ask them if they know arnold if they don't act surprised dont explain who arnold is other than he's a big deal, and then move on to the next person/group and ask them about arnold then make a character called arnold and show up
Aaron Bennett
god damn trying to pug heroic en fucking sucks
why dont i have a guild?
Juan Hernandez
You're raid leading a heroic emerald nightmare and THIS guy signs up to your roster. What do you do?
keep in mind he's pugged 7/7EN N and WILL try to outalpha you for the raid leader position.
Dylan Martinez
23 hours 59 minutes doesn't count
Tyler Lee
whats the point in asking you fat panda piece of shit, i know youre just gonna burn the metric ton of fish i gave you anyway you lard mountain
Caleb Ortiz
They don't
Nathaniel Moore
holy shit you are actually really autistic
Caleb Rodriguez
In terms of manliness
Resto shammy > MW monk > Holy pally > Resto druid > Holy priest.
Colton Ortiz
By not being addicts and eternal bootlicks to the other races.
Put disc priest between pally and druid and this list is perfect
Mason Jones
>i will never get to pound a panda
Oliver Flores
What are the confirmed fotm classes/specs right now besides fire mage and outlaw rogue?
Bentley Sanchez
>His race doesn't have an unending well of arcane and holy power that they can use to propel their civilization into a seven thousand year era of prosperity
Lol I bet they shit in the street as well
Aiden Allen
outlaw rogue is good tier but not top u dingus mm hunter is top tier
Nathaniel Sanchez
that's literally a human with long ears
Oliver Gray
Carson Morgan
arms warrior is the best op spec in the game atm
Zachary Wilson
Only 855+ can post in this thread.
Mason Bennett
odds male dwarf monk even male panda monk 0 belf monk
Logan Sanders
this nigger just spent 5k on a virtual lapdance
wut is going on
James Turner
>retrieving item information on my mythic keystone :^)
Connor Martinez
What is manly about resto shaman?
Levi Carter
Is everyone in these threads gay?
Eli Butler
Isaac Garcia
>Get destroyed last thread >A-autist kekarooni >We're the best! >While being the least impactiful race in all of WoW
Aiden Evans
>literally spam flash heal and serenity >prot paladin still dies >get blamed
Fucking buff or remove that garbage spec. Every prot paladin ive grouped with just gets fucking wrecked.
I just want to feed her and then listen to her cute belly digest all night while she sleeps, damn what the fuck is wrong with me.
Brandon Rogers
>"Echoes of the Great Sundering" >Legendary item in the year of our lord, 2016 >Has this fucking model
Cooper Rivera
Grayson Green
Thats what you get when you use Intercept on a healing training dummy. I'm curious if that number is the same for everyone, since it was the same for me regardless of the gear I wore.
Nathaniel Miller
>We'll never have another cata like xpac that shakes up the entire world thus far to make a third faction with playable Tuskarr, Orges, and Arakkoa as well as race from horde and alliance splitting off to join the new like Draenei and Goblins
I'd give my dick and all my money...
James Ward
Where's Panda3
Mason Smith
kpop sucks
Jack Torres
>female kpop
into the trash it goes
red velvet and maybe girls day is literally the only decent female kpop
Joseph Brown
why do they all look the same? Literally the only thing different is the hair styles
Aiden Hall
I want hozen too I've always wanted hozen. I don't care if they have entirely different personalities as a playable faction, their models are just cool AF
Mason Jones
that top looks like its about to bust open!!!
Noah White
Charles Sanchez
I will never understand the attraction to these fat bears with their dopey dumb smiles.
Jose Peterson
Does anyone know where to find these shoulders now?
I looked in Gadgetzan, I looked in Org, I looked in Area 52. None of these vendors sell the shoulders.
Were they moved somewhere different?
Ryan Nelson
>raid >walk around dalaran as one of the best players in the server
:) feels good
I see why people transmog now so they can put a cool look with their skillZ
Grayson Perez
What's the best rouge pvp spec? Is submission still best?
Isaiah Gray
By being night elves or draenei
Jonathan Bell
i know a girl thats really into kpop. i shouldve pretended to like it but couldnt bring myself to do it. its so bad rofl
Nolan Ward
ass and outlaw sub is garbage
Kayden Brown
I knew a dude in high school who was into that. He'd ask his girlfriend to record her stomach making noises when she was hungry and send them to him.
Parker Collins
>have to do both normal and heroic raids >have to 10/10 mythic >have to farm mythic+ >have to do world quests >have to do daily mount raids >have to farm mats for consumables
this game is fucking exhausting now
Cameron Jones
>>have to do daily mount raids
Andrew Campbell
>ask for content >get content >ask for less content
Juan Gray
>tfw the ursoc trinket is an agi one feels bad. that haste proc would do wonders for me
Brody Long
>TFW also have to do all this just to be competitive in pvp
Jaxon Anderson
Lucas Powell
i ment ? not >
Justin Martinez
Have no fear, I shall protect you atop my trusty Argent Charger!!
Evan Lopez
hey fellow fembelf monk!
Kayden Collins
you think I've got the time to do all raids in one day, if I someone gets 5ilvls more then me i'm gonna get replaced :^)