Fighting Games General /fgg/
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holy shit, skullgirls looks bad
I can hear it in my head
blazblue is hard, triggered goobers
why are black memes so funny
remember to not ignore the last few post from the old threads
it's fude to do do
>winning in gg doesn't feel satisfying desu. it feels like a race to see who can get their memes out first and make the other guy block in setup after setup.
>this kind of gameplay feels hella dated.
That's why every fighting game ASW releases flops and dies within weeks/months. They've been releasing the same game for 15 years. Even BB is just a slightly different GG.
what are urien's anti airs?
>pc fighting games with no input delay meme
first of all turn v-sync i you ever want o have good online matches
>Even BB is just a slightly different GG.
So what if GG doesn't have footsies?
Are there groups where people are all on voice while they play SFV?
Every time I try to pick the game back up I can't stand how I'm spending most of my time waiting for matches in silence, and even in games I can't talk to my opponents.
>getting baited by false-flagging goober
Don't do this
Dont respond to capcum guzzlers.
new dc game adds gears to put on characters so people keep playing to collect them all
If people wanted human interaction then they would not queue in ranked for a moba.
I don't know if you've ever played a moba but people literally never shut up. I love it.
something is wrong when ken is top tier
he does pure retard stuff and it just works
like I do anti air metalic sphere and his stupid tatsu just absorbs fireballs lmao. Plus it hits like full screen and beats anything if you happen to dash or move forward at all
>blocked tatsu into dp
wow lmao
t. capcuck
Welcome to SFV. Projectiles are garbage and everyone has like 40 command grabs.
Maybe next time...
You just have to go back in time 15 years to when arcades where still around
There's nothing inherently wrong with a game having little emphasis on footsies. But I just wonder why event bother playing fighting games at that point? A strong neutral game means a strong level of interaction between two players. Games like GG are much more focused on flashy looking combos and setups. People play fighting games for the two player interactivity, the competition. If you just want to do cool combos/setups why not just play DMC/Bayonetta/NG/etc?
GG is never going to become popular within the FGC because people want to actually play and interact with their opponent, not watch one guy doing combos and setups over and over again while they block in the corner.
what character you play? you should not let him fullscreen tatsu and if he ever does and you didn't punish late tech..
semen demon generals
>defense isn't interaction
6mp 5hk 2hp, hp fireball. is really good too if you can catch them with its weird hitbox.
Wheres the leggings?
I want to play gg now
>There's nothing inherently wrong with a game having little emphasis on footsies. But I just wonder why event bother playing fighting games at that point? A strong neutral game means a strong level of interaction between two players. Games like GG are much more focused on flashy looking combos and setups. People play fighting games for the two player interactivity, the competition. If you just want to do cool combos/setups why not just play DMC/Bayonetta/NG/etc?
If that were true the sales of SFV wouldn't be abysmal. A lot of people love big combos, flashy characters, and cool setups.
>GG is never going to become popular within the FGC because people want to actually play and interact with their opponent, not watch one guy doing combos and setups over and over again while they block in the corner.
Then how the fuck did Marvel get big? That game is awful in every way except as competitive dance dance revolution for your hands.
Thankfully we have SFV, to show all these goobers what real footsies look like!
I mean, if you say so. The vast majority of people don't think so which is why Revelator is so dead.
What game does have footsies then? SFV sure as fuck doesn't. KoF footsies are present but often invalidated by hops.
Marvel doesn't pretend to be a high IQ game filled with elitist players who have fragile egos.
Marvel players know that Marvel is dumb. That's part of the hype.
Goobers take their game too seriously and it's reflected in the commentary.
hyper fighting
c.hp is fucking garbage as an anti-air.
Fmp is a really good button. It catchs jumps and dashes from midrange, and you can do the tc and cancel into aegis memes.
are you implying that SFV isn't dumb
>Marvel doesn't pretend to be a high IQ game filled with elitist players who have fragile egos
Not now that it's dying, it sure as hell did for years.
>Marvel players know that Marvel is dumb. That's part of the hype.
Tell them that. People are mad as hell at that one south american dude who keeps winning with big bodies because it's not 'how the game is supposed to be played'.
/fgg/ tell me about pre Xrd gg, was it as good as people say?
I don't know much about it except it was very fast and frc's are hard.
It's probably his worst one, it gives him his best reward though.
It is the hard reads and commitment anti air.
>If that were true the sales of SFV wouldn't be abysmal. A lot of people love big combos, flashy characters, and cool setups.
SFV sales are 1.4 mill. Certainly not as much as MK which is a casual game first and fighter second, but it's far beyond any other current fighters. KoFXIV sold 70k WW and the two versions of GG combined are at like Then how the fuck did Marvel get big? That game is awful in every way except as competitive dance dance revolution for your hands.
Marvel has a very strong Neutral game. MvC1 and 2 specially had an insanely fast and fun neutral. You had to put in a ton of work in neutral to get stuff done. Even in MVC3 that is still true. All the high level matches are about trying to out-maneuver your opponent in neutral because if they hit your character it's dead and probably the next one as well.
still like sfv
People are mad because he's KBR. Marvel has nothing to do with it.
don't you see she's blushing she forgot
It's the get kicked the head by ken even though you saw into the future and timed it perfectly anti-air.
You could try the discord. People usually get on voice chat in there.
SFV is a game that is marketed as what whiny scrubs and steamboars think they want but has a horrible user retention rate because what they think they want is actually garbage. (and streamboars don't play games)
>SFV sales are 1.4 mill
They are not. SFV SHIPPED 1.4 million and the game has been on constant very low sales and discount for months already.
please stop recommending that place, everyone in there is an asshole
1.4m is outdated and is retail only, retard
It's only as outdated as the graphics of sfv, shillzard.
There should be a /sfv/ general. We shouldn't have to take this abuse from kusogememers.
Not everyone. There's plenty of chill people there too.
Even if that were true they still moved 1.4 mill worth of inventory, but more importantly SFV is far and away the biggest fighting game in the FGC. It absolutely dwarfs GG, KoF, MK, KI, Skullgirls, BB, etc. and that's what's important. Before SFV, SFIV dominated. The ONLY fighter that ever rivaled SFIV was Marvel 3. The hardcore crowd VASTLY prefers neutral based games like SF and Marvel.
why are GG players so dickish?
>gets btfo
>m-muh graphics
Take your pills goober
yes pls go
Best OP.
It was very balanced in the same way that BBCF is balanced right now, ie everyone had some form of extreme strength.
that german goober sits here all day and shitpost about sfv
just think about this fact
OK I am getting baited so hard.
The only measurement of what to play in the american fgc is Is it by capcom? If yes then 10/10 most best super esports of all time honest If no then haha kusoge anime party etc masher
except kagura rofl
sfv shipped over 2 million, it sold 1.4 million.
It's primarily the ones here on /fgg/ that are only here to shitpost. It's given GG a bad rep around here.
why are SFV players so dickish?
how the fuck did we go from that to mr. chuuni
This little piece of information you got there is more then 4 months old bro, nobody knows how many units were sold since then because Capcom didn't release any numbers.
They're called false flaggers and you've been falling for their shit for years now.
There isn't a single game in Japan that has gotten 500+ entrant tourneys like multiple SFV and 3S and ST tournaments have.
The most popular GG tourney in Japan had less than 200 entrants
The same way we went from That Man to That Pussy
That looks pretty chuuni to me
guts is dumb
It's the "SFV non-jab Anti-Air"
they've been falseflagging ever since BBCT. pretty sad desu.
I don't have any problems with Raven's current look. It's not actually any crazier than designs we already have plus he still has the Gatchaman cloak.
Shut up Griffith
You take that back
i'd be pretty embarrassed too if grown men were playing my kid casual game seriously
SFV's sales projections were 2 million. They shipped 1.4. They sold less.
it's pretty easy to get fight money now
if SFV came out now and everything before was called beta or early access I don't think people would be shitting on it so much
You still need to respect the Black Gale famalam. He will maul you if he gets going.
sounds like st when it got released in the arcades desu
I never understood this image
Why does Isidro turn into Gambino
Before or after they gave everyone a virus?
Living in the Backyard for years grants you ultimate magical powers but also turns you into a furry.
Worth the risk?
kagura is sleeper top tier
maybe, but the few i've interacted with have been pretty bad
It was fun, not nearly as hard as some people make it out to be outside of some frcs, slashback and a couple of characters for AC.
I don't really feel nostalgia or miss older GGs except for HOS, Zappa and a couple of forcebreaks.
>triggered by dead issues
>plays dead games
makes sense
SFV is a beta now. It was an alpha when it was released.
Keep it up and you will become a legend of nothing of worth to say.
zappa when?
I wonder how an english voiced zappa would sound.
That's chuunier than current birdman
i'm applying your strategy, soon i'll start replying to my own posts pretending to be some innocent player
your party masher != fighting game