/lolg/ League of Legends General

we are all weebs now



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1st for nami tounge

>was gonna do OP next to preserve links
>you do it instead

Thank you Nami

>play assassin

>play tank or support

why can't people play tanks and decent supports when I try to carry?

I am now convinced that Riot intentionally sets you up to lose when you are on a win streak.

After getting into a ten-game win streak, I've lost because I had people who shouldn't have been on my team (PV 1000+ games played @ 50% win rate, etc.). I just got out of a match where I had this shit. How the fuck does this even make sense? The guy never got to gold this season so he didn't decay, and he said he didn't duo with anybody at all. He wasn't on a win streak either, and he had a 50% win rate.

Why is Riot's matchmaking algorithm so shitty??

Post YFW people blame the game and not themselves

nami always at ur service

>Two dashes.
>Great versatility
>Really fucking high DPS
>Amazing jungling.
Is Vi overpowered or a cancer pick? I was thinking about getting to learn her but I don't want to become the likes of Yas or Zed mains

>ally picks Zed
>go 10/2
>dont use their lead for objectives or splitpushing
>zed falls off

Of the few good Zed mains Ive actually met its depressing to see the opposite results happen each time...

>Still no Graves nerfs

This freelo feels dirty

neither, shes just pretty good

Press F to pay respects

anybody posted vg results yet?

Vi's balanced as fuck

In fact I swear her not being relevant has led to alot of our problems

>Did you rotate
>Did you shotcall your team
>Did you tell people the game plan
>Did you position yourself around objectives

If yes to all, unlucky

If no, it was you

I haven't played support hard core sense s3, but I'm starting to get back into it

>manage to get a positive kda on my smurf with Aatrox and get gold from it

top fucking lel, took 3 tries to win a game tho

>I swear her not being relevant has led to alot of our problems
How so?

So she's not unbalanced? Nice.

A bit of theorycrafting, her lack of relevance is probably due to power creep and the fact that dashes aren't really that unique of an ability anymore.
Hell the new champion has an ability that gives EVERYBODY a dash.
Can you imagine a champ with Ivern's q being released back in season 3 or some shit? It'd be broken as fuck.

I wanna hold Jinx's hand
(Good night, I hope all of you have sweet dreams and lovely tomorrows)

No shit. Usually it is yes to all. Im willing to admit when I didnt close out a game with a massive lead, Im talking in terms of stereotypical shit

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

I feel the same way. The only reason I main support is because I don't want some other retard to fuck it up. I wish I could go top sometimes.

How awesome is it to finally encounter a good Zed main? I'd be hype as fuck and ride the carry train.

>mouse over
>music play


One time I ran into an actual smurf playing zed and got carried, it was nice

TFW Graves sustains harder in the jungle than kindred ever did and riot removed her sustain.

Seriously a jungler stunlocking camps is a retarded idea.

What ever happened to Morde bot that riot was trying to push?
It seems like I'm the only one who ever fell for the meme. Works really well for me but I'm still only mid silver


Have you ever seen fear in their eyes? Fear from an ACTUAL zed main, not the """"""mains"""""""

I'm a newbie shitter who's playing aram to learn how to teamfight and I've had a real long, pretty much 4v5 game. I could've won that game, but I fucked up. I got too tired and tried to force shit unnecessarily. Sure, I killed Ryze and almost killed TF, but my team couldn't do shit without me.

I'm really not sure about my itemization, though. Was Titanic Hydra a good pick? Or maybe I should've gone for the frozen mallet? I'd be more difficult to kite, I guess.


If you think about it that must feel really nice to be the zed in that situation.

Is that why so many people play zed even now that he's meh? Because they want to be known as among the few in a sea of shitters that are actually good at the champion?

who should be my next champion and why?


I got gold 2 today
I may still be a shitter, but at least I feel like games aren't a complete crapshoot for who wins or loses

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

pantheon or shen,both can top and jungle

>It was hypothetical, not me at all

Stop hiding behind your pride

Learn the lesson of the game

Or be shit, whatever, I'm fucking off to bed



>when you spend 5 dollars and self mystery gift yourself an ultimate that was brand new at the time

the team with leona


Red. That azir is gonna hard carry.

My money is on the Azir

So, when are Zac and Vi getting nerfed into oblivion? No way we can have viable junglers that are not infinite skillcap big outplay machines. Lee still isn't the only jungler in the game, even after his recent buffs.


Is this a meme?


did the scripter guy get banned??? i havent seen him in one of this

>tfw want to play league
>dont want to ranked, normals, customs or aram
what do

He's Ionian.

Urf tomorrow

>Lee got buffs to keep up with fucking Graves and Nid
>Leave junglers that are legit struggling like J4, Aatrox in the dirt, now they even get fucked harder by a Lee with healthier clears.

I just wish this season would end this week before I get demoted to silver after my lose streak so I could play ranked again

They obliterated Kogmaw. The unrework has made him officially useless. Why should I play him over superior ad carries like Twitch and Vayne?

graves poster ret-oh wait

but i want to play now..

Xth for the Cowtit Queen

What's the size of Nami suppose to be?
Her urf skin has her regular sized but she's a giant in her deep sea skin

>Get ANOTHER team that has a top feed, mid feed, and ADC feed.
>Have to LITERALLY forcefeed the team a win because they go super tilt mode and won't bother to actually group.
>Get picks all game long but everyone continues to treat you like a support.
>Call you useless despite having the highest kills and most objective control on the map.
No one else even bought wards. It was pathetic. This is painful. Like, literally. Jinx went 0/10 in lane (not a joke) because she wanted to push non-stop and Ashe let her, then Ashe locked it under her tower. Then Jinx spent all game complaining about not getting ganks and even I raged at her for how stupid she was being. Then Nasus wanted to 1v5 EVERY time his TP was up instead of just being smart and waiting for an open lane. Don't get me started on LeBlanc. Bitch couldn't land a chain to save her life (and she died often because of it).

And these are the shitters I gave a free win to. Wonderful. Me and LeBlanc were literally the only ones with a positive score at the end of the game. Disgusting.

Inbetween a yordle and a human.



>velkoz dies 4 times by 10 minutes, anivia is fucking him up because he can't into sidestep
>then i leave to get bf sword (and tell him to stay safe ill brb) and he dies again
>this was the beginning of an autistic rage so deep, started complaining i wasn't playing, yelling at everyone
>takes my farm a few times then runs under tower to die
>deliberately waits behind me to take jungle camps i'm trying to farm
>surrender votes, surrender votes everywhere

WELP guess I didn't wanna win promos anyway. After the game he called us all boosted kids because "he's diamond 3 on his main", so we all called him out for the op.gg and he left lmao

thanks for everyone betting on me though ;-;

How goes the climb /lolg/?

xth for the /lolg/ allstars ranked 5s team, which is currently looking for a diamond jungler on NA who wants to play with us. if you're interested, add swedish or reply to this post.

I just had an 8 game losing streak.
How do I recover from this?

>i dont want carry roles to suck

do it yourself and stop being a support cuck.


Someone needs to make a Talon build with aggressive colors

ayyyy vel'koz bros ww@
>tfw no money for skins

Support Vel'koz here. I have literally the opposite problem with my ADC.

>Hurr durr.
I did. As pic related displayed. You can call it "support" all you like but at the end of the day I carried.

does this begging for prizepool mean riot validates valve has a better esport model afterall

Post favourite thing to listen
Others guess main


>that team comp
something smells fishy

>ignite prevents all healing during its duration
>heal only grants a movespeed buff below a certain threshold of health
>teleport's cooldown is reduced when teleporting to structures, is kept the same when targeting wards, and is slightly increased when teleporting to minions. You can also target the fountain with teleport.
>cleanse now purges suppressions, knock-ups, and prevents pulls/displacement like Morgana's spell shield, but can no longer be used against ignite and exhaust
>ghost kept the same
>exhaust kept the same
>revive is brought back and grants the same effect as Yorick's old ult, but you can only target yourself while living. Respawn timer is slightly increased (~5%) as long as the spell is on cooldown.
>clairvoyance is brought back, grants unobstructed vision of an area for 60s, with the spell going on a 300s cooldown at the end of the duration.
>new spell, earthbound or some shit, that prevents a champion from using any movement abilities such as dashes, blinks, or movement speed steroids.
>ohmwrecker removed from the game and is reworked into a summoner spell that disables a turret's aggro and true vision, but puts it in an invuln-state similar to what bard's ult does. can be used on your own turrets as well.
>flash removed from the game

Hell yeah, motherfucker!



Here's mine:


The most efficient ryze maxing order is something like Q to 4 points then max E
or something like that right?
what was it /lolg/ that one nerd had it all mathed out

can Zone Mages like Azir or Zyra work on top? or is their damage out top too low vs bruiser??

Did Riddler carry again

>hurricane graves
how does that even work with his pellet mechanic?

>and Vayne


Passive: Unchanged because Riot wants Warwick's clears to remain healthy and easy.

Q: Warwick lashes his claws in a wide arc doing damage to all units in front of him. Minions and monsters take 50% increased damage.

W: Warwick whips himself into a bloodfury, gaining increased attack speed and movement speed.

E: Warwick applies a "Fresh Wounds" debuff to the last enemy he attacked, lasting 4 seconds. Warwick gains 50 movement speed when running towards targets with fresh woulds and has true sight of the target. Every 3rd hit against a target will cripple them, slowing their movement speed.

R: Warwick now pounces forward in a targeted direction. If he hits an enemy champion he will immediately stop, pin them down suppressing them, and attack them 5 times. Damage is changed to physical and is based off auto attack damage. Each hit still applies on-hit effects.

They can. It's just like mid lane 1v1 except, you know, less angles to get ganked from. I mean... could you imagine a bruiser trying to go mid because, "I have more damage than zone mages?" They'd get destroyed. Same principle in reverse.


The reason bruisers and tanks go top is because late game you'll need one in a team fight. So unless you can initiate really well as a zone mage it's generally better to pick to comp.

LOL What if it shot 12 pellets each time?

No, it was Rammus with ImThem's signature full attack speed build.

>self stat buff
What was the last champion that had one of those.

ImThem pls leave.

They can work but only on certain picks. If they're tanky enough they can just walk up and murder your face


This should be easy I spam it here too much


>get fiora in hextech crate
>3 games in
>absolute rape and S+ every game

is she sleeper op?

aram is not really a good place to learn anything except champ abilities
I mean you can learn how to win fights but you shouldn't care about winning or losing the actual game because on summoner's rift the conditions are so much more different. You aren't all cooped up in one lane, exposed to poke for minutes on end. Even on 5v5 bronze fiestas, you can still come in from the sides and shit. You can't practice that in aram


Nice guess, but it's actually Lulu.

she doesn't have real counters in lane


>New champs are given a grace period where you're put against lower ranking enemies.
Just play a bit more. The game will catch you up in a minute.

It's hidden OP. I recommend you take advantage of it while you can, I'd say you have 2 patches at most.

If you want tips. message me IGN: ImThem

They already confirmed they will remove the suppression from his R because suppression is unhealthy mechanics.

every single support vel ive ever had is a total bro. it's one of my favorite support picks. then this niggas misplays at level 1 (me too to be fair) and goes into full troll mode. only in promos, i guess