I dare you fuckers to find a person who can beat this man in autism
Alexander Martin
How do I into the nomad fight? I run out of food in p4
Brody Clark
Ive reached a point where i dont even want to hear people speak because im so socially awkward.
Can i beat him?
Joshua Phillips
Hey guys, Smelly Poo here
First of all, I hope all of you have had a wonderful double exp weekend maximizing those gains. I would also like to give a huge shoutout to all the people who hosted portables 24/7 on World 42.
Moving on, as you all have known, our big circlejerking shithole of a clan has gained quite a large popularity due to the fact of us originating from a popular Japanese anime board. We have gained countless impressive members but has also lost some good ones over the course of these past few years.
Right now, our current problem is that we have over 450+ members in our clan and according to my own speculation, 75% of the users are inactive.
In order to counter this problem and to make our clan much more successful (so that we can beat the Efficient ExpertsFaggots), we are planning on purging most non-active users.
This recent Double Experience boost event will be used as a tool to determine which users fit the requirements to stay and which will be getting the boot.
If you are not on this top 50 double experience list, you are fucked.
Isaiah Phillips
Cross-reference a 'this month' list to pick up any efficient outliers that just had to work or some shit this weekend if you're aiming at max efficiency members.
Daniel James
Shut the fuck up Aural you fat fuck autist no life faggot that can't even get a quest cape. You're a sneaky little cunt, I'll give you that. Isn't it enough that you "won" this little competition of ours, why do you insist of dragging my name in the mud like this?
t. Sooty Poo
Robert Clark
>unironically caring about xp beyond level 80
Jose Cook
dead lol
Elijah Hughes
post-dxp burnout desu
Jordan Morales
Thank you based Jesus
Dylan Reed
>only two tasks left to complete >"Totally Livid" and "Limber Lumber Jumper"
Sebastian Garcia
did that guy ever post his corp preset
Hunter Brooks
Is Telos fixed yet?
Jordan Reed
Outer Path already beats him by a long run.
Asher Green
>didnt have to stress out during bxpw >had no major goals set in stone beforehand >casually trained some dung >had no feel of obligation or major xp waste >feelsgood Who else /maxed/?
Ayden Smith
Feels good man >made a few overloads >afked some bamboo >flipped some stuff Nice to have no pressure.
William Gutierrez
So at the moment the poison and minion path is open. If I take the poison route will the minions later in P3 give me a hard?
This is my first time doing rax, should I hold out till the minion path is gone?
Thomas Carter
yes but you can start with the minion path first its not difficult its just slower than the other paths
Luke James
Best way to do it is to dps him fast on P3, he won't spawn minions unless you have terrible rng. If he does kill the mirrorback/pulsing and beat him.
First spec of P4 is always the acid, so save your adren pot for P4 and zerk him below 50k before his second spec, so he can't spawn minions. Very easy.
Nicholas Powell
Wait just saw it's your first time doing rax. In that case just kill all the minions when he spawns them. It's not fast but it's probably the best way if it's your first time.
Dominic Walker
I wouldn't do 1/2 when learning spider tbqh
Oliver Morgan
ITT: Things people avoid talking about.
>that one time Jagex made a character whose name rearranges to "shit I stink" in a quest about necromancy and attempted genocide
Jordan Martin
What quest?
>I already did every one, I just forgot
Jose Scott
Thanks, I'll check it out tomorrow. Should I buy Death Lotus or Anima core of Zammy?
i got like 4m construction xp trying to get the pet.
David Gray
is there an afk way to train construction? When i trained it this past weekend I kept building things in my house and it was very click intensive and annoying
Grayson Taylor
Well the beach WAS an afk method.
Construction is stupidly out of date skill.
Adam Bennett
i just built flotsam pawnbrokers with mahogany planks. i think thats generally the best way to do it, tons of clicking though.
you can make flatpack items for lower, more afk xp. ive never personally done this before though.
Angel Hill
What I did was bind the 1 key to the button on the side of my mouse so I could hold it with my thumb. Then all I had to do was remove and build as fast as I could in between butler bank trips. Still pretty intensive but it reduced the effort immensely and let me do it one-handed.
Julian Sullivan
Use AHK to bind key presses to the correct mouse jumps/button presses so you can mindlessly keyboard mash without paying attention to the screen
Andrew Lee
Currency pouch update was one of the top 5 of the year desu
Bentley Moore
>602 second nomad P-purple looks better anyway.
Robert Mitchell
How the fuck do you nomad pt4? He turns off your prayers, hits you for 3ks white the nigger hits you for 2ks in a small ass area. A shield doesnt help too much either, and its not like bm where you can voke him and get a reasonable heal going. I can reach that phase with half a yak of rocks and i just eat though them every hit. I even switched back to my t85 tank armour and it did fuck all
Lucas Phillips
Different user here. The membership pop-ups notwithstanding, they're still pretty annoying about it. I have a 5 year crown of loyalty and I still get popups for half the new stuff they put out. Summer event, the Arc, Tales of Nomad, etc. I can understand if they track things like your account not logging in for X number of days, but if I've been active for longer than the current CEO has been on the payroll, they shouldn't need to tell me how to read the main page.
Ethan Lopez
totes. what 4 currency did you favorite user? i did chimes taiju slayer points reaper points
Robert Scott
Those aren't jewish though, those are news announcements because very very few players actually keep up with updates.
Cameron Martinez
QoL updates always feel GOAT because they haven't had months of hype to let us down
Jackson Davis
>deathmatch doesn't have darkscapes style of gear power reduction completely pointless if you are over 100 combat and don't have t90 tank gear augmented perfectly
Brandon Myers
I think there's a cooldown on him turning your prayers off So you might be able to just keep turning them back on right after
Joseph Sullivan
how to change environment color?????????
Aaron Hernandez
Really? Is that due to inactivity or just not wanting to sift through all the TH promos they put there?
Isaiah Lopez
chimes taijitu dung tokens and thaler iirc
Matthew Williams
Doesnt seem like it. I started clicking pro melee the instant it goes off, it comes back in 3 seconds, then he just shoots it down again. Unless its all RNG which i totally wouldnt be surprised at
Carter Scott
Neither, a large chunk of the playerbase barely knows how to work a computer.
James Ramirez
well 3 seconds of prot melee at a time is better than none?
Ian Carter
That's extremely depressing but I can believe it.
Jose Harris
perhaps utilize blood essences?
Josiah Walker
I don't know about the yellow, but for night >enter your PoH with night sky >hop worlds >game world will stay night
It's a bug, so you will see the moon and stars in caves and stuff, but Jagex said they would leave it unfixed since people like it
Alexander Jackson
The two window clusterfuck is annoying, but other than that it's pretty swell.
Logan Jones
No i mean i pro melee, he drops it, i click constantly for 3 seconds, it comes back, he drops it again. Rinse and repeat until i die
Evan Martinez
You can kite him with mage
Isaac Myers
You are alone in here, user.
Christian Powell
>Kicks people right before kill >Never admits that the reason the kill failed was partial their fault for dying early >Makes excuses as to why it's everyones faults
Is there anything more cancerous in the Runescape community than raiding?
Leo Mitchell
>Doing Deadliest Catch >Get to the Mermaids >No option to just beat the shit out of them and make them free Jones Why?
Adrian Sanders
>Mermaids I'd just rape them desu.
Nathaniel Baker
They're pretty ugly though.
Alexander Smith
Post pics.
Mason Martin
Eli Flores
>The World Guardian who can't fucking die because the gods need them and prophecy and all that bullshit >fought beings that could destroy the world >3 fish cunts with a sea monster hold them hostage
A gentleman does not initiate violence upon a lady.
Easton Harris
>my character is a female
Mason Sullivan
you are not your character.
Josiah Powell
Girls have noodly arms and stuff.
Ethan Harris
is upgrading from my crystal bow to a royal cbow worth it? I don't have an attuned crystal seed for the attuned cbow
William James
Are the surveys and shit for runecoins legit? Are they even a reasonable way of getting them or should I just be a good goy and shell out the money for a legendary pet?
Gavin Clark
How good are you at acting like someone woth the mental capacity of a plant?
Sebastian Roberts
They are EXTREMELY finicky and dodgy when doing these. Best just to afk video ads for 1 coin a piece.
Jonathan Sullivan
They give me full-length movies for that 1 coin though. So I fill out forms like a retard and it works?
Dylan Smith
i got 50 keys for dling napster and subscribing for 1$ that was during dxp though when they were giving dbl keys
Gavin Allen
Rich retard who is the goodest of goyim. Liberal, obviously. Medical field worked for me. Try an area with high prop values.
John Moore
I can spend the money, I've got a job. I'm just a cheap jew.
Brody Parker
No, I mean that's what you have to put to get the surveymen to suck your benis
Aaron Rogers
>not training afk skills with teamviewer while you're at work or running errands
Justin Fisher
I'd do any but the fat one desu
Josiah Clark
>teamviewer over any other remote desktop app enjoy u're virus