Also read: - Buffering Tricks and Motion Shortcuts - KOFXIII Button Hold Trick
as well as (intermediate tutorials): - KoFXIV Assorted Engine Mechanics - An Intermediate Guide To Opening People Up – Offensive Strategy - Rule of 2 (or 3)
He's been turning it up to 11 lately. Is it just me or is a lot of what he complains about at it's core: it's not XIII?
Easton Brooks
>“IT’S A NEW GAME YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING REEEEEEEEEE” Could he get any more obnoxious?
Asher Martinez
and he pretends that the game can't possibly improve over time with patches and development of the metagame.
Brandon Hall
Kek, I'm glad the devs have stated on intending on doing the exact opposite. Especially with the patch coming in october they could fix some of his complaints. Even if they don't that doesn't mean there won't be future ones.
Caleb Myers
He just never stops being such a bitch. And people retweet him too, adding more to how obnoxious he is. I'm gonna start blocking people who retweet him, I don't care who, because it's annoying and petulant bullshit with him claiming that a lot of us are acting like the game is perfect. We don't think it's perfect. We have our problems with it too, just that he doesn't shut the fuck up 99% of the time that he should and he acts like SNK has to attend to his bitching immediately. It doesn't work like that and he's a spoiled bitch and I want to punch his throat.
Mason Roberts
Caleb Allen
Whose taco is better? What would Alice's taste like?
Liam Rogers
Sylvie is cute, CUTE!
Nicholas Sanders
I want to protect her from Angel's bullying!
James Powell
I want Kukri to stay away from her.
Adrian Barnes
I wonder what lead Terry to develop the rising taco.
Eli King
Why? I think she needs love, too.
Lincoln Evans
What am I looking at?
Easton Cox
Yes, but Kukri might bully her as much as Angel does. Sure he's a funny guy, but is also a prick. She needs someone who will treat her nicely, be her friend and give her raspberries on her tummy.
Caleb Price
It looks like KOF characters dressed as To Heart characters.
Gabriel Harris
>spoiler In my fantasies, that's most of the female characters
anyone have that pic of DPS photoshoped as gang il
Luis Wilson
Ian Moore
So just who is this guy again?
Luis Nguyen
Matthew Foster
I can kind of imagine him doing that off a run while trying to avoid a low hit or something, so with some momentum and twisting his body it could kind of make sense, but it's really weird that it's actually a charge move, or something you can do from a standing position, like in the games where it uses a f,d,df motion...
Kind surprising that the Screwattack guys replied to that and are trying to be civil about it.
Also, the practically only used the anime as a reference for Terry, outside the mention of Terry beating Geese twice.
Christopher Green
Bags of sand
Luke Young
Which means no BUSTAH WOLF alas.
the decision to use only the anime is probably because of the FF/KOF canon fuckery, the anime provides a nice linear timeline to follow as far as feats and power levels.
Levi Hill
That wasn't as good as I expected it to be. Still glad that Terry won. I kinda feel bad for Dan. Do they always shit on him that hard?
Ayden Murphy
Gavin Allen
Which MS is best?
Jack Howard
Kayden Howard
I suspect they didn't research hard enough to realize there's a difference between FF and KoF timelines. Heck, they even ever bother to stack him up against Andy, or comment how Ken's flames are no big deal for someone who deals with Kyo every year.
From KoF, this might have been worth referencing, even if it seems a bit silly and forced (like most of the FF anime...):
Dan was designed as something for Capcom to shit on, it's intrinsic to him.
Isaiah Morgan
Leona is Love
>I don't want her nerfed at all but I would accept a nerf damage and corner loop
Xavier Baker
Even Sylvie's VA is a bit of a qt.
Jaxson Murphy
Adam Torres
XIII was a pretty iffy instalment of the KOF series no?
Lincoln Thompson
What can actually be done to improve Alice? I'd imagine taking out the dizzies and tripping and making her elbow safer would be a start but she still has no real way to get in on anyone and no damage.
Jeremiah Wood
It's the one that departs the most from the KoF formula as well as a really tough one to get into.
Jaxson Green
Hudson Price
will draw friend finish it?
David White
Who knows. I don't think so. When someone mentioned coloring it he seemed surprised. This is as far as he ago as far as I'm aware. It's still pretty good.
Brayden Johnson
>It's the one that departs the most from the KoF formula as well as a really tough one to get into. Why do people keep saying this? 2001 had teams of 4 characters, and let you choose how many were strikers. You could have 1 fighter/3 striker teams.
Dylan Ward
Christian Price
Reduce her tripping proportionally to how much bar she has left?
Aiden Jenkins
Luis Brooks
Don't forget XI, with that tag mode and quick shift shenanigans. Plus those every bit of balance change to make rushdown trump over zoning.
Isaiah Baker
>feats and power levels Truth to be told, I never pay attention to that kind of stuff. In fact, I can't into.
How can I become a powerlevelfag?
Brayden White
>number notation
Jaxson Jackson
I've never played XI or XII. Used copies sell for /vr/ collectors prices in the USA, and I don't want to spend that much money on a multiplayer game without an active player base.
Christian Johnson
Why is that all the supposed KOF veterans are such a whiny bitches with XIV?
>-Max mode too damaging and too frequent for exciting matches, enable max mode only from only normals that cancel to specials >Slower meter fill >lower damage output
>-Rolls wake up invincibility ruining rushdown. With this, there is no guaranteed rushdown anymore. May be a good thing – hard to say at the moment.
>remove throw invulnerablity
>-Rolls too long >some want to shorten >Some feel it’s a new game, just have to deal with it
>-Getting OCV is soul crushing for beginners, game is not fun, turns players away from KOF14 >Disable extra energy bonus and extra bar for player in the lead >Enable for last character on losing side (Nak on anchor omg) >…or just disable completely.
I have XI thanks to softmodded PS2. I can certainly have XII for free and I want to know nothing about it.
Blake Rogers
I wouldn't call any of those aforementioned players true KOF veterans.
Charles Morris
It's "new" compared to XIII.
James Thomas
>removing throw invulnerability Jesus christ, that is considered bad? Hell at least grapplers are more viable because of it, specially now that exploit to fuck up with grapplers are gone. Now the only guy they have to nerf is Iori then I am okay.
Colton Scott
>Rolls wake up invincibility ruining rushdown Come on, man.
Anyway, I understand there's balance issues with the game, but trying to change the system so much? Leave that alone, they're just going to create even more of a mess. The only thing that should change is character specific stuff for balance at this point. These guys are morons and will cause more trouble than help out. Fan input is never the be-all-end-all, it's only a suggestion and should be taken with a grain of salt.
I hate to put it this way, but in the words of Sakurai, "Have you ever made a game?"
Kayden Hall
BREAKING NEWS: 3 Literally Who's Comment on KoF!!!
>Getting OCV is soul crushing for beginners, game is not fun, turns players away from KOF14 Speaking as an unskilled player, being BTFO by veterans isn't soul-crushing. As long you are able to learn from it. When you can't learn from it, it becomes soul crushing.
Kayden Rivera
>being BTFO by veterans isn't soul-crushing This. It just makes me MORE motivated to learn how to beat him. It's like a David and Goliath setting, but whoever said thatTSSBitchmais just a whiny analfuckfest.
Ryan Peterson
Textbook "I only played XIII" nerflist.
Fucking XIII babies.
Wyatt Ortiz
number notation is best notation
Brandon Moore
It's just a fun little speculative exercise - I guess a starting point is to take notable moments and try to quantify stuff about them, like the physics, and try to figure out how stuff can interact.
Daniel White
It looks like shit.
236236+P is completely indecipherable compared to qcfx2+P.
Jacob Roberts
>completely indecipherable
The picture even has a stick in the middle of the numpad showing how it's read. EZPZ
Levi Parker
Yes, if you need a visual so people have an idea as to what you're talking about in regards to notation then it's bad notation. Thanks for proving my point.
Landon Clark
I pointed out the visual for you. Unless you've never seen a numpad on a keyboard or never used a calculator, I don't see you would have any trouble reading it.
Robert Carter
Take out tripping on hit. Buff her hitboxes a little, playing neutral with her feels kind of awful, CD is the only button that feels good to use. Give her some more MAX juggles, maybe make EX ball followup wallbounce or something.
Andrew Lee
I know, right? What if people think it means something like two hundred thirty six thousand two hundred thirty six? What kind of direction is that? Shit makes no sense!
Jaxson Rodriguez
>>Disable extra energy bonus and extra bar for player in the lead >>Enable for last character on losing side (Nak on anchor omg) >>…or just disable completely. Now this is the only thing I really agree with. I managed to OCV someone with King the other day and I used a bar or two every match, you build bars fast enough to warrant bars for losing kind of too much.
>Remove throw invuln Don't rolls not have throw invuln?
Austin Sullivan
You know, both numpad and qcf notations are undecipherable to newfags. But they can overcome it. It's called learning.
Nathan Perry
"The game also favors projectile zoning."
Fags complaining about zoning in a game where you can still shorthop over projectiles. I wonder what they'll say about 98 zoning.
Owen Jackson
as soon as you go half circles and above, number becomes a complete shitty mess. also, abreviation makes it clear regardless of side, one less hurdle for the non-initiated
Levi Brooks
how do i make my webms look better? using the Idiot converter.
Joseph Rogers
>-Getting OCV is soul crushing for beginners, game is not fun, turns players away from KOF14 >implying that can't happen in older titles
Matthew Nelson
Getting HD'd to death is far more soul crushing.
Lincoln Morris
Fair enough
Grayson Lopez
make sure you have the latest from gitgud use the 2 pass option use the filesize limit (3 for most boards, 4 for /gif/ and /wsg/)
if your vid is fairly long, you can reduce resolution.