IP: --- set up a new server, feel free to add it to the pastebin
west coast (LA), no random crits, fixed spread
will add more maps eventually
Charles Butler
>5cp 6v6 public server Man what are you doing with your life?
Asher Gomez
what could possibly go wrong
Lucas Gray
I mean it's so pointless.
Joshua Ortiz
who here uses esea?
Angel Ward
at least it has a better chance of actually filling up
Cooper Powell
if you say so
i just want to be able to play Process with a low playercount without using valve's awful matchmaking or getting into a serious lobby
Jeremiah Kelly
Jeremiah Edwards
i offer
Tyler Rogers
>playing comp meme maps >don't want to play serious
Charles Walker
when i say "serious" i mean having to gather a group of 12 people to fully commit to a match, abide by 6s meta etc.
Ian Young
>you successfully bomb the medic, and know you're about to die, but you still managed to do it
Colton Hughes
>process >meme
no way
Charles Cox
if there's any meme map, it's cp_steel. memiest map for the meme comp mode.
Ethan Collins
Post good loadouts for your favorite classes:
Heavy (pocketed) >Huolong, Steak, KGB Steak combined with KGB does the kick in the gameplay for me most of the time. Something got close catches fire or gets crit punches to the face. Trick is convincing your medic to check behind while you check what's above you and evade divers from upper floors.
Camden Moore
Brandon Watson
I prefer John Tomas
Adam Harris
155813423 i replied
Carter Morgan
>less than 20 posts in one hour D E A D G A M E E A D
Hunter Bell
wait, no, two hours actually lmfao holy shit
Dominic Reyes
>another 5 weeks until the next major update
Charles Wright
what about halloween
its the best time of the year for tf2
Anthony Flores
that's in 5 weeks
Colton Phillips
Daniel Moore
im not good with time
Sebastian Gray
halloween was the best time of the year for tf2 when they added bosses now its just lazy shit like every other update
Jason Reyes
>you are not connected to the TF game coordinator
I've been getting this since yesterday
What do
Liam Wilson
is there a way to remove the spy disguise logo that appears everytime you disguise?
Dominic Hall
Relaunch the steam.
Hunter Russell
Lincoln Robinson
I seriously thought about adding jump pads for engineer, please tell me your thoughts:
>pushes you a bit farther than a horizontal rocket jump, think about from spawn to the ramp on process last >takes 5 seconds to reset >engineer can put down two of them at max, both cost 50 metal
teleporters don't work in 6s because each time you capture a point, you have to move both the exit and the entrance teleporter. With the jump pads, you can put one down at last, and at second. They work independently of each other. If you lose mid, then you can take the one at spawn to get to second faster. If you win mid, you spawn at second, and can use the jump pad to get closer.
Also, the engineer can put down two pads, have 100 metal to put down a dispenser, and then pick up an ammo kit to have a minisentry at mid. If you lose mid, then second has faster spawns effectively, and a dispenser that gives health and ammo.
Thomas Powell
I'd love it if we could get some new skinned weapons in here. Or you know, that pyro update.
Colton Cruz
when will trading be back I need to buy stupid shit
Austin Parker
What are your honest expectations for Halloween this year, community update or otherwise?
What maps do you want? What do you think we'll get? Spells? Will we get the pyro update alongside it?
Personally, I feel like I've seen a stronger desire for steel than any other map. There are tons of unused stuff from the community, so I hope they don't skimp out on new items this year.
Aiden Lopez
VNN speculated that based on some details, the pyro update and halloween update might be patched into one. Hoping for a reskin of a 6s map, maybe cp_processed_event, you could call it cp_processed meats, and have a gigantic grinder in IT Really I'm just looking forward to gameplay changes for a more competitive experience
Levi Davis
Prefer me for what?
Also, which coat?
Jaxson Howard
the strange one
Jordan Watson
>got the [hun] team again
Andrew Parker
Robert Watson
>process as a meat processor No one agreed on my idea of making a cp_lover map but i love me some map puns
William Baker
Map's up with real lighting now:
Luke Martinez
what is the point of this map? is it just for a trade/idle server?
Blake Ortiz
It's a 5cp map that I'm building so that I'll have a good place to frag while still spamming my trade bind, and when I'm tired of fragging I can walk through the teleporter and go to the quiet trading area.
I think I'll release the 5cp portion as a standalone as well.
Isaac Long
Nolan Hernandez
I changed from left setup to right setup and now I can't hit anything and all my jumps are shit
Brayden White
ded thread ded game ded me ded you
Gavin Sullivan
I can't understand whats going on on the left picture. You had mouse under your keyboard?
Jace Long
>play comp mm >5v6 with 2 spies >our medic drops me when we push last and he ubers and a spy and the push fails >eventually win after it's 1-1 for a while >queue again >guy from the enemy team is on my team >shitty med from my team is on the enemy team >2 heavies to mid >no med >most definitely gonna lose >fighting with teammates >same guy fighting with me in text chat says "just u wait" >"i will leave" >he leaves and they don't get the win
Camden Miller
it was a small desk with a keyboard shelf which I had the mouse on. keyboard is up by the monitor
Levi Perry
>Spy and pyro to mid >Heavy to mid This is why Valve 6s is dead. It's full of shitters who complain about the comp meta being "stale" then have no understanding of team composition or why the meta is what it is. A good demo will shit all over a heavy with a pocket medic. Two good scouts to defend your flank and harass the enemy flank do way more than a shitty spy or pyro could.
Lucas Price
Wyatt Allen
Elijah Johnson
Brandon Foster
>random shit thrown together >shine doesnt fit with main color of loadout 6/10 only because you have aussie which automaticly makes you 50% more sexy and cool.
Caleb Sullivan
shit hat shit shotgun shit melee
Sebastian Williams
I'm saving up for a pro kit to change that shean. That was just one I happened to have in my inv at the time.
I normally run with the rake however. Also a collectors. As for the getup, it's surprisngly hard to find a getup that works with the attendant. Don't think I've seen another unusual wearer who dosen't have the lunatics with it and dosen't look like complete shit
Jack Brown
man i thought all tf2 players were virgins how come everyone has their gf pocketing them
Eli Brooks
they're online gf's so they don't count
Alexander Barnes
>faggot enemy spy disguised as you spams teamchat with stupid voice comments with your name and destroys your mysterious silent type personality
Cameron Bell
you mean autistic retard personality, you fucking retard toad
Wyatt Phillips
What do you think will happen next year for the 10th anniversary?
Oliver Gonzalez
Kevin Nelson
a blogpost titled we're finally pulling the plug
Robert Flores
birthday mode enabled a day late because they forgot
Juan Edwards
We'll probably get another gift pack with one of those name tag and description tag things. I like those for the backpack expanders.
Oh, and we'll probably get a noisemaker or maybe a new hat.
Dubs gets to name my shiny new spy-killing stick - fire away.
Tyler Foster
>gayload >getting spawncamped >leave the door >gibus.fuckhead2003 insta kills me because random crits
breaking stalemates my ass
Nicholas Morris
you can't get dubs on Veeky Forums
Jonathan Clark
And you wanna be my latex salesman
Jordan Lee
votekick pops up on your screen trying to kick someone for being idle you're in deep and have no idea if they are actually idle or not
Jason King
>tfw only me and med on last >tfw he pops kritz on me >tfw i miss all my shots >tfw i'm the spy
Owen Miller
Vote yes, it's probably just another gibus.
Jonathan Sullivan
you give the deciding vote of yes and he is kicked he was actually the only medic on your team and was top scoring with no heals, your team gets pushed back to last
Thomas Phillips
Click Tab and check where they're at in the scoreboard
If they're bottom 3, good riddance
Evan Adams
>guy says he's done playing and is going AFK at the end of the second round >third round starts >he sits in spawn >minutes pass >tell team to kick him well explaining in voice chat >team votes no >after more time goes by try again well explaining to just look in spawn when you die he's not moving
Jonathan Ortiz
Switch to a class that doesn't need heals to do well. If he were healing you, you'd recognize his handle anyway.
Dominic Walker
>Overwatch Open being broadcast on mainstream television The times sure are changing. Shame TF2 can't keep up.
Thomas Reed
>tfw no major esports networks
Jace Bailey
To be fair, TBS is a channel that appeals to college/high school age kids, which is also the target market most e-sports appeals to. Maybe in a few years, they'll claim a spot on ESPN or there'll be a e-sports ESPN branch.
Eli Bailey
tfw better than all of u idiots and i dont even play thsi dumb gaem
Juan Perry
gotta move that gear up
Brandon Bennett
Dylan Barnes
my tf2gfu has been come for a long time
Andrew Adams
Noah Murphy
>dota fags want updates >cs fags are jealous of dota >tf2 fags are jealous of both >day of defeat fags ar- error: 404
Luke Reyes
really makes you think
Christian Brooks
>shotagun Use it to brush your teeth
Jacob Hall
Ugh even the TF2 General is all about competitive now. What kept TF2 alive for the past decade was it happy-go-lucky style of instance gratification and people having fun just fucking around. The more they push Comp the faster TF2 will die.
Landon Davis
i haven't had fun in video games in about a year now should i come back to tf2 or is overwatch just killing it?
Robert Stewart
tf2 is still fun, overwatch is way more casual and easy, like retarded baby easy, so no, it's not killing it in any way. if anything, if blizzard doesn't allow community servers like tf2 does, it'll be in danger of shutting down forever should they decide the game is no longer profitable and shut down the central servers. that's not something i see happening to tf2, even if valve shuts down their servers, which i don't see why they would considering the game is so fucking profitable, there's still community servers and people dedicated enough to keep the game alive. people who say that overwatch is going to kill tf2 or that tf2 is dying are just memeing.
Adrian Mitchell
I'll settle this.
Consider this: No one is playing tag in my room, therefore tag is dead. If I start playing tag with anyone and they play with me, tag is alive. Substitute tag for any game.
Adrian Rogers
someone asked me to play on a team for them
how do i git gud
Jonathan Torres
Genuine curiosity: what's the reason why you're still playing TF2, a 9 year old game? What makes it more appealing to you than other modern fps games? For me it's a couple of reasons: 1) it's a challenging game and it requires great game sense and skill 2) it doesn't revolve excsluively around "muh team organization" and "muh hero pick", becasue TF2 is a good compromise between team play and individual value.
Blake Edwards
it's fun all of the characters are well written inside the game and in the comics getting a +2 while playing soldier feels like I just creamed in my pants and actually plays a huge factor in a match despite being almost 10 years old it looks great on high setting because of the cartoonish nature, hiding it's age significantly
Tyler Gutierrez
well a big part of it is because it's free and it can run on my piece of shit toaster.
but really, a huge part that keeps me coming back is the comedy. not just the funny characters and the funny things they say, but the fact that the most bizarre and out of nowhere things can just happen in this game when no one's being too serious. i like how there are these unspoken truces you'll sometimes get, the ones that last for entire matches where an enemy team member will do nothing but give you a thumbs up and say "thanks pally" crack me up for some reason. i feel like you can't really do anything like that in overwatch, like i haven't played the game, but i imagine the biggest "goofing off" thing you can do is stack your team full of the same hero.
but i think the single biggest thing is the sense of progression i get from playing it. i can feel myself getting better and getting more into the groove of how to play things every single time i boot up the game and that is an amazing feeling. getting slick headshots or crazy airshots, even hitting a long range crossbow arrow sends me to the fucking moon because god damn it, i worked for that shit. it just feels good to play.
Daniel Howard
Learn by playing Pay attention to where you're looking and what you see Think about what you see and where you can go Shoot people