Thanks, OP. I worked hard lol nope on updating that mod list. Hopefully people will check it out instead of asking for things that are already in there with descriptions.
People who think of ED-E in the feminine. >two homosexual power-armor trained companions, one male and one female >two heterosexual ncr-aligned long-gun using companions, one male and one female >two sterile human-offshoot companions, one male and one female >two robotic non-speaking companions, rex being definitely male
Levi Jackson
Cass is bi. Ghouls can fuck and have sex drive.
David Thompson
>je sawye is responsible for joshua graham and arcade gannon >chris avellone is responsible for ulysses Why do people like Avellone again?
Xavier Watson
Being sterile doesn't stop you from having sex. I could ram Lily and even though it wouldn't allow her to have a kid, she'd still be getting fucked. Same premise for ghouls.
Ian Richardson
>People Say no more, I'm already mad.
Nathaniel Bell
Jeremiah Hall
That's what I was saying, yeah. Both Raul and Lily are hetero though, so yeah.
James Harris
Use more articles when you talk.
Elijah Reed
>Both Raul and Lily are hetero though, so yeah. So what?
Lucas Barnes
We don't know that. I don't think Raul's sexual preference is ever alluded to, and Lily having kids could have just been social pressure.
Jonathan Anderson
Torment, mostly. Ulysses-style long-winded bullshit worked for that setting.
Jack Morales
Dead Money and Old World Blues are good. Lanius is good.
I'm not sure where I was going with that, yeah. Maybe I assumed you used "sterile" to indicate they have no sexuality?
James Perez
Can you please not
Jonathan Allen
Can you stop overreacting
Xavier Bailey
>asking nicely to stop is overreacting Not even that guy, but you should fucking kill yourself, you horrendous faggot.
Cameron Long
It absolutely doesn't matter which companion wants to bonk what. Cass could secretly fantasize about fucking her own shotgun for all anyone knows.
I think Raul comments at least once on the attractiveness of the girl who reminded him of his sister, so at the very least he's got female beauty on his mind.
Wyatt Perry
Alright, Legion Sympathetic Companion guy here, basic functionality is a go. I've got the companion wheel up, he's got a custom class, and a temp perk that allows you to cook wherever called "Patrician Tastes".
I'm gonna start working on the extra lines to make him more of a companion and less of a follower (Shit like, "What do you think of New Vegas?" and other lines that help with character development), but in the meantime, anything I should consider adding?
Matthew Turner
his sexuality as its the most important aspect of a character
Cameron Gonzalez
Is the cooking perk part of his character, or is it a stand-in for not having a better one? Because having a Legion camp cook as a companion is actually a pretty original idea, and a good way to add flavor to his personality.
I'd would be willing to edit/add to any dialogues you come up with - have experience in creative writing if you want to go with that angle.
Ryder Davis
Do you want any help with the pastebin? I've collected a lot of NV mods over time, and done a lot of varied runs.
I was considering submitting a couple of run ideas too, but I'm not sure what the process is for that.
Jack Rogers
I just noticed that my DT is only 20(from armor), but supposed to be 27(implant+toughness). Is it a bug?
Matthew Allen
It's a bit of both. Companions that let you craft on the go usually have another, more standard perk, because the crafting menu is accessed via dialogue. Technically, from a scripting sense, the perk does nothing. It's a dialogue option that lets you cook. I'm having trouble thinking of an additional ability for him, so for the moment, it's a half placeholder.
As for adding or editing dialogues, sure thing. I'd like to know what things people expect him to talk about, or comment on.
Hudson Perry
>I've collected a lot of NV mods over time If you've got any from the pastebin that say (DEAD) at the end, I'd love to get them from you so that I can keep them available.
>I'm not sure what the process is for that. Post them and if it seems good and anyone besides me enjoys them I'll put it in there.
Daniel Green
Browsed /fog/. Was a great crack of shitposting across the sky. Thousands of anons discussing the bear and bull. Never thought much about it. bear and bull bear and bulldivide bear and bull divide
Ayden Young
Well, if he's a cook, then perhaps you get more oomph from natural cures and food while he's a companion.
Jordan Gray
I haven't yet seen a very down-in-the-dirt Legion follower... hell, a Legion NPC, who isn't either terse and haughty or overly philosophical (both are fairly one-dimensional). The NCR gets a lot of perspectives on soldier attitudes in the vanilla game, but Legion doesn't really get well-rounded perspectives.
For one, his dialogues will need to be rooted from his character. Some key elements of character are how he earns his keep, what his personal values are (morality, ethics, likes, dislikes), and what he wants. Also, each companion in New Vegas has an agenda of some sort that makes them following you have some kind of meaning - the goal of companionship. Boone wants to kill Legion (and ultimately open up about his guilt), Cass wants to find out about her caravan, Lily wants to remember, etc. Why does this Legion guy want to travel? And why with the Courier, no less? Dialogues will organically evolve from that question, and should be rooted within it. Perspectives on the current situation are also nice, but only if the companion has a new take on things. That's why I thought a rank-and-file machete-swingin' not-too-smart Legion mook whose love in life is cooking good food might be a cool idea. He can talk about the Mojave situation like a rough n ready Legionnare would (not just spouting "profilgates" but contrasting Legion life with his outsider's view Vegas/NCR life), and could even give some comments on what life is like back east in Legion territory.
Lucas Cruz
>The NCR gets a lot of perspectives on soldier attitudes in the vanilla game Well, if you're a part of the Legion, even if you have some dangerous ideas you don't speak about them, I'd imagine. You learn to be quiet, because you don't want to end up on the cross.
Easton Barnes
True enough. It'd require a Legion oddball to travel outside of the ranks, which might end up being necessary for his character.
It would be very easy to go with a Frumentarii as well, I'll admit, because accompanying the Courier as an aide would be advantageous to spy work. There isn't a good stealth-based follower in the game either besides Lily, who is about as subtle as a chainsaw in combat, and Boone who encourages sniping rather than cutting throats.
Michael Hernandez
Yeah, Frumentarii are probably one exception. Well, actually in the game there's Silus who is captured and doesn't really expect to be freed, so he runs his mouth a lot about what he actually thinks about Caesar and such. His reaction when you pretend to be from the Legion is priceless, though.
Jackson Carter
Actually, a frumentarii would be perfect as a Legion companion because their function in Roman society was to wander around fitting in as well as supplying their associated legion with goods and information whenever possible. There's not much reason a Legion foot soldier would accompany the Courier due to their duty to their squad, but a frumentarii would have every reason to team up.
Would also avoid the whole problem of having a Legion follower in faction armor aggroing every NPC northwest of Cottonwood Cove.
Daniel Ross
Damn, that's way better than my original idea. Both work if he's a spy who also has an active interest in cooking and making better food for the Legion out of local ingredients. A frumentarii who has two goals: to travel with the Courier and gather information on Mojave goings-on, and to expand his culinary interests.
Asher Brooks
Just don't fall into Bethesda writing mistakes, don't make his cooking quirk be the most notable part of his character.
Christian Thomas
>like 30 hrs into playthrough >go to sierra madre at lvl 17 >find it too spooky and hard and mess up >last save is from like nipton
Time to install some better mods for a fresh playthrough and design a char to roleplay.
Ryder Harris
Nah, not a gimmick. Just his job back at camp is around the stove. There's a lot more to explore with a Legion follower involving perspectives about Legion goals and ideological differences than there is about how best to season with mesquite pods.
Obviously it's the mod author's call anyway. The topic just got my brain going.
Brody Green
Always, ALWAYS make a hard save right before starting a DLC.
You'll never know if you'll need to reload, say you get bored of your favourite for some reason, want to try a new mod or just plain find out about some area you've never been to.
Charles Jenkins
Just man up and kill the ghosties, break into vault etc. It's not a long DLCs.
Anthony Butler
I ended up with 3 bars of health and the cloud aids just ticked me into death.
Nolan Morales
Some ideas Food gives buffs like drugs Hunger boosts strength (+1 per level) but kills charisma (or intelligence?) to 1 the moment you hit the first hunger level Blades and flame weapons get buffs Give him some Naked Snake-esque lines about how things taste Food puns Do something with all the junk cooking items you can find
His personal quest could be an easy "find the trophy animal for him to cook" quest or"find some pre-war cookbook" quest, depending on how much effort you're putting into it
If you wanted to get more into it, maybe he's actually heavily traumatised from his incorporation into the Legion - parents murdered, or brother lost, or something - and you can convince him to either run away / liberate the remainder of his family, or to view the Legion as his new family and embrace it
Samuel Rodriguez
There's a bunch of Stimpaks scattered around the starting area. Also in Medical district there's a Stimpak recipe for vending machines. Just explore fast until you get the code for Stimpaks. Also Holo-rifle seems to be quite effective even if you aren't an Energy Weapons char.
Lately, you can always lower difficulty for the DLC if it's that hard.
>character likes to cook so everything about him must relate to cooking
Thomas Sanchez
I know your pain, I went to big mountain too early in my current playthrough and I think I'd rather just restart now.
Owen Lopez
>find him wandering in NCR territory alone >"my camp was ambushed" >will join the Courier but requests new clothes before being seen
>doesn't run back because he's conflicted about the Legion; it's the only home he's ever had but he hates fighting (hence why he cooks - it gets him out of patrols, which means less killing) >the Courier gets to see both sides of the conflict, so the Chef tags along, not telling you why until certain things are triggered
Probably a little too similar to Veronica, but if you worked on it creatively it could be different.
James Clark
I agree with your greentext: feel it would be strong to have his character FIRMLY be Legion, and by that quality have him speak from the perspective of someone who sees the potential in Legion dominance. It's not good character writing to have his personal interests speak louder than his values - no follower in vanilla has that issue. Raul doesn't go on about fixing crap, nor does Gannon fixate on medicine. Their skill-sets are supplementary to their values.
Landon Allen
>>character likes to cook so everything about him must relate to cooking Yeah I know, too much. I was just spiralling ideas though, if they used all of them the character would he some sort of mad butcher, which would be hilarious but I'm assuming not what was intended
Ryan Taylor
Has the dominion mod for fallout 2 ever been released?
Ayden Campbell
Kayden Harris
Jackson Price
Eyebot Duraframe Subject E and Eee Dee Eee are the correct answers. I suppose Eddie could work as a nickname as well.
Hudson Garcia
Michael Rodriguez
Fucking shit.
Wyatt Bailey
A mad butcher is pretty on the nose, but a companion with a perk that made stealth melee (backstabbing and throat-cutting) much more viable would be really welcome. Perhaps a perk that buffed sneak, but only when wielding light bladed melee weapons.
Ian Diaz
Is there any reason to not just kill him?
Luis Harris
it's rude.
Jeremiah Reyes
He was a powder ganger and looks like he was in the prison for bumming kids. Justice desu.
Kevin Lee
Parker Thomas
What does /cfog/ play when they want more Fallout but are sick of the actual franchise? I've run NV into the ground for the nth time, and don't have anything to swap over to.
Parker Morgan
Kayden James
Ryder Barnes
Mod guy here (might want to start using a name, at least to make Q/A easier), gonna re answer some of the questions that seem to appeared again.
Basically, our Chef was a soldier who has been separated from the Legion for a large amount of time, and the companion quest is about helping him decide what faction to join.
There was a longish psuedo backstory fleshed out a few threads ago, but the cliffnotes are his commander led his squad into a suicide mission where he hoped to be the sole survivor and earn a promotion, commander failed, and Chef barely survives to be patched up by a FotA group.
I didn't make him frumentarii largely because I wanted the perspective of someone who hadn't seen much of the outside world now being stranded in it. I wanted his perspective on the Legion to be more than standard indoctrination, but still sees them in a good light, or at least a sympathetic one.
Hence the "Legion Sympathetic Companion guy" post.
Thanks for all the posts though, I'll try and put in that food / survival items buff.
Brayden Murphy
I only mentioned sexuality as a way of grouping companions into pairs to justify thinking if ED-E in feminine terms. You fuckers are the worst.
Christian Richardson
>(might want to start using a name, at least to make Q/A easier) As long as you're only using it relation to the mod, go for it. Someone will inevitably shitpost, but as long as you use it just for the mod, I doubt any non-retarded person here will mind.
Christian Reyes
You should make it impossible to convince him to side with the NCR imo. It's the complete opposite of most everything the Legion stands for. Besides, most vanilla companions leave you if you join Legion, there should be one that leaves you for joining NCR.
Elijah Stewart
Veronica doesn't have PA training, though - she's just a scribe. All NPCs can wear PA regardless. Cass is bi and Boone may or may not have fucked Manny at one point.
Andrew Howard
>or may not
Dylan Wood
Who cares?
Levi Edwards
Underrail is excellent, even if it's only superficially similar to Fallout.
Owen Allen
Radscorps need food too user.
Wyatt Cox
Where I have it right now, he'll help you help the NCR, but he personally won't ever side with them. Both for the reason you said, and because the only reason the NCR is in this loosing situation is because they bit off more than they can chew, and he doesn't feel they should be rewarded for that.
Still, a Courier can convince him that they're the best option, at which he'll begrudgingly assist. Should they fail to persuade him, he'll wish them luck and hope they change their mind before leaving.
Jonathan Taylor
He only did it figuratively, user.
Ryder Foster
Fuck that, make him leave if NCR fame ever exceeds infamy
He's not going to throw a fit if the NCR likes you. He only cares if you like the NCR. If we're gonna do that, it should be quest tied, not reputation tied.
Jaxson Jackson
>a Courier can convince him that they're the best option We already have too many memey speech options to convince people to do shit that don't make any sense at all, please don't add more. Just make him leave like Cass, Arcade, Boone leave
Isaiah Perez
Fair enough. Make him give the player a ''warning'' when NCR fame gets high (''I hope you don't plan to actually help them famm'') but only make him leave if you get past a certain point in the main NCR questline.
Carter Gomez
I like it, but you'd need to work on that conflict with the Legion,it seems underdeveloped. I'm also sceptical that a Legion Commander would be seeking personal glory. That is notably an issue in the NCR (greed and personal interest), and is one of the many polar opposites between them and the Legion.
You could have him faking dead after a battle in fear of Lanius' reaction to the one soldier that didn't fight to the death, or some slightly less agent story like him being effectively dead and then rescued (if you want to mirror the Courier's tale) or being captured and then freed when the NCR soldiers transporting him were attacked by bandits.
There's many ways to put him into the situation you want, but having a mid-evening Legion member seeking personal glory is not in line with how the Legion works, or what it values.
Solid groundwork, but a few tweaks would make it better.
Matthew Reed
Like what
Dominic Ross
>mid-evening Fuck, just outed myself as a phone poster plz no hate I've just moved house and it's getting connected tomorrow
Christian Cox
Make it Legion tied too. I can see him siding with someone who slaughtered Vulpes or irradiated Cottonwood Cove, but not someone who retook Nelson or exposed the mole in McCarran.
Adam Ross
Does making Lanius retreat from Hoover Dam turn him into a laughingstock, forever known as a coward among the Legion?
Hunter Peterson
How about if I made the commander similar to Silus, where it's mainly personal Pride that gets them killed, and not actual malice? Say, he attacked a group of NCR soldiers with much fewer men than he needed, and when our guy was the last survivor, the Followers hid him from the NCR cause they're the Followers.
Now that's something I hadn't thought of, thanks. I'll probably make it similar to Arcade or Boone, where you get points depending on what actions you do, and this either makes them like or hate you.
Gavin Myers
>I can see him siding with someone who slaughtered Vulpes How could he possibly sympathize with such a horrible person?
Evan James
It probably turns him into charcoal.
Easton Jones
Obviously. Also pitch, fire, grand canyon, etc.
Jason Bell
He's pretty strong and would probably survive.
Can you imagine him and Graham working together?
Andrew Sanchez
Makes you think he'd rather take his chances fighting the NCR
Hudson Ortiz
No, actually. I'm pretty sure Graham despises Lanius, who values bloodshed and bloodshed alone.
Jaxson Sanders
IIRC, the Boomers or NCR one have already cleared the Fort. He's defacto Caesar now.
Landon Davis
Graham is pretty bloodthirsty desu.
And Lanius might tone down a bit after being knocked down a peg.
Connor Rivera
>And Lanius might tone down a bit after being knocked down a peg.
Actually, saying that, he might just get even angrier.
Nolan Sanchez
>It's a 'all the voice acting was done by me' mod
Logan Ross
Ok, so I have a glitch with Beyond The Beef
I can't find Phillippe in the Kitchen. What do I need to do broa?