League of legends general- /lolg/

The fuck happened edition


PBE Stuff:

Useful links:


1st for urf was disappointing

Lizzfag would have gotten banned

Anyway back to it


xth for memes

Should I get Zyra or Nami?

I'm leaning towards Zyra because I don't like fishes

Remember than if youre ADCing a champ not Jhin youre fucking retarded shitter pulling your team down.

Reminder that Jhin isnt broken,other ADCs are just bland/shit like Jinx

Good too bad he's probably just going to dodge it.


How do I Jhin

man and i was gonna reply "all me" to that fag whining about adcs dominating his botlane

Why play Jhin when you could always play Draven?

why we are ded lelgen


Im new to this ranked stuff.
Whats the difference of characters who stay mid or top?
They both face off normally against one other enemy. Cant all who do mid also do top and vice versa?

>Love Jarvan IV
>All his skins are shit except for Victorious
>Don't have


>It's not me that's driving on the wrong side!
>It's everyone else!

Some chucklefuck executed the previous thread despite having less than 500 posts
Love twitch
All his skins are shit and his default skin has more detail than the rest

>play mordekaiser
>draven picked out by sejuani
>pinging assist on him as I run towards him
>he actively runs away from me down river instead of down lane away from sej and towards me
>gg this team


you misspelled miss fortune

Im on a winners side dear user.

>Think of buying grand duelist bundle for this skin and its splash alone
>Get it from a hextech chest

Fuckin based riot.

>Hextech Janna on sale
Should I?

Leona is best support!

Reminder to dodge if you ever see someone with a profile like this.


>Zed winrate at 46%
So are all edgelords just shit at the game?

It's always been disappointing.

I really don't get why people get at all hyped over such a dogshit game mode.

its the championship skin release, his win rate will return to cancer levels when shitters drop him for the next shiny new thing

Tell us about your day, /lolg/!

Who is this qtie wolfie?

whats the next milestone after 100k on my waifu?

Nami is in a better place, but honestly Zyra is so much more fun that its not even a contest.

shhh don't tell them

it could be so much fun, but instead of doing the right thing and 'nerfing' certain champs/stats they just make it all random.

>implying a champion choice matters anywhere below D1

It was like 46-48% before Championship became available though



i wanna be HUGGED by shyvana

What do I do if I hit Diamond while still being a velkoz one-trick?

>D1 or above
But that's where all the no-laifers are, who gives 2 shits about them

I rather have an updated visual on her

But even then it wouldn't really be balanced, so it would be hella fun if you had good luck, and torture if you have bad luck, just like it is now.

that was the point

what if they give her a wiggly tail like aurelion sol?

I just want her fugly head to go desu

Zed is now only good vs multiple heros he can easily kill

He really does nothing but dance around if there are 1-2 roadblocks that actually run at him
Split pushing is ok but that irelia/illaoi is gonna be really curious what you are doing in her lane bro

is the earthbender girl worth the IP? I am earning IP for Illayoi or however you type it but I am tempted to get the girl.

Played a few normals today since ranked is down. Two games of Jhin vs Zeds/Rengars/Yasuos/Rivens. Really fun champ wish I didn't get deleted every 3 minutes.

She definitely needs a VU, after all her basemodel/rigging and animations are still from 2010.

Anyone here who only plays ranked?
How far did you climb?

if you want to lose both IP and LP, then yeah sure

Get Illaoi.
Taliyah is not fun.

Me I guess.
I only do norms when my friends won't/can't do ranked.

I went from g4 to plat3 this season.

My ranked vg vs vg elo has finally reached gold 4!!

Doesnt MF lose to Jhin in damage competition though?

ball lightning when?


What laners can Shen duel against
>tfw first pick Shen
>enemy picks Pantheon

Nigga you use your shield everytime he Q's.

I only played this season, was Plat V, fell to Silver III, I'm currently Gold III

if enemy laner has low damage output and is tanky (malphite, poppy, sion), then shen can probably outtrade and win the duel

I went from bronze 2 to gold 3

It's not that simple.

Both have teamfight ults.
Jhin's is better for securing picks and cleaning up, but a mid-engage MF ult will auto-win a teamfight.

So it just depends on how the engage happens and their positioning when it does.

As for lane Jhin has a slight edge since he can secure a gank from a safer range.


You should speak to Riddler.

Hi, lolthread, can you help me?
Here is a guide about maining i've found. I request for these champions mainers, are they (champions) really so strong?
pardon my english, i ask here because russian Veeky Forums is broken

Sukk my dikk, putin

>know I'm not a furry
>wants to fuck Lamb


That image is old.
Anyone can be good to main if their playstyle matches up with how you like or are able to play the game.

New shen is a brawler he can scrap it out reliably against everything except rumble

From what iv seen its all about using the parry zone and shield effectively, damage is not the issue anymore

Mid are usually squishy caster with gap closers/AoE who can jaunt down bot or top real quick for a kill or two.
Top is for people who can't quite jungle but are good to have around/ people who can't do shit o na jungler's income and run the gamut of all roles, tho most people get assblasted when a ranged champ comes top VS them as it's the standard autism tanky melee lane for many a 1v1 ME, YOU WON'T!

Hey, Commando is bretty good. Certainly better then Victorious IMO unless they did some SERIOUS overhauls so it isn't just Jarv with void piss all over.

1. this image is old and """""some""""" info is outdated here
2. i play lulu a bit, nerfs hit her hard and is no longer played in lane due to abysmal damage output
3. the image mentions "1v5" numerous times, don't read it as "i'll go into 5 champions, kill them all and survive", that's something only fiddlesticks can do, and in very limited situations
4. image forgets to mention lissandra - she's the most disruptive midlaner in existence, topping even kennen and wukong, and can carry the games with ease

The difference is the length of the lane.

Top lane is for champs that can take a few hits and dish it out while they're being chased back to tower by the enemy toplaner and jungle.

Mid lane is for bursty cunts who want to flash on the enemy and blow them to kingdom come, or alternatively flash back under their own tower because someone wants to blow them to kingdom come.

Mid lane also has their minion wave crash against their tower more often so waveclear is more important there.

it doesn't matter what champ you play. You can pick all the 450 ip champs, garen, annie, soraka, yi, ryze and hit plat. Playing less technical champs is better.

Xth for Katarina
best girl
time for a bright new day of climbing!

one of my favourite janna skins and whenever i see a janna using it they're actually good at the champion.


Go for 500k.
Reach for the stars, fellow shyvanafag.

I love Lissandra!
What are you two talking about?If you want to
>he only has 100k on his waifu
Are you even trying?

The image forgets to mention a lot not just lissandra dude. Because it's old.

Ok, I am a Kayle main.

There are champions that are supposed to hard counter me, for example Irelia and Jax.

However as I have played against these match-ups a fuck load more that the enemy might have,
I have a better idea of what to do and when to do it in order to win against my "counter"

Honestly most of the champions on the picture are still pretty good, except maybe trynd and TF. (but thats only because they have been out classed by newer champions.)

late xth for breast waifu

what drives people to get so autistic over an imaginary character like lissfag?
how brutally do you have to be bullied in your normal life?

Play "Easy" champions. Point and Clickers. Right Clickers. Non-skill intensive champions. Carry yourself to your desired elo. Start playing the champion you want to play so you can play said champion at that level of play.

Pretty brutally

Now I remember why I hate TSM; its because of their fans

How to fix ARURF

>Enable all champs
>everyone on each team gets 1 ban
>start lvl 3
>disable gold and xp on creeps kills and ALL objectives
>give everyone same amount of passive XP gain and gold gain

the difference:
*midlane is closer to botlane and dragon pit, therefore champions with high damage output and disruptive abilities tend to be played midlane, so they can go murder botlane/dragon (they are more useful in teamfights early-mid game) and not lose too much experience from not clearing waves
(that's also the reason toplaners often take teleport)
*toplane is a good place for champions whose goal is to be the team frontline - these champions can stay in lane for a long time without the need of going back (since they most likely won't be coming to teamfights early-mid game), which lets them earn more experience compared to squishier champions (frontliners scale better with experience than damaging champions with gold)

I wouldn't mind were Lissandra not such a shit waifu and lissfag not just a trolling cuck.

you get bullied like in those korean cartoons

Reminder that a hybrid of the Korean speed build with a few true damage/armor pension items for Jhin is absolutely busted and fun as fuck in low elos.

How can all of you people just carry on like nothing happened?

You still do the same old shitposting>getting baited, bronze 5 opinions and irrelevant esports....

Shouldn't we all be silent and mourn?

I do not understand you people..

Clg died... and my heart with them. I will never feel alive again.

CLG weren't that good anyway.

What are you talking about darshan is still on the team

now do one for Populous, another game nobody gives a shit about

>First day of high school
>Get into the bus
>See this weird girl with blue hair and long ponytails
>She's alone
>You walk the corridor and take seat next to her
>"Hi she says", with a cute smile, "my name is Jinx"
>"Hi, i'm user"
>Randomly, she punchs your arm
>"Hey, what was that?"
>"That's my friend seal, now you are doomed to be with me forever haha!"
>"Haha, that's cool (i guess)"
>"Now that we are friends we should do things together, help me with this!"
>She takes some bubblegums from one of her pockets
>"Here pick one, except the apple one, that's mine"
>You take the banana one
>"Now munch it"
>You do as she says while she munchs her bubblegum
>"Now give it to me"
>"C'mon hurry up you idiot!!" then she gives you a french kiss and takes away the bubblegum inside your mouth with her tongue.
>"Mmm, now watch" she says with her mouth full
>Jinx takes the bubblegum from her mouth and press it against the pink haired girl head that is in the next seat, she doesn't notice it and neither the girl with the huge hat next to her.
>"Yesss, first day ruined for fathands! Ohhh user, we are going to have lots of fun this year!" she says while she hugs you with an evil smile.

Is Trynd really still a hypercarry? I haven't seen a Trynd do well in a long time. Did he gets nerfs or something and I never noticed?

The Three Stages of /lolgen/
An analysis

League of Legends General is a fascinating thread chain on Veeky Forums that seemingly follows a very specific set of "stages" per thread. While variations and mutations of these stages can occur, the following is more often than not an accurate prediction of how a thread will develop.

Stage 1 usually takes place within the first hundred or so posts. It's an exciting time in a thread, as it is a fresh start! This is the most common time when you will find posts that are:
- Waifushit (xth for Diana)
- Teamjerking (TSMEN WW@)

In this stage, the memes and other parts of Stage 1 become less prevalent. Typically, it is possible to see frustrations arise as some anons decide to continue with Stage 1 posts despite the thread clearly being in a Stage 2 state. Posts in a Stage 2 thread include:
- Avatarfag circlejerking
- Balance discussion (read: complaints)
- Lewds

At this Stage (typically the 500 post mark), most anons have realised that the thread has played out largely the same way as the other threads have. Most people are bored and wait for a new thread, leaving the people who are left to actually bring forth actual game discussion. The sanest, but deadest Stage of any /lolgen/ thread. Unfortunately, Stage 1 and 2 posts are still somewhat prevalent, though the following discussion are typically more energetic:
- Champion discussion
- NA vs EU is most prevalent here as padding to fill in posts in order to get to the 750 mark
- eSports discussion
- Blogs

/lolgen/ is a fickle beast. It is hard to read and harder to live with, but come to understand it and you can drown out the worst parts it offers you. Give it space and time, and contribute to it during Stage 3 for a more sane and more enjoyable League of Legends discussion.

Thank you. You're based.

Now this is some next-level cringe.

This is pasta

Still really cute though

then you share heroin and get aids. The end.