Please God, let me meet him. All I want to is to find that perfect boy I know exists. He’s sweet and shy and my age and likes all the things I do, perhaps even is on this site itself. The boy who won’t secretly think I’m a loser, the boy I can cuddle with (even if only possible online) and spent nights talking to and laughing and sharing happiness. Someone who can reciprocate the love I put in, the boy who I can make feel safe and secure unconditionally and can fill this gaping, empty void in my heart.Please, just let me find this person. I’ll change everything about me if that’s what it takes Please, I just can’t take the loneliness anymore.
Elijah Young
Makoto is for forced prostitution!
Luke Bailey
and drugs and ratting Potter out what a waste of oxygen she is!
Samuel Smith
Futaba is for suicide!
Christian Rogers
Was that even a proper translation though?
Nathan Johnson
does anyone have the panel from that one Shindol manga where the girl who was a forced prostitute is looking through a shattered mirror? It's usually called "the man who sold the world" in filename threads, if that helps
Gavin Cooper
death to all NEETs and Futaba!
Kevin Cook
even if (if) it wasn't, makotoposters deserved it
Benjamin Green
My basic moon lets me read "Illegal service", "high school girl" "drugs" and "your name"
Cameron Watson
well yea if you don't save her but I guess we're all going to pretend bad endings are canon for the sake of shitposting :^)
Alexander Thompson
what's the best theme in the P5 soundtrack?
Kevin Edwards
Do you think Phantom's parents loved him?
Hunter Morris
Someone please upload the cruise dungeon theme ffs
Dominic Rogers
P5 hiimdaisy comic when?
Ian Gutierrez
They really went out of their way with all this doujin material vanillafags BTFO
Levi Sanchez
Shit, meant to quote
Jonathan Kelly
P5 is /d/ tier minus the futa.
Christian Hall
if you can't handle her at her worst you don't deserve her at her best
>her worst: Shindol's Emergence >her best: being uninteresting and stalking you for PT info yeap good tradeoff
Christopher Watson
>people keep telling Goro, "shut up, Adachi," whenever he speaks
I'd read it.
Carter Ross
Bad endings are for doujins. Lots of them. I'm not suprised if one day there's a doujin of PT (both boys and girls) getting gangbanged at the same time.
Alexander Cox
I forgot to quote you
Ethan Phillips
Dat ass though
Isaac Fisher
>soejima >ass nani?
Carson Brooks
I doublt anyone wants to fuck Ryuji. Goro, Potter, and Yusuke are prime fuccbois. A cat is fine too.
Alexander Lewis
This sounds like a feminist's excuse to make betas endure their bitchy behavior.
Caleb Clark
>walk up to gym teacher >Hi, my name is Anne! >and I'm uncomfortable!
David Green
"The other day we apprehended a high school girl at a certain illegal place/store/etc, she was interrogated...and though that girl was under the influence of drugs she spoke your name."
It's legit, user.
Jacob Rogers
It's baffling how they went through the effort of making this one and still settled for P3/P4 style for his cut in. Especially when they took the time to give him a high level movepool and all those DLC outfits, they just might as well.
Brody Bailey
why doesn't anyone like Ryuji?
Lucas Martinez
>they drugged her >must be raped XD
Oliver Robinson
*she clearly spoke your name
As in, that part was very clear.
Austin Adams
More than Door-kun's.
But seriously, maybe. Among Phantom's many problems, loneliness doesn't seem to be an issue like it was for Yu.
Ethan Russell
Wouldn't you do it? They are Yakuza. No reason not to take advantage.
Matthew Baker
I think I'm bored of P5 already
Logan Hughes
I want to see Phantom's parents give their son a hug when he returns back home!
I want Phantom to turn red in embarrassment when all his friends see that display of affection!
Jace Martin
ah yes the yakuza are well known for giving free drugs to the attractive young girls that they find in their power, and for having no ties to the sex industry at all
Cameron Mitchell
>SEES lives in city portside >its shit
>IT lives in countryside >its fun
>PT lives in big city >its shit
??? city is shit
Grayson Gonzalez
how can you be bored with the sudden influx of asspain from mankoto fans?
Eli Wright
>After mindbreaking all of the PT with drugs and endless rape, one of the faceless men says "This is what you get for fighting against us, the adults"
Henry Mitchell
waifufags are just retarded in general
Angel Robinson
>Yakuza drugs a girl in a illegal establishment Jeez I wonder what they were doing maybe playing shogi
Chase Williams
According to my homo yakuza manga, this is pretty much standard.
I do not understand why they used the 3/4 cut in. I still think giving him those costumes are a waste of time and assets.
Angel Richardson
>Makoto: Depression
>Yu: Loneliness
>Joker: ???
Daniel Myers
In persona series, the more urban and advanced the setting, the more tragic and harsher the characters become.
Elijah Morales
is shitting on waifus fun or something? I like the teacher but I don't see why everyone is shitting on Makoto, the bad ending isn't even canon
Joshua Taylor
123-chan noooo
Jonathan Anderson
>Yakuza feeding an attractive girl drugs >Nah, no rape or prostitution or forced porno filming, they just felt like giving her free drugs
Sebastian Peterson
If their fans are especially obnoxious.
Camden Collins
They are just trying their hardest to justify 8 dollar costumes.
You can't even unlock any normally in game, its fucking retarded.
Luis Thomas
Literally all games except P4 take place in a big city.
Zachary Murphy
Grayson Young
Obviously lack of freedom
Jaxson Nelson
that's not a character defect, user
Nolan Evans
He was fucking framed and 5 out of 7 people treat him like shit because of Yaldenheimerschmidt's bald boy toy.
Jordan Davis
just like real life
t. isao takahata
Jordan Ramirez
Makato is just a slut and I feel sorry for anyone who picks her for anything other than death
Daniel Scott
Mankoto's manko is huge! Worn out from Yakuza guys and lifeless from crashing on crystal meth!
Jack Phillips
So what happened to the rest? I only heard about makoto and futaba
Did Anne and Haru get the same treatment?
Brody Rivera
Which game is this DLC costume from?
Aiden Williams
I'm so fucking mad I have to pay that much for the Sevens uniforms.
Who the hell is managing their accounting department? Trish?
Easton King
stop bullying
Juan Mitchell
I want this scene, but with Phantom and Futaba!
William Butler
>Goro has no dungeon >only bad end
Daniel Adams
I think that one is Shadow Worker/Walker.
Not exactly sure if that's supposed to be a Shadow Operatives reference or not.
Shouldn't you be in that Voltron thread in /co/? Pance a best though. Great taste.
Charles Adams
shut up nanako i swear
Parker King
I just want the arranged smt if battle music, I don't even give a crap about the costume, hearing the same battle music gets boring.
Caleb Howard
James Bennett
iirc that's what they're called in the japanese isnt it
Gabriel Moore
It's not about the music for me. I like to fuck around with costumes. I don't need "A Lone Prayer" or BABYBABYBABYBABY to be spammed very step I take.
Hunter Torres
So in P5, is Justice an S.Link that you cannot max?
Andrew Brooks
How much do you think the Yakuza would ask for Makato?
Jeremiah Rivera
who did this end up being anyway?
Brayden Powell
Lyn is my wife!
Tyler Ortiz
It maxes before he dies
Leo Price
In Persona 4, do they ever explain why the Guardian looks like a giant grouper? How does something like that even exist in a freshwater ecosystem for decades, much less breed?
Alexander Garcia
it was there because the legends about it made it real obv
David Wright
shadow runoff from izanami messing with the area every half century affects the local ecosystem
Dominic Hernandez
Some cunt model that gives Anne trouble during her coop.
Eli Garcia
can i fug her? she's hottest girl so far
John Hughes
>Atlus is showing the left over arcana they haven't revealed yet in trailers >they are still updating the co-op page
Oh boy I can't wait for the Goro trailer painting him in a nicer light.
Carson Jackson
Is the Guardian the source of all Inaba's cheap beef?
Asher Wilson
No, because she isn't real
Charles Parker
Only in Persona 5 Incarceration remake/expansion when she takes the place of the Fortune S.Link.
Gavin Johnson
So does anyone give a shit about Tower or Sun in this round? What does the Tower kid even do to warrant a Tower co-op?
Aiden Reyes
>mfw Comments disabled only for the Goro video
Wyatt Cox
>not just showing a pancake commercial
Wyatt Ross
I also really like how similar he is to Hyperion.
Austin Campbell
it'll be a single stationary wide shot of goro eating pancakes alone in his apartment, set to phillip glass
Thomas Williams
>mfw they don't
Cameron Butler
Let you waste all your bullets for an guaranteed knockdown Let you waste time with shitty random fire when you get an advantage encounter The kid is a complete faggot, he loses to some dude and starts bitching and crying that he cheated, then he scams some kid out of their money like some kind of faggot and if you tell him, "Maybe you are in the wrong on this one" He gets all fucking pissy and you get 0 notes.
Andrew Campbell
Also sun is actually pretty good. It lets you bypass negotiations completely, also you can ask for way more money/rarer items like blank cards.
Matthew Foster
They both are Sun gods, and the Persona users are brothers. It's pottery.
I like that Katsuya's initial Persona, Helios, is also a cat because he likes cats.
What a faggot. Making another kid as the Tower arcana was a mistake. I miss Mutatsu, Anna, and Kandori. The only good thing Shinya brought was the Get Smoked cap.
Toranosuke seems pretty based. Glad to hear that he has good bonuses.