Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Street Fighter Virus
toppest queens of fightings
>reets have a blasto
just gonna install this rootkit haha
what's a fighter on PC that actually has good neutral game? Don't care too much about how dead the online is
Reminder that you are a gigantic fanboy who hates fighting games if you still defend sfv and capcom.
When will Lord Raptor fug Hsien-ko?
Is it safe to play SFV already? Also can we expect the rootkit meme to die or will it live on for some months still?
fightcade has a bunch of older fighters which tend to be more neutral focused.
uniel is "honest footises". There's also the street fighters. Go for usf4, it's not literally a virus.
i wanna sniffdick her cleavage
maybe the manual for implementing ggpo only comes in english
Melty Blood
they already rollbacked it
skullgirls ?
whoever that faggot pretending to be me fucking stop
>capcom installs literal malware on their users computers
>after a day of everyone telling them that this is behavior sony's already gotten sued for they relent.
>capcucks on /fgg/: "Why won't this stupid meme die already"
Or did they...?
what are uriens setups for quickrise/back tech?
all i found is after c.hp you can whiff cr jab then do heavy headbutt and after your jab will ch 3f normals then you can do mp xx ex headbutt into aegis memes, probably known already
>actual discussion of KI can occur on /fgg/
This makes me happy
oh god I forgot about toribash, I should get back into that
I want to ride a dolphin with May over a rainbow of honest fundamentals and zoning.
sony probably doesn't pay them enough for translators.
look how much capcom japan and capcom usa fail at communicating.
>tfw no launch trailer for Capcom.sys
I'd honestly take melty blood out even though it's the one I'm playing, don't know about uniel
>mfw I play a game that doesn't have a rootkit in it
lmao wtf capcum?
I just want to ride Ino and her shitty normals
Is it too late to declare the thread the comfy fang edition?
tip top kek
>capcom fucks up again
>suddenly skullgirls is good
>suddenly KI is good
>suddenly BB is good
>suddenly kof14 is good
/fgg/ logic
I don't fap to pure maidens.
>expect Dizzy to be broke as fuck with YRC fish
>actually turns out she's kinda bad
What the hell happened?
I just hope Harada learns from this and cancels PC Tekken while he still can
>look how much capcom japan and capcom usa fail at communicating
Give me an example of this
im going back to league of legends
They were all good to begin with i dont see the problem
Everyone knows you beat your meat to Helena everyday, now fuck off
>suddenly KI is good
id rather install sfv's malware than play that gay game 2bh
>those other games was always good and i was high off my ass on capcom's braincell destroying dogshit
Best KI waifu right after Riptor.
Uniel is good but the netcode is just not stomachable by modern standards.
Dont worry League installs malware too
>pandoo media booster
>Picked up SFV for my first serious journey into Fighting games
>on PC
>Using pic related
Wait for Xrd -Genesis- for her buffs.
An Li Joe Reacts Video
are you excited for riot's new platform fighter?
Lies and slander.
So were hitspheres a good idea? I'm guessing no.
rest in peperoni Rising thunder
dude not even xian and infiltration use rzr sticks.
you fucked up.
She's not bad, she's mid tier. YRC didnt turn out broken for her because she builds meter slowly so she doesn't have access to it that much. She is a very meter hungry character compared despite not building much. Her oki is also much more complicated compared to +R because you cant just KD and set fish whenever you like, 2D not being jump cancelable is pretty big too. Most of her stuff is also unsafe. She's harder to play than in +R, if you get beat by Dizzy you got outplayed, simple as that.
no j2s unga bunga
Anything that isn't Madcatz or a Hori is shit
terry no!!
umvc3's hits felt right, actually. so maybe?
I've never seen high quality shots of all of the hitspheres so who knows.
You know jap corporations still use fax machines and shit? maybe they've been faxing combofiend orders but he doesn't have a fax so he just makes it up.
how do i move my hands faster
Probably the least retarded idea in mvc3
t. kaz hirai
>fax machines
and people wonder why they can't compete.
got it for $80 on Prime Day a couple months ago. If I can git gud enough to justify $150+ on a controller I'll drop the dosh for a big boy stick.
do this
They can't touch system32 anymore without asking for admin privileges again, that was the whole point of it
Get a refund. Now is the time to get it no matter what playtime.
that's a pretty fucking good stick for $80, actually.
So good job.
They denied my refund
Is a rootkit really as bad as people are saying? Maybe everybody is overreacting a bit too much, if rootkit were really as malicious as everybody is saying why would a big company use it on their software and fuck their reputation even further? Doesn't seem logical.
Fap at least 12 times per day. Make sure to alternate bewteen hands.
I think the case for the stick is great - it has a really good amount of heft to it and a nice grippy bottom.
with a new PCB and a wired USB connection it's great.
My only problem with it so far is that the button layout is retarded. Going to have to switch them around at some point.
That's honestly pretty good senpai, really nice price you got for it. If it ever gives you problems you can always replace the PCB.
can i get a serious answer for this? my execution on moves is slow as fuck
Probably arrogance or an aversion to use any foreign code, maybe they genuinely thought they could do better
A rootkit allows admin level access to every file on your computer.
It can do shit you can't do without restarting your computer.
Yes it's bad.
No it makes no sense capcom did it when sony already got sued for this exact thing.
Holy shit your right
The PCB is what caused those Atrox failures in the tournaments, right? I know the stick has sanwa buttons, so I was wondering what the hate I already knew about was based on.
I'm retarded, but if I understand it correctly they copied and pasted actual malware?
try practice
and then do it again
>do Revelator challenges because I think they'll be educational
>instead I get the game openly judging me on how tight my tick throws are
pretty much.
I'm having this problem too. Making it pretty damn difficult for me to do the trial combos in sfv for some of the characters I really would like to pick up.
Forgot link
>Is a rootkit really as bad as people are saying?
git gud
So you have to go in and manually delete it even after the new update that's supposed to take care of it?
compiled a modified malware source template to suit their needs
>why would a big company use it on their software and fuck their reputation even further
Are you seriously doubting modern Capcom