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Dueling Network/Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2316
Last thread: Loli Cannons Edition
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Useful Links:
Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:
OCG decklists:
TCG decklists:
TCG/OCG news sites:
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Raging Tempest (October 8th)
●OCG: Booster SP: Fusion Enforcers (November 12th)
●OCG: Dimension Box Limited Edition (November 26th)

●TCG: Legendary Decks II (October 7th)
●TCG: Structure Decks Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba (October 21st)
●TCG: Invasion: Venom (November 4th)
●TCG: Destiny Soldiers (November 17th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk and read the archives.
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● If you want to improve, netdeck and playtest constantly.
● Read the cards you fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


tfw the cards from my culture are furryshit

Holy SHIT can we hit 750 so I can make a new thread? Waifupost, anything, please.

I'm going to marry Magileine!

4th for Terrortop getting the shit banned out of him thanks to +5 combos

What's your favorite card?

Reposting the better image here. This is really vague, but this is Julia confirming that TCG Burgers are still optional, despite what the text implies. Sorry to disappoint, but if you try to chain all your Burgers, you're doing it wrong.

What combo?


This cute little shit.

Terrortop Ss, Takento, Invoker
SS Rat
Overlay Wildbow on top of Rat
Wildbow eff, detach Rat for Rat
Overlay Tigris on top of Wildbow
Detach Wildbow to attach Rat, Rat for Rat again
Overlay Bullhorn on top of Tigris
Search Coach Captain Bearman
NS, effect, make your 2 rats level 8
Overlay for Gigatrainer
Overlay Drancia on top of Bullhorn

This is fucking retarded

They won't even admit that they fucked up

>all that dicksucking
>one people has a legit doubt but Joe and Julia treat him like he's a fucking baby and should've known better

You could've printed the cards with their intended effects, you fucking TCG idiots, but then again you're a group of dumb imbeciles

And here I though BA would be the ones to do it, or that it'd be safe since it slipped last list
Not like they'll hit the new Rat if Zodiacs take off

>despite what the text implies
There's something very wrong here

The destroyer of monster with 4000 attack and lower and have to activate there effects during the battle phase.

Then draw 3 off Giantrainer, then use Argent Chaos Force on Giantrainer to summon Ultimatrainer, then draw 1 off Ultimatrainer, then set 5.

>Give Lightsworn a +18 boss monster
>Make it a prize card

>Activating a trap card is optional
>implying Burger revive effect is activating a trap card

>let me make a condescending and wrong statement
>oops they pointed out i was wrong, so let me continue being condescending

Who is this fucking imbecile?

Don't forget to activate your Ariadne so you can activate all that Ultimate Providence for free.

The guy making the original post said that entirely wrong. He was literally trying to say "Burgers aren't mandatory", without actually saying it, because he isn't someone able to make real rulings. Although he was literally told that by someone in R&D.
Julia is a drama queen and a bitch. And the head of the TCG Judge Program. :D

Oh man, imagine if they just made activating all trap cards effects optional and Lose 1 Turn spiked to 300 dollars.

America's finest

Any suggestion?
Should I add more S/T hate?
INOV can't come fast enough.

The judge facebook group is fucking disgusting. Like I can't even find the proper words to describe how much I hate that place.

Julia carded when?


why no make a pure metalfoes deck instead?

What effect does Crow have as a card?


It's a pure variant, with Gofu, Kirin, Eccentrick, and Dyna splashed as tech.

Once per epidode; shill blackwings

>don't do official rulings for each card individually because "muh PSCT is le foolproof ;^)"
>mess up constantly and enforce rulings that contradict the PSCT anyway
10/10 KoA! Truly no one else could do your job better than you.

meh to each there own, i rather just use them by themselves with a bunch of draw power spell/ trap destruction instead, but your way works too.

Once per arc: You can insert Crow into the plot of an arc that he isn't particularly relevant to; reveal 5 new Blackwing cards with very little synergy with the original deck and print them in the next booster pack.

Nigga, why?

Burning Abyss Twelve Beasts

>facebook post
>should be treated as Konami TCG official ruling
There's something wrong here.


The question is why not.

I have a 70 win ratio with the deck.

This is the closest we get, since it's not just from some judge, it's from the mouth of Julia herself. It's the same place we got the Slumber ruling.


Because that sounds like a fucking awful time.

Like, I play box of friends metalfoes at locals every week and have fun, but I would be lying if I said that it didn't feel like a goddamn uphill battle all the time without tech like Eccentric, Kirin, Etc.

those chucklefucks are worthless so it's the best we have

>please don't think that makes those rulings official


Made tgus deck quite a while ago just for fun. Ive actually beaten a few higher tierd decks with it, like PK, BA, Blue Eyes, as well as Dark Magicians. Mostly because of the ability to shut down their monster effects and keeping them from doing anything with the imprisoning mirrors and the occasional bloom diva or Gaia Drake. But I want some feedback on it so i can see what i should take out or put in to make more consistent

Well, they don't give official rulings at all anymore. That statement in the pinned post is basically pointless, because no rulings are official unless given on the Yugioh Blog, and the only one that's been there was about Pend Sorc. They don't give ANY official rulings at all, so this might as well be official. Welcome to the TCG.

Please stop shitting up the general.

What the fuck are you guys talking abo-
>read the TCG description of Burgers

>first duel against Kaiju
>10+ turn of fucking nothing, not even summoning monster
>end with surrender

What really? What decks do you go up against?

Came to post this
He and Vanity's Fiend let me shit all over ABCs and B's

So is Jackie Chan.dek guaranteed to be meta once it hits OCG and TCG, right?

They go +5 from Terrortop alone

Any other viable machine decks besides ABC?

PKBA, Kozmo, Monarch, Dracoslayer/Enetermate, Monarch, DDD, and I think this guy had some weird Entermate Majespectars that wasn't too effective.

The majority is kozmo though I think.

You need to play coach bear and FIFA trainer though

I mostly go up against blue eyes, Performapals, and Dark Magicians



I mean... it's not like Gigatrainer is bad

Bearman is the only one that could be considered "bad" but the only reason is because he's stuck on a shitty series and was unsearchable until now

Any one got any tips for a Cyber Dragon deck?

This is the first time i made one.

>They don't give ANY official rulings at all, so this might as well be official
What about OCG Official ruling?
Surely it's more official than something that's claimed as not official?

I mean, if one contradict the other, surely the one claimed as not official will lose?



Needs more negation, board breaking and other retarded shit. +5 is nothing in the modern game.

OCG rulings do not apply to the TCG, at all ever. If you quote an OCG ruling to anyone in the judge program, they'll laugh at you.

Needs more Kaijus

>+5 is nothing on the modern game
ABC go +5 and they make up for the lack of native negation through the use of floodgates

ABC don't have board breaks at all yet they're tier 1

That means I can't activates Kaiju Files at all.


No, fuck Kaijews

Leave BE alone, you darklord shitter.

Yes you can. I didn't bother to screenshot when I asked, but it works Because Konami Says So. I argued the same thing, trust me. yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/BKSS

gonna have to go with the wicked avatar, i would post an image but Veeky Forums is being shit right now and telling me i have to wait an ever increasing time to post an image

This and Stardust are some of the biggest reasons i loved 5D's.

It's dead, Jim

no iron call, no coth, no toon, no zwei, no prisma
add jizukiru for searching with repair plant and making fortress dragons, with
maybe max repair plant too.
machine dupe on cydra core makes infinity. darkworld shackles is a good meme for beating over things and duping normal cydras.
i don't remember the rest of the details but a cydra deck topped somewhere on the 6th in japan this month, if you can find it.

meant for

So can somebody top the +5 from terrortop combo? It needs to also shit out Crystal wing.

What do you guys think of my level 1 deck. Yeah I know 60 card decks are bad most of the time, but i still enjoy it

are you allergic to having 3 identical cards, or an odd number in general

They treat as if OCG doesn't exist, huh.

I-I think I want to let this sink in first before I fall into despair.

>xyz deck
>shitting out synchros


So, wait, there were people who actually thought it was an automatic summon?

I just realized what you mean, but its just how i made the deck. I mean 3 marshmacaroon makes stalling so easy. Its how i make most of my decks, and there are a couple even numbers in their as well as a couple of triple cards. the only thing i dont like is having one of a card that isnt limited

Say that to Fire Fist.


Read this carefully.
This is what TCG printed in TDIL.

Whats that one deck you hate to duel against?

For me its ABC's I hate them so much

They are quicker to tell you not to use OCG rules than to actually give you a ruling. Let me try to find that picture.

>Dark magician.

I would not want to play a fun variant of metals against that damn magic circle.

Post deck?

What's the OCG equivalent to Mermails?

If there's any one thing DM can do competently, it's definitely telling pendulum decks to eat shit with Secret Village and Circle.

Can we get some Zodiac deck-lists now they're up on ygopro?

Fire Fist got both tuners and xyz though

However, instead of making Gigatrainer you could search for Fire Fist Boar, make Tiger King with the two Rats, set Tenki with Tiger King, set Tensen with Boar and make any level 8 synchro

So the contents of the Legendary Decks 2 are still unknown? I'm debating getting some DSOD packs but I'd rather not if they're just gonna be in the legendary decks anyways

>added new cards
The Twelve Beasts are here!

Read Boar

Weren't Crush Card and Cyber Stein also prize cards? Fucking Jewnami

Not all of them, Dragon Milf is the only Xyz monster.