League of Legends general /lolg/

Porcelain buffs edition



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>15 posts early

can't check ping before starting game general

Is it so hard to read the counter god damn it.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

are you fucking kidding me? they are going to rework fizz? he is my baby, he is the first 6300 champion I bought when I started playing years ago

>Mods kill off early thread instead of leaving it for 40 posts
>Allows vladfag to create yet another one

hope he is garbage and you cant play him anymore

deleting it discourages snowflake shitters from making very early threads

How long until Ivern gets added to the game?

Beta whiteknight jannies man :^)


Wait what?

>Cowtit Queen
>Dairy Dutchess
Evelynn MissFortune Morganna
>Cleavage Countess
Ahri Akali Elise Nidalee Vi Zyra
>Busty Baroness
Ashe Cassiopeia Fiora Illaoi Janna Katarina LeBlanc Nami Sejuani Sivir Syndra
>Modest Merchant
Irelia Karma Kayle Leona Lissandra Lux Riven Shyvanna Soraka Vayne
>Flat Farmer
Kalista Quinn Taliyah
>Sexless serf

>waaah my rito gonna ruin my baby
Fuck off. He's getting minor changes at most.


Reminder that:
Will always be among the best champions in the game and will never be fun to fight against.

xth for breast waifu


Where's fizz and gnar

There's room on the list for inclusion friendo. Its been a while since I've seen Fizz though.

Cutest pair in all of the runterra

Also, bdsm of best ship has been multiplying lately

>Riot turns on most popular gamemode
>10 minute queues and counting
>at 1pm on a Saturday

repeat after me:


why is yasuo permabanned?

W H E N ?

The most popular gamemode is the default one.
URF is a meme gamemode thats unbalanced as fuck and is only good for a couple laughs.
ARURF is even worse because its entirely random wether you get the good champions.

kayle is in a league of her own

shes competing with kennen and irelia for the most cancerous champion of all time

>outscales your adc
>automatically wins lane phase against anyone who isnt kennen
>can still dive because of ult
>automatically wins fights with melees because she gets her fervor stacks faster from range, can slow then speedbuff herself
>ignores magic resist if you rush defence
>laughably short cooldown for an ult that makes you INVINCIBLE

r8 this build wowg

>tfw had a gymnast/ballet dancer gf in high school
>she had those kind of full juicy thighs that were silky smooth

i could kiss them for hours before i even got to her pussy

A good one is a pain to deal with
And a bad one is a dead weight
And because he's edgy samurai of wind loads of people pick him

When Daisy waves goodbye that's adorable.

> most cancerous champion of all time
> most cancerous champion of all time

i wanna marry and live happily with riven

lulu vu when?

So you actually need to have cancer to play Mordekaiser, huh?

incredibly hihg speed

>high fives on cast

Ivern is definitely growing on me


I'm fairly certain I don't have cancer

Yeah you need cancer on your team so Morde can do anything

>try super hard
>play fantastic, better than you've played in a long time
>try and be a great team mate, call shots, and follow when others make smart shots too
>Ask team where to pink, involve them in what you're thinking while still playing at near optimum capacity.
>We start getting caught
>We start taking bad fights
>Feel powerless to pull it around, its not tilting, its just an unseen momentum that seems to make every fight go their way.
>Lose the game

It hurts guys, I know I played better, I lost though, so that means I didn't. FUck I just. I don't like this feeling, I want to run away and stop trying because it doesn't hurt if I lose then.

Lux is one of the few midlaners with both reliable CC and burst.

>RFC on a melee champion that also happens to have the highest movespeed in the game.
For what purpose. Phantom dancer would have been far better for a memespeed build.

theres no difference between kennen and irelia

both get to do their job with no counterplay, not so much irelia anymore but kennen yes

*protobelts into your team and activates ult stunning then killing all of them*
Nothing personnel, kid...

>one of the few
Uh no? That's basically what a mage is in this game.

I've been saving ip for Kindred but I like the concept of a support jungle.
I might just flip a coin.


Oh cry me a river, they said he's getting a minor one. He's still gonna do the same thing it's just gonna happen differently. You will still have your cancer fish.

arurf is fucking shit

No memes.

For anyone that doesn't know Tristana, Garen, and Alistar are all free and deposited nto your account as long as you follow rito on their social media or at least say you did.

They each come with a skin too.

You need to start recording your games and watch them to look at what exactly you're doing wrong. Look at every single thing you do in its context and see if there was a better option at the time and what you could've done to see that option.

You're also playing panth who falls faster than a wet brick lategame unless he can turn into an AD assassin, so that's something that may have affected it.

>finish 1/0/24 on janna

Gnar chromas when?
Pls riot.

They raped veigar and turned him into something he completely wasn't before, I'll never forgive them for that. Fuck riot they can eat a big fat donkey dick. I want my stun back and I want my targeted Q back.

What does lolg think of LoL's first champion?

>giant slayer
>when you have higher hp than everyone on the enemy team

he's fun and boring at the same time

>Still no blue chroma so I can top lane stitch.
Can't riot do anything right?

>finish average game on janna
About right

I should have gone for a titans grip or whatever its called I think. I needed to be tankier.

>looking at their own games
No, please don't do this.
Look at a high elo top laner's vods/replays, and try to understand why they always do what they do.


One of the weakest in the game yet can be played to hilarious results if you can proxy well. Reminds me of proxy axes in dota except axe actually can be useful in teamfights.

I didn't notice his rank until you mentioned it. Yeah look at good players first. Silver and up is really only about outplaying your opponents and carrying your team as hard as you can.

>Playing Singed with a friend who's unfamiliar with him
>Run deep into enemy jungle first thing
>user what are you doing
>Playing Singed

I only like Kled because he reminds me of Sir Didymus

I don't like watching pro games. I feel like what they do and the decisions they make are wildly outside the scope of the games I actually play.

How do they turn around games that are going south? I mean, just not giving up works like 3% of the time. But I don't know how to force a momentum change.

I want to be DP'd by Karma and Illaoi

I love his AA animations with his W. It feels so powerful

Singed is like unplayable past Silver.

Imagine someone in Diamond maining him. That'd be hardcore

who's this qt and why is she looking at me like that


>playing Leona, win lane hard
>build old Triforce
>enemy top thinks he can duel me

Buddy I mained old Xerath and let me tell you it can be a lot worse than having a targeted spell and a stun changed. He's straight up not even the same character down to the lore, there's almost nothing left of what that champion was before. Also Veigar's in a better spot now than he ever was before and still does his 100 to 0 thing, he's hardly the worst one they've done.

Havent play in a while. Whos good now in mid?

Great champion that they should never change. He won't, and shouldn't ever be competative, but thats fine.

I think the game has enough champions that you can have fun champions with cool designs alongside competitive champions. Pretty much whenever they redesign a champion to be competitive they fucking ruin the fun of the character. If they reworked singed RIGHT NOW, you can bet money that he wouldn't be farming behind turrets, running around like a retard, and trolling the fuck out of the enemy team making bads cry tears of poison gas.

Singed420 is a singed main in diamond

I saw someone that mained him to diamond.

He gave all sorts of useful information for Singed. When to proxy multiple lanes without losing your laners CS, how to proxy waves beforehand to create map pressure when taking objectives or just to protect yourself from having a tower taken, how to teamfight as the man.

It was amazing.

>TFW xerath is garbage now for no reason.

Lets not pretend that happened. Solo laners could be 0-3 and still 2-3 levels higher than whatever score support.

please rate

Well if you're gonna go on one strat tactics after enough time you're going to know the exact ins and outs of the strat.

You're just not playing him right. Learn to actually hit your skillshots. New Xerath is actually good.

She's from HunniePop. Don't remember the name.
Pretty lewd game
The steam version is censored, but you can uncensor it with a patch

> he won't and shouldn't ever be competitive

still better than garen, shaco, and teemo.

Stop throwing money at Riot/10

Nikki from HuniPop

>faggot softlocks yasuo
>ban yasuo
>know he's still going to be the cause of my promo loss
>cut to 30 mins later hes killing minions botlane as Irelia with 250cs while the enemy is doing the game deciding baron dance
>wards everywhere from our team
>he has TP and flash up
>never rotates
>lose baron
>lose game

I fucking hate yasuo players

Are you guys playing ARURF? It was fun for a few games but after a while it becomes a cancerfest. I've become so toxic in that mode. I've told players to drink bleach, walk in traffic etc. Why does league make people toxic?

it did happen, but admittedly the game was a stomp in every lane

gas reformed is a Diamond Singed OTP and I think #1 Singed, used to be a shit but he's alright now

Also Veigar's in a better spot now than he ever was before and still does his 100 to 0 thing, he's hardly the worst one they've done.

He plays completely different though. It might seem like an incredibly minor change but the change to his stun altered his character fundamentally.

Before his kill range was his stun, he could flash and stun people, he could stun people that jump on him and blow them up, he could react quickly and kill people. Now he can't do that, and that makes the way he fights completely different than before. He may be more competitive but he isn't veigar anymore. The thing that made veigar veigar wasn't his retarded AP scaling which is what he still has, it was his ability to kill people without them being able to do anything about hit within such a short time frame that they literally could do nothing. It was about being able to lane against an annie, or a brand, or an ahri and if you were quicker on the trigger with your stun they were just dead unless they got merc or sash.

He wasn't competitive before because merc and sash were so good for countering him.

That's why you don't ban intent picks
you might as well let them play their champ cause you're going to lose anyways.

But those are the only skins I own

I don't give Yasuo's or Rivens the benefit of the doubt.

Their entire champion kit is based around tilting.

I'm not saying he's a bad champion, I'm saying I miss the old one. I wouldn't have minded if they put new Xerath's kit on new champion instead of essentially deleting the old one. The new kit is fun but it isn't for me.

> singed420

you mean this troll faggot?


Because the game encourages high-skill battles where you try and outplay your opponent and even if it was a matchup against you if you lose an engagement you feel cheated and get fustrated.

In my opinion there's a tad too much focus on mechanical skill and outplays over general strategy, but that's coming from a dotard.

>cowtit queen
More like Autism Queen. #neverforget

You can do two things here. Ban their champ and get that 33% winrate Kennen instead.
Or camp their lane and try to snowball them.

I have actually been having a pleasant time.
I always start my games with a GLHF and always try to be friendly. As such, my team and the enemy team are usually fairly pleasant. Worst I had was someone complaining when I got Jax because it was OP.

It's not like the first time this has happened. Old Xerath was as trashy as old Sion, except with less utility. Now Riot cuts down on clutter while essentially making a new character.
