Is there a worst feeling than losing a red light race in public
>especially when you try to beat that person at a red light to merge on the highway
I can't stop thinking about all those people laughing
Is there a worst feeling than losing a red light race in public
>especially when you try to beat that person at a red light to merge on the highway
I can't stop thinking about all those people laughing
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Losing to a V6
>yfw fangirls actually enjoy being slow
Does it actually take you two minutes 23 seconds to cycle your IP or were you hoping someone besides yourself would give you a (you)?
BTFO (by their own engine)!!!
Stay triggered
First they need to figure out how to compete.
LMAO! I just fell off my chair
>literally cannot compete with a V6
Why is GM such shit???
Is there an explanation?
Honestly I'm baffled, really.
>doesn't know how to link replies
>accusing others if samefagging
ROFL! Trust the assmad fangirl to become overly defensive. Protip, if the opinion is a popular one (GM unable to compete), it's likely more than one rational thinking person agrees.
Keep us posted on your weekend egg and spoon race results though
>drive turbo Subaru
>never have this problem
>4 cylinder engines
>4 cylinder engines
Not racing fast enough cars m8
Got my ass kicked by a s63 the other day, feels not so bad.
Why would you bump this thread?
>gm fangirls begging the mods to ban me again
top lel
>assmad sagehero
>doesn't want anyone else to see his beloved GM BTFO
I'm pretty sure he's using the @ because he doesn't want to give (you)s
That's alphonse using a different dialect to look like someone else, he knows I'm doing it for that reason.
>only one person on Veeky Forums recognizes gm is shit
Yea, no. Stay mad, cuck.
>red light racing in the first place
You are everything wrong with society.
>not doing red light pulls on a diesel
Can't lose.
government motors IS a shit.
Kek I know my limits, I never race AMG's
It's okay gramps, no one is gonna race you in your shitbox
>raced a XR6T ute along the freeway at night
I don't know what I expected, but it'd be cowardly not to have tried.
Against other 1.cuck 3cyl econosheds, perhaps. Won't cut it in the land of the LSx and higher displacement friends.
>not pushing your limits
You'll never reach the Fujiwara zone racing fartcanned Civics.
>Mfw left lane hogger in front of me
>Approaching a steep downhill with a sharp curve a at the end.
>Pull to the right to over take him
>He tries to speed up to not let me in
>Approaching bottom of hill with curve
>He slows down because he's a pussy in an understeering FF boat
>Tfw fresh Yoko S drives + perfect suspension setup
>He brakes to slow down while I never lift
>cut him off
>Tries to tail gate me the whole way
Frig off, Itsuki.
>straight line King
Choose one
t. Suzuki Cappuccino guy
Civic ricers are a treat, tho.
>all noise
>no torks
Yeah, but that's just pushing retards over in the sandpit.
>Drive a crv, never had this problem
Just floor it faggot.
U mad cuz im $tylin on u ricky?
Your waifu is impure.
Getting stopped by a cop for being a piece of shit with no regard for other peoples' safety.
t. Boot-licking nocar bus cuck
I drive a 4,000 pound, gas-guzzling pickup truck that could easily wipe out an entire family in less than a second. Not everybody is a hopeless nihilist on Veeky Forums.
>subiefag necroposting to brag about red light racing
>subiefag turns out to be a scared faggot who won't race anything faster than a civc
absolutely disgusting
That is pretty fucking sad m8 people try it on me but the little pussys are usually to scared to go past 90mph so slow down like cucks and everyone mires my alpha ness
winning the red light race but getting pulled over immediately after it turns into a one-lane
>Blows past everyone going 100 on a 60
>See disco lights
>License suspension intensifies.
Oh, this is the best sight ever, happens so often around here. Also it means the rest of us can reasonably speed cos the cop is busy with you.
To bad I have a radar detector you fucking pleb
People that race on public streets deserve to get impaled on a guard rail.
Losing to a V6 stang.
>At a stop light
>Dude in his Challenger R/T starts revving his engine
>His friends lowers the window, starts talking to me.
>Ey Pussy, is that a V6? That car is for faggots, I bet my friend (the driver) can smoke that weak shitbox.
>Me: You work for Harry, right?
>Him: What? The fuck are you talking about pussy, are you going to race or not chicken shit.
>I used to drag here back in high school. That railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter-mile away from here. On green, I'm going for it.
>Him: What railroad? Are you high or what?.
>I rev up my engine preparing for a perfect launch.
>He does it too.
>Green light On.
>Launch car perfectly, no wheelspin at all.
>Like 3 feet in front of him at this point
>He starts getting close to me.
>Red line in, shift gear to second.
>Pull away again, now he is even further back.
>Then third.
>I can see him in my rear view mirror.
>He turn in the closest intersection and zooms away.
>Read about a case of suicide in my city the day after.
>v6 stang
Stopped reading there
>This mad over being BTFO by a V6 stang.
Yeah, losing a red light race with a ton of people looking because you missed 2nd and the transmission let out a horrendous grind as you tried to force it in.
>I used to drag here back in high school. That railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter-mile away from here.
ma nigga.
>picking car up from the shop
>clutch in, turn key
>see the mechanic chuckling off in the garage
This has happened to be twice. Goddamit, I'm so used to parking it with the handbreak and neutral.
First off
>Not fixing your car yourself
>Not checking everything is in order before leaving from the mechanic
No really, everything from seat location to checking if there is any new damage. That's what i do, if i leave a guy with my car, i expect my car back in the order i want it.
>when you're ahead of them but still don't have enough room to get over in time
>on a date
>nearly stall while in the drive through
Yes. Having a damaged sciatic nerve on the left side, and consistently failing to shift smoothly because you don't have fine enough control over the clutch with your leg at certain angles.
Unwilling to degrade myself by driving an automatic.
I wouldn't know. Never lost.
I drive a little '04 Toyota Camry. 2 cylinder. 110k miles. Stock everything. Never lost. Oh no, it's not that I'm faster, or that I have an amazing acceleration (though when she's warmed up she surprises me sometimes).
No, it's that I'm a crazy motherfucker that has no problem going 70 in a 35 zone. And the faggots that put so much money into their cars to be fast are always too pussy to put their investment in danger. Can't say I blame them. I trash my $5000 car, big whoop. You crash your $$$$ car, well now your fucked son.