/pg/ - Persona General

Our guy Jiyuna edition

Old Thread:NEWS
>P5 Translations: p5anon.imgur.com/
>Trophies imgur.com/a/AwlYV
>Full Soundtrack mega.nz/#!SkhyDCDb!qlwAxLlyc1dNkBek3cJtT12Hf_oBXOaIm71Y9Vompy0I
>Locations/Dungeons/Misc imgur.com/a/FEkpW
>Portraits mega.nz/#!R0EzxIyb!WRA_4wI_4nOuZzrjbTeW8mo9LdfFn5Cx4y0HzYS8MG4
>Other Images mega.nz/#!OYpigabJ!pd65YCwLuIWjHFCMuDNvkjaNvkQSLrQAWVxVvwXzivc
>The Soundtrack can be found at domi-persona.tumblr.com/post/150303511502/p5-ost-unzip-pw-sharebymamoru-updated
>P5A: the Day Breakers is out and subbed on Nyaa
>P3: Winter of Rebirth BD rips are out on Nyaa
>Persona 5 released in Japan; February 14th in North America and Europe + PAL regions
>Take Your Heart and Steelbook Editions for NA up for pre-orders at Gamestop and Amazon
>20th Anniversary FES to take place at 3331 Arts Chiyoda in December 2016


>P5 Info
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>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona image collection


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there is no hope for us


How did Jiyuna get to live the Persona life?

Is that all it takes? Just speak japanese and move there?

yes, you will be enrolled in a comfy high school with no homework and make lots of funny quirky friends for life


Be good at something the Japanese are good at. Jiyuna is good at fighting games.

Does shitposting count?

what was the deal with Yusuke's keys anyway?

Be fluent and sign up with a teaching abroad or study abroad program. Most colleges will put you through it if you qualify (aka be fluent and have good grades). They wont pay for your travel but will pay for some of your living fees for a certain amount of time.

That or join the military and get stationed in Japan (what I did) you have a lot of free time and are encourage to take part time jobs (which is what I did)

Jiyuna got the job before moving there

What do you mean Persona life? He has the exact same shitty English teaching job as 99% of foreigners out there.

His vlogs show him getting to spend time walking around all the cool cities in Japan and he runs a TV show for Red Bull

Most teachers do not also have a job with Red Bull

He makes his vlogs in his free time and he helps run Daigo's stream, he said so himself it's pure luck he got the streaming job and it could end at any time.

Actually his job is significantly better than the other English Teachers

outside of his Red Bull gig he only needs to show up twice a week for 15 - 30 minutes a day and still makes as much as a 9-5 just cause its a military school.

He just hates it cause its a 4 hour commute every day

He has a job with Red Bull because he's good at fighting games, fluent in Japanese, and can speak with prominent Japanese fighting game pros. He's also a producer on Daigo's Beast TV and makes appearances on Topanga streams.

As said, he basically lucked into it but there are reasons why he's living the way he is.

Yusuke is best boy!

I want to replay P4 again so I could fap to Dojima.
But then I remember how horrible the plot is and that the entire cast is riding Yu's dick. What do.

He works like 1 hour a week and is paid like a 30 hour a week job. That sounds pretty good to me.

they're just staring at the casino here, though
gotta love haru's face

the AnimeIlluminati stream is pretty cool

Not for the translations but for him explaining all the nuances of Japanese life while he plays. Like the Hachiko statue and Gas Panic info is pretty cool.

just fap to Sojiro instead

It's funny because the whole casino sequence feels very endgame-like (especially this animated cutscene with the group marching towards the casino) even though it happens at around the 2/3 of the game

Maybe this is why everything that happens after feels so anticlimatic

Realize that every Persona has a horrible plot and play SMT.

>Her feelings of inadequacy in comparison to her co-workers and younger sister transform her into Leviathan, demon of Envy.

What Makoto has that Sae is jealous of? Friends?

Yakuza dicks

The option to fuck The Boy Who Lived

Are there any differences in P5's Aria of the Soul, or is it the same shit again?

same shit

How did we went from Smug Goro to Sad Goro?

>full team at that point in November
>importance set up by intro and traitor and Medias Res
>feel like a fuckin heist
>lots of gimmicks seen in gameplay and means last 3 dungeons fall flat in comparison
>entire pancakes scenario
>that music
Igor's ruse was nice but didn't feel right in the context of the game outside Satanael saving Christmas and ruse cruise was ok but boss was meh despite importance and Goro.

>tfw my gf smells exactly like Futaba

love it

piss, chips and cola?


P2's Aria of the Soul is best.

Anyone have the description of what happened to your friends when you failed to take the target's heart in time?

>Anne is sweaty!
>Anne is buxom!
>Anne is beautiful!
>Anne is wet!
>Anne is cute!
>Anne is flexible!
>Anne is an angel!
>Anne is lewd!
>Anne is sad!
>Anne is silly!
>Anne is stylish!
>Anne is for sexual!
>Anne is awesome!
>Anne is sultry!
>Anne is pure!
>Anne is amused!
>Anne is quality!
>Anne is Lovers!
>Anne is canon!
>Anne is an actress!
>Anne is a model!
>Anne is best girl!

we know that Makoto gets raped and probably sold on the streets to come up with the money if you don't meet the bank deadline

Jesus... what about Ryuji/Anne, Yusuke, Futaba, and Haru? And there's Shidou Cruise Line.

Anne is used.


Madarame pimps him out to old men for money

Hate to be so faggy, but that made me laugh harder than it should have and I've had the shittiest day, so thanks user I needed that

Is fusing up Santanael a one time deal or do we have to fulfill the requirements every play through?
If it's another izanagi-no-okami deal it's going to be super lame.

Why didn't Potter's parents just put him in a delinquent school instead of Syuujin?

the same recording

Really? That sucks. I was thinking that they might change it up a bit.

How come Shidou let Goro live for so long instead of just killing him after learning to gain a persona?
Can put one of his more reliable buddies of tailing others in charge and can grill the kid for as much info before offing the liability.
Plus, another persona user boss.

What if they made a new song for the VR.

What would it sound like?

Quality stream

I think the only way they could pull off P6 this gen if they make it intentionally "smaller". Another small town, smaller threat, very different theme.
I hope Hashino isn't obsessed with making every new entry bigger than previous.

just rearrange the old score for harmonica and chorus, like some chain gang blues

I heard someone here was able to hack the costumes into the PS3 version? Could someone please help me do that? I really want to learn more about this.

after we're done pressing f and realizing that being goro is suffering

when swimming lesson goro turned out to be the fake one

It's a quality name.

THE ABSOLUTE MAD MAN Jiyuna hosted KrispyKaiser

When translations for Justice rank 3 and his fight kicked in

wait what

>donation bar
>also recording streamer's voice and face

So much cancer, so little time

I dunno whats funnier

the dudes flustered expression that he couldn't be mad but wanted to be so mad at him or the chat going from "LMAO FUCK THIS GUY" to "OH MY GOD SPOILERS!!!" when they saw how far in the game he was.

I miss swimming lesson goro

the dude thats been talkin shit on other streamers got hosted by the guy he was talkin shit on



Old men is for Goro!


Interesting things to note:
>2011 Tohoku earthquake forced the development team to restart the project.
>the battle system was supposed to be action game-like

There are probably more, but I'll leave this to translation anons.

Makoto doesn't get raped, she just get caught selling drugs.
Futaba kills herself.

Thank god fujos will fixate on Goro so this will never be drawn.

Based walpurgisnight salved Persona.

i wonder if there's gonna be a p5 kink meme like there was for p4. that shit was weird and fun

would be interesting to see them try to revisit the realtime battles idea after raidou, but something party-based like persona doesn't necessarily seem like the best place

Where can I find more information on how to datamine the DLC?

Kink meme?

make one so i can spam it with requests for old men mindbreaking goro

a chance to fulfill my fashion

it's an anonymous community where you post a writing prompt (it's supposed to be kinky and sex related but if they get big enough more vanilla shit starts getting posted) for a fandom and other people come and fill it anonymously, usually with writing but sometimes with art. the p4 one was fucking amazing for a long time.

if this isn't on the first page of the inevitable p5 kink meme i'm gonna be disappointed.

Goro is for himself

Keep telling yourself that, Goro.

>Goro holds his gun with his left hand
>Goro holds his sword with his left hand
>Goro is left-handed

What did Hashino mean by this

obviously he meant Goro will die because lefties die faster

he's so cute ;_;

>someone on Persona actually having trigger discipline
Goro confirmed best boy

holy shit, that's some quality fanart. Source?

Well, he's a professional hitman so it make sense

it's in the image, twitter.com/c_cezaria

>they actually made his casual animations lefthanded too
genuinely surprised desu

Nevermind i'm an idiot, it's right there in the picture

Haru is made for breeding!


If by quality you mean hastily draw some shitty poses and slap some chromatic aberration on it then you would be correct.

He's left-handed because works portray villains as being left-handed?

but she has fivehead genes.

when will this meme visual effect finally die

>post yfw there will be a doujin where they both get gangbanged and mindbreaked by old men together

translation user. there's quite a lot this time.

yusuke and MC visit madarame's old house, emperor rank 6: imgur.com/a/1O0xL
shadow yuki, the conclusion, moon rank 7: imgur.com/a/6QGZr
futaba and MC, hermit rank 2: imgur.com/a/1BCWr

morgana and ryuji fight + haru intro: imgur.com/a/iBTwT
haru's identity + family: imgur.com/a/auHZ6
trying to get morgana back + dealing with haru's fiance: imgur.com/a/XBueR
morgana returns + haru joins: imgur.com/a/hVMX0

russian takoyaki roulette with goro: imgur.com/a/BadL7
goro blackmails/joins kaitodan: imgur.com/a/xroM4

everyone's been introduced. i like haru, yusuke, futaba and ann the most. a morgana is fine too. also, yusuke's co-op has some of the better writing in the game in my opinion. i hope the localization isn't careless with it.

previous all: p5anon.imgur.com

thank you for the clarification. i watched the stream for that scene at 2 am and hallucinated a laugh track. fixed it, though.


When kr0n fades into obscurity.

>russian takoyaki roulette with goro

Is it me or this fucking scene is weird as fuck
Can't imagine how dub Goro will sound like

>yuki runs...
>... and yuki trips.
fucking kek
thank you, user!

Akechi's life according to 2ch

>Mum died...I'm going to take revenge on dad for abandoning mum!

>The long nosed guy gave me a Persona! I'll use this power and get close to dad! Co-op? Fusion? Who cares

>Dad is famous! I'll use this and kill him! Speaking of which, I want to become famous too!

>I got a bit caught up in all this pretending, now I'm even on TV, life is perfect, hell yeah!

>The Phantom Thieves are so annoying reeeeeee but I'll use them and become even more famous!

>I heard something about pancakes! I want some too!

>Takoyaki is too spicy

>I pretended to befriend Joker and then killed him! Now everyone will have their eyes on me!

>Crap...Joker was alive...I really need to kill him...



thanks translator user, you're still the mvp!

He's a shittier Dio kek

It all makes sense. He even got killed by Diego.