Heroes of The Storm General - /hotsg/

Tireal edition

>What's new?

>Starcraft maps, Alarak and Zarya:

>Where do I find you xel'naga-loving faggots?
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked. It's not worth it.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en
General News: heroesnexus.com
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator

Other urls found in this thread:


Xth for either BIG HUMAN COCK or TASTU MY BURADE this October 18.

And then it's neither of them.

Who's ready for Zarya disappointment?

nobody asked for zarya

I dealt with Gul'dan and Alarak disappointment. I'll deal.

Ala ten k tomorrow? I'll snag him up then. Even if he is meh, I love the ideas in his kit and who knows, they might buff him.

I've been looking forward to her gameplay style, and I'm prepared to be disappointed in her long cool downs and ineffectual damage.


Damn just noticed the new thread.
Anyway, what's the best Azmodan build?

I just recently bought him and never played it, is this one viable?



40 percent AP RoD guldan makes hims viable

Fifty-thousand gold a year in childcare and they call it a CULT!?!?!?

Is Gul'dan worth getting now?

that one's ok but without march of sin at 7 the laser talent at 13 is only useful if you can zap a building with nobody around to bother you, so i'd probably take the W talent instead

tfb build needs you to be good at getting tfb stacks though. if you don't have enough to start oneshotting minion waves with R+Q at 10 you aren't getting enough stacks

more newbie friendly build is Sieging Wrath into laser talents because it's less dependent on farming stacks

This shit is outdated as hell. Try to use this

Works almost always.

Alright thanks I'll try those.

How does xp soaking work with minions? As long as the W or D minion is alive in a lane our team gets xp?

you only get xp from the w or d minion's KILLS, iirc

at least that's how locust works

it's still strong because you can D a lane across the map from objective and get some free push/building damage while both teams are busy

but Zarya looks fun...I want more ranged Warriors

If it is neither the only acceptable alternative would be Maiev

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

Vikings the only "vintage" option for Blizzard?

No Blackthorne or Rock N' Roll Racing car yet

For now.

Rock'n'Roll Racer someday.

The sexiest woman in game so far. Cant wait

>Never see Chromie in matches in the depths of the 0 MMR bracket of QM

>"I think I'll buy her now!"
>It's Chromie Free week.

God damn it. Now I'm going to deal with her every game and be hard countered by tryhard premades.

So much for learning a new hero I wanted to try.

why is her head on backwards

>these boobs on her back

Glad I'm not the only one that saw that.

Someone in the last thread Artanis was getting a buff, what?

The post meant to say that he already was buffed and was asking how we felt about it.

Do you mean the shield bug, or the shitty health buff that didn't matter?

Also the fact that his W now has an innate dash.

Best Xul build?

>Zagara sitting pushing lanes all round but making no progress
>Absent in all teamfights
>"Lol guess thats gg"

Oh that happened a long time ago. He's still ass because they made the range way too short and at the same time they did that they nerfed Triple Strike nerfing his best build.

dont forget that zeratul is also on freerot and he can extremely easily kill her chromie at pretty much any time

>Picking Zagara against anyone not retarded.
>Expecting to win

Ha nooooo

Well, Chromie VS Zeratul is a battle of "who gets hit first".

Whoever does, dies, and a sand blast or db will out and out fuck Zeratul right over just as much as Chromie getting blinkslowbombstabbed

>zagara cant push a shit along all game
>get killed 6 times mostly because her poor map awareness
>blames uther who "didn't use his stuns properly"
>"gg cant carry you noobs"

Well user, you have one solution that may backfire on you come next week:

Buy Li-Ming, who's Chromie without being a Shortstack and with all the damage PLUS a "technically an escape button" escape button.

well yeah but anyone dies if chromie can hit them with sand blast and db

the problem is that zeratul spends his time walking around invis and blinking. he's not just walking around the frontline of a fight waiting for chromie to press her buttons on him

Forgot to mention why it'll backfire - it's PRETTY LIKELY that Li-Ming will be free next week.

Johanna is comfy and relaxing to play. I love it.

Well, no fun allowed, I guess.

Is ETC actually good or do I just go against retards all the time?

I feel like moshpit is a gamechanger, but there are also times when I moshpit and it doesn't look like much gets done...

Mosh Pit is counterable, in the event that you're ETC and they have a lot of tools to stop Mosh Pit with, consider Stage Dive instead. However, even against a team with counters to it, it's still usable.

E.T.C. is fantastic if you've got a aaer that knows his shit.

ETC is top tier, dude. Almost always a strong pick.

>not linking to the previous thread
please never create a thread again

Is there a warrior that doesn't get kited to death in this slow ass game?

The gap closers and escapes barely take me any distance, muradin, tyrael, super kited. No flash or a blink dagger to help out positioning either in this game?

Dont pick him against Tyrande or BW. In other situation he is solid pick

I need build for Trall, tried him yesterday, ult is amazing but i lack damage and not sure what i'm doing wrong.

If you're gonna bitch that much just use stiches or Anubarak

>implying Zagara is bad
hello bronze


tyrael has way too much mobility to get kited

>Previously on /hotsg/:

as muradin and tyrael you shouldn't be "kited" because your job isn't chasing after people looking to get kills

stay with your team more often and use your abilities to help them

you can complain about getting kited when you play butcher

Q Q followthrough sunder giantkiller tempestfury blink

your damage is gr8 with followthrough procs

>but i did most dmg look at the chart idiet
When will the damage dealt = high impact meme end?

Patch when? I heard it was in ~6h.

Never ever.
Same goes for in Overwatch.
People don't understand that when they're playing a role that's designed to deal damage you're probably going to get top damage.
They then get to use this to justify their actions despite them being constantly outplayed by the enemy dps.

Like this? Why so much focus on lighting, is it good?

whatever happened to haunted mine?

level 1 Q range lets you contribute to teamfights when it's currently too dangerous to just charge in and do melee shit
also lets you dominate the fuck out of solo lanes in the early game. just mash that lightning on the enemy hero every time it's off cd

the level 4 Q talent gives extra bounces. each target hit counts towards your trait, so with this every single Q will give you enough trait stacks for a heal
just by sitting at the edge of a fight and poking with Q you can heal yourself a ton.

basically teamfights go like this:
mash Q whenever it's off cooldown while looking for an opportunity
once an enemy overextends or your tank initiates for you or something, you go in and blow someone up. wolf -> hit -> windfury -> hit -> lightning -> hit hit, ideally. sometimes you need to use the windfury speed to get in range first though

when ult is up you should ideally be hiding in bushes off to the side of the fight so you can sunder someone towards your team

it is called Braxis Holdout now

>had a 65% winrate on it
>absolutely loved the map
>gets removed because no one knows how to play it
One of the things that made me play this game less and less.

other important tips:

your wolf goes through minions but it still damages them, so you can root someone who's on the other side of the minion wave from you
also a great way to heal up. pierce through a big pile of minions with a wolf and you will trigger lots of frostwolf resilience heals. especially useful during laning phase

Azmodan is propably the most underrated hero in the entire game.

His early game is utter dogshit, that is true, but the amount of fucking pressure he puts on all lanes is insane. You can literally push all lanes at once while participating in teamfights and objectives.

Like you sit bot lane, pushing with your Warriors, meanwhile your general is pushing top, and you can easily help out during teamfights by chunking squishies with black pooled orbs for 1/3rd of their health.

Thanks, that helpful. Sad that im bad with melee heroes and always chose bad time for initiation. Trall is really strong hero that can kill squishes in one wind furry, i will try to master him.
Kerrigan is also strong melee, even overpowered right now but she too hard.

why doesn't the shop work?


>0 results


if there is not a "eye of the STORM" themed map in"heroes of the STORM" there will be hell to pay !! !


So if I understood correctly
>5 and 6 /09, blizzcon, diablo 20th anniversary big announces around diablo
>Deckard Cain and a new diablo 2 map

since Axolotl talked about a fifth role, possibly the role of deckard Cain ?

>it's a "Blizzard's unoptimized piece of shit game crashes my graphics card driver because it insists on running dx11" episode, Hero League edition

Decard cain is never going to be a hero,

if they were thinking about a 5th role it was probably either
* separate specialist into 2 classes: "siege" and "weird gimmicks"
* separate warrior into tank and brawler

he was found on the data mining a long time ago, and is on the list of Axolotl. He will probably come. And blizzard already confirmed that they'll add a very special hero like abathur, chogall, tlv or murky.

>Deckard Cain
>some old fart who cant do anything besides surviving a meteor fall and then die to some fairy magic after

have you considered looking it up on the internet
have you considered using the -dx9 launch option
have you bothered researching it at all

Deckard Cain will just give random quests to the rest of your team and empower their shit similar to Abathur.

Sounds fun

>bring me 5000 apexis crystals, slave

Warrior is perfect as is.
That'd be like separating Assassins into Mage and Fighter or Ambushers and DPS

>put Kerrigan and Artanis into maw
>no one goes for the healer
>they just wait for maw to pass
>every single time

how are there 3 leagues below platinum, how much shittier can you be

holy shit i came up with an awesome strategy for chromie
first place down a time trap
and when someone triggers it cast that dragon thing on him and he can't dodge it
i am getting literally dozens of kills every match like this

>apexis crystals you say?


>using abilities as intended
waow, crazy strat

the timing on that actually tripped me up at first though, because her ult is 3s but traps are only 2s even though they have the same timer graphic

so what you do is watch the time trap timer, then as soon as it's 1/4th of the way done you WQ at it

>se her ult is 3s
i hope to GOD i will never be in a game with a literal TRASH chromeslut who took the shit ult over the awesome slowing ult

both are viable depending on situation

time loop is strong if your team doesn't have many disables because it lets you get a guaranteed combo off, although sands is great in teamfights and amazing with executioner

time rewind only affects one hero and it does literally the same thing the time trap does except the hero can still fight and move during it, so that ult is actually worse than the normal trap ability
the slowing affects all heroes, has a massive range and makes enemies unable to dodge any attacks or run away
it's literally 10^999999999 levels above the shitty time rewind ult

so, let me see if I got this right: the more I lose, the shittier my team mates become, the less chance I have of winning, which means more losing.

one time i lost so many times i wasn't sure if my teammates weren't easy bots because i was able to 1v3 and kill everyone and literally carry the entire game
like holy shit i was probably playing against some indian curryshits on their 386x

time loop can be targeted on heroes who are running away or standing back instead of just ones stupid enough to run into your melee-range traps

no because you get shitty enemies as well

if you have 4 retards on your team and 5 retards on the enemy team then the only way you'll lose more often than you win is if you play like a retard too

Is this game dead?

Can you see the playercount anywhere?

>AAA company showing player count so that players can stop playing when they see the game is dying and thus the company will lose money faster
are you fucking retarded kid?

>tfw you lose so much playing support you're now picking Azmodan only until Diamond
Rev up those reports

i'll take that as a yes

>you will never penetrate chromie's tiny tight as fuck draggon pussy and just as you start blowing your load and orgasming she casts her rewing ult on you so the second you finish pumpung the load you rewind and start start blowing the second load

You can cancel Time Loop with cleanse

Every time when i do that i make a sensible chuckle