>FORD has come under fire from road safety experts after releasing a car with a Fast and Furious style “drift” mode that enables unskilled drivers to “drive like hooligan” using the car’s sophisticated electronics systems.
just cuck my shit up m80
>FORD has come under fire from road safety experts after releasing a car with a Fast and Furious style “drift” mode that enables unskilled drivers to “drive like hooligan” using the car’s sophisticated electronics systems.
just cuck my shit up m80
Good. Keep that American shit outta my country m8. :^)
Its german.
>road safety experts
You mean people paid to enforce and instill road regulations? Oh gee, I can't see a conflict of interest in that at all.
>drifting is so dangerous that police in most states have the power to confiscate the car and instantly ban the driver for six to 12 months
>Ford disabled the “burnout” mode on the Mustang in Australia
keep shitposting away ausbro
Ford is American but it's gone all global and shit. The Focus is being built in both in Germany and Michigan.
Fucking hate my country
Some guy did a burnout in a carpark and lost his licence for life, but he was a car club leader and in Australia car club = terrorist group
Pic related pig at car meet
I don't believe you.
RIP :,c
sorry user
>Some guy did a burnout in a carpark and lost his licence for life
Meanwhile, they can drive a getaway car for a bank robbery and still keep their driver's license (after they get out of jail of course).
liking cars in australia is like linking guns in california, except worse
This is the new /dat/ thread?
Rip my front suspension, pulls to the left when I brake and pretty sure the lower control arm is clunking under braking. Brakes need to be done too, may as well fefurbish the whole front
>ball joints
>check steering rack components
Am I missing anything?
>still a prison
pick two
> driving contrary to the conditions of an extraordinary licence
he'd already lost his license. the X class license is a restricted license you apply for because you need a car to get to and from work even if you've lost your license for demerit points so that you can only drive it in association with work. so basically he got caught too many times.
Ive met people who've gone to jail over that sort of stuff as well.
>demerit for speeding
>demerit for speeding
>demerit for speeding
>lose license
>apply for X class license
>drive without license
>we fucking told you to stop going full dagumi
>9 months jail
when you get caught, just drive carefully until the heat is off ffs its not hard. clearly youre a fucking shit driver if you're doing burnouts around cops repeatedly. for these retards its not even about the aesthetic of driving, its just hurrrr durrrrrrr SCREEEEEEE
They're trying to get drift mode disabled. Not ban the car. It's still stupid but whatever.
>drifting is so dangerous that police in most states have the power to confiscate the car and instantly ban the driver for six to 12 months
>most states
You mean one state. Even then you're still exaggerating.
When they say safety experts, they mean cunts like Tracy Grimshaw and friends. I wish someone would take that slug out the back and shoot her.
Why would you need the computer to help you with a skid?
"Hoons" are to our media what "KKK member white cop murders African American youth" is to yours.
Doesn't it just put traction control off and send more torque to the rear wheels? Sounds less like "press for instant hectic times" and more "mad skids enabled."
lol and in europe and other shitholes they cant even afford cars.
Keep shitposting faggot
>aussies WILL defend this
You have Black lives matter (haha!), we have an anti-hoon/no fun TV show
you have blm too ya dip
granted theyre not being assholes like ours but libs have made it global
No we don't and Melbourne doesn't count because its a police state full of hipsters and faggots. Kind of like California but worse weather and no mexicans
But it does count, user. It does count
Also california is far from a policestate. Outside of smog which is easy to cheat you can get away with so much shit on the road. And if youre talking about guns theres so much 'fringe' shit you can legally own that take the place of whatever is illegal.
>electronic drift assist
M8, if you need that shit you can just fuck off.
They also needed a burnout mode on their Mustangs.
On the fuckin real, I would be ok if they dropped that shit everywhere.
The commies up at Flinders in SA are pushing blm rn and it's starting to pop up at other unis
You've seen murricans try and do burnouts right?
Cunts need all the help they can get
Yeah, but what coons? Wouldn't it just be an unsightly pack of fat dykes and scrawny nu-males?
I'm reasonably wary about angry niggers with a reputation for assaulting folks without reason. Cucks and clowns, not so much.
Fuck i hate australia.
Inb4 amerifat, eurofag blah blah..
Born and bred ausfag here
The getaway driver will not be doing any dangerous driving killing anyone. The idiot doing the burnout could have killed someone if his handbrake cable lines snapped or if his brakes melted.
>mode that enables unskilled drivers to “drive like hooligan”
Suggesting you need to be skilled to drive like a hooligan.
the sudos and somalis are pretty fucking bad all around the place. A bunch of them moved into my neighborhood recently courtesy of the tax payer. Theft and broken shit has gone up so much in 6 months and cops are here so often I can't even take my drift car for blockies anymore. These nig nogs are the ones they're 'rallying' because they dindu nuffin rong. Although the blm/commie ringleader is the ginger duke that trashed Bernardi's office over safe schools, there's still enough of them pretending they're innocent citizens to fuck me off
On one hand i agree with the motorists who dont want this banned but having this mode enabled from the factory will just let retards think they are ken block and skid into the neared kurb
Ford Making unreliable trash for shitty drivers since ever
Not true.
Also, I think I recognise that meet. Burnside?
jokes on you, i'm not a eurofag
Slow life meet at Marion
Last slow life I went to there were cops everywhere eyeing off and taking photos of cars to ping later
No one actually takes this show seriously though. It's like the TV equivalent of clickbait.
There were cops at this one and at the end there was a cop at the exit telling people off for coloured lights and shit then this p plater comes round and see the cop and 4 passengers get out and run off haha
You'd be surprised how many old people watch it and side with ol' m8 Tracy
With sapol being how they are and owning a dirty, loud ass Nissan I try to avoid being in the same place as more than 3 cars cause I'm always the one who cops a 'random license check' .
its probably just a switch to disable the ABS system its a common mod to older fords, just switches the power to the abs control unit.
BLM is a terrorist group
morning cunts
at least im not flooded in anymore
i want to do this too my Dunnydoor so i can do max skids
First it was guns, now cars
Australian liberals are a fucking nightmare
do a burnout on the cunts lawn
problem solved
Also ive been driving around with no plates
wonder how long before i get shrekt
BLM is truly a fucking disgrace.
The only death I can think of here in Canada that BLM got involved in was a black guy who came at cops with a fucking hammer, and was only like 2 meters away when he was finally shot and killed.
>Wah he dindu nuttin
>Dey didn't hafta kill him he a gud boy
Most white BLM supporters live in rich neighborhoods, they have no idea what it's like to deal with dindus on a daily basis. I fucking hate living here, fucking blacks are animals. The other day they were standing on my front lawn and my mom was too scared to tell them off (she was home alone). Me and my bro got home and told them to fuck off and to take their dog too.
Good luck bro hope you don't get caught
rip user
is there anything that doesn't get banned in australia? why are australians such vaginas?
Why is Australia becoming so cucked? Stop electing shitty nanny staters you bakas.
>The idiot doing the burnout could have killed someone if his handbrake cable lines snapped or if his brakes melted.
this is literally the gayest thing ive read on o tonight
>Ford cannot absolve itself from its duty of care to road users and its customers with a disclaimer in the dashboard.
This thinking is backwards. The only duty Ford has is to make sure the drift mode performs safely as intended. That's it. You can't hold a car manufacturer liable for the fuckup of a consumer misusing a product.
They're basically insulting themselves. "Australians aren't mature enough to handle the responsibility of drift mode" is all I read it as.
It's not about electing fuckwits, it's about pressure groups. They're fucked.
I don't follow. Do the pressure groups have legislative power?
cunts BTFO
No they don't. However, they pressure a large amount of MPs and senators in the state and federal parliaments. And because we work on the principle of representative government, these things get discussed and new shit laws are in place.
I for one, wouldn't be surprised if there was a large group of 45+yo women lobbying against any form of 'fun' car.
At the end of the day, this kind of shit is so fucking stupid. Your average 'hoon' can't afford the $50k one of these costs. They go and buy a $4-8k rwd Nissan which doesn't have a drift mode, but that sure as shit doesn't stop them. I fucking hate these soccer mums, their fuck off suvs coupled with the fact none of them can drive or be patient, courteous road users is 10x more dangerous than me whipping the tail out on an empty road. I'd love to see how many of these cunts would get taken off the road with yearly driver retesting.
Sounds like a bogan from a bogan car club thats probably full of 6 mostly cylinder commodore shit boxs that is now suffering the consequences of being a complete retard.
He had been caught being a retard multiple times.
Sounds like you love ve in a housing commision shit hole
>oh no they are standing on my lawn
That sounds truly horrible. Sorry for your mums loss.
>Victoria is the entire country
It's one state that deals with most of that shit.
I feel sorry for Victoria, Melbourne is a truly cancerous place
>this is what aussies call b8
>be aussie
>do burnout
>lose licence forever