League of Legends General - /lolg/

Ravenborn Kindred edition



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Xth for the breast PERFECT waifu!

Whats the BEST lol doujin out there?

I love Lissandra!

so we all agree Corki has the best Arcade skin?

Riot you fucking jewish cuntbag hacks.


Buff doran's shield so it ignores 16 damage from basic attacks instead of 8, make doran's blade stronger for meelees, weaken keystone masteries, i don't give a shit.

Just get this fucking cancer out of top lane.

Jayce, Kayle, Quinn, Teemo, Vayne, Ad nida back in s4, kennen, all that fucking stupid bullshit. I'm fucking tired of all this fucking stupid bullshit. It's not "interactive", it's not "innovative" it's not "diversity", it's FUCKING CANCEROUS BULLSHIT.

I'd rather have a thousand farmlane borefest games against an unkillable malphite or maokai than this stupid cunty playstyle of range toplaners. You fucking cuntbag shithead knobgobbler fuckface dickheads.

You fucking jayce players thinking that you're hot shit because you hit a 2-key "combo" skillshot you fucking wankers.

You vayne players bring vayne top because you're so incredibly shite at playing bot you have to put kiddie wheels on your bike so you can feel like you're not playing like an enormous pile of shit.

You metaslave faggot-ass furry cunt gnar players, if the meta had a cock, you would be sucking on it right the fuck now. "b-but mega gnar is a bruiser" fuck off, you're not better than any other toplane ranged cunts.

Same goes for those bitch kennen players, always building that fucking disgusting protobelt bullshit. Soon the assassin rework will come and it will fuck over all of you protobelt faggots. Have fun not rushing zhonya and getting blown the fuck out of the universe by a 0/2 evelynn.

There's a fish in the amazon that goes up your dickhole if you're not careful, and stays there, making you unable to urinate and doing serious damage to your urthera. Every single person who ever played ad nidalee top should experience it.

I'm mad. I'm seriously fucking mad. I want the smite+tp meta back. It was a shit meta, but it was still better than anything else that's happened since. Holy fucking shitballs.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Is kindred good, lolg?

How would lolgen feel if Riot straight up made a champ bustier than Sona, who simultaneously had an additional fetishistic element like she was motherly/an older woman?

>Shit talking Jayce because you're in his lane


This one that hasn't come out yet

>hes so shit that he cant counter top teemo

stay mad bitch nigga

How come Illaoi isn't the most OP champ in urf? Shouldn't the entire lane be full of impassable tentacles?

hey babe

She can't hit everything and she doesn't have a burst outside of her ultimate.

She is really strong but she isn't broken.

>not the I-win button known as kayle
>or kennen
>or quinn

yeah ok bud


Top lane in general needs a buff honestly. Its legitimately the worst lane in the game, and its only purpose is as a space for melee tanks to farm and get items because they can't hold their own worth shit against anything else but their own early game even though they're supposed to be tanks.

I'm not shittalking jayce, i think that he's a fine champ. I just don't like people who take jayce top instead of mid and get away with it.

I never said i can't counter it. I don't think i've ever lost to teemo top. But it's really fucking annoying.

Tbh i don't have that much of a problem with liss.

Please, could you tell me the ultimate Wukong build with the most damage? Thanks

You know the one.

>"I just don't like people who take jayce top instead of mid and get away with it"

You are my favourite type of person to lane against

>cleaver into 4 IE's into blood thirster (boots if you a bitch nigga)

Anyone else surprised gurofag hasn't asked for anything Jhin related?

>pick Olaf
congratulations you've beaten Quinn

fuck the other two though

Renek carried hard. Their LB and Cait were fucking monsters but our cc chain managed to bring back the game.

I'm seeing a lot of Rivens in early 30's matches. I wonder why.

Probably, you fucking cunt. Good thing we're probably not on the same server. I'm disgusted by you.

I do that when possible but kennen and kayle are just unbeatable

you must be retarded

darius fucking rapes irelia, irelia rapes a fiora

then again, I used to beat silver/gold darius's as well
t. high plat.


Does anyone want to be my friend
I hate soloq

Which are you on?

I don't have to tell you. Fuck off.

>Cowtit Queen
>Dairy Dutchess
Evelynn MissFortune Morganna
>Cleavage Countess
Ahri Akali Elise Nidalee Vi Zyra
>Busty Baroness
Ashe Cassiopeia Fiora Illaoi Janna Katarina LeBlanc Nami Sejuani Sivir Syndra
>Modest Merchant
Irelia Karma Kayle Leona Lissandra Lux Riven Shyvanna Soraka Vayne
>Flat Farmer
Kalista Quinn Taliyah
>Sexless serf

why do people build hydra on wukong?

>cait building qss
>still thinks it removes zed ult

Is shyvana for fugging?

waveclear sustain cd

Meow meow

Yeah, she was having a rough time that match. I think she's still learning, she never used her range to land any poke and her positioning was really easy to take advantage of.

Alrighty then, see you in my lane bro

NO, Shyvana is 4 fite

I have no idea

s-sorry Jayce, I understand.

I didn't see a jayce top in a couple of months, and i will not see it again until riot decides to get off their asses and rework his meelee form. Until then, jayce will keep shifting between mid and top lane with minor changes, maybe be good for a week or two when a new item is introcuded, but until then, your precious main will be in the shitter, where it belongs, rotting in the dumpster of failed concepts.

what a faggot

nvm found it

I dunno. I got nothin'.

Even the times I do beat Fiora it's just barely. I mind the true damage spots, bait the counters, don't get greedy. I'm usually only winning when we trade ults.

I miss old Graves

>Mordekaiser movespeed 325 -> 350

Good paste. Saved.

Alright so i extorted my friend to buy me 1548 RP because he lost a 1v1 after going on about "LEAGUE IS P2W, IT'S ALL LUCK BASED ABOUT YOUR TEAM MATES, THEY WON'T FIX THE SYSTEM BECAUSE THEY JUST WANT MONEY"

So which kinda skins should i get? i usually play champs that go ham or have map pressure Ala Shen, Panth and Shyvana.

>precious main will be in the shitter, where it belongs, rotting in the dumpster of failed concepts.
/lolg/'s obsession with nerfs strikes again

>My main
Oh lord no, he ain't my main

I'm just filling up my archangels with your tears

>top tank vayne rushing mallet

This entire season is such fucking cancer

Reminder ANY Sona image without breasts AT LEAST bigger than her head is INACCURATE



She actually has some tits though...

Guess rank

Look at you, all high and mighty. Have fun trying out jayce top above gold and getting your piltie ass shredded by my jungler you fucking pillock.

Silver 2

Plat 3

You and me fucking both. Riot killed another champion I used to play. I fucking hate this new one so god damn much. I may as well not even own the champ.

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

>yorick is completely fucking useless without the maiden
>with her up there isn't a single champ in the game that can 1v1 him

riot fucked up the rework so bad holy shit

Put Quinn in modest merchant and Leonna in busty baroness and you've got a fair list. I may even suggest bumping Kalista down to serf as well.

>who is trynd

outheals any damage yorick can do

>the W is just a retarded pseudo-stun

>Yorick has a clear source of power in which he's weak/strong
>Complain when he has to use that power to win a 1v1


>mfw yorick cant even touch me

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

get bork 3rd/4th item vs fio or else she beats you, you won't be able to burst her at some point so you'll need lifesteal to match her lifesteal

>mfw playing darius vs a good ez

The problem is that Yorick's gameplay is completely linear and 2 dimensional. He has a single gameplay loop.
>Q minions
>get enough graves up to spawn imps
>attempt to land both E and W on the enemy
>if Maiden is up autowin the encounter

He can't operate in any other way whatsoever. His sources of power are all one way and highly gated.

Did riot change something since last season?
what is the best you can get from placements now?
I did 9-1 on a plat2 smurf and ended gold 1

Just locked in Shaco ADC in Plat ranked. Wish me luck guys

post yours

meant to quote

how old? your mmr gets averaged with silver 3, so plat 2 + silver 3 / 2 would give you like gold 3, if it's another season then do that another round, gold 3 + silver 3 = s1/g5 and so on for each successive inactive season

Yeah it was inactive one season so I guess that's that

if your account was like from season 4 plat 2

s5 you would be gold 3, s6 starting mmr would be s1/g5

your mmr is probably not the same as your rank and you'll probably have +26 lp gains

meme magic son

>tfw you're the greatest musician in the world but all anyone ever talks about is your breasts

aurelion sol fits that description if you can manage the learning curve

>greatest musician in the world
Mordekaiser is the world's best musician though.

Is there another build that my team won't flame me for?

We dont have any OSTs made by sona though

>want an actual bard support
>fat titty waifu bait exist

>tfw you're the greatest archaeologist in the world but all anyone ever talks about is your sexual orientation

who is the best non streamer/ non pro player in the world

>c9 better than skt

>Brainstorm a meme build
>Load into a normal game to see it in action
>Standard practise of Blind Normals = I didn't get the role i needed
>Sent top
>While flicking through the roster I remember Garen is a champion
>"Awwhh yeee time to destruction man, have I even played him after the jugg patch?"
>I'm laning into Draven
>Fucking Draven
>"Okay user just offlane this shit and deny his passive, sunfire first, now lets give it a good shot"
>Lane is the closest thing to Cyberbullying: The Match Up you can get
>Not all hope is lost, backed and got a chain vest + a ruby
>Walk back to lane and Dravens axes no longer hurt, he leaves immediately
>"Alright user now to salvage this lane"
>Draven teles back in and his axes are back to dealing 1/5 of my HP per hit
>He has a dirk and a whisper
>Takes everything in my being to not lose my ragequit virginity
>Jungler makes their first appearance to feed double buffs and never comes top again
>[Physical Anguish] MyFaceWhenMySoulWhen.png
>Take to roaming and farming the Gromp
>One whole midgame or rotations and feeding Draven my ult later we win the game
>The whole experience left me so numb I couldn't even enjoy it

And that was my worst experience of a melee into ranged lane
I wish OCE had draft normals so I could have seen at least a hint of the full AD team they picked so I could take a page of armour instead of the AD MS page I took.
As to the changes to D-shield 16 damage block vs ranged sounds pretty nice, an alternative could also be the 80HP bumped up too 100.

i want a mid with easy, idiot-proof farming, some form of mobility, solid poke damage, low mana costs, low cooldowns and a big nuke ultimate

who should i play


fite in the bed?


yeah and that was a winnable matchup

now imagine you were facing kayle who both destroys you in lane then outscales you