The only person we should unban for the purge is 2hotdogs
Samuel Flores
Why did the syndie deffsquid get called?
Hope its not cause me using that cursed spellbook
Evan Brown
hes an admin
Matthew Fisher
Serwind the ban baiting dick sucker, after getting a law to act lewd he says >[17:56:45]SAY: LEWDLY/SerWind (@210,240,1) As Galactic Common : anyone want me to suck their dick? Another admin even told the AI earlier not to go into ERP .
Brayden Cruz
They uploaded an ERP law yesterday.
Isaiah Hall
Anything86 did that
Ryan Ward
>Ghost, if grey mcshirt is a vampire spin the chair above me, spin the one below me if he's not >a chair spins WOOOOOOOW REMOVE CHAIR SPINNING >ghost, flash lights to lead me to your body >ghost does just that FUCKING META REMOVE LIGHT FLICKERING W H E N
Just fuck off, I want to play a echoey fart noise on shitters
Samuel Perry
One fart for yes, two farts for no
Lucas Butler
>ghosts fart if Ling A. Ding is a changeling woooooow, why did I get banned
Oliver Adams
I'll be in dorms room 2 all purge day, come enjoy it boys ;)
t. Julia Brandt
Gabriel Rogers
That last round was fucking great, shout out to that badass miners who killed the syndie deafsquid
Jackson Allen
>I always do the opposite of the truth Being an observer ghost is great. Especially when you trick niggers into thinking your body is on the asteroi
Austin Scott
Purge day tomorrow, will the dream team be back for one final round?
Jackson Peterson
Friendly reminder to get (you)rself banned 5 minutes before the purge.
>inb4 raping the ghost
Brayden Rogers
>Go to record footage for a pokemon master bit in a ss13 review >Syndie deaf squid >Was done recording >Don't want to hit alt-f9 during a fight >Miss out on the most hilarious shit >Have to redo early footage anyways cause of a byond clothes bug
Brandon Moore
The point is that the potential for meta is already there by chair spinning and light flashing, so your argument against it is the same as "no new guns ever because someone might non antag murder someone with it" So as before, fuck off
Noah Sullivan
>implying that's not going to be removed
Nathaniel White
maybe cargo needs more stuff to do to raise the skill ceiling and entice veteran players to sign up as techies/qms
Cooper Davis
>tfw no qt Vox gf Will you be my gf for Purge Day?
Cooper Butler
Do Vox have cloacas?
Jack Sullivan
>Your waifu will never kidnap you on purge day and make sure nobody rapes you because she wants you all for yourself
Christian Flores
>skill ceiling >entice veteran
Jackson Johnson
Reminder that the point of the movie The Purge was that the purge was actually making things worse instead of making a better society The same thing is happening here, the purge makes the server worse as a whole
Parker Miller
For you maybe
Henry Turner
>Implying that's not what intigracy wants
Ryder Perez
>implying any of us actually watched that movie
Samuel Hernandez
when does it start?
Chase Reyes
next round
William Edwards
Now time to griff
Samuel Hughes
shiiiit I'm still at work
Mason Wilson
it has nothing to do with the fucking movie idiot it's an event
Jordan Smith
I don't think you understand his complaint
Adrian Hill
Honestly Serwind should have been banned, the law said to speak lewdly and use innuendo.
That was neither.
Ryan Reyes
ser wind should be scolded for baiting he used a very liberal interpretation of the law, then whined about the uploader
Noah Foster
as evidenced by the current round
Christopher Johnson
Anthony Peterson
wew anything86 is still self-shilling in thread huh? fuck off I hope you stay go you retarded cunt.
yeah, this isn't the same as having borgs kill people because of you. Serwind went to ERP on his own,knowing people get banned for it.
Kayden Kelly
>Thinking you can get admins banned
Owen Taylor
Admins can get banned if they actually fuck up
Chase Scott
Ghlor used to ban himself all the time.
Nolan Lee
Who is Shiggy, because of a meddling Kiwi?
Leo Green
>shiggy thinking he mattered at all L m a o
Gavin Perez
Language is a funny thing. Definitions can mean different things in different circles. On Veeky Forums handholding is considered lewd behavior. Any hint toward sex is considered lewd here no matter how hidden. In fact you could argue that the only time lewd is used on Veeky Forums is in reference to images that aren't overtly sexual, but slightly.
The borg knew the server rules and knew he was breaking them and knew he wouldn't get in trouble because he was an admin and that's banbaiting. If I were an admin I'd give both a 3 day. But hey this is all just forum fodder, right?
Thomas Gray
did this ser wind thing ever make it over to the forums?
Cooper Morris
no I understand his complaint but he's being a melodramatic virtue-signalling faggot it's always been a fun fuckaround event it was never designed to fix any of the server's problems
Nicholas Jenkins
No one ever makes ban requests because they're too pussy to put their name out there unless they're insufferable whiners like Solarius or Morena
Liam Harris
Lincoln Wright
>it's always been >it's only happened once so far ???
Bentley Ramirez
Would I get lynched if I made a menu as a chef and only cooked food to order? I want to run a diner
Nolan Kelly
>pussy if I don't >whiner if I do
Sebastian Taylor
someone just make a throw away and post it from mobile
Dominic King
Just make sure to warn people ahead of time. And expect PDA orders ahead of time, etc.
Hudson Cruz
You won't get lynched, people don't want to get banned. They might not go to the counter if they see no food though.
Parker Morris
> The borg knew the server rules and knew he was breaking them and knew he wouldn't get in trouble because he was an admin and that's banbaiting.
you're fucking retarded, the onus is on the uploader of the law, sorry you seem wholly unable to comprehend this. serwind knew he wouldn't get in trouble because a fucking mongoloid uploaded a meme law.
Andrew Bell
If you want to make food to order, play a certain slavic game as innkeep
Brayden Sullivan
Okay, look, diner is fine and charging a small ammount of money is also alright, but always have some steak and cake done ahead of time, eventually people will just pay you for the food you have instead of checking the menu if they are in a hurry.
Make pizza and some interesting shit too, would ya? Dessert and such is always nice, make some pudding, eggs benedict, kfc, etcetera.
Grayson Gomez
I mean specifically those two faggots
Tyler Watson
Even though he broke the law.
Grayson Morales
Only if you precook some of the meals so it comes out quickly Like a real restuarant, you know If you only start making things when I ask I will break in and eat all the shit there raw
Matthew Roberts
go ahead, please make a deadmin request with clear descriptions of how he broke his laws.
you're wrong and it's sad that you keep shilling this shit anything86 we know it's you, just own up to your retarded meme law and maybe you'll get out of this with just head role jobbans in a week or two.
Levi Price
I'm an admin actually.
Brayden James
I am waiting for anything86 to make an appeal, deadmin request says wait until after an appeal and since I am a third party the normal ban request seems better made by Anything86. If a thread comes up I'll join it.
Jason Evans
the statement makes sense, yes it happened once in the past, for fun therefore it's always been about fun frequency is irrelevant please learn english gooder
Noah Ward
>Being a little bitch that fears posting with their Ckey attached
Daniel Foster
>tfw you got 2 shitters bannud and you aren't killette or solarious
It's not a deadmin or anything, but share your thoughts here, I think admins read this.
Anthony Hughes
And my dad works at Nintendo! Then just fucking ban him, kiddo.
Cameron Hall
Give me food combo ideas
Name Item 1 Item 2 Drink Price
"The Space Patriot" Big bite burger Deep fried space fries Space cola 5$
"Bounty Hunter" Spess law Valid salad Doctors delight 15$
Bentley Evans
"Faggot That Can't Put Any Semblance of Thought or Effort Into Their Job" (You) (You) (You) Free
Owen Flores
is salamandoo your ckey you pussy
Grayson Edwards
Get a chem dispenser and offer food with certain chemicals in them Hyperzine burger Sleeptoxin Hotdog Tricord Spaguetti You can name food with a pen, and you can make custom pizzas and burgers, ingredients change its colour
Robert Perry
"Shitposter delux" Burned mess renamed poo Burned mess in a soup bowl renamed crap Sunday Vomit in a cup Force it into anyone that comes even remotely near the kitchen. So free it's compulsory
"Herbalists Pickmeup" Aesir Salad Tofu Burger Orange Juice 30$
"Sober Supper" Spesslaw Meatball soup Joe 35$
"Honkin Good Deal" Honky Sliders Clown Chips Banana Juice (its fucking Doctors Delight for clowns) 10$
"Omlette Du Fromage" Cheese Omelette Baguette Wine 20$
There, good enough?
Ethan Martinez
o I bet we can guess who this is.
Aaron Sullivan
>Not charging by the honk
Adrian Diaz
>Honkin Good Deal >not Bananarama Dropped
Nolan Hughes
"Erotica deal" Deep fried swimsuit Meme futa cock flavored lollipop Waifu pussy juice $69
Henry Taylor
Joshua Gutierrez
no it's Anything86
Tyler Johnson
Xavier Davis
here's some question for you spessmen:
>what do you usually play? >do you feel bad for killing someone as antag? >did you ever fall in love with another spessmen? >did ss13 changed you in any ways?
Sebastian Bennett
Next round
Grayson Watson
Any waifus you want to rape this purge that weren't in the last one?
Justin Brooks
Not quite Probably the round after next, or maybe the one after that one if it's short
Parker Richardson
>All these eurocucks thinking Veeky Forumsstation is to their time