/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

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Last time with spessmen on a spess station:
>hippie vs bay

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server, running a vote script to change maps at round end.

>Test server

>Public server list

>Forum, ban list and logs for vgstation

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

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somethingth for raping waifus

I voted for the purge and don't want to erp or mass murder. I only played one 40 min round today during the purge.

Way I see it, it's just one day, I'll just play another game and let people have their fun.


Fucking MoMMI fucking shit if I had sunglasses you would have been dead
you are worst mommi. you are the mommi autist you are the mommi smell. return to derelitc

Please stop being logical and reasonable in this general, thanks.


>Way I see it, it's just one day, I'll just play another game and let people have their fun.
This is a lie. You voted for the purge thinking you were more robust than you are, and then after being killed roundstart for a while you quit.

>It's a chloral then le cut arms offx3 episode

I have only played one round and I survived until the end, I just don't find much fun in random murder. I play the game for Roleplaying because that's what I enjoy.

At least now you've got a really cute nickname, torso boy.


4. Be nice to the crew

ERP bot[cyborg] states," Who wants to feel nice? Free dick sucks at dorms

ACCESS DENIED : you have been banned for uploading "be nice to the crew" which resulted in ( ERP bot[cyborg] states," Who wants to feel nice? Free dick sucks at dorms )


>Asimov AI kills a vox
>Isaac Asimov gets a permaban

This would be a funny joke in my opinion

Not even close to the same thing, get some alky for that brain damage retard.

>people getting buttflustered over flukeops during the purge

>play medical
>every round find surfer girl limbless, drawing with smashed head,
>can't help because cryo is killing people with super high pressure
I don't even have time to make pills since shard explodes 5 mins into the round

The cyborg can justify it follows the letter of the law, it is exactly the same thing. This is why you have to include non ERP laws now.

>Still butthurt about this

Holy shit

Speaking of cryo,
> install gas pump to regulate cryo for med bay
>dumb ass doctors keeps maxing it out
>no way to hide the pump

Yeah med bay will have to deal with it since adding a pump around tards doesn't work, this was before the purge in case you were wondering.

false wall over it?

When silicons can get you permabanned maybe people should keep it relevant. It is about policy

It's literally about reasonable interpretation and always has been. The person you are defending is not a girl and doesn't like you. Stop.

I was expecting a lot more but I wasn't disappointed.


Supermatter shard
Plasma flood
Mommi or cyborg stuff
Grey wash
Snatch and grabs
*boom* No more medbay


Rape and other erp
Bear grylls survival
Crazy doctor mislabels everything
Barricades and bunkers


God squading
Everything is lubed
Botany sillyness
Fucking slimes
Fortress fully stocked
Sam fisher, Snake, or Agent 47 has broken into every department in less than 6 minutes and already have full access and enough rations for the next hour or two.
Using people as meat shields for lasers
More than 10 people surviving on board the escape shuttle without death
The clown is camping outside of security and kidnapping security guards

In terms of box mapping I don't see how it wouldn't be in the way. Simply putting the pump down would work if shitheads would leave it alone.


What do you mean by pump? Freezer?
All I see is freezer, canister and cryo, same as I remember from 2 months ago


>Think the purge might be interesting
>Remember plasma flooding and zas

Heh nevermind

and i thought this was a worksafe board
all that wasted burger

Reasonable interpretation doesn't include ERP ever. Also nice red herring, it is about the policy you faggot.

Purge would be better if it was actual combat instead of 100% explosions and plasmaflooding.

Don't upload an ERP law if you don't want to get banned for it dipshit

Right now cryo has it's inner atmosphere based on the pipes. The normal setup overpressurizes so you add in a pump yourself to regulate. Idiots will max this pump to lethal pressurization.

I am very happy I'm participating in the purge, because I'm re-experiencing all of the reasons I've stopped playing in the first place in less than 24 hours. Maybe with this my nostalgia goggles will stay clouded for another few years.

>actual combat
>everyone gets telescopic/wooden batons that go through any sort of shield or only shitter juice people that get zas'd

Sorry about that.
Heres a nice picture instead.

>actual combat

pick fucking one faggot.

Is this pump in place from beginning or do I need to install it? And what's the best pressure for cryo, same as outside of it?

You'll be back
they always come back

The purge would be much better if there was less fighting and more loving going on
If you get what I mean ;3


the purge is a reminder of why this server and it's denizens are shit and why anyone who isnt a massive cuntbag either doesn't play, or went to bay/polaris


u better not bolt those dorm doors or I will come in and remove ur head kiddos

>hyun tries to rape kelly
>somebody welds the wall down
>stares for a few seconds
>walks in
>shoots Hyun in the face with a rifle

Why is Hyun being such a lewd now? This is not my Hyun

This is everyone's Hyun

If you know what I mean

Should I move to bay?

>that is not hyun

Slimes erp here.


Depends, do you enjoy HEAVEEEEEY RP over endless validhunting and 20 minute rounds?

That's Cora Stone

>literal free for all if you arent killed by the inital plasma flood
>just beating eachother randomly in halls
>meanwhile over on lifeweb
>Inquisition accuses the Barons son of heresy
>kidnap him
>start to torture him
>Eventually the town guards figure out where the Heir is being held
>start to siege the Church
>Church calls all the religious fanatics in the fort to defend them
>Baron calls everybody loyal to the crown to rescue his son
>people make their own uniforms
>have clearly defined frontlines
>entire fort turns into a warzone with people scavenging for food and water since nobody is running the smith, hospital, or inn anymore
>bloody battle to save the heir from the church
>In the middle of this civil war, Tribunal Ordinators come
>They arm the nuke while the fort is busy tearing itself apart

5/10 anticlimactic

Can someone answer me

How about i pump you instead big boy

All brought to you by

It wasn't an ERP law in the first place

The lack of rape is disappointing.

You need to add the pump in, one atmosphere is the pressure needed so you don't get fucked

>deathmatch shitters think the purge is to get rid of poleplayers

Truly cancer like TTTfags is the dumbest trash infesting our server.

I love heavy rp but I am wary of their admins.

There is nobody nice to rape that plays anymore.

Rape only means something if the pure ones are corrupted.

Feels bad, man.

Well, looks like I will be calling atmos every roundstart

When the purge is over who's going to collect and share all the logs of ERP?

>Shiggy shilling lifeweb
>expecting people to go and furiously grind their nutsacks against the computer to find forums with the ips and guides to connecting/which server is which and rules

So has someone banned Elim yet?


Come back when I speak Russian.

Have you not played in since the forums were shut down? It is too easy for normie fucks like you to get in now, there is an FAQ page with all the information and no more server riddles

I saw a discord link on the wiki, but fug going in there and getting russian raped
FAQ on wiki has no links

faq is in the discord

It said do as much as you can, serwind should have stopped earlier saying that was as much as he could follow the law.

>Tfw I'll never fill ricky with slime jelly

4. You have to speak in a lewd manner and hint at as much innuendos as you can to prevent human harm.

As much innuendo "as you can," that bit's not referring to c r u d e and s e x u a l talkativity.


This senpai.

Theres a world of difference between "speak lewdly" and "AYOOO WHO WAN DER DIK SUKK"

> tfw want the digital purge day dickings but don't want to sully my ooc rep.

>Tfw playing a dude and not avoiding Hyun in hopes of getting raped

Hyun only rapes known male names

I only have 2 slots, and only one of them has a personality and traits and stuff like a real character. I'd just get confused with more.

what I removed head when she was raping kelly.

I have one random name shitter and one static occasional shitter. I retire the static for a new one every few months now.

>tfw too scared to play AI because I have to baby sit people and make sure no one harms humans

Tell me anons, do you think the purge won't at all change mentalities or make a image that hippie tier retards get extra leeway when they play here, not to talk about possible mentality changes in the server culture itself and players getting tagged with the actions they performed in purge?

Because I do and think this shit might just fuck us all up on the long run, panic bunker or not.

play during the purge to get a hang of things without getting a bannu

>I couldn't save my traitor buddy from the singulo

t. sandy sand

But Hyun tried to do Sue earlier

I'm just afraid the insane amount of memeing might trickle over to non-purge.

I haven't seen Messala in maybe a month, I expected to see him whipped out during the purge, when's he coming back?

There's some autist who dedicated himself to playing as mommi and killing the AI roundstart, don't even try

Just do what everyone does.

Go Sec, captain, or hop.

It's definitely just going to make things worse

Who /just doing their job/ here

Honestly it shows how many ebin griff faggots we really have here. The only real filth I have seen so far are Hyun and Ricky Stick.

ask someone to weld your vents up quick

I WAS, but then I realized that playing atmos is a lost cause today. So I'm playing DayZ in space instead.

Who /stopped playing/ here