Not smoking in your own car over fear of losing value when reselling

>not smoking in your own car over fear of losing value when reselling
>not enjoying something you like in your favorite place
>being such a massive faggot

my car, my castle

there are better way to turn you money into smoke

True, tires

you can even change the color if white smoke is too oppressing for you

Why not just vape instead

>people enjoy smoking tobacco

top kek ok


This is an 18+ board

Just quit 3 days ago amigo,

but car smoking is best smoking

Smoking is for teenagers who think they look cool

I don't smoke outside of my car, why should I smoke in it?

This, no fear of leaving a smell or burn marks or ash anywhere

Dumbest fucking habit I've ever picked up.

>smell like shit
>teeth look like shit
>literally cancer
>get angsty when haven't smoked
Never fucking start smoking if you have a brain. Absolute shit-tier habit and drug.

If you live in America, you're a free man, god speed user.

If anywhere else, get cancer faggot.

>smoke in car
>use meguiars air freshener can that recirculates through the a/c system for 15 min
>no more smoky smell

Shit works. I'm selling a car that I smoked in constantly for the past 7 months and there is no smell anymore. Non-smokers have confirmed this too.


>giving yourself cancer

dabbing is a way of fashion

>willingly filling your car with ash and smoke particles for no real gain
>willingly filling your lungs with tar and cancer for a measly hit of nicotine
>owning a car full of inground ash and smoke particles

Absolutely disgusting.

Literally cancer

>smoked in my car the other day
>went to ash cigarette out the window, lit end bumped in to A-pillar
>hot ash falls on my seat and burns a hole straight through my fucking pants burning my asshole
>lucky the upholstery is okay
>now I just pull over to smoke

>smoking unironically
people still do this?

Dude please tell the people youre selling it to youre a heavy smoker. Third degree smoke causes cancer and they might have a kid in the car

Smoking is very common (like 60% of pop) in Japan and China, the Asian world has not dealt with the problems of smoking like the western world has so they are still in the "damn this is cool shit" phase.

If you want evidence of this, look in any JDM Honda, compare how many cupholders there are to how many ashtrays are in the car. I gaurentee its like a 3:1 ratio at least.

3 ashtrays for every cupholder basically, if not more.

he is

>all of that edge

I bet you feel really cool when you light up a cigarette

Hahaha too funny man

I wish I had an innate immunity to cigarette smoke like the Japanese do.

Whenever I'm stuck behind a smoking cager in traffic I wait for the next opportunity to get beside him and rev the fuck out of my bike. The cunts often don't even notice me getting beside them until they are almost deafened. Smoking is a distraction, creates road hazards and I have to endure the smell. Fuck you cunts.
Menthol cigarettes and cigars are the worst.
I hope you faggots all get cancer.

Smoking is for teenagers. Most quiet when they grow up. You should, too.

>Menthol cigarettes and cigars are the worst.

my two favorites

that's because they never enjoyed it. they did it to be edgy cool teenagers. I actually enjoy smoking cigarettes, cigar and pipe. and not in a m'lady fedora fashion, I don't do it in front of people or camera. I just enjoy it privatly.

But it does leave smell, and it gets the glass a little grimy if you like clouding your car out with buddies

The exact opposite is true.

Smoking is for old people who never cared that it was bad for them.

Teens nowadays vape.

You're a massive fucking faggot jsyk

>crack window open while driving
>no more problem

Haha what? Cigarette smoke doesn't just hang around for months. I haven't smoked in it for a while now and there's literally zero lingering odors, I think it's fine. I might stream clean the upholstery just to me sure.

It's a terrible habit, I'd advise everyone to never smoke.

I still smoke like 1 day per week or up to only once in 6 months, I do it alone at home (not inside). I guess I got used to it and can't truly quit.

I find people that complain and turn into assholes whenever smoking comes up are as annoying as people who smoke to close to others or in close spaces.
Sort of like this guy: 1. It's not a distraction.
2. How is it a road hazard? Everything is a road hazard if you grasp for straws.
3. Smoke doesn't hold that much outside, you should be more concerned about breathing all the pipes surrounding you with "invisible poisonous gas" and not just a little cloud that disperses after 2 secs. If you can smell a little of smoke coming outside a car, you'd be more bothered by every single thing that smells on a road, which is everything 2bh.

I bought a black and mild thinking it would be relaxing to smoke. Better than the shitty cigarettes other people smoke. Somethings telling me not to smoke it though, it's still sitting in my center console.

>smoking tobacco
just smoke weed already dude. it's 2016.

Don't do it you could overdose and die

Smoking hasn't been cool for 20 years, get with the times grandpa. It's all about vaping these days. Pic related me and my vape rig.

honestly i dont understand how people can enjoy smoking. the taste is ok, the nicotine buzz is just annoying but i wouldnt say its worth the higher risk of getting cancer. smoking while driving is cool though.

>all these plebs