Whomever is in charge of the marketing for Overwatch is highkey retarded. They made the face of their game (overwatch) the two shittiest characters (Tracer and Winston), both of which are awful in design and gameplay. They should have focused primarily on the trio of the most well-balanced characters with thee highest skill ceiling (Reaper, Genji and Jumprat). This would not only allow potential future players to understand which characters to pick that are actually useful, but give them game a much needed edgy and cool factor considering it has it runs off kirby tier family fun graphics. This would also be beneficial because it would attract less of the reddit crowd (the babies that complain about shit talk in a COMPETITIVE SETTING)
Anyone have ideas for emotes and intros for Sombers?
Ethan Flores
Lincoln Johnson
Most successful launch would.beg to disagree. The way they handled the development stages and release were phenomenal. The game had really good exposure and drew in a shitload of people, and hardly just Blizzdrones.
Tyler Price
just don't main him in competitive then.
Jace Young
looks like the other OP was linked first, don't know why he made a second shitpost thread. Just stay in the first one, don't give him the satisfaction of making thread wars
Wyatt James
Good thread, I like Post enlightened omnics to cast away the cancer
also, I disagree with you. We've had this conversation with some anons a few threads ago, but Blizzard still actually makes playable and enjoyable GAMES. Not works of art to put their agenda into, not stunts to express their corporate opinion, not experiments and deeply personal searches to raise a shitstorm of discussions on the interwebs and in press. Blizzard still make games, that you are supposed to PLAY and ENJOY doing so. And in that regard Overwatch is literal 10/10. It's fun, it's flashy, the genre is right, it has some depth to it, but it never takes itself too seriously, allowing itself to be silly sometimes when it's fun. It's a great videogame in the world where videogame industry is filled with story-driven movies and "art"
Jack Ortiz
There's no way Genji is going to remain in the game in his current form unless either A) Kaplan does not play the game himself or B) Kaplan is just playing Genji all the time himself
Gavin Allen
>disgusting preggo fetishist makes shitty threads
no, fuck off
Hudson Cooper
Thanks for trying, but they'll probably just delete the thread with fewer posts. Even if the other was made very, very early.
Fingers crossed though.
Tyler Anderson
pls kys
Jayden Sanders
>pic very related
Cameron Reyes
My best idea for a Sombre intro:
PotG appears to be a random member of the enemy team, but then the image distorts and changes to a Sombra PotG instead. Like she hacked their PotG and made it her instead.
We might see some changes to him as shitters keep on whining even after the nerf. I personally think Genji is fine with just a little "but" to him. His deflect hitbox is way too huge, to a point it's stupid. Make it fit to his figure, it's not a zarya shield ffs
Xavier Fisher
Edgy Mercy is the best Mercy.
Adam Allen
Ana is adorable. I'm glad at least hero additions are quality.
Evan Wood
this doesn't even make sense. it's broken english
Tyler Brooks
With that pic in mind, >Start with Reapers 'Heroic' intro >Camera distorts, and lowers >Lil Sombra pops out and spooks you Halloween Sombra legendary when?
James Young
I'm just glad that they shaved a few seconds off of Dragonblade. It may not seem like much but I think that it has made a humongous difference.
Ethan Gray
That's actually pretty cool, huh But it must start as an actual potg intro of one of the players from that match, I'm sure it could be done. Only problem is, how to showcase it in hero gallery screen?
John Bennett
"I am the chooser of the slain"
that's perfectly grammatical.
Elijah James
Tyler Mitchell
I'd rather wait for this and your thread to 404 before clicking on that shit you swine
Ayden Myers
Post Reaper Best character
Wyatt Cooper
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that sentence. I could see how it might sound strange to some people though. "chooser" isn't exactly a word that comes up often.
The line kind of reminds me of Valkyrie Profile.
On that note I wish she had a voice line when she res'd along the line of: "To my side my noble Einherjar!" or "Come to me, dark warriors; battle awaits us!"
Jeremiah Thomas
Literally the best
Gavin Price
Go fuck yourself dude, seriously. Janitor will have to delete this before I lost in a thread made 40 posts before bump limit with some dipshit's fapbait.
Levi Cox
>reaper >the best character As much as I love life on the edge and linkin park, let me rather post the actual best character BUT with reaper shotguns! Isn't that great? Reaper is top-tier as well though
Brandon Perez
Nolan Perry
What would.you change about Torbjorn or Bastion to make them more viable for.defense?
Also, will we ever have a combat drone hero that's like a mobile attacker variant of the turret class?
Robert Mitchell
I like reaper because of how out there the pictures can get
With Zenny it's usually him just being himself with the occasional fucker of human bitches
David Kelly
Would it be overpowered if she could shoot.through full health teammates?
Bentley Rodriguez
Her into is an ARG, and by ARG I mean it takes you to a website where you wait and then the cards pop up like normal.
Aaron Phillips
Do you have that pic of him with the squirt guns, without his coat?
Jackson Howard
At first I steered clear from this over-the-top edgelord of skulls and misery, thinking he was too boring. Then I tried to play him a few times, wasn't all that bad. Then I lurked into his emotes and voicelines... Then I played him a bit more, he wasn't all that boring suddenly... Then I lurked into his sprays and skins... Then... I've changed...
He's my 3nd most played character now after lucio and reinhardt and I absolutely love spamming edgy shit in chat SOMEBODY HELP IM LIVIN ON THE EDGE
Ryder Ward
With her current numbers, it would be absolutely broken.
If it was her concept from the beginning with the numbers to support, would be a much more fun character.
Noah Anderson
For Torbjorn do at least one of the following:
>Turret sets up instantly >Hammer speed and repair/upgrade rates increased >Torb spawns with an armor pack already applied.
Bastion's trickier. Maybe give him his shield from the beta back?
Eli King
Yeah, reapy bullying is the best in ow fanart
William Bailey
Noah Barnes
That sounds like it might make them a little overpowered. I do think a more subtle change is needed though.
Adam Garcia
he's pretty great
Leo Morris
Who else thinks Sombra will be released before Blizzcon? Probably before Halloween.
I bet they have something else in mind for Blizzcon.
Ryan Flores
Do you ever play a character you love for so long that you grow to hate them?
60+ hours of Lucio and I couldn't stand amping it up for a while. Thankfully a long break made him enjoyable again.
Caleb Murphy
Quick, /owg/! Tell your
>platform >favorite hero >most hated hero >fav map >the single most annoying thing in the game for you
I'll start. ps4 Zenny all day erry day Mercy\Symmetra King's Row Matchmaking. I can rant for hours about how fucking stupid and bad it is, but everything has been already said a thousand times here
Joseph Cruz
All 3 changes would be too much, yeah, but I feel like Torb needs something kind of drastic.
The main thing is that his turret gets focused down too quickly. So he either needs an easier time maintaining it (much stronger repairs) or an easier time using it for self defence (using it more like a mini-sentry).
PC Reinhardt Symmetra King's Row Symmetra not switching after Point A. Attack Sym in general.
Jaxson Cooper
no none of that make his turret target the class with the lowest current health rather than locking on to the closest target and tracking them until death
>winstreak gives bonuses >mm is so broken being in groups of 3-4 skilled people is free wins
this system is fucking dogshit. literally everyone in top 500 it just abusing group queuing. nobody solo queuing will get anywhere except being statistically lucky
Kevin James
PC too many Hanzo King's Row/Dorado Watching teams go into the wood chipper one by one
Jack Bennett
I know I'm a little later than usual (wasn't sure which thread we were using), but I wanted to say that I love Junkrat's new lines! It's like he just keeps getting cuter with every update!
Jayden Nelson
The puns got a small giggle out of me, but they couldn't even be fucked to make Widow blue? Wouldn't even torrent.
Nicholas Wood
This wouldn't be a bad change. Maybe make it prefer targets that aren't shielded/blocking.
Nolan Murphy
Which is your favorite?
Kevin Long
Made a few more of these
Ian Thompson
Xbone Genji, Bastion or Mei Lucio and Mercy Volskaya Industries My shit team. Being asked to switch.
Thomas Harris
It's hard to pick, but I think I like the beach line the most! It's not just the idea of going to the beach with him, the delivery is spot-on too!
Chase Clark
>55% on 23.09 the longer this takes the more I believe that Sombra is a Halloween event >let's face it, mid-october should this be at 100%
Ian Moore
Levi Williams
PC, Lucio, hate Genji, Gibralter, the fact that Genji takes longer to kill than any other character in the game
Sebastian Mitchell
Timer will reach 100 on a Tuesday.
Jayden Sullivan
Honestly it will be a lot better if the mmr change after the match would consider your personal contribution instead of this retarded streak bonus. That would fix a lot of problems with the matchmaking.
But it has to be a comprehensive system that recognizes roles, not that dumbed down placement gimmick which only counted damage and eliminations
>instalock hanzo >hanzo so bad >muh gold noob tears twitch tv /buds/v/85535813 start at 02:59 get gud kids
Ryder Lewis
Tyler Diaz
Doomfist is going to be some African big guy from Numbani. We would be lucky if he were even a full cyborg like Genji.
Michael Miller
>havent played since end of season 1 >jump into a match last night >can still juke people by cancelling Mei's Cryo and Wall for tremendous comedic effect
its been 4 months, c'mon Overwatchers
Matthew Adams
>qp >dude instalocks hanzo >I pick him too just to spite him, have literally 20 minutes on the hero >he pings him like mad, saying "I'm the hanzo here, fok off" >ended up playing 2 hanzos on the team >mfw I had gold damage, elims and potg >mfw no face
Shit hanzo is so brain dead it was actually fun to stomp with him. Would do again
Juan Stewart
I just started playing Overwatch. What can you buy with credits? I don't even see where to spend them? The shop just has dollars for loot boxes.
Josiah Sanchez
it should only exist for players that solo queue if anything
Christian Williams
>they patched Mercy's piece of CAKE voice line >it sounds worse than before
Sebastian Wilson
>Enemy D.va uses self destruct. >Not much cover around. Not sure if I can make it. >Enemy Mei puts up an ice wall. >Haha, idiot! You just saved me! >It's cancelled right before self destruct goes off
Why did I fall for.it?
Levi Turner
That's either an absolutely terrible Mei or a malevolent genius
Aiden Allen
look at the names underneath doomfist the last is an Omnic
Christian Flores
>no more nanoboosts every 20 seconds
Aww, I'm gonna miss them. Why wasn't Mei's ult charge fixed doe tbqh famiglia?
Julian Kelly
Hero gallery
Kayden Parker
Why? If you carry your group, then you'll get rewarded with more mmr If you're being carried by your group, it wont be so easy for you to artificially inflate your rank Seems fair to me
>inb4 real money boosters btfo
Josiah Martin
skins and stuff
Wyatt Rogers
Wyatt Moore
No matter how bad you're doing, at least you're not this guy.
Jeremiah Gray
I thought Omnics had names like Zenyatta and Mondatta or HAL-fred Glitchbot. Since when do they have weird wingdings names?
Ayden Bell
Now that's just sad man.
William Thomas
because it is incredibly easy to repeatedly win with a group of competent players in size of 3-4
Christopher Gomez
and he's been playing a solid character too He must suck.
Kevin Ramirez
Why is deflect even a hitbox? Why not make it so it deflects whatever would've actually hit him.
Matthew Price
New skin for Reinhardt. It has severe battle damage.
Jonathan Turner
Your point? You'll get more sr if you play well, and not because you're playing in stack for easy streak.
Nicholas Wright
>always wonder why aiming feels a little muddy in Overwatch >horizontal and vertical mouse sensitivity have been set to different values the entire time
This isn't a default setting is it?
Mason Miller
Post Pharmercy
Levi Allen
How would he be hit from behind if it just covered his hit box?