/tosg/ -Tree of Savior General

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>Can I play the game now?
YES YOU CAN (Get it on steam)! Rank 8 Late September™

TOS Info: pastebin.com/3YcrrJkd (embed)

This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>Frequently Asked Questions:
pastebin.com/z0nHSEjH (embed)

>Cards List:

- kTOS - Server : Vaivora (바이보라)
- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA), Orsha (NA), Fedimian (EU), Telsiai (SEA)

>Official Translation Project - github.com/Treeofsavior/EnglishTranslation
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Silute, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.
Futureproof (Lolipan)
Database (Cattly)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
Cake (DeliciousCake)
FOE (Jinsae)
cute (Merigolds)
Ohayou (Beethoven)
Kotatsu (Colyo)
CoffeeHouse (Capyba)
Comfy (Katzenberg)

We don't queue GBL any more. I don't know why I still play this game. Send help.

You uhh... winnin' anything son?


Database is looking for new friends!

We're currently recruiting any and all players, old and new! We do our best to be friendly and helpful.

Once we have more members, I look forward to participating in GBL and possibly GVGs if other guilds are also interested. My top priority however to to make everyone feel welcome, I'm willing to help with anything anyone needs, from simple stuff like answering questions to doing my best to help you level to grinding items with you or just giving you someone to talk to.

Whisper Cattly in game if you are interested!

Does Archer1>Sapper2>QS3>Cannon2 make sense?

Is it worth loosing rogue 1?

make cookie-cutter builds or dont bother posting

do you like qs 3 this much?

No. But I don't know what goes with sapper. Plus littering the battlefield with more props sounds fun.

sounds cool

a2 + sapper 2 and you can pick whatever oyu want to follow like fletcher 3, wugu 2 canon 1, scout 1/rogue 1 falcon 1 canon 2,

>why a2

swift step attribute that you get at c2, broom trap crits, ms 10 is nice and everything else benefits a lot from archer 2's extra critical rate, specially the later rankings

anyone else poor as shit?

whisper Beethoven

whisper Beethoven

I'm poor because I'm lazy

Marry, Fuck, Kill

What's the cheapest SP/Stamina 'pot'?

marry kora, fuck eg, kill 3j

Don't do it, Cattly is actually a huge bully that will take your cozy fire and wave it all around while laughing at you

i'm ok with being the fuck AND the cutest! thanks for this!

these ARE in order right?

Probably dilgele.
A lot of the early quests give you a bunch of basic sp pots too. I think I have almost 300 of them in storage.

no threejane those aren't in order, you have to pick your own order

Why would you want to go Sapper?

>no Murbish BSDM panels

Dropped the Ohayou manga so fast.

It's on the way

is Murbtoven even a ship?

it would have to be one where murbish kills beethoven after dominating him

For all we know, Beetish is a secret thing Beethoven keeps away from the 'normal' girls when HE wants to get dominated.

Confirmed canon; they are definitely in order.
(Source: being Beethoven's main squeeze.)

Murb is Clover. Not a Ohayou slut.

Ohayou is Clover now.


>implying their won't be a ménage à trois MiAgapi twin chapter


Miagapi is pure, PUREEEE

beethoven was a bull after all.


It comes after the drunk Halloween special featuring Karga.

Afterwards there will be the reunited post-break up chapter '200 Rush & Dash' with Lolipantsu.

whisper Beethoven

Please do not.

Claymore setup animation needs a 'drinking' animation to be canceled, jumping does not work.

It's a very costly skill with a shit AoE radius and below average damage unless against flying targets.

why are you smiling?

>thinkin of waifu

but please stop. im busy soon.

You had it coming!

thingken bout Beethoven's talt

Marry Murbi
Fuck Lala
Kill 3j

kys yourself autistic shitstain

Post cute!



>queueing for GBL
Ah, you don't understand, GBL is all about dodging the stronger guild minigame and it's played worldwide
The important is doing 1-2 matches per week, of course you have to win the minigame first.

>3j is kashima
I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

>dodge crimson
>queue for 15 straight minutes
>crimson is out
>quit queue
>dodge crimson
>queue for 15 straight minutes
>suddenly gvg is over
>somehow get 4k TP at the end of the week
it's stupid but at the same time I can't argue


It's not stupid, the system right now rewards not playing the game unless you can stand a chance agaist Crimson tier guilds

And the best part is if you queue for "fun" and get in agaist Crimson tier guild the battle is over in less than 2 minutes and all the other guilds who didn't queue with 0-1 988 points get a +1 in the ranking

rare murbish

Moar liek Murbest


Hi, the newbie here.

>Be Lvl 81
>Wants better 2H Sword than Didel Colossus because damage is shit
>Can't buy shit because new
>Checks tos database
>All the better swords needs you to be at a higher level

This game is so prejudiced against honorable swordsmen like me.Fuck this shit.

hey, anons, what are some good Necromancer cards, and what makes them good?

You are comfy questing in the morning when this girl suddenly spawn in front of you.
What to do?

I got a battle bracelet today. Does that count?

There's a few you can get if you are willing to farm for them.
Lapiz Katzbalger is pretty decent, if you are getting a lot of Dex for some reason. If not, just look for the biggest stat stick that's reasonably easy to craft and get that.

report bot

capyba going absolute zaibasman for r8?

slap her on the ass and ask her beta boyfriend what he's gonna do about it

Team battle minigme, tower defense mini game, evac pendulum, kadumel marbles.

What else gives gem abrasives?


>red orange
Fucking bullshit

I thought we were on a Christian image board discussing Christian acts in a Christian MMO. This is not very Christian.

nothing more christian than procreation senpai

At one point did you ever come under the delusion that this MMO was sanctioned by God?

This isn't even a game. It is a running experiment to see how much suffering humans can take before they are broken.

What will murbish do once elememe is kill?

elememe will NEVER be kill

kill ToS

yes, to have an off DPS when Dragoon is debuffed

>Lapiz Katzbalger is pretty decent, if you are getting a lot of Dex for some reason
It's also one of the swords that have 3 slots instead of 2 so you can put lots of gems in it.

t. Murbish

Waking up and see this
I dont give too many shits about faggots shitposting about me without even understanding anything about either alchejew or the market, but at least learn my name.

It's a pretty shitty experiment then. I've played much more suffering games than this for longer.

Anons help me out here

Sword>high>Barb3>Dop 3


Sword>high>Barb>High 3>dop3

tell her:
Oranges are not Red

I'm lvl 81. Can I really pull this off?

Can someone please tell me what I should take for Priest/stats(int or SPR) that is planning to go Chaplain? ;_;

I'm already Priest 2 without points spent, because I don't want to fuck it.



are you memeing? whats the diff between the 3? im legit curious

>planning to go Chaplain

maybe he wants to bot?

No, but you can probably buy it. It's one of those things a character can give to a second character to help it out. Just upgrade it some if yo really want it to do more damage that badly.

I actually have my swords use a +5 Caliburn from level 40, which is stronger at base than the Didel Colossus, but but Didel seems to have a good Aoe ratio so maybe you should stick with it.

Not him but I'm planning Sword 3 for the buffs.

Are homing missiles physical or magical attacks?

How to deal with them best?

i really like the sound of it, but why High 1?

Are you doing questlines from both cities?

Not him, but 2h crit attribute + you can block things with cross guard + crown and cartar stroke are good.

I finally got to 10F today!

>Are homing missiles physical or magical attacks?
Varies by creature. Some of them are actually just flying, elemental strikes that can be dodged and blocked.

>How to deal with them best?
Stay out of attack range

thanks lad, is sword 3 futureproof?

Thanks worrying, but I'm going Chaplain anyway.

I will reroll it if needed(in case I don't get a legit help and fuck it up), I just don't want to go 5 ranks in and have to reroll.

But if that's the only option, I guess I'll take it.

Legit playing character.

It's shit imo, but I don't have a sword 3 so I don't know. All I've heard is stuff about shinobi and pvp.

Actually it's probably a good choice if you want to pvp with that character.

What are you doing after chap that would require int?

The plan is to go Kabbalist in the last 2 ranks.

Not sure about the Math skills, but Merkabah is magic.