What is Veeky Forums's opinion on putting a confederate flag on the roof of your car?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on putting a confederate flag on the roof of your car?
I prefer the nazi flag as it goes well with my red car. But my parents won't let me.
That's not even the right confederate flag.
I see no problem with it. Most people I know see it more as a flag of rebellion than a flag of racism. And I'm from up north. But then again "us Yankees" tend to be pretty liberal and open-minded.
Looks cool on something like the General Lee or some old 4x4 truck. Otherwise, shit.
Shouldnt you be at school kid?
I really don't see what the big deal about it is. It's a flag. It has no meaning unless you yourself assign a meaning to it. symbols change meanings all the time.
Example: prior to WW2, the Swastika was generally a sign of peace before Hitler twisted it to his ideals. The swastika is still used in India for its original meaning.
If I wanted to look like a traitor I would just go join China. No need to be a traitor AND a loser.
pretty much
It's your car, do what you want.
>tend to be pretty liberal and open-minded.
Most northerners really hate the confederate flag.
t. Canadian who has family all over the US.
That's the wrong side of the roof
>Most northerners really hate the confederate flag.
meh. Maybe it's just everyone I know. No one I know has a problem with it.
BTW, Connecticut resident here. I'm generally pretty liberal about things, but on the flag conflict, I just can not see any reason to give 2 fucks about it.
It's just you, and your group. Most of your northern brothers see it as racist or offensive or in bad taste something. Most non Americans generally don't like it either, Europeans make fun of it, Canadians don't like it, etc.
Filthy fucking liberal.
I may just put a vinyl one on my roof and drive around to piss people off them... hmm...
If you want. Good thing about liberals is that they don't have any guns, and they're mostly limp wrist women and faggots who would fold the second someone bigger than them walks out.
No really, unless they're black. Or latino. But if you have to face them, you've already made some mistakes.
Moral of the story.
Buy a gun.
Do you think it fits in any car (maybe even euro)? or just trucks and old cars like dodge?
I'm Norwegian but I don't have anything against the flag.
Really it's the stereotype that gets me (lifted trucks with stacks, confederate flag in rear window, rolling coal, and an obnoxious owner)
Trucks and old american cars. Would be very out of place in any newer or non-US vehicle.
>Really it's the stereotype that gets me (lifted trucks with stacks, confederate flag in rear window, rolling coal, and an obnoxious owner)
See, you have a stereotype in mind.
That's not the point though, most people outside of those that do it, think confederate flags are bad taste.
>liberals don't own guns...
Until you find one who has no problems with shooting someone for trespassing or trying to hurt someone else.
>Until you find one who has no problems with shooting someone for trespassing or trying to hurt someone else.
>Until you find someone who's not actually a liberal
Sorry, your party is known as BLM, Bernie, socialism and a dislike of guns. You can't call yourself a liberal and say you like guns, it's like being a trump supporter and saying you don't want the wall.
Yea you can support other principals, but you're denying a very important one and many wouldn't call you a liberal at that point.
In fact most people who call themselves liberals wouldn't be on your side at that point.
The swastika and the manji symbol look similar, but the direction of each arm is flipped. So they're two different things.
Why the bad taste, though?
I've only heard for some salty fags on the internet that made the flag "racist" so they could argue and play victims, but nothing more than that.
that's the bad taste. Or different variations on that.
>mfw no one remembers it was the republicans who where in the north
>mfw no one remembers it was democrats who where north and south
>mfw people forget it was democrats who where the pro slavery
>mfw kids aren't even told Abraham was a Republican
>mfw some of these facts will probably just be completely erased in the future.
Oh, I actually thought there would be more to it.
Disappointing, I guess, since it was so easily given a bad reputation.
>there are no grey areas.
Nice to know you view things in black and white.
Too bad the world is way more complex than your binary viewpoint.
You silly hick. Democrats and Republicans no longer mean the same thing they did back then. Besides, if you have to go back to Lincoln to point to good things your party has done, perhaps your party isn't as great as you thought it was.
And fuck the Confederate Flag. I don't think it should be against the law to put on private property, but there's no denying it's treasonous. Therefore, I don't ever want to see it on government property.
Also, there are liberals that like guns.
Most things that are disliked in mass are for really simple reasons. Complex issues have more grey areas and are usually not hated in as large of a population.
See below. It doesn't matter what you think, if you vote liberal, you vote anti gun. Just like if you vote republican, you vote anti socialism or whatever they like.
And if you vote anyone else, then you're wasting your vote.
>Liberal tolerance and open mindedness in action
I don't give a fuck what either party did you filthy yank. I live in a better country. I just care about historical fact.
>there are liberals who like guns
Just like there are Muslims who think gays are OK. They're rare and not at all the face of the party.
>Also, there are liberals that like guns.
This as well.
>I live in a better country.
No you don't.
I myself am a liberal. I like guns, and I have no problems with the rebel flag in OP's post.
I believe in same sex marriage.
I believe in separation of church and state
I believe in gun control (but not outlawing them. It is way too easy to get a gun in this country)
I believe in universal healthcare.
I believe in free college tuition paid by taxes
All of the happiest countries on earth have those things Liberals have been trying to get passed for decades now. America is often hailed as the best country ever, but isn't even in the top 10 of the happiest countries on earth.
The Republican candidate has been repeatedly saying "Let's make America great again?" What time does he want us to go back to? America is at its greatest point NOW. We don't look to the past for greatness. We look to the future. Fuck the Republicans. Vote liberal and let's make this country GREATER for tomorrow! Future generations deserve that much.
I'm not a Yank. I'm actually from the South. But that doesn't matter, does it? You claim to care about historical fact, but you also don't seem to know most educated people are already aware of which party Lincoln was. It's only deeply conservative and ignorant voters who point to the fact that Dixie Democrats were in control of the South during slavery and genuinely believe the Democrats of the day have the same values.
>If you're a liberal, then you can't vote in favor of guns.
>You can be pro-choice, anti-war, in favor of a single-payer healthcare system, and countless other positions that are considered progressive positions, but if you're not for banning guns, then you CAN'T be a liberal. Liberals categorically vote the same way, 100% of the time
Better country, huh? I guess being from a better country doesn't inherently make you a good debater.
Depends on the car
I actually plan to make a General Lee, which requires a Confederate Battle Flag on it. I'll probably get called a racist or a redneck, even though I'm a Russian immigrant who is socially moderate.
>I believe
And there is your problem mr. liberal. All faith gets you is a shaft up the rear.
No matter how you vote, who or what you believe in, you have power over nothing.
>you have power over nothing.
fair enough. In order to have any say in anything, us mere mortals would have to find a way to destroy the electoral college first.
I am from a country that has all those things you want, therefor according to your own metric i live in a better country.
It's OK, really not that great, i rather live in America i stayed cos job sent me there for 1 year, it was pretty good. Taxes are killer around here. Better than my old country for sure though.
>going on a rant about republicans
>ignoring how shit your candidates are
>Ignoring how shit your candidates have been
from an outsider perspective, america isn't great at all right now. All your candidates suck and it's precisely this party loyalty from you idiots. The thing i do like about trump is his hate for NAFTA though, NAFTA is the reason we lost so many good jobs here. We used to be called the next America you know? Hillary i can't see anything in her but Obama. Bernie was a pipe dream, Cruz was a loser, that libertarian was in the wrong party.
Also happiness is a bullshit statistic. My country is 6th in happiness, i have yet to see a single person smiling in the street. We're just BS Americans here, it's nothing, very few people care, we have jobs to work on and kids to feed. I don't even care, i guess i'm happy, but that's cos i'm following the American dream without even thinking about it. House, cars, guns, other material things and a good paying job. Plus can put down tons of things as business expense to prevent paying taxes.
I bet you're under 25, come back when you've lived long enough to actually know anything about the world.
All mainstream liberal candidates are Anti gun.
Most Liberals are Anti gun.
You can never be liberal and be pro gun in any meaningful way, because everyone you vote in is pushing more and more to regulate them.
So you can say 'we like guns' and it means jack shit because you'll turn around and vote in Hillary, who has ALWAYS called for 'common sense gun control'
>Because gun control means confiscating and melting down all guns, legal or not.
This is what republicans believe.
Any form of gun legislation, inevitably leads to more gun legislation.
Look at UK, they didn't stop at pistols, they didn't stop at semi auto rifles, they didn't stop at pump actions.
You can say 'we just want more background checks', but there are countless examples of the above happening, and now Australia is on the way to banning any repeating firearms, and having only single shot like UK.
If you support any further gun legislation, you are inevitably going to lead to the above, whether you think you support that or not.
The UK allows pump actions and semi-auto .22s.
Australia on the other hand doesn't.
>Heritage not Hate
stop being facetious and accept that it trigger your northern libcuck self
Meaningless to even mention.
>Nazi flag
>pump action
if somebody is breaking into your house and you legally own a pump shotty can where do you stand legally if you shot them
I know, I'm American.. I'm just clarifying for you.
Not in the UK, but certainly here in Texas.
Anyone who hangs that flag is a traitor.
>Liberals vote and act on faith
Oh wait that's republicans.
What if he isn't american?
Don't delude yourself
Both sides vote and act on their fee-fees and petty emotional arguments rather than looking at the big picture.
>In the UK
Enjoy jail.
>In most places in US
Cop gives you a nod, and asks if you're gonna clean this place yourself.
>I'm going to generalize an entire area I don't live in
You're stupid. No one really gives a shit about some stupid flag, people just have their own small opinions about it and the only people who make it a big deal are dick measuring autists who want to seem rebellious so they hang the CSA flag ironically next to the USA flag on their 350's
Still, conservatives and the GOP are literally: "muh faith" the political alignment
>Now allow me to prove your point by generalizing about the people who like that thing.
Liberals are directly a feelings based party. The fact you can argue against the idea that both are like this is a show of how much faith you have.
Generalizing the people who hang the confederate flag makes a lot more sense then generalizing people who live in a geographical area on a map.
>My argument is based around faith
This makes no sense. All I'm saying is that conservative voters tend to vote or make decisions based on their faith that's not the same as voting based on "feels".
>It's ok to generalize when i do it
I've been all over the US, and I've been to multiple European countries and all over Canada.
I have a large enough sample size ranging from people at pubs to business folk in lunchrooms to make a generalization, and the general feeling behind it is 'The flag is distasteful' not all of them hate it, or even know why it's bad other than others think it's bad.
YOU have met maybe 10 people tops that fly the flag, because that's about how many I've seen around the US. That's why i didn't make a generalization about the people, cos I've never spoken to one.
And no i wasn't asking people about the flag at all these places, America just seems to show up in conversations.
>Guys in pub talking about some plane crash
>Shit about people dying
>"that's pretty horrible man."
>"Wonder what America's gonna do about it?"
Just outta nowhere in a bar.
And the flag is brought up at some point if the conversation doesn't end quickly enough. Also no one knows what it's called, i've heard it called the southern flag, Texas flag, just 'the flag', that one weird flag with the x and all sorts of other shit. Also it's always brought up with the same connotaion, distaste, it's weird, it's stupid, it's a hick thing, etc.
Faith is a type of feeling. Everyone votes on feelings, that's why trump is doing so well cos he's raw and 'connects' with the people who are sick of liberals. And why Bernie was doing so well cos he feels the struggle of young people and wants to help the oppressed people. And why Hillary is doing well, because 'oh god he's crazy and he's an idiot! I'm scared and should vote safe!'
No one knows any of their policies other than a cursory look at them, because if they did you would realize they're either batshit crazy and wouldn't work for shit. Or 'didn't we vote for this last time?'
This is bullshit. Even here in upstate Jew York you'll routinely see confederate flags on every other lifted old K1500 with a straight piped 350. Every motorsports event and car show usually has a few mixed in. Sounds like you keep visiting the wrong areas, but who cares you fucking leaf.
Depends on where you live. If you're near any metropolitan area, then don't bother. Niggers will just vandalize your car because, "muh slavery".
That's not the average opinion of them.
The average newyorker would see the str8 piped truck with confederate flag and just roll their eyes.
It's a reminder that the people can stand up for their rights and fight against tyranny. The south had its own way of life and ideals, unchallenged by the union, until the north stepped in wanting to establish tarrifs, higher taxes, and the abolishment of slavery. The south never wanted war, it was the north who pushed for it.
But in the end, the north won and everything worked itself out in the end.
And that's the story of America:
Someone delete this thread, this board is just shitposting.
Shut the fuck up you dumb leaf, you're not even making sense. "I've only seen ten people fly it while on vacation in the US so you can't have seen more than that" literally a ton of trucks around here have some sort of CSA sticker or flag or symbol or whatever on it, and that's not just where I live. I've been all over the world too and I don't see how that matters at all, you don't even live in the US.
Read: traitors.
And yes it's okay to generalize people based on decisions like flying a CSA flag on their vehicle, it's not realistic to generalize people based on where they live but 99% of the time that's out of the persons control.
I never signed a social contract to be a citizen, don't call me a traitor if I opt out
The idea was that most people are OK with it.
The answer is they think it's distasteful.
Calm your autism, ask someone who doesn't fly it and the answer is usually an uncomfortable 'i guess'.
>live in the South
Yea, who cares. "Muh heritage" is an acceptable argument
>don't live in the South
Tryhard as fuck. Drink bleach at the soonest opportunity pls.
Is it on your personal property? Go ahead and hang it up.
Is it on a governmental vehicle or building? Take it down.
That's all.
If you're just a racist you're pretty much abusing history.
If you identity with the antebellum South for some reason, then sure, but dont expect people to take you for anything other than a racist.
Pretty much on;l acceptable if the rest of your car is painted orange.
Tryharding what?
So if you're not from a country or state,you can't use their flag or iconography?
You can't feel an attachment to the South as a Northerner?
I'm a liberal gun owner. What are you going to do about it? You can sit there and spout logical fallacies but that doesn't mean you're right. Being a part of a political party doesn't mean you have to subscribe to all of its ideals. Especially in the two party system, where there are two umbrellas to stand under. Now go put your treasonous flag on your GM shitbox and get called an idiot, traitor.
I have a friend that does that, whole nine yards and everything. It's just really fucking weird because his family is actually Korean immigrants, so it's this 35 year old Asian guy with a mullet that comes out instead of who you'd expect.
Do you not know about the realignment that happened as a result of the fall off from the civil war, leading into the industrial revolution. This is such a dumb argument, you're dumb. Maybe when you go back to school in a few weeks, they'll put you in AP US History so you can stop being a dumb ass
>Believes in gun rights
>Votes liberal
>Calls others traitors.
You are now aware that every leader in your party and every major talking head and most of the voting bloc do not agree with you, and when you vote for them they bring in more and more gun control.
I'm not gonna do anything, YOU'RE gonna hand over your guns when your leaders and voters enact 'sensible gun control laws' like the same arguments used in Australia and UK.
>This is such a dumb argument
Not a single argument was made in that post. Calm your autism junior, i'm sure you have a lot of euphoria stored up from your Bernie rally. Oh wait no, he lost.
Back when I was a high school edgelord I painted it on my first Nova, the car was orange and had a white vinyl top I was replacing so I painted it over the vinyl. Nobody really cared though, SJWs hadn't been invented and even though I went to school in possibly the most liberal town in the US most people thought it was ironically funny or cool. I drove it through Hunters Point many times to go to punk/hardcore shows and black people would give it the thumbs up. We also had "rednecks" (kids that lived 5 miles outside the suburbs) that would wear shirts/hats with it, have giant flags on their truck, etc. and nobody batted an eye, it's really changed it appears in the last 10-15 years, or maybe it's just people that are offended about everything posting on the internet and in real life it's still no big deal.
>open minded
pick one
I want to start killing off idiots
Retardation: The post
>Confusing today's democrats with democrats of that time (technically dixiecrats)
>Thinking that republicans have always respected non-whites. Despite history proving otherwise.
I know that you're education consists of "God created everything and incest is perfectly okay" But holy shit try to keep up.
>Liberal hair TRIGGER at it's finest.
Not a single conservative suggesting point was made in that post, but your euphoria and enlightenment just COULDN'T hold back. You just felt that bern.
>Most people I know see it more as a flag of rebellion than a flag of racism
>And I'm from up north
Hillbilly apologist pls go.
Only if the only way you know your friends are nearby is if you yell "YEE YEE"
Isn't it mostly white people that have a problem with the flag and most black people just see it as a flag?
Yes, I know because some of my best friends are niggers.
>Spewing shit you saw on facebook posted by your retarded uncle
>I believe in same sex marriage
So would classical liberals if it was a topic when they were around
>I believe in separation of church and state
So did classical liberals
>I believe in gun control (but not outlawing them. It is way too easy to get a gun in this country)
You're a moron, and no it isn't. Have you ever bought a gun? Your information gets sent directly to a branch of the federal government and they run a background check on you to make sure you're legally allowed to buy a gun.
>I believe in universal healthcare.
You're a moron
>I believe in free college tuition paid by taxes
>paid by taxes
Well which is it you moron?
>You can't feel an attachment to the South as a Northerner?
Not really. You're just a poseur.
>Not sticking this baby on the roof of your Honda
>tax dollars paying for idiots to major in basket weaving
>tax dollars paying for gangbangers' bullet wounds
>this is ok
>You're a moron, and no it isn't. Have you ever bought a gun? Your information gets sent directly to a branch of the federal government and they run a background check on you to make sure you're legally allowed to buy a gun.
Nigger you and I both know that's a bullshit copout. Theres zero check or requirements when buying from private sellers.
....and more laws would solve the private seller part how?
>that's a bullshit copout.
Why? What else could you possibly do to prevent felons from buying firearms?
>Theres zero check or requirements when buying from private sellers.
Yea and Jamal is totally gonna follow the law when buying from his pal Mason out of sight of the public. There's nothing to you can do to prevent illegal private sales from occurring. They're criminals for a reason.
>Make a law that requires private firearm sales be done through an approved 3rd party to do the background checks and whatnot
>Joe Mohamad gets denied because he's on the FB watch list, Joe Jamal gets denied for his criminal background
>Joe Mohamad and Joe Jamal now have to get their guns through the black market to do criminal stuff which may deter their intentions or at least make acquiring guns more difficult/dangerous for them
>Joe Schmoe can still go buy guns since he isn't a criminal faggot
>We have to listen to faggots like you cry about how you feel adding a little red tape to the process is violating your 2nd amendment rights
>The NRA wont fuck your mouth as gently as you're used to anymore
>We have to listen to you make the same dumbass arguments forever even though you remember being refuted many times but keep spewing the same stupid shit because a single person acknowledging your claims is enough for you to forget about the hundreds that didn't
See above, crime will never be stopped altogether but making things harder for criminals will certainly help.
Probably the fact that it was thrown by a bunch of traitors who were butthurt over an election.
Nice trips, but
>>Make a law that requires private firearm sales be done through an approved 3rd party to do the background checks and whatnot
You're entirely missing the point. They (criminals, terrorists, whoever) have literally NO incentive to follow through with this. They aren't going to follow the laws anyway so what do they care if they break the law when buying a gun if nobody will know about it? They know they can't buy it through a gunstore if they have a felony, so they take the only alternative.
I know, how dare they say you can't own humans. Don't kid yourself, it was about slavery.
I can tell you didn't read the whole post.
Please tell me how a criminal would get a firearm then. Black market? Do you even fucking know how expensive a gun is in a black market?
I dunno m8 I'm in the south and most of the people who display that flag do so while spewing racist bullshit.
Every person I've ever seen flying that flag has been an ignorant uneducated redneck.
>The south will rise again!
No it won't you vapid cunt. They never did rise. They got put down in the Civil War.
Please tell me how private sales would be monitored without a gun register.
I did. It was idiotic and I considered it not worth mentioning. But now I'll do it.
>>Joe Mohamad and Joe Jamal now have to get their guns through the black market
Just what the fuck do you think I've been talking about? Illegal private sales ARE the black market.
>which may deter their intentions or at least make acquiring guns more difficult/dangerous for them
It currently doesn't deter them at all. Do you think making sales of drugs illegal deterred people from buying them?
The rest of your post is just inane whiny bullshit.
Goddamn you don't know anything.