League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
She's not only best girl best waifu and best freljord
She's also a plush, pure, ice cream lactating QT!

Other urls found in this thread:


xth for breast waifu


Yordle females are for rigorous breeding by virile human studs.

What's your favorite item, /lolg/?

you know it



PBE Stuff:

Useful links:



anny adc wanna play? currently gold 4

Friendly reminder that the only reason why links are being forced so hard is because the counterplay.xyz developer wants our web traffic.
Don't fall for basic shilling techniques


Friendly reminder that posters like these are cancer who are too fat and fucking stupid to copy more than one link so they need to get the OP and spam their shit waifu because they are absolute failures at life.

Runaan's hurricane or titanic hydra.

>hes so oblivious he thinks its out of stupidity that people arent doing your shitty links








Alright guys hows this:

Instead of having a morde helmet above his ult target's head, there's an iron gauntlet squeezing a ghostly, beating heart every couple ticks of damage. If the target dies under the ult's effect the gauntlet squeezes and bursts the heart.

Morde needs to be more brutal.

>he thinks its acceptable to intentionally sabotage thread quality because "muh shilling boogeyman"
Loving every laugh at your pathetic life.

Excuse me siir u r guilty of FOUR counts of intentionally sabotaging thread quality

yeah u made a new thread without shilling useless links for a very popular game
im gonna have to go ahead and confiscate your posting license as according to internet police rules article 3 section 57D

the sad thing is this guy considers himself a lovable scamp and thinks that all his hate is ironic or undeserved

>when you ult someone as Morde as you're chilling somewhere after the fight and the last tick kills them randomly

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up

you know the pw

What"s the password?



It's probably because gaming has been a male centric activity longer than it has involved women. Most games were made with a male audience in mind so not as many girls got very invested. That said, I'm sure there are high elo women that avoid the pro scene because the backlash.

I hate to bring Remi up, but it's the only legit example. People all drew attention to the gender and less about the skill of the player. Every article about Remilia was broadcasting the fact that she was the "first female league pro" on the scene. I'd assume girls stay out of that spotlight because of the reaction and advertisement of their gender instead of the fact that they might actually be decent at a video game.That's just me guessing though.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


>the ability to dash to literally anywhere on the map, be invulnerable for prolonged amounts of time and on demand, and do a lot of damage while doing so
>all at the cost of just some mana
It's literally a damaging Rek'Sai ult except with invincibility, no cooldown and to any place not just where tunnels are.

Ball Lightning is too OP for league. You'd have to give the champion total dogshit abilities literally everywhere else.

>get invited to play with bronze friends
>get lucian in urf
>get 20 kills before ten minutes
>the friends feed botlane as riven/ryze
>spam over voice comms how OP xin is and there's no way we can win
>end up losing with 40 kills because the riven who i'm queued with actually afks after i tell him to just be a peelbot for me

so..... this is the power of bronze elo.....

This image would've been 100 times hotter if it was a creampie. So much wasted potential.

>Huge win streak
>Climb nearly two divisions
>Promos for second division
>Get progressively worse teams each and every single match
>Nearly demoted

It's seems like the better you do and the more you win the matchmaking system just saying fuck you and puts you with nothing but trolls, feeders and people who afk after 10min.

Dude I have a friend in Cardboard 8 who I play norms with from time to time. I always pick a hyper carry because I know it'll go to 40+ minutes and I need someone stupid strong for that.


>old spooky ghosties rip

That plus old Talisman was a core bit of my Eurobeat Janna build.

Is Poppy still viable top and jungle?

She's viable for MY DICK. Yeah kinda.

I miss the old twin shadows so much. I've always swapped my boots for it lategame and always bought it early if I was stomping lane as Diana. Kickass item icon as well.


Runaan's, Trinity and DMP

>Rumble is a top tier jungler
>Except he's not because Graves and Nidalee are meta again

Fucking christ someone shoot me, I don't want to go back to toplane again.

We're worse than junglers user.

> Graves and Nidalee
> getting past ban phase
Literally never happens.

>Not using Rumble top anyway

>ADC picks Jinx
nice game

What if League's version cost both health AND mana and it stopped if either hit zero?

I hate toplane because I can't just TP for free kills on cooldown anymore, and if I can't have as much impact as if I was jungle

Forcefeeding retards is much easier when you can be wherever you want whenever you want

good meme


NA Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +5
pw vidya

The amount of yordles in this thread pleases me.

Based Blitzcrank

The lack of yordles IRL displeases me.

>Ivern got nerfed
Called it

They need to nerf jhin again.

>Enemy ADC is jinx
>Get shit on

i didnt think 2 years of not playing this game would make me this bad. but im pretty sure im going to be bronze after my placements now. tell me the op meme junglers that i can just carry every game with.

But jhin takes still to use he doesn't need nerfing :^)

No, they need to nerf Ekko again

They buffed his r though for some reason and only nerfed his attack range by 25 which is basically irrelevant on a champion that doesn't even lane.

Whoops wrong version


Should I make
>Fish sticks/Mac n Cheese
>Mac n Cheese with Hotdogs
>Grilled chicken with Rice and Veg

>melee attack range nerf
>daisy's resistances


What do you mean called it? Literally everybody here was predicting he was going to get Bard'd after he hits live because he's not that great right now.

And you're crowing over some non-nerf on the PBE like you're Nostradamus or something?

Seriously, who the fuck are you even.

eat nothing and starve to death you cunt

I've played lol for 2 days so far and saw some guy destroy the other team with Riven, should I save up for her and main her?

But why?


Don't even think about maining when you've played for two days, man.
Maining isn't just the act of playing one champ. You need to know the matchups and interactions of each champ before you can choose a champ to main.

Because he's fucking cancer? Have you played the guy? If I play him to much I feel like I can't pick any other ad carry because the guy is just so broken.



>Jhin is cancer

If you can reliably feed when behind go ahead you'd be the perfect riven main

Buy them because you like them but don't think about maining them till you're played more

>grind some ARAM for keyshards
>enemy team is Yas, Janna, Ez, Diana, and Fizz
>we have two adcs, "full tank" Renekton, Viktor, and our Annie DCs 2 min in.
>there was a point we reversed their 2k lead
>fizz says "ez" in chat at the end

Nigga it took you 25 minutes to finished a 4v5 with cancer and an ideal comp.

tbqh, there should be an penalty for shitters not being able to finish quickly when a match was literally that free.

Great damage utility and safety. W and ult is extremely oppressive to play against in lane especially with certain matchups. Great early, great midgame, great lategame. Movement speed gained from passive and the fact that he can build ghostblade makes him probably the safety "immobile" carry in the game.

>grinding aram for keyshards
>sometimes get free champs
>never any shards
this is the most bullshit thing in the game, just make it 1 every 5 games and 5 for a key

what's up lolg night shift. how is league of legends treating you tonight

shut the fuck up

I gained like 3 or 5 lp today so that's neat.

its 5 in the afternoon ffs

Full image is funnier.

I haven't played this garbage since March of 2014. Post images of anime girls.

What a cutie!

>Tfw you have somewhat embraced the cuckold fetish
RIP Ahri user stay jerkin in the clouds.

I haven't played this shit in months. This is the first time I've posted here in months even I'm just bored.

He is one of the best ADCs and almost a must-pick, isn't he? At least one of the teams almost always has him picked

Daily reminder that jinx is younger than ekko, and if you waifu her you are no diffrent than annie lovers. pedos.

reminder that trist is is of adult age, so waifuing her does not make you a pedo. spread the word

oh I know
I'm just not sure how /lolgen/ would take /k/ memes.

Not well. Climbed back up to s2 and lost 2 games in a row. At least I didn't get demoted

You will never clean ahri's butthole with your tongue after she just got done taking a huge shit on your chest


Doesn't take a /k/ommando to notice the gun and where it's pointing.

Slingshot using champion not Zac when

Got to Gold 1 100 LP and then I got banned lul

i found this pic of fio when i searched "league pussy"

throw anotha roc

jinx is actually older that vi in canon. trist is still an adult, though

Post the original you fucking faggot.

it helps me cope with LP loss and demotion by ignoring divisions and only thinking of myself as silver or gold, not gold4, gold 5, silver 1. if im silver5-1 im silver, if im gold 5-1 im gold. then it hurts less

post these..thingies

I still don't have the hang of this,

I dodge, right?

Haha is she holding the gun with the barrel pointing into her body? wew lad I thought that was a torch or something at first glance.

What is this knife hands meme though?