/wotg/- World of Tanks general

Show me dem webms edition.

>how to platoon?
ask in the Veeky Forums channel

>helpful links

first for Leo PT armor

The one that always gets me is the Indien panzer with its magic blackhole turret.


thats some high quality webm

What will your blog be about?

t.future reader

Why are you in that position lmao

why haven't you joined NOPAN yet?

we're doing daily tournaments, we started doing skirmishes and now we even have enough people for some weekly tier 8 CW

Because I'm a shitter

our requirements aren't very high, especially if you're trying to improve

because NOPAN is litterally nothing but beta orbiters sucking dolan's limp dick


wew lad

i may be an omega loser but there's still nothing i'd prefer over a tight, warm _____2D_____ pussy

My WN8 is literally less than 1000

what's your recent? and are you trying to improve or do you just not give a single shit?

There is also 0 reason for NOPAN to exist in the first place .

How do I see my recent?

name another competitive 4chin wot clan
check yourself on wotlabs or some other stats tracking site

Oh wait I found it how recent is it because it's saying 0 and I played a game maybe 5 hours ago

Please reblog my high effort post

Because GUP lets me hang around despite the fact I hardly take part in anything, and I'll always be more an /a/ guy than a Veeky Forums guy.

You will be my goto guys if this clan starts falling apart, though.

I think wotlabs checks your last 1000 battles, some other check the last 30 or 60 days regardless of the amount of battles

post your nick


Right. Also , still no reason to create NOPAN instead of going back to NOFUN in the first place.

Mostly my experiences in life and my opinions on some ethical and social topicsnot necessarily politics tho cause they are an aspect of society that i dont really care about
I kinda want it to be sort of a diary at first but while writing down my noteable experiences/opinions im gonna try to branch out and see where it takes me
Hopefully i dont appear too self centered to you now and id really rather talk about it once i got my shit together and im ready to start

NOPAN is pretty /a/, but yeah we'd rather have people who take part in things so it's ok :^)
why would I go back to a dead clan with a dead commander?

NOFUN has no commander at the moment, cipher only has commander as a title because no one else wanted it . And if everyone came back to nofun instead of making another clan, then older NOFUN members would've come back. Also NOPAN's logo and name are stupid weeaboo shit that makes everyone look like they were kicked out of GUP, which is probably the most shameful image you can have.

ShoeBomb pls no bully

It's alright, just take your time and tell us as soon as you have figured that shit out


Guys stop shitposting about clans rate my post

underrated post

not gonna lie that's pretty bad, and it seems like 90% of your tanks are shitty meme lines that are horrible for average/bad players
you should hang in the Veeky Forums channel though, then you can platoon with other people, it helps getting better. also you have some good tier 6, you could join some skirmishes even without being in a clan if you're into that

that poor boy isn't going to wake up tomorrow

nopan is a phoenix, nofun was never meant to be

10/10 would read again
truly a masterpiece

so what, I come back to nofun, get commander again, add requirements to the description, kick everyone who doesn't meet them, then run skirmishes for 2 weeks and kick everyone that didn't take part? yeah?

Nah that's alright I'll get a little better and then maybe try my luck with skirmishes
Also out of interest what do you mean by shitty meme lines?

>finally start to consider getting the Skorpion G
>it's already been yanked from the shop


your highest tier tank is the caern, that's not really a line anyone would recommend especially to a not so good player
though wotlabs seems a bit fucked, says you have 9k battles but the tank list below shows something like half that

>"Our gunner is down!"
>"Our ammo rack is damaged"
>"The gun is damaged"
Please tell me this is thing is more fun with the upgraded turret and gun.

>mounts co2
>learns safe stowage
>gets damaged rack first hit
>set on fire via fuel tanks second hit

wew. thank god i took precautions.

>shitters crying about gold
>shitters crying about aimbot
>shitters crying about nolife reroll while having 100+games/day


>Sat in the grant
>everything's going to shit
>driving backwards into a standout
>about to lose all hope
>John whips out the cheese sandwiches
Must have been a close one.

well the commander survived, so it they must have been facing a bunch of shitty light tanks or something

It really makes me laugh that in an intense situation like that someone had got the sandwiches out. I believe the grant was a pretty effective vehicle and they likely had a Valentine or two with them. It's easy to forget that it was the produced British tank of WW2.

it's a made up story

I believe they actually surrendered, I think the guy that told this story is still alive and was in the BBC 2 Tankies: Heroes of WW2 where he told the same story, he then went on to say that he actually met Erwin Rommel who seemed like an alright guy according to him

all maps that got removed short of severogorsk desu

>Drive down trench
Those were simpler times.


>more like
>try to push
>arti shoots you because you're in one of the 2 lanes that the map total
>you die

I meant that huge trench right down the middle of the map.

I always found that nearly the whole map was usable the town had lots of great spots.

Let's start getting our facts straight, NOFUN doesn't have a commander as we are currently open for elections so to speak. I don't want people getting the wrong idea, no one wants to commander and nobody is trying to stop a change

That doesn't necessarily have to be the future

won't be since we have NOPAN for active players now

how do we stop tank destroyers from deciding not to play the game for the first 5 minutes by camping the base

Should I get the CDC or the super pershing?

they're both the best options for premium tanks right now, get whichever tank you'd prefer to have as a crew trainer
unless you're buying it to make money, but I doubt you'd be considering the spershing if you were

did they buff the super pershing or something? I remember 6 months ago people were saying it was one of the worst T8 premiums

I just want it for that magical black hole gun mantle

its armor is garbage now but nobody seems to know that so they try hitting the cupolas and bounce a lot

The spaced armor is still troll tier.

it's also gets pen'd by 220+ pen guns tier with an enormous machine gun port that you can hit and pen tier

The armour was buffed and is better than it ever was...

cdc is the superior machine

Depends on your range and RNG. At a distance the MG port can be hard to hit and any little bit of RNG will send your shell into the spaced armor.

>tfw you found your will to play again

helping recruits to grind through tiers 4+ is bretty comfy

Now, Vstab or EGLD for the CDC?

kill yourself

Cowardice won't let me, will you answer my question?

don't you ever take egld any anything except tds, artillery, and autoloaders that can't bring rammers

>when you say hi to a former clan mate and they don't respond


The turret gives you a lot more gun depression, but the 'upgraded' gun pretty much changes nothing.

Oh, bummer. So from what I read, I have to play this thing like a hull-down sniper. Is that right? What do I do if I meet flat terrain and/or high tier matches?

It's a flanker and hill fighter.

russian bias

is not real

how the fuck do you make it to tier 10 and still think its a good idea to push valley
This was more than half the fucking team

t. blind man

i play for fun lol

Is it ok to talk about blitz here

Someone talk me out of buying a sta-2. It seems like a marginally worse sta-1, and slightly faster, less armored pershing

Get a CDC

I have a cdc. I kind of want a japanese premium

if you want it buy it, there's nothing wrong with it
it does get 1-shot by arty a lot if you expose yourself for too long, though. the armor isn't enough to stop high-pen HE rounds
it was a lot better before they nerfed the dpm


I'm throwing in the towel desu, fuck you t44

All you have to do is 8.5k and 8 kills for both of those nations a day to finish it

I can't be fucked

>those poorfag graphics
>buying shit for real money

This If you paced it from the very start, you only needed to do 5k dmg and 5 kills per day, and that's actually an overestimation. After they added like 5 more days, it becomes even less.

My laptop has served me well

who is the purest husbando in goyim?

Greg is the only correct answer

So is that enough for ace?

it was an ace

>na can ace their t8s with 3k damage
gz senpai

it's always low for prem tanks, but 3k damage is exaggerating it
that's 1300 base xp, it was clearly 4k dmg and some spotting/assist

It's a very new tank and the really good players are probably still grinding the marathon, I'm competing with shitters who bought it outright