League of Legends - General /lolg/


Smug Edition.

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I wanna fugg Jinx!

I'm just here to laugh at you so fucking hard:

How do i know what support to pick?

Should i pick a support that synergiese with my engager/tank or a support that's gonna be good at taking care of my adc?

People making "only ARAM" accounts so they can only get champs that are good for that mode.

Pretty much every champ that's good on ARAM is decent to OP in ARURF.

Did I get dynamic queued again?

>creating accounts for a mode that isn't even up consistently

For what purpose.

is a sol still good? buying either him or syndra for my smurf

>*people making accounts for ARAM which is up constantly and also benefiting from the limited champ pool for other bullshit modes

Because they're shitters

>didnt post the rekasi game

So what happened to janna's old star guardian team?

>50 posts early
If you don't fill up the other thread some more this piece of shit will be deleted.

Ever seen Taimanin Asagi?

>sivir has 950cs
>sion has 8k hp

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Man, I fucking love Lux.

>tfw sona is the prefect waifu

>game took an hour
>sivir ended with 1k cs

sauce me, bb

r u a qt grill

tfw 1.9k elo in aram

tfw see masters/challengers in aram every now and then

Holy fucking shit why do pro gamers look so goddamn ugly? If they're not fat bastards, they're these disturbing suicidal looking asians.


I will continue to post this for other Shyvana players to have problems with cause we all build her slightly differently

A fair portion of them look ok, but they're in bad lighting conditions or soul crushing photo shoots so often that you'd never know it.

Biofrost looks like an average dude and they're taking and edge photo what do you expect

Poor bandle
I was going to post that too, now i kinda want to draw trist asking if they can end it already

I was the sion, those silver players warmed my cold undead manwomb and made me want to lose. They deserved better.

Does Yorick's rework rank among the highest in terms of good reworks from Riot?

They made him from lol micro to lol splitpush.

sion is the only good rework and even then, they coulda just made a new champ with how different he is from old sion

Me and Sion tried so hard to FF

Bandle and Sivir would not FF

I wanted to give them their fucking win they were in promos

I'm going to kill myself now

Biofrost looks fine tho?

I dont see your point.

Ill give you Liftlift though. He looks like a Lovecraftian void monsters puckered acidic anus coated in Tendie vomit. At best.


>Tristana before the gutting
>Poppy before the gutting

Garen, Gangplank, Yorick, and Sion. Those are good.

>haha lets wreck some shitters
>somewhere along the line feel bad for curbstomping some silvers
>Now lets stall for 68 minutes and completely mindbreak our opponents to the point they beg for sweet release

I should've just let them win, I feel genuinely bad about winning that match now. It was just a smurf, I should have given them the lp. They were so polite in their own stream.

I don't get it what happened with Bandle

whoever the shyvanon was that told me to go 20% cdr and build triforce has done me good

bandle was streaming and doing her smurf placements. her friends forced the game to last 60 minutes and mindbroke a 5 man of silver/bronze players. bandle is killing herself from the guilt.

placem and watchem!

Is sona really autistic?

I love how ImShit is low diamond now with a 49% winrate over 1 fucking k games, abuse dynamic queue to get to mid high diamond and drop once they change party restrictions

stay trash

If her fans are any sign yes

who were her friends?

exodus, swedish, that guy who wants to fuck trundle, and her husband

>feeding as a fiora vs yas

I think we can all agree that Shen's rework is up there with the worst of them. Like really, really horrible.

I feel bad for abusing graves :///

I need to learn how to play Nidalee and Graves to proficient levels to 1v9...

I wanna cuddle and protect lulu!

What was jayce like before his nerfs?

I dont understand whats go good about Graves for climbing...

his ganks are honestly pretty awful unless your lane can do some form of CC. He scales really well and obviously you've probably won if you get to late game but idk, when Im jungling my lanes often feed out of control before I can really make use of his great scaling and farming. Most of my games jungling are either me getting someone on my team really fed and snowballing or all 3 of my lanes feed and I can't do anything

>guy says hes smurfing and is boosting us
>guy has negative score of course
>constantly shit talking the 6/1/6 gangplank and 7/2/4 fizz because they wont listen to him
>literally all game long "im boosting you guys" worded slightly differently every time
>the game ended five minutes ago and hes STILL arguing with people in the post game

you go into jungle and kill enemy jungle

Well I'm now down to silver 3 due to 4 straight losses.
How do I deal with paint sniffing retarded team mates?

For whoever makes the next thread


Useful links:


The thing about graves is even if your lanes don't have enough CC you have enough damage to 100-0 someone and also Graves is primarily a counterganker and a counterjungler, you should win every 2v2. You should go into the enemy's jungle, take all of his stuff and when he comes you beat his dick off and when the midlaner or whoever decided to also come you also beat their dick off.

Largely and honestly i though it was a VU, with only one skilll being changed, plays mostly the same
Same theme, to kill things to get your lategame cake early
different playstyle since it now revolves e and while that skill is a load of bs you're right it was a better rework
>literally a completely different champ since they couldnt be bothered to balance him
that wasnt a rework, that was an excuse to delete old yorick.
merged his w and part of his e then made a new champ
Like i said, they coulda made a new champ with what they did to sion
honeslty the only decent change was the addition of negating dashes in her w. her q, passive and r changes are shit.
I dont remember much about old her so ehhh
Old taric was more fun, but riot now hates targeted stuns
THeyre pretty different though, old gave more power through stats and new does it through survivability
You could make a new chap out of new taric and keep old as a more aggressive support
hes not bad but hes not great either

oh yea, him and Fio get the short straws

let's see how many chinese players i'll get tonight on my team
i'm on NA and i've already had 7 on my teams so far, only played 3 games

i'm abc, is there a problem?

>riot admitted like 2 weeks after the shen rework that the ghost sword was a mistake
>also say they're just gunna leave it because they feel like working on other shit

anyone lagging lol????

only people who play from other countries that are not in NA (north america)

Best girl.
Best box.
Best wife.

>Kog gets reverted and gets a mana cost on W to make his lanephase shit because hypercarries can't have good lanes
>Vayne is nigh unplayable in lane too
>meanwhile Jinx exists and she also happens to snowball to insanity

really makes u think

That does sound like Riot. Then again, I'm almost surprised that recently they admitted that they have been doing jackshit in the last year and that they will up the game in the future (which they probably won't but at least they fessed up to it.)

TF is so gay

I can never dodge that 3 attack spell, I just can't

I'm d4 now but TF is still cancer to me

Kass chroma when?

To throw my two cents in I recently came back after being gone for 5~ years - in my opinion most of the reworks are complete garbage and the only one I'd call good is Sion. Outside of him every single one got significantly less fun/interesting. Functionally, some are probably better since I wasn't around for pre-rework so I don't know exactly what sort of state they were in. For example Xerath is probably a cleaner kit overall, probably a lot easier to balance and fits in better with the rest of the game. I fucking LOVED the old artillery role of Xerath though, he was easily one of my favorite champs and one of the few positive spots for me the game had over Dota (which I switched to when it came in beta in 2011). Dota as a game was a lot more complicated but the heroes themselves were usually quite simple kitwise and I liked that in LoL you had these sort of crazy mechanics like old Xerath.

A lot of the reworks are a little too complicated for me. Ryze used to be one of the simplest champs, I tried to play the new one once and honestly I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. Shen was a hero I always liked, I looked at his new skills on the video page and honestly I didn't really get it. Like how they tied together or made sense..maybe I'm retarded. Idk his new shit just seems weird to me and didn't at all make me want to play him and in over 50 games I haven't single a single shen player.

The new gangplank to me is just a pure abomination. He's probably the hero I looked back on with the most fondness, he was legit fun and crazy...the new one I have not and probably will not ever play just out of that memory. He's literally nothing like he used to be at least to me, the barrel mechanic is by iteself pretty good but I would've rather seen that on a different hero and have a crazy pirate back

I liked the old yorick but honestly I don't remember him much, he was one of the newest ones before I left. The new one seems good from a design standpoint

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Bugger off ya wanker, she's mine!

>Kog rework is literally so unbalancable that he's either complete shit, or broken as hell
>They revert it but leave in some nerfs so he's now just old Kog, but shittier
>Can't even play him AP anymore either
Kog is suffering

>Cowtit Queen
>Dairy Dutchess
Evelynn MissFortune Morganna
>Cleavage Countess
Ahri Akali Elise Nidalee Vi Zyra
>Busty Baroness
Ashe Cassiopeia Fiora Illaoi Janna Katarina LeBlanc Nami Sejuani Sivir Syndra
>Modest Merchant
Irelia Karma Kayle Leona Lissandra Lux Riven Shyvanna Soraka Vayne
>Flat Farmer
Kalista Quinn Taliyah
>Sexless serf

I miss the old hypercarry poppy.

I've heard Nidalee is really strong now

can someone explain a bit of how to jungle with her? Are you just ganking with spears and hoping you hit?

>taliyah on that list at all

you realize shes underaged right
in that case you should include annie too

Diamond 1 Booster here AMA. Pretty bored until worlds is starting. I'd like to offer any advice or insight if I can!

How to up d5 with Zilean?

5 arurf games
5 dodges

Why even queue?

Riot got really drunk off success with the Sion remake which was stellar and started dropping the ball on other reworks really hard.

Like lets see, since Sion rework we've had the following:

Tristana: Kind of OK I guess but currently in the shitter because nobody not named Jinx can be allowed to be good at killing towers
Gangplank: One of the most unbalanceable champions in the entire game, his E alone does more stuff than 80% of kits in the game.
Fiora: Broke the game and got promptly nerfed to shit. Currently decent after her %true damage got gutted to only be relevant if she builds AD.
Skarner: LOL
Mordekaiser: Double LOL
Garen: Worse than Darius in every single scenario
Darius: Not bad and probably what a juggernaut should really be
AD carry update:
- MF made into even more of a one trick pony
- Kog so utterly impossible to balance fucking riot reverted a rework for the first time, but half-assed it so now he's an extremely nerfed version of old Kog.
- Corki made into a midlaner and then gutted
- Quinn made into the worst experience you can run up top and somehow made even MORE BORING by making sure she only has 2 skills
- Graves made into an abomination of an AD carry tank assassin mesh that broke the game and even today keeps breaking the game and being permaban past diamond.
- Cait is pretty much the same.
Poppy: Okay.
Taric: A mess with a ridiculously broken ult and shitty QWE to balance it.
Nobody gives a shit about Ryze.
Mage update:
- Malzahar made even more boring and even more uninteractive while somehow also making him broken as balls
- Cassiopeia made ridiculously boring and even more braindead
- Vladimir still breaking the game today
- Swain changes solved zero about his problems and he got promptly gutted to boot
Zyra, Vel'Koz and Brand were basically just a excuse to gut their base damages because they were hidden OP in solo queue

So really Riot's track record with reworks is awful. The only really good rework was Sion.

Xth for a cute albino owl

And your attitude sux, fitting for the laugh of lux. I bid you good lux, with your cancerous attitude

You missed zilean, which is a comment on how successful his own rework was

I'd suggest using another champion since Zilean is a pretty niche pick for solo queue.

Anyhow, try to roam bot when you can because two bombs is usually enough to clear a full wave after post level 6. It's also super important to ulti the right person. Usually it can be your most fed carry, the most fed person in your frontline. I don't know if you're playing support with him but if you are please choose someone else. There are way easier champions to play over him that can carry solo que games extremely harder.

Sort of related is that Riot actually reverted a "half-rework" with Urgot before where they completely fucked over his Q by removing the base damage and giving it higher scaling. It entirely ruined Urgot for those patch(es?) and they reverted it quickly enough.

How about I bugger my foot with your ass?

>retard picks zed into rumble
>proceeds to lose the lane and spam "assistance required" throughout the entire game
>river bush is constantly warded
I'm not mad that zed lost to rumble or I cant fucking gank because rumble has a movement speed buff and i dont.

What triggers me is how these fucking retards doesnt know how to setup a gank for their jungler.

You're fucking zed against a rumble. You literally have a free escape while he does shit continuous damage. All you have to do is fucking tank his shit for a bit. He's fucking beating you in lane, there's no way he's gonna back out if he sees you trying to duel him. Just fucking distract him by taking his flaming spunk to the face.

>20 min into ranked game
>Only 2 outter turrets down
>Team fight mid
>Jinx gets penta kill
>Enemy team surrenders

Wukong mid is disgusting. Altough I always have trouble as Wu late game, they just straight up delete me.

now that taric got reworked i think zilean is by far the most forgettable champion in the game

>put jungle/mid for my queue
>99% of the time get jungle
>mfw I actually get mid

same except support/mid

then I pick morgana so I can afk push

Viktor's rework even though it came before Sion's completely saved that champion from eternal purgatory.

Okay, chums, how do I Fiora?

learn to play mid in normals, ask teammates for role swap, OR DONT QUE UP AS FKING MID

dorans health potion
q start
w lvl 2
proc vitals with q and make sure to rightclick them right as u q and then press e for auto reset then walk back to kite them for another q then auto with e crit

Sounds complex. I should practice in a bot game before I try it in normals and ranked.

You put all of that from mechanics perspective which I might or might not agree to some degree (personally, I like the combo mechanics of the new Ryze and Vladimir is at least not boring anymore).

From the lore, voice acting and visual update, you are wrong on most of your picks, at least from my own perspective. Gangplank is a badass, Garen has been made into Superman which is great on it's own, Ryze is an old crazy coot which I find funny since I never got him like that, Taric is the awesome mystic knight and not "just" a fag joke.