photos of whatever you've got the sliders at, start a new game, make the face, then give yourself whatever stats/perks/weapons/etc.
It's really not hard.

Do I need to walk you through starting a new game, too?

What's the most satisfying LCK build for Fo1? Can't decide between jinxed idiot with 10 LCK or ridiculously lucky blind pistolero.

>want to be absolutely broken and overpowered.
It gets old pretty quickly.

How garbage is BBD? I haven't played it yet and my playthrough is already getting long.

>new pc
NV runs like shit on Win10

Oh. I've never done it in New Vegas. Trying to pump a little more fun in to the game.
No need for that. I guess I can just do as you said, and console in some items.

Not worth it if you're save is starting to bloat.
The first half hour is literally and I do mean this pointless.

Someone last thread mentioned environmental storytelling.
Pretty sure the fiends are descendants of the Vault 19 subjects.

What suggests that?

That's the red and blue vault right? What makes you think so?

Aren't the Khans?

But no, even if some of the Fiends came from there, their numbers are constantly bolstered by druggies from Freeside and other areas.
They're locals on drugs, that's about it.

Not using Windows 10.

Khans are Vault 15 bruv.

I wouldn't say it's complete garbage so much as disappointing. You won't want for combat, and the world space is pretty nice, but there are plenty of quests which will seem pretty pointless like the first, where you help some pre-war Americans and Chinese negotiate a ceasefire, only to have them never show up again, finding a murderer in the local BOS detachment, tyen throwing a bunchbof red herrings to make him seem innocent only he actually is the murderer or stupid Some NCR ghoul commandos keeping a girl you meet as a sex slave, dosing her with rads until she's half ghoul, half human, the BOS using you and shooting you with auto-gausses, never mind the fact that you could bery well be BOS yourself. Actually, the world and quest progression are pretty linear. only play this if you have time to kill or really want to know what happens. Go play Milkman or Coito Ergo Sum instead. Those are a lot more fulfilling except for the first's ending and you get caps.

So what the fuck, those weirldy textured ghouls really don't show up anywhere else?

My bad, thanks.

What are some good quest mods for pacifist/medical characters? I enjoyed Tales from the Burning Sands quite a bit.

I can't remember if their textures are used later on, but they're all of literally no consequence.
It's sort of an intro, but there's no purpose.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________stop spamming black bars you fucking piece of ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________shit_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ take that shit outta here

Sorry, can't really help you there since I usually focus on the combat-oriented mods. I guess you could try out the Delilah follower with the reworked voice but it delves too much into waifufaggotry for my tastes. Boom to the Moon I guess, decent exploration with Jokerine and assets and a new companion, though I can see others dismissing him as a nu-male beta.

Meant for

Except he was legitimately spoilering content that it's reasonable to assume people haven't played yet including the person he's talking to

Get your shit out of here, that's the most appropriate use of spoilertags I've seen in years.

Well that's a disappointment, you'd think they'd actually matter since they're literally the first quest. As for the textires, I don't really care if they're used later on or not. I was just wondering why the hell would you wrap some weird ghoulish texture over a normal human face when there are already ghoul assets you can use to create npcs? The trailer and those gave me the impression that the player would become a ghoul, and that's the disease the BOS would cure you of but it's basically never brought up again.

Yeah, you're right, but the damage is done, and nobody liked the idea, guess I'll rewrite it untill something good comes out

Considering this general has high amount of desperate virgins, let me ask you a question.

As you know, BOS ensures its survival through arranged fucking which means most likely everyone get to have sex. Would you want to be part of BOS if you knew you'll always be paired with ugly, smelly partner, and if you won't impregnate her (reason doesn't matter so if you can't get it up to smelly uggo, no one cares), you'll get punished by cleaning toilets or something?

>Considering this general has high amount of desperate virgins

>As you know, BOS ensures its survival through arranged fucking
Wanna provide a source on that?
I'm fairly sure nothing is arranged on the level you're implying, fuckwit.

Talk to BOS members in their bunker. I remember one saying this.

Burden of proof is on you, faggot.

You sked for source, not proof. You've been given a source.

Fuck the BoS, Enclave all day.
Only thing I'm concerned with fucking are the skulls of America's enemies.

>it's there trust me
is not a source, it's a claim. Specify which NPC or show a video of the NPC saying it, or fuck off.

>You sked for source, not proof
A source IS proof, retard.

Telling me that you remember one saying it is not a source.
You posting a screencap of one of them saying it would be a source.

Get to it.

Aren't the Enclave super inbred though?

What's with the ridiculous amount of crashing in freeside?!?!?!?

What Freeside-related mods are you running, if any? Obsidian had to cut it up into pieces so it could run on consoles; it's not very stable.

Never once had it crash, even with Freeside Open.
Get a better computer or fix your mods, faggot.

Proximity, lack of corpses in the vault, the mentally ill having a predisposition to addiction.
Not that all the Fiends are 19 descendant, nor that all Vault 19 descendants are Fiends, but I think there's definitely a case to be made for some kind of integration.

From their dialogue, it seems they wiped them all the fuck out.

That's Vault 3.

>My anecdotes mean no-one else's experience is valid.

I'm not saying it didn't happen, you shitty child.
I'm saying it's your fault.

Not even the guy you replied to


Does anyone know of an animation mod that has you fan revolvers for new vegas?

>A source IS proof, retard.
Proof is evidence itself while source is origin, place where you can find proof.

>it's there trust me
>is not a source, it's a claim

>I'm teacher, trust me
>I'm scientific document, trust me that those sources say what I imply they say

iirc it was some female BOS member. Last time I played Fallout was few months ago so I can't specify which NPC was that exactly, and what she said word to word.
Just checked wiki and it says it's not official policy, but belief among BOS members. Due to not remembering, I can not compare wiki text with actual in-game dialogue to tell you if it was actual policy or not.

>The vast majority of BoS members are born into the Brotherhood - they very rarely accept outsiders into their ranks. While not an official policy, many members believe that in order to survive, all members are obligated to procreate.

>While not an official policy

>>I'm teacher, trust me
>>I'm scientific document, trust me that those sources say what I imply they say
That's because they're reputable people who would back up their claims with proof.
You're no such person.

"all members are obligated to procreate" does not equal "arranged fucking"
Feeling your son is obligated to continue your lineage is not the same as forcing him to fuck some skank.

You're wrong and your shitty question is stupid.
Kill yourself.

>>I'm teacher, trust me
>>I'm scientific document, trust me that those sources say what I imply they say
Teachers and research papers aren't some fool on the internet.

your opinion is trash