Fighting Games General /fgg/
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OP, what is this picture?
New Deathstalkers game when?
play battlerite
>Promised at release
And they delivered on that promise which means they are updating the game as also promised. They also added CPU Battle something that hadn't been planned.
>input lag
Right they are updating the game and making it better, glad you agree
>Still getting ragequitted on daily
1 RQ a day isn't bad at all. That will happen in any game
SFIV Vanilla.
For reals though, all Steam fighting games are either outdated, bad or available on Fightcade for free.
There are the KOF UMs though but nobody plays them.
A lot of fighting games would be less dead if people played them instead of shitposting about fighting games they don't play
my favorite, _______ from the doujin fighter______
>A lot of fighting games would be less dead if people played them
There's nothing worth buying, DOA5 F2P might be coming soon.
Imagine being so much of a drone that you keep worshipping and defending a company that installed rootkits on users systems.
Also amerihours are awful. Time to play more vidya
>nobody is sitting in ranked queue in those games because they have better things to do
People would rather play game that literally gives them malware than your kusoge bahahahaha
no, i just meant those as general regions
you could put brazil or whatever
But we Eurohours now
Also did all the American trips die or something? I never see them around
Nobody plays the KOF UMs because the vanilla games are on fightcade with better netcode.
Looks like kusoge "players" have better things to do than play fighting games lmao
>tfw user's dead kusoge can't compete with that
LMAO it must be a rly shitty game
>not even CPU Battle was planned
>nobody bothered to take 15 minutes to code rebindable keys, and then Ctrl-H replace the button constants with those key variables everywhere else in 2 seconds
How is anyone supposed to believe that this developer cares even a little tiny bit about their product, let alone their users?
yeah i got whatcha meant, i just meant if im us west and i play someone us east, is the connection that bad
pc release is just a bonus, they dont play fighting games on pc
This is neat not that anyone cares about Dissidia.
>only one ragequit a day.
What's your salary combofiend?
Does your contract require shilling on Veeky Forums?
See me in KoF13 or 2002UM.
>15 minutes to code
>rebindable keys
The game wasn't made for keyboards. Not Capcom's fault you're too poor to afford a pad or a stick.
Any programmer who's made a game before?
post 15 minutes of you programming rebindable keys
where is your game nodev?
Post your cfn so we can see how many RQs you've experienced lately
Not an argument.
Why does KOFXIV look so bad?
is final fantasy xiv fun
Anyone that's done any sort of computer work?
Rebindable buttons is easy as fuck.
The game already has it, all they would have to do is put in the code they already have.
real talk what becomes of us is the single best final fantasy song in the last 15 years
How do you have your buttons bound for goobers?
Asking people to play your dead kusoge after the fact that they've proved how dead it is? that's kind of not effective
Not an argument.
default with punch and kick switched
>Not an argument.
Are you SERIOUSLY posting here and pretending rebindable keys in a video game are a great challenge worth lots of time? I don't know about 15 minutes but an intern with no prior experience could absolutely do it in like a lunch break's worth of time.
>oddness is still shitposting because sf5 triggers him
i'm going to have to do something about it senpai
yaah its alright. grts really boring once you hit all 60s
No money or 3d graphics experience
Out of all the superior type0 characters they could've used, why did they decide to pick generic douchebag main character?
t. exposed
>still no sources
>more opinions and anecdotes
Not an argument.
>obvious fact
"N-nnuh uh! It's an opinion"
Do you know anything about coding?
You answered your own question.
wtf I plugged my keyboard into my ps4 but guilty gear isn't letting me use it! THIS GAME SUCKS!
>pcfat logic
Playable when?
Gabriel would be good too.
Showing people that there are players who want to play the games sounds good to me.
>Molyneux memes
Nevermind, you are retarded.
don't reply to that not an argument idiot, it's the nozone/netcode apologist virgin
Is that Rangna
How much are they paying you?
Or are you so autistic you will tell obvious lies for a company that has proven they don't give a shit about you, for free?
Even the top american players have a chance at getting paid famalama
>this is the main villain
When did Guilty Gear become so anime? They're going overboard with this otaku culture lately.
>obvious fact
Post proof
Of course there are always going to be a few NEETs like you who are around to play a dead kusoge. That doesn't mean the games have an active community though which was the argument.
This game looks fun but from what I've seen it's a little too mexibeam spam
How did they manage to fuck up That Man so hard
Can you stop shitposting this thread because you don't like a fighting game? Thank you
Post you have knowledge of how coding works.
If you can, I will show you. Otherwise it's a waste of time.
No it's Ace.
gg is a game with instant blocks and links, i wouldn't advise going cross region regularly unless you both have a good connection
the plebbest
I kinda miss the SF4 Remix shill.
>still expecting people to take his opinions as facts
That's not how it works. You make a claim then back it up with facts. Opinions are not facts. Try again.
I just want to play a bullet hell boss in a fighting game. Plus GG makes it's furries slightly less faggy than other series.
demonik just told me sfv is fun again because of urien
>doesn't understand how computers work.
>clearly no one else does either!!
>slightly less faggy
>has less clothes than hanzo
>>I just want to play a bullet hell boss in a fighting game
Then play BBCSE for Unlimited Mu.
Also, That Cat is about as faggy as a design can get, don't kid yourself.
the burden of proof lies on you
who said that?
>Guilty Gear
>Expecting no belts.
Just accept them.
the best player this general ever had desu
Good point.
Fair enough.
But I'm greedy and want one in GG too.
then why aren't you playing cummy blasterz??
Google ue4 documentation.
Its in there. If you cannot understand the documentation, nor know what to look for, then a specific answer will not help you.
If you understand how variables work, you should realize how trivial changing them is.
Wait are Izuna and Asuka related?
oh okay
i dream of a day where i can play some fag in europe and not worry about these things
>he fell for urien meme
>Bullet Hell
>Parace L'Sia
No. But I'm guessing over exposure to the Backyard causes magical side effects like becoming a furry.
Would you take that risk to get god level magic powers?
>more opinions
I only deal with facts. Come back when you can post one.
fuck yeah dude, liking furry shit is gay but becoming a furry is another story
Then play a 2hu fighter
>god is real!
>ok, prove it
>g-google it!
I think we're done here.
The power of the Sony PlayStation 4
Make sure to buy the next Ipone4Pro too
That looks very floaty.
The other 2
Here's the input documentation for UE4, the engine that SF5 runs on.
If you can read, and understand this, you should realize how simple it actually is.
If you want coding lessons, codeacademy is good.
That webm seems to have sub 50 fps and shitters mashing.
Urien is too fun for SFV, I wish I could play him in 4 instead
>Excited for my main in Dash Masher V(irus)
>Buy a new Madcatz TES+
>Play for like 3 days
>Never touch it again
Help me... I have a $200 paperweight...
Let's go floatier
That still looks crazy floaty
I wish I could play Fang in 4. He would have been so fun in that game.
Is anyone else shitposting here while waiting for a game? Seems some of you post so frequently you wouldn't have time to play otherwise
Does SFV even count as a AAA game?
ggs flea
You could try out Skullgirls instead, it's the most fun 2d fighting game on the market and has a passionate developer behind it.