Threadly Reminder that Writernon is out there. That he loves you, and that he wants you to stop buying these shitty games.
Nicholas Sanchez
why havent milennias weapons been ported yet
Joseph Sanders
>milennia fucking lol
Jordan Ortiz
Sebastian Nguyen
Pirates all,
Goods you need acquire are at last thread to your desire... At the bottom, coated in black, Are the clues that you lack. Wild torrents they may seem, At the end you will redeem. Follow the clues right... In the end you may acquire the total... game
Kayden Barnes
He's popular, so we hate him. Dem's the rules.
Benjamin Cruz
because they're all ugly
who here wants me to share with them quality fallout 4 lewd writan
Jacob Kelly
You're not doing anything revolutionary, you fucking autist. Anyone can google a torrent for this shitty game
Samuel Watson
>be millenia >start weapon retexture project for F3 >retexture a handful of weapons and then stop >start weapon retexture project for NV >retexture a handful of weapons and then stop >start weapon retexture project for Skyrim >retexture a handful of weapons and then stop he can't finish shit
Brody Allen
>too shiny >too clean >doesn't make high res versions of the vanilla aesthetic with his style(see the unique guns in NV like Maria and the survivalists rifle) overrated trash
Gavin Thompson
Google are Jews. They track you!
Josiah Rivera
he's made like 30 weapons
Carson Walker
Is there a mod that allows you to get Preston raped by a glowing ghoul's glowing COCK
Logan Roberts
Unless you're gonna agree with me don't ever reply to me again.
Camden Cook
So what's everyones favorite PA paintjob? I'm partial to the Railroad finish, they may not be the greatest faction but the dark, parkerized look of their PA paintjob just looks nice to me. Plus it's for T-51, so that's a plus.
Jackson Perry
yeah half of which the game doesn't have animations for so it looks like shit when you reload, or they just clip through the players hands.
still they're adequate for their real purpose, taking screenshots of your ENB and tacticool character.
Nicholas Butler
This nigga is on point.
>hurr look at my factory fresh weapons Inb4 Obsidiots shout "Gunrunners, Gunrunners!" The base game's textures show weapons scratched and scuffed, because in a post-apocalyptic shithole nobody has time to clean and store their guns properly.
Henry Hernandez
What's the best tool to use for FO4? Mod Organizer, Manager, or something else?
Jaxson Jenkins
>still they're adequate for their real purpose, taking screenshots of your ENB and tacticool character. SAVAGE
Luis Gomez
Nexus Mod Manager.
Not even memeing.
Nolan Murphy
Hello R*ddit
Luke Cox
So blame obsidian for them all sharing the same textures. It doesn't mean they're not new when the game specifically tells you they are.
It's the same with Contraptions DLC. you literally make factory fresh weapons hot off the fucking press you can take em but I know you're going to bitch about that too.
The answer is NMM. It does what it's supposed to do. Install and uninstall. no more no less.
Elijah Russell
I like the classic T51 paintjob, and the Military paintjob on the T60. Not really a fan of the rest of the others, the Atom Cats paintjob and Quantum X01 look pretty nice.
Lucas Morgan
Don't ask questions if you aren't going to pay attention to the answer
Isaiah Watson
is this boiler plate or did this nerd figure out a way of telling? his presentation is pretty professional but in the end hes a bethesda modder so I can only assume hes an incompetent dipshit, just like the rest.
Aiden Cruz
yes it'll make mustard gas if you install it don't try to make it work my brother died that way
Nathaniel Rivera
Railroad's nice, but if you're feeling a little more festive I liked putting the Shark paintjob on all of the parts except the torso, which I left as the default T-51 colour.
Admittedly, the shark paint is pretty bold and I'm sure it's not for everyone, but I still think it's pretty good without those asinine teeth on the torso.
Nathan Gray
Watermelon armor
Zachary Bennett
Who's got that 1.7.15 update?
Samuel James
wew, should have gone with alt+f4.
Bentley Hill
Cooper Jenkins
I can't use the Shark paintjob without a jetpack, it's too perfect a combo. Especially with the explosive vents. Perfect for that bomber feel, except you are the bomb.
Ayden Phillips
r*ddit armor
David Allen
I'd have to say he's right. Fallout 3 and 4 are dramatically different games from the rest of the series. That said, I don't have a pathological hatred for them. They're fun to roam around and shoot shit in. It's like how the Thing's prequel is worth a watch just for the gore.
Justin Long
cmon user. what the fuck does this have to do with reddit?
Mason James
shut up /cfog/ RETARD
Luis Sullivan
Daniel Peterson
> Leddit > cfog > CAPSLOCK RETARD
is this bait? This looks like bait.
Dylan Reyes
holy shit, that's the first time ive seen that, thats insane that they put that in there
Elijah Cruz
Pretty eerie t b h. But I suppose that anything can seem like conspricacy if you analize it long enough.
Besides, it's NMA. Now I usually don't like to generalize, but I can't really say that I know of anyone who frequents NMA and likes Bethesdas handling of the franchise.
Brayden Jenkins
I can't think of anyone who frequents NMA and is particularly clever, or even all that smart in general.
Jonathan Murphy
Gavin Rivera
Anthony Gomez
>NMA raises a child.jpg
Owen Martin
>anyone on NMA having children
Alexander Allen
What if they were forced into raising their wife/gf's bastard child?
Inb4 >Anyone on NMA having a wife/gf
Leo Harris
>Inb4 >Anyone on NMA having a wife/gf Why would you cut off the only logical line of response, friend?
Ayden Thomas
Does anyone have an issue in vanilla where followers won't follow you through doors? Like going into interiors they won't do anything?
Jonathan Cruz
Did you tell them to wait? If not then I dunno, I don't believe i've ever encountered this issue.
Luis Rogers
Samuel Nguyen
Occasionally happened to me. Cait I noticed it with yesterday but that's in a heavily modded game.
I generally just take a seat and wait an hour for the AI to catch up.
Justin Price
Yeah, it's one of two major issues holding back Maxwell's World right now. That and my own incompetence at packaging.
Jacob Perry
Can't say I have, up ramps they have stopped but teleport behind after a bit.
Aaron Rivera
Just booted up the game in months, got myself to the mass relay from the institute, went to nuka world transit.
Should I do Far Harbor or anything before going to Nuka World?
Jason Morgan
I had that problem yesterday. I lost my follower and couldn't find her. I went back to a previous save and it turned out she was sitting in a chair when I went through a door. I think it might be a bug with the AIs or something because I don't remember having this issue before. Try the 'moveto player" with your follower selected.
Asher Evans
I personally like to do the DLC in order of release, but they don't actually have anything to do with eachother, you can do them in any order.
Isaiah Morales
If you plan on actually raiding, leave Nuka World until last.
Elijah Martin
Go to Far Harbor and buy the kiloton radium rifle, just about the only thing that's worth it from Far Harbor besides the Marine Armor.
Jacob Moore
Welp, I got a double barrel shotgun, about 15 doses of Jet, a little bit of psycho and some scraps of ballistic clothing while on survival mode
Can I do it?
John Perez
The elixir thing made of tree sap is pretty good too mane.
I suggest finding some pants before you try it.
Asher Gutierrez
That depends, what level are you and how much ammo do you have?
Carter Johnson
I remember a mod where you could directly barter with vendors without going through their dialog. Does anyone know the name of it or if it even existed?
Luke Hernandez
It was anti-climatic, sorry. two shots took off about 30% of its HP with psycho, level 2 rifleman and the shotgun has armor pen enchant. Also using the cars for cover from the rocks and stomps
Oh yeah, that sap brew is pretty useful. I use if for controlling my rad level to get the +4 int from the Inquisitor cowl.
Jeremiah Reyes
RIP behemoth
Cameron Lopez
Thank you
Samuel Phillips
Is that a WoW joke or is there something I'm missing?
Leo Green
you literally become the leader of raider gangs, you can.. do raider things after the main story quest there
Liam Richardson
Holy shit. Good find.
Robert Hernandez
The way raiding works conflicts pretty heavily with managing settlements. To get the most out of it you'll want to build up some settlements, then come in and take them over. YMMV though, so if you can handle the dissonance you're golden.
Xavier Lewis
Lincoln Williams
go look up "electoral college".
the reason this is not more widely known is because ad companies pour billions for prime time slots for president stuff.
sit back and grab a beer as you soon learn what you do does not matter
Xavier Wilson
I know about the electoral college, and I'm not a yank
but this is gonna be the greatest entertainment of the decade
Zachary Mitchell
Some washed up old bitch with dementia rambling on nonsensically for half an hour? Then Hillary will get to talk, kek.
Joseph Davis
I think it should be Learn your son is now old -> Go to Far Harbor to take a vacation and reflect on your failures Get back, do main quest -> Realize it's all fucked and burn it the ground
Luke Stewart
The CoA robes you get from a quest are pretty great too. As are some of the ending perks.
Ayden Martin
>get depressed >go to depression island This checks out.
Not as good as some of the Nuka World ending perks.
>tfw Pack are dumb as fuck but you can't pass up their perk
Jackson Howard
>get the perks >kill all the raiders >both Preston and Gage hate me I'm a regular madman
Aaron Ward
>Not as good as some of the Nuka World ending perks. They do stack though.
Evan Smith
>new game >ignoring sanctuary this time around >even the quest to save them all >zero settlers >just basic things for myself >have this weird warm feeling inside What is this feeling?
Colton Edwards
it's called being comfy
Landon Campbell
Post comfy
Nathan Scott
Can somebody with DEF_UI experience tell me if you can remove the background window thing from subtitles so it's like default?
I'm looking in the settings.exe or whatever but I can't see anything there for it.
Jordan Hernandez
Why would you be looking there for an INTERFACE mod
IIRC yes, background is toggleable.
Tyler Jackson
Derp disregard this I am a retard.
Xavier Campbell
The Def_UI version I downloaded came with tools to tweak the options instead of spelunking in XMLs. I was just looking at the inventory one not the HUD one because
Daniel Rogers
Austin Taylor
>Using PA >ever
Connor Kelly
>staring directly into the flames Suicidal depression hitting hard.
Owen Jenkins
The jetpack is a necessity for me at this point
I'm trying to imagine Nuka World, especially kiddie kingdom, without the jetpack...ughh.