Veeky Forums
Whats your opinions of engine snake oils?
Do any of them work or are you just throwing your money away?
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that lucas shit worked and helped me pass a smog test
>go to smog test
>fail with flying colors
>throw in the lucas stuff and fill up my tank, drive around for 30min
>pass smog
Things like SeaFoam get a bad name because redneck retards treat it like a fix-all when all it really does is clean fuel injectors.
I add STP zddp to pushrod engines and moly to my KA24DE.
This works for me
Anything good for a recently bought used car.
Something to clean out the internals
as a former autozone employee we would get fired if we didnt sell at least 6 of these stupid things
fuck that place
fuck fuel additives
fuck all that shit its just rubbing alcohol dont fool yourself if your car isnt running the way you want get a better fucking car or shut the fuck up
>Do any of them work
Depends entirely on the application.
Injector cleaner will clean your injectors (strange, i know), while octane booster in the right quantities will up octane which is especially useful if your shit is tuned for 98RON/93AKI and you're in the middle of nowhere.
Seafoam and/or Subaru upper engine cleaner will blow the carbon shit out of the intake tract and the cylinders.
Engine/radiator stop leaks and such barely work at the best of times and shouldn't be used at all, you're better off spending your money on duct tape and extra water/oil to get home and fixing the problem properly.
LSD diff additive, at least from Nulon, works extremely well for some reason.
Are you saying that rubbing alcohol would be a good fuel additive?
It's not fuckin rubbing alcohol
>I hate my former employer
>Therefore, a product doesn't work
a nice cup of diesel 30m before oil change is my only snake oil. and i believe in it!
It is basically the same chemicals the add gasoline to reduce fouling.
I use it sometimes even though I know it doesnt do anything.
restore engine restorer worked for my lt1, or at least stopped it from smoking blue
I put some in my 4.0 last week and it seems to be running a lot better.
Apparently fuel system cleaners like Redex work.
They gained 6 HP from pouring that into an old car. Pretty impressive for something that costs less than $10. Not sure if the other stuff works though.
lucas is good. cleaned out all the carbon on my fuel injectors. engine idles smoother now
Sometimes I buy random shit my car doesn't even need when it's on sale and just dump it in. It's got a bottle of injector cleaner and piston ring sealant in it at the moment. I don't think I have a problem with either of those things, it just makes me feel better and that I'm looking after my car (even though I'm probably fucking it more than if I just left it alone).
Most of them are bullshit. Lucas oil stabilizer is a waste of money unless your engine has over 300k miles and smokes and ticks like all hell.
Only thing I use, because flat tappet cam.
Most of Lucas's oil stabilizer/power steering stop leak/auto trans conditioner products actually work pretty well for returning worn components to a usable condition from my experience.
That stuff works. I have always had carbs on my motorcycle and after 5k miles I put half a bottle in with a tank of gas. Smooth idle every time.
If you drive something other than a Mercedes then yes, absolutely!
Sincerely, a Mercedes Benz tech.
Can confirm, let shitty CA gas in my dirt bike's carbs for 3 weeks, it ran like shit and wouldn't rev past 4k, I had a can of seafoam lying around and added the whole can to a tank of gas and after riding around revving it like a 2 stroke, it ran fine. Saved me like 2 hrs of carb cleaning time.
>had bike with gummed up carbs, wouldn't start.
>add shit ton of sea foam to gas
>force fuel through carbsome and drain.
>flood carbs and let sit for a day
>add regular fuel
>bike starts and runs well enough to limp to Mechanic to pull carbs
Seafoam does work, but it's not a cure all.
my tranny was absolute shit, it went nuetral ffew times when driving, and was grinding. i put in lucas tranny stuff, it didnt stop the problems 100% but the grinding wasnt as loud and it didnt go nuetral on me for the 3 weeks i drove it beore getting rid of the thing
seafoam is just about the only one that I think even does anything (usually just a bit of cleaning you probably will barely notice). i absolutely will never use any kind of stop leak shit though.
parent's shit box van had a coolant leak, shop said it wasnt enough to warrant taking it part and finding it, so they poured in stop leak. its been a year about and it doesnt overheat, and has worked great.
i also heard that caddillac used to put bars head gasket in their engines before selling them
Bought one for my car while I was out on my GSXR one day. Stopped to eat something and when I came back the bike didn't want to stay on. Kept dying if I didn't give it throttle. As a last ditch attempt, I threw the bottle in with the rest of the gas, shook the bike and tried to start it. After a few seconds the bike stayed on with no problem.