Paladins general - /palagen/

OP Flankers Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Official site

>Patch notes



>Tutorials made by Hi-rez

>Champion guides made by Hi-rez


>Hirez server status

>FAQ about the game
>I'm working on the pastebin, maybe.


>/palg/ ID List

Other urls found in this thread:

i'm throwing up

New pastebin:

Not exactly. Fernando is fine solo as long as he has a healer. He's the only one that can reliably hold solo.

Double front liner is mostly left for Makoa + other front liner, since he synergizes well with Barik and Ruckus.

To be honest, I think going double front liner with Fernando is a waste. He doesn't have enough damage to justify it.

>The Payload phase lasts 3 minutes, and during this phase the attacking team will spawn near the Capture Point.
Incorrect. This has been reverted. You still spawn back at your original base when you die.

>11) Why should I play this and not Overwatch/TF2?
I would reword this, as it sounds combative. "What makes Paladins stand out against the like of Overwatch or Team Fortress 2?"

>The only mode there is currently (as of OB 33) Siege.
OB34 is right around the corner, so you may as well explain the returning Payload mode.

Payload mode is broken up into two rounds. In round one, team 1 will be on offense, while team 2 is on defense. At the beginning of the game, the payload will spawn in the offense's base; the attackers must push the payload all the way to the end of the track as quickly as possible within the time limit. There are two checkpoints the payload will cross to gain extra time. The defenders must stop the payload from reaching its destination by whatever means. The payload follows the same behavior as in Siege mode. The round ends when the attackers successfully push the cart to the end or time runs out. In round two, the teams are switched; now team 2 is on offense, while team 1 is on defense. For team 2 to win, they must beat team 1's time at pushing the payload; if the payload didn't make it to the end in round one, they must beat the distance the payload travelled. If team 2 succeeds, they win the game; if team 1 stops team 2's offense, team 1 wins.


Like the great and powerful Evie would have anything to do with that street trash. If she was gonna fuck anyone it would be Kinessa.

Reposting this from old thread (not working for me anymore or I am not being added, seems to work for others):

I am 72.7% sure this works:

Anyone want to add referrers so we can get some Pip skins? I will add you as well, it doesn't have to be a new account to be able to add referrers,
It's buggy or at least slow though so it doesn't always show up right away.
It'll be like sucking each other's dick but without ever touching dick or balls so it's not gay at all and only for the pleasure of getting the Pip skins and maybe crystals. With just 10 level 15+ friends you, yes YOU, could get that sweet Cassie skin combo with those 600 crystals.

Just go here

and add referrers and wait and see if they show up in the game list (click the Pip in his doc skin on the right in the main menu to see the referral stuff).

Here's the list of players again. Might as well try adding everyone.

Pls report of any successful addings when and if it happens after a while or after logging back in later.

I'll be trying to add everyone who has bothered to add me to their friend list and then the rest if it works out.

Anyone want to referrer circlejerk, so we can get some Pip skins and loot? It doesn't have to be a new account to be able to add referrers,
It's buggy or at least slow though so it doesn't always show up right away.

For the pleasure of getting the Pip skins and maybe gold/crystals. With just 10 level 15+ friends you, yes YOU, could get that sweet Cassie skin combo with those 600 crystals.

Just go here

and add referrers and wait and see if they show up in the game list (click the Pip in his doc skin on the right in the main menu to see the referral stuff).

Here's the list of players again. Might as well try adding everyone.

Pls report of any successful addings when and if it happens after a while or after logging back in later.

I'll have added everyone from the ID list, we just need everyone else to make a few passes as well and then we will have some nice FREE loot flowing in for us. Reminder: Any account works, doesn't need to be fresh.

**thx to last user in the previous thread for this copypasta**

this will get the message through


>Evie is taller than Skye
>Evie has bigger hips than Skye

Most games I get this shit when the server just dies and kicks everyone happens, and when that doesn't happen I get put on an EU server with 350 ping. Why can't it just stick with my preffered region, even if match making takes 5 minutes longer jesus

at least they got the "massive slut look" aspect of Skye right, just look at the eyes

overall still shit though

kek,I just searched for new Paladins art and saw that, figured i'd use it as the op

It's a good ploy for attracting the masses

>Picks Fernanjew
>Stands on payload and raises shield
>Cross almost three quarters of the map uncontested.
>Just hide behind the payload and play chicken around while throwing fireballs while the shield comes back

Holy fuck fernando is amazing

yeah im not even worried about my accidental repost. it's for everyones sake.


just kill me

this needs a Table of Contents, user.

so lazy tldr's can just skim through questions and parts at will.

I see somebody isnt playing the objective

Also are we going with /palg/? I wasn't sure cause I remember another thread being /palagen/.
I think palagen has a better ring to it
cause it's kinda like paladin you know
but palagen
it rhymes

>Fernando meets the Great Wall of Barik
>eventually gets bored, drops his shield, and rushes me down with my turret up, thinking he can outtrade me with his flamethrower

haha nope

>vg friendos are in match lobbies
>I-I guess they don't want to play with me
>just play with randoms
>they see the same shit and probably wonder if others just don't want to play with them anymore

at least that is what I hope is happening

I added everyone on the ID list through the hi-rez site. I (eschew) also received only one in-game referral from someone else so far (woee), idk if it caps off or something... hopefully not.

/palg/ is more concise, which is most important.

either people are in competitive mode (where there is no pre-made lobbies allowed), or they are not grouping up for some reason (too lazy).

just take initiative and pm people and/or start inviting them!

i kind of... like it?


that is competitive?

Does anyone actually like the loadout system? I think it just adds a lot of grind for no reason and when there's a lot of champions in the game in a year or two nobody's going to bother grinding all the shitty meme builds even with a founder's pack.

I mean maybe extremely long time players and the imaqtpies and etc could use it after they've exhausted literally everything else they could buy and all skins they could want, but it just feels shitty.

I referred everyone on the docs. But I have no referred friends yet.
I am woee btw

>enemy has Fernando, Barik and Makoa
>everyone on your team picks aggression and not wrecker

just lost a match because we didn't get any points for defending the push

fuck this shit

Eh, that's a feature, not a bug??

I looked at the name poll when I made the first 'official' general and /palg/ was ahead at that time.

was it your 4th point? because you can't get last point for defence

Fix'd and added payload explanation/changed 11 question's wording.
I see, I forgot to add that, I will try to add it as soon as possible!

No, defending a push gets you 1 point. Haven't you ever had that game where you can't cap the point for shit but could defend like mad and ended 3-4?

Good work Cassie keep it up


rely mak u tink

>literally 3-4 games for 1 card


gj mang. appreciated.

That's because defending a push is easier to do, and exactly why it doesnt give a point.

just played versus a kinessa that was either aimbotting or had a slightly less suspicious aim assisting hack

smooth as butter aiming every killcam despite people running and jumping around
killed another guy and then shot at me me right after their snipe damage was maxed (not before), I went behind a corner and they waited a second, and immediately shot me again without missing when I came out

This game isn't going to be LoL with 100+ characters, it's a shooter. You can currently unlock all the characters in the game in a few days, and then you have more gold than you know what to do with.

i will add the /palg/ list when i get home from work

You cannot get the gamewinning point by defending a push. It's to break stalemates.

casual or comp?

Hi-Rez I know that some guys from you lurk this shithole so please remove fucking Aggresion

post pip lewds

While its possible, aiming with Kinessa is super easy to the point that any seasoned sniper player will destroy you if you're out of cover. The crit box is huge and she has 0 gun sway or bullet drop. Killcam also isn't accurate at all.

It's hard as fuck to miss in this game

hitboxes are massive

Added Table of Contents.

where is the crit box, near the head?

I've added at least half the list. I imagine it'll take some time before all the referrals pop up in game. Keep in mind that we have to collectively play together for at least 10 hours to get the main Mad Scientist Pip costume.

If Ruckus was from Corruption of Champions he'd be Fuckus.


Found this on the official Twitch.

n1 cassiefag

Like most of the upper torso


Thank you.

How the fuck are you supposed to play ruckus? He does shit damage and the wind up takes forever and people kill you in the meantime.

>Androxus, a muscle-y dueling flanker that is a prime target for getting sniped
>2000 HP
>Cassie, a fat little girl with what is basically a sniper rifle
>2100 HP

defend this

Tanky flanker is the best place I've seen him. He wins most 1v1s with actual flankers so you're fairly free to rain bullets down on the objective. Somebody claimed to have a workable tank build for him though.

>tfw still only lv10

How many matches do you guys play in a day? If I lose 2 in a row I have to take a break because I get upset

I mean, if you've got fatphobia and any body fat above 5% scares you then sure.

Look at this shit. Why can't anyone ever play the damn objective?

She is a ranger you idiot.

Cassie's bow is basically a scopeless rifle.

Don't play without another tank, because Ruckus is more of a flanker with more HP. Have a Fernando/Makoa to shield you, and rain hell on your enemies.

Cassie puts out way way less damage and has a non combat ult, unique among damage dealers.

Your own fault you picked a healer with no tank. Go self healing barik next time.

Should I also make a pastebin with tips for each champion/for the game in general? I was thinking to make one and update it each patch/when I find better tips.

I had played 5 games in a row as tank and was getting sick of having no support. I picked grover straight off the bat hoping somebody else would play tank for once.
Sadly, my prayers were not answered.

>How the fuck are you supposed to play ruckus?
You don't.

>lewd tits
>lewd pits
>lewd tummy
>lewd thighs

Why is this allowed?

>literally so shit that he exchanges 1:1 damage ratio with enemies

chronos all day boy

ruckus fucking murders people if you land crits. If Makoa grabs you solo, you can just pop shield and melt him for a free kill.

You just need to abuse cover and your dashes to dodge things. Alternate between Emitter and Repulsor Field. He's the only frontliner that can hear "BEHOLD THE DRAGON'S FURY" and deal with it without popping ult.

I have no problems main tanking with him if my team handle their 1v1s, it's just harder to carry with him if your team is shit and you have to 1v3+.

You should only pick support when there is a tank on the team or you bound to get disappointed, Personally i only pick support when there is a Fernando on the team

Just take your time, there's no race for levels. I too play one or two games a day because this shit easily get on my nerves.

This Splashbrush's art we're analyzing buddy, everything he does is lewd.

ESL Tournament happening exclusively on Twitch:
twitch slash paladinsgame

(starting soon i think)

27/27 teams have checked in for this week.

When does it start?

soon he said

yes i get that but is it soon like in 10 minutes or soon like in 2 hours?

I think the meta is
Fernando + 1 frontline
1 support
1 damage
1 flank or another damage dealer


More like
Fernando + healbot
2 dps + 1 flank OR 1 dps + 2 flank

thanks, user

we have no idea.

What support. Also how do I Fernando? I stay there and just wait I lose my shield and die.

>be fernando
>only one on point
>nobody even tries to get me off
>low life viktor runs around the corner
>can't even see his remaining health so low is it
>throws granade at me and tries bunny hopping around me
>pop shield, turn and it flies back to him
>shield acts like a tennis bat
>he dies from his own granade
>couldn't stop laughing for 30 seconds

Guess i met a CoD kiddo.

Dupe heroes aren't allowed in comp.

If Fernando gets banned we're going to get some very weird teams, like MakoaGrover vs BarikRuckus. Maybe even a Buck in there.

The meta is pick whatever you want, because a person having fun playing their character always plays better than someone picking something just because it's the meta. This is true for all video games.

From what little experience I have with the game I would say that flankers work best in pair and that two front liners isn't really worth it so I would go with:
1 front liner
1 Support
1 Damage dealer
2 Flank

I've been playing competitive all last night; from my judgement it's pretty balanced for not being totally equal.

>>I can't bring myself to play anyone besides Skye
>unironically being fucking awful at the game
>unironically refusing to get good THIS much
>unironically enjoying a cancerous, ez-mode whore

Means to report perma-bad faggot players, when? Means to report perma-bad faggot teams, when? Real, legitimate skill-based matchmaking keeping perma-bads with the other perma-bads, when?

Usually grover or grohk
For fernando try to put your shield up and protect your healer on the obj. You have to decide when is a good time to put it up since it has a cd. You can also do some good damage with your fireball and charge.

>Paladins is a skillful game


see No reason to pick another fl with Fernando unless you don't have a support

What's the worst stage and why is it Glacial Keep