/hg/ - Halo General

Belated Birthday Edition

>The Anvil's Legacy Update and Halo 5: Forge are live! They include the following:
- Forge and custom game multiplayer on Windows 10, featuring every Halo 5 map, keyboard/mouse support, increased resolution up to 4K, and 22 exclusive achievements for 1000 Gamerscore
- Forge content browser
- 1 new arena map (Haven Remake)
- 1 new warzone assault map
- New reqs, including hunter cannons and the tactical magnum
- All req items unlocked for forge

>Halo 5 Big Team Battle maps and map roster have been updated

>Important Halo Links, Notes etc.

>Latest Halo Community Update

>Spartan Companies
Xbox One:
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halo general
Windows 10:
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halogeneral pc
halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/halogeneral w10

>Looking for custom games/campaign co-op players/matchmaking squads
Watch the threads for occasional party squads

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

>Extended Universe Downloads

>The third /hg/tage is out!

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3 is bad, Reach is worse.

we dying

t. autistic CEfag

>halo 3 the lowest on the list

We should allow GoW discussion in the following weeks to keep the thread alive.

I still don't see the point of this point of this pic. Is it trying to make CE fans look bad?


He's probably just a butt blasted 3babby or appologist.
Ignore him.

Granted, that's easy for me to say. Halo 2 Master Race.

CE fans were the only group upset by the results of the survey. Take it the way you want.

Neither, my top 2 are ODST/2, i just enjoy watching butthurt CE fans.