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If you could become a flashy cyborg ninja only with the cost of losing your genitals, would you become one?



>Hanging around 2600 mmr
Who else /shitatthegame/ here?

Jamison Fawkes!


Hana Song

Lost 8, 1 tie, 1 won.
Living is suffering.

Cutest and best pairing

>"pro" turney
>cyka running around at full charge

So balanced.

I'm stuck in the 1000s.

I am in hell.

Hanging around 2400 here

Could you record some gameplay?

Cyborg Ninja? Yes.
only with the cost of losing your genitals? Yes.
Why? Because i can augment myself having a pussy while still being a man. I'd get fucked by Hanzo and 76 and Reaper whenever i want.

B-but just don't shoot her shields, guys!

Reinbros WW@

J-just burst her down guys! So easy, r-right?

It means so little when she can just use rein firestrikes to get 50 charge every time he pops one

And if your team has a pharah or junkrat enjoy her never being below 95


it's ez

It's not even Zarya's shield/charge mechanic that's overpowered, it's her hitbox. She has effectively 600 HP with a hitbox that's better than some of the 200 HP characters. Plus because she's so tall her freakishly tiny head isn't at the same level as all the other small-hitbox characters.

Zarya for me is the hardest character to headshot even though she's a tank.

will NRG ever be a top 2 NA team with their current roster?

This is the only acceptable answer. I'd buy something like 50 different attachable pussies and dicks for every occasion.

likes pig dick

How does that even happen? Shouldn't an okay Reaper just shred the enemy team single-handedly at that rank?

Considering blizzard is fucking around with widows and symmetra right now, the russian menace isn't going to end anytime soon sadly.

>will NRG ever be a top 2 NA team
entirely possible
>with their current roster?
probably not

How do people like Seagull have such fat heads?

Lena Oxton!

What the fuck, I'm lvl50 playing about an hour a week and I'm better than you.

You're entitled to ship whoever you like, user! I may personally disagree, but I'm not going to judge you for that!

Hello everyone, I'm (still) looking for a girl to play ranked with.
>be a girl
>have a reasonably feminine voice
>don't be stupid
>able to speak english
>be fun to play with
What you can expect from me:
>good player
>will not flame you
>usually fun to play with

mei's plump thighs

>Been yo-yoing at 3100 for a week now
>going to have to come to terms with the fact that this is where I belong
>probably won't reach master at the end of the season like I wanted

Who do you ship Junkrat with?

will you be the one in the kitchen?

Show me your boipussy and I will consider.

When using Ana's biotic grenade, should I be aiming above the head of the target I want to hit?
I'm finding that just throwing straight at people keeps me falling short.

>be in the bottom of the ladder
>people play whatever hero
>stupidly funny things always happen
>primal allcaps nerdrage in chat
>climb the ladder
>people just play the same heroes over and over again
>rigid meta
>no place for stupid shit anymore
>passive-aggressive smug nu-male faggots is now the norm
I used to hate playing with the baddies, but now I miss the days I had fun

It has a certain arch you need to get used to.

I'm not really into shipping, but I like some of the Junkrat/Symmetra stuff! I like him best with me______, though!

Oh fuck this.

What's your rank?

Yeah, it really feels that way. Her rifle taking three hits to kill shit has done wonders to my ability to jump around and aim at the same time though.

Thank God you didn't say Mei.


Day 15.

Reached 55 hours of pure playtime as Zenyatta.

I'm starting to lose faith, doubting if it's even possible to do such a feat. Maybe the developers were just drunk or on drugs, or maybe it was just a joke. They do playtest these kinds of things extensively, don't they? They would have noticed immediately, they had to.

What am I doing wrong? Am I actually doing something wrong? I'm at 3300SR; I'm not a bad players, I know how to use this character. That can't be it.

Maybe it's just pure luck and I just have to keep trying. I think I'll go with that for now.

Firestrike is 25 you cunt.

On my main it's mid master.

Yeah, I don't really like Junkmei, but that's partially because I can't stand Mei as a character! I can kind of see a basis for the ship as a one-sided thing, but she's just so rude to him that it doesn't work for me! That's just my opinion, though!

Is everything all right, user?

It hits multiple people fag

...Estableciendo conexión...
...Protocolo Sombra v1.95 iniciado...

...Transmitiendo información a ómnicos activos... 63.1349%

...Terminando conexión...

I wish you could carry me to diamond but I'm at 1977 right now.

Catching a fire strike gives 50 charge and instantly pops your bubble, despite being only 100 damage. This might be a bug. A possible explanation I've seen is it's hitting your barrier twice as it passes through, from the front and at the back.

I want to hug Widow!

Genji's sword is the same. It does 120 damage, but when it hits a zarya shield it instapops it and gives 50 charge.

>get to diamond
>can finally play with my shitter friends with no fear of dropping my SR

have they announced what rank you need for end of season comp rewards

I await November so symmetra will become great and I can use my golden gun for her

Good god you're shit. If you're really a girl stop playing video games. If you're a boy then try to improve.

I lost 400 sr just in two evenings. I want to die

>passive-aggressively switch to my friend's 'main' after he switches off just to show him that it wasn't a "bad pick for that map"
>get potg
>awkward silence in TS

While I do like leaving spawn with 100% charge thanks to firestrikes, I'd prefer if they fixed this bug so I could block two Genji slashes with my bubbles.

Stop playing after 100.
Even if you're not yelling at your team you're still upset in some form or another and that's effecting your gameplay.

>playing "competetive" game mode in a "competetive" game
Well deserved fate


report this guy, so maybe you don't have to play with him. we "insulted" him and he locked in to bastion for the rest of the match. needless to say we lost. look at those fucking stats anyway

At least he didn't play it from the beginning.

Post your level, comp rank, and whether or not you're bored of this shit game yet.


>Transmitiendo información a ómnicos activos... 100%
>Transmitiendo información a ómnicos activos... 100.038%

it will never end

>mercy didn't get potg
What kind of elo hell are you in?

>she can't carry a 5v6

>Kind of

>rank 364
>spent that much time playing a shit game
u r retard

And here I was thinking I wouldn't see things like that anymore when I made it out of plat

I want to play league

Hanzo is a good character, especially when played by actually capable people like Ulu or Seagull

Come to think of it, Ulu might be a Seagull smurf

>Zarya's friendly ult voiceline is "fire at will"
>Prince William

Could Prince William actually be an omnic????


>bored from the start

To be fair, those are fairly good Bastion stats. (win rate aside)

>win rate is 44%
>hero rank 453

>0 since haven't done it yet
>a bit

QP is full of retards and I'm too beta to stand comp matches where are even more rounds to put up with

Here you go

I wish D.va was viable.

>I got top 500 but won't be getting 3000 ranked points

Thanks activision

>solo-queued for all my placement matches
>placed at 2700
>mfw there are actually people in silver/gold


I think i needed to take long pause like 100 levels ago but at the same time i don't want to stop playing. Send help i guess.

>got 200 for hitting rank 60
>definitely not hitting 3500
>getting roughly half for hitting essentially the same rank

But why would you pick Reinhardt and try to make it works when you can complain on an online cambodian wall-painting forum?

Those pro teams shoot the zarya shield when she is extended.
With coordination they try to break the sheild and then kill her.
But if there is no chance of killing her they just wait it out.

They should have kept the end of season rewards the same, but reduced it to 5 points per win.

How are you 450 and not even 3000 yet?

>Play placements with a friend
>I place 2200
>he places 2344
>I pay someone to boost my account to 2800 because I can't seem to be able to carry myself out of gold.
>go from 2800 to 3500 in a week

Yeah lads elo hell is not real, if you are good you do fine.

All I want is a decent healer with a full-auto hitscan weapon

Incredibly bored of Quick Play, but comp still has its charm for me. I think I'd have quit if I hadn't made Diamond, though. People here can be stupid, but people in Plat literally don't know how to play this game.

they are the next step in human evolution with bodies naturally designed to survive car crashes

I will carry you to diamond if you have the requirements I posted previously.

I placed at 2600 but didn't visit masteroverwatch so it didn't show on the graph

Anyway if you're really better than 2700 it'll be easy to climb.