/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

Unhook Edition

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>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Wiki: deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

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>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.1b)

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I just read a survivor comment on the forum saying that the flashlight was avoidable when the killer was in the animation to hook a survivor.

Even if that was true it doesn't matter anymore.

is there a way to tell if you've been labled as a cheater? and will changing your bp with cheat engine make you labled as one?

I got booted from an online game because I swapped my EasyAntiCheat folder to hack bloodpoints with cheat engine and forgot to switch back. My Steam profile still doesn't list me as a cheater, and after restoring the new version of EasyAntiCheat I can play online without issue.

Why do people still play Trapper?

if i were labled as a cheater, i wouldnt be able to play dbd? or can cheaters only play with other cheaters?

I was able to SWF with folks who don't know how to cheat in dbd by switching the folder back. I'm pretty sure it just doesn't let you join a game if EAC doesn't check out. Your Steam profile also lists bans from VAC and whatnot, but mine is still clean.

I have jake, Meg and claudette at level 40. What should I run on my dwight?

Absolutely nothing. The only way to play Dwight is to not put any points into him.

Full pizza outfit with only rank 3 hope

Why do people still play this shit game?
Are you able to kill even a single person at this point?


I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

Hatch is absolute unadulterated pure bullshit.

Thanks for the threadly reminder, now go back into your cuckshed.

Thanks for proving my point by not even attempting to refute it.

That's not going into your cuckshed. No pity hit for you.

>No pity hit for you.
That's right, I already disconnected you and all your other SWF friends.

Sorry, but honestly it's kinda needed.

Thanks for the free points killercuck. Have fun disconnecting again in two minutes with your next lobby.

Really? It's extremely unbalanced.

Not how it works, famerino. I get your Quitter Bonuses and you get to wait in another queue for 40 minutes.

I love this game.

It's the only thing that's lets survivors, who due to the nature of the game, have to so at least somewhat rely on other people to help them get their points/escape have some sort of safety net for having awful teammates. What part of it isn't balanced for you? You got 3 people but the last guy got in the hatch?

It's an unfortunate situation for everyone involved honestly. Unless they disconnected AFTER the game started then it's only shitty for the survivors that are left. It's not something worth getting that buttblasted over though.

Not him by my problem with it is that it gives just as many escape points as the door with an extra 2k objective when it should be less escape than the door with no objective. Why make a consolation prize worth more than actually winning?

If they were in the rank 10-20 range I would have gone easy on them after the rage quit.

Is Stridor actually useful? Whenever I've tried using it I don't feel a difference.

My issue is the silly stalemate where the killer and survivor can't end the game because if one of them tries the other wins. Either entering the hatch should take so long that the killer can swing twice and still catch the survivor, or entering the hatch should be instant. In both cases, there's no more staring contests and everybody can go to the next game.

Use headphones.

Yeah, I love it. Sprint to the two furthest gens and I almost always hear someone breathing near by. Plus they're pretty much fucked once you hit them.

I do.

Them getting to an open hatch at the same time/slightly before you is no different than them getting to an open exit gate at the same time/slightly before you. They should take the objective points off because it makes no sense but the 5k survived bonus is just that. 5k is the amount you get for surviving. They don't make killers get less chase points for chasing an injured survivor which is easier to do much like escaping out a hatch.

Okay so all those add-ons and different versions of flashlights are a HUGE buff to flashlights. They're tons stronger than they were before 1.1.2 but you still have to actually put effort in and aim the damn thing well. People were given the handholding broken mechanic of shining on hooking killers that took negative amounts of thinking and they act like the flashlight is worse off than it was pre 1.1.2

Effort needed to succeed? You do know the steam forums are the kids that drank tge everyone is a winner koolaid while getting their little league participation trophies, right?

>two red ranks don't show up at all against a wraith the entire game on azarovs
>laugh at the purple+green ranks for dying to a wraith
>both red ranks have sprint burst and self heal
>letting people die on the hook while never camping

some people really take stealth and solo play into heart

Survivor mains have their own inter-team bullshit going on over whether to unhook people or not depending on how they judge their skill. It's pretty cold - but I guess they see less savvy survivors as a liability at worst and a distraction for the killer at best.

Meanwhile, killers who haven't yet quit already are just here keeping the struggle alive.

>Kaz where were you the whole game?
>repairing gens not falling for the camping nurse bait
>You didn't pop any

Nice argument guy who got found immediately and went on a hook

I don't mind the hatch showdown personally because it still feels like the end of a horror movie with the killer and the last survivor facing off over the last hope for either of them to succeed.

I do think that a hatch escape should be a consolation prize, not a bonus - that extra 2000 encourages all kinds of bad behavior such as the classic SWF d/c to give their buddy a points boost. It also seems to make survivors act incredibly selfish.

>daily reminder that unhooking a survivor against a hillbilly is basically suicide for both the hooked survivor and the un-hooker and it needs to be fixed.

>Then getting to an open hatch at the same time/slightly before you is no different...
... Clearly you haven't played much killer, because there's a distinct difference. If the survivor jumps through the hatch, the killer can cancel the animation and pull them out. If the killer swings, the survivor jumps through the hatch during the cooldown.

>I don't mind the hatch showdown personally because it still feels like the end of a horror movie
Uh, what horror movies do you watch where the killer is LITERALLY within arm's reach of the victim and doesn't budge?

I have, and then you should be happy they're at the hatch and not a gate? you can prevent a hatch escape, not them walking past a line. What I meant was if there's a standoff it's because either you got there at the same time, or they got there slightly before you, both of which case at an exit gate would result in them escaping as well. The end results are the same, one just can save someone from bad teammates while also giving you some counterplay. If you don't want to play the standoff game just hit them and get on to the next one.

>just got hard camped 3 times in a row
>2 of them were for no good reason

so why are all the killers hook campers now?

Because Survivors have been pissing them off with their shitty playstyles and the killer can safely assume what most survivors are like. Most of them are shitty meme trinity running infinite users. I know in almost every single one of my games I'm the only one not being a dickhead. But yeah, I pay the price for them angering the beast a lot, not much I can do but hope to get better at sneaking.

Ideas guy here
>Mimic killer
>Disguises himself as a random survivor in the game
>Picks a random killers hook design so the survivors are still guessing
>Can appear to do gens but doesn't progress the meter
>Can instantly down someone who is injured and might need healing
>Transformation back into the killer takes 2 seconds normally, or in 1 second if currently on a generator with another person

>Aviary creature
>Can leap into the air on cooldown to give a top down view of the map, and can glide back down with its wings or just choose to fall back down, depending on the fall distance would determin the length of the stun
>Walks a bit faster than the other killers
>Attacks with razor sharp beak, missed attacks take longer to recover from
>Attack range is shorter than other killers

>Can tunnel under the map, obviously not under buildings etc
>Tunneling makes a small sound, the source being indeterminable
>Tunneling directly under someone would be an instant down
>Tunneling slowly would offer no sound so surprise attacks would be patiently earnt but still have counter play to it

>The mechanic
>Can sabotage 1 generator (maybe 2 with ultra rare offering or add on)
>After disabling a generator can use the same button on cooldown to revert some of the process made on generators
>Weapon is a wrench

Just some ideas I guess, the killer roster is really bland at the moment. Whenever you start the game, if you hear a chainsaw you're against the hill billy, if you hear bells you're against the phantom, if you hear screams you're against the nurse, and by elimination, if you hear none of them you're against the trapper. Obviously you can still tell by the hooks but I find the game lacking in other killers that don't have an audible tell like everyone but the trapper has.

>I take bond so I can run to allies doing gens so the killer hits them instead of me


nothin personnel, kid

Id like to see a mix of your Mimic and Mechanic idea! Kinda like a killer survivor that sabotages gens and makes everyone paranoid about working in groups.

I think it's cool...

But even when I run all 'Work Together Perks' like Leadership and Prove Thyself no one sticks together. Ever. They never follow me despite knowing I run Leadership.

People barely work together anyways and SWF would break that killer.

I hook camp people when I see them doing that.

Oh noes D:

I'd like to see a spider or insect type of killer that moves very fast, can climb through windows fast, but takes more hits to down a survivor or simply have a poison bite that downs them after a certain period of time

It's pretty hard to fast vault now through windows. I use to be able to hold the run button at the exact moment to fast vault, now I have to spam the vault button while sprinting in advance for 2 seconds just to make sure I fast vault.

Also did they nerf the Nurses move speed even more...? I also immediately noticed that they reduced her Blink to 2 instead of 3 since I just started maining her 3 days ago. I was just getting used to chaining my blinks and now she has fucking only 2?! God damn fucking Steam forum babbys ruining everything.

>Also did they nerf the Nurses move speed even more


I take bond to avoid doing that, for heals and bodyblocking infinite faggots disrespecting the killer, can i have a free hook escape if we ever meet? :^)

Sorry but I kill all prestige Dwights.

Mimic is impossible because devs are faggots and thought SWF was a good idea.

Introducing the new Survivor! Broken Brick Wall.

Jesus christ this game is still a fucking beta

Could just disable the killer in a 4 man, or at least alert the killer to them being a 4 man.

Even with a 3 man SWF the mimic could still be used.


God damn it, why do they keep listening to these fucking CHILDREN.

Also this new match making system is fucking trash. I liked how I could play this game endlessly because you were in the next game so fast, now I have like 3-5+ minute waits because I absolutely need to be matched against players my skill range in a game that resets rank every month.

There's another one in the asylum first floor, pretty good for countering one of the infinites

What do you mean? The devs aren't listening to you.

Is that a question?

you walked right past a claudette you blind dumbass


I don't think they did, they just repeated the patch notes

That blur at 15 seconds, I think?

that was ur arm

im the dumbass

im sorry..

You better be sorry

the arm looks retardly broken

Just like the game.

This matchmaking is fucking killing me. Jesus Christ.

Playing killer is alright.
t. rank 20 killer.

Is anybody actually having fun anymore?

For Killer you have the exact same strategy for every single killer: Find and hook someone, pretend you're leaving, wait for them to grab her and then go back x10

For Survivor, all it's been is wait until Killer is distracted, free from hook, run away and heal x10

And by fun I mean fun, not grind for the next perk or rank 'fun'

There is no fun anymore

Just play around with the new Billy add-ons until they nerf them.

Thats not fun.

Same shit but with an OP character

Because the survivor player base is bigger than the killer one, the devs themselves admit that they expected the killer base to be bigger than what it is. The problem is if in a match a killer only manages to kill 1 survivor, he will bitch about it on the forums. People have the mentality as survivor they should be able to solo the killer.

Now its funny when people bitch about que times, its not the servers dumb asses its people not wanting to play killer because its nerffed to the ground.

Well I think it's fun.

Can somebody explain to me the logic behind Small Game?

Why is there one perk that exists solely to neuter one killer's only ability to apprehend survivors with some efficiency? Couple it with saboteur and he's even more fucked.

There are no other perks that royally fuck the other killers, with perhaps the exception of Spine Chill/Premonition for the Wraith, but he's already a fucking joke.

To be fair it does kinda look like claudette's red jacket when it goes by super quick.


The stats say trapper is the deadliest killer, so it's a balanced perk :^)

Yeah I know. It's really annoying.

They don't even define "deadliest"

He's also the most played killer, naturally inflating the numbers to make him appear the most "deadly"

Every other killer has some form of gap closing, whereas he has to rely solely on planning, mindgames, and braindead running. The survivors have either of the perks I mentioned and literally the other things are for naught. Tar bottle? Too bad they have Small Game. He shouldn't need to fucking rely on a rare addon that is consumed every single game. Hillbilly doesn't need any addons and he can wipe whole teams. Nurse used to not need any addons and Wraith is garbage but still worse than Nurse.

Why do these people even bother trying to balance their game? They don't even fucking play it.

>hill billy

He's just fair is all, it's good that he can one shot shitters.

If the devs had to actually define what "stats" they gather to determine shit everyone would point out whatever massive statistical errors they've made.

How do we even know these people are capable of interpreting statistical data? Most of them are programmers or coders or whatever, but that doesn't necessarily mean they understand statistics in the slightest.

Sorry for bombarding you, I'm just really fed up with this game after a 2 hour marathon and am ranting

We don't know, all we have is their word that they control for matchmaking pairing low ranks versus high ranks. I'd bet money they determine "deadliest" by flat amount of kills over game lifetime, hence trapper always being in first place.

That can't be it, Nurse was 3rd deadliest killer at her launch

Or wraith is that shit

I've seem a lot of survivors leaving at the 6 second mark and the game starting without them, do they do that to fuck over the remaining people or something?

Wraith is literally that shit and launch Nurse so godly that she eclipsed him immediately

Do they do it as their own way of trying to combat killers leaving at the 5sec marc as well?

Like a sorta "ha ha, we can do this too" sorta thing?

Because it seems rather dumb.

This got fixed this patch, one more safe infinite for us survivorbulls



>Implying it's not a matchmaking problem
