League of Legends General - /lolg/

Anivia Edition


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>tfw i meme picked the meme pick and memed my way to victory

If he didn't make it, he's shit-tier.

First for porcelain husbando with nice feet

Does Thresh want to be LEWD to Kalista?

Breast Waifu!

The QTest skin has been re-released today.

silver surfers btfo

illaoi is such a crutch

she requires absolutely no skill and has broken base stats

I love Anivia!
She is best girl, best bird, and best Freljord!

fuck tristana

I want Vlads tongue in my mouth while I stroke his porcelain genitals please gib

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

Don't mind if I do.


I ship it.

I guess if you arent skilled enough to beat her you should also stick to no skill champs, fampai

Why isn't there an indiction for when sales will end? I wanted to buy victor but I get up today and suddenly his sale is over

>players are skilled and communicate

That fox heard wrong.

>Only no-life tryhards got diamond

Wrongest fox to ever live.

But Jhin will do just fine I guess. Rollan again just in case.

i wanna make tons of eggs with shyvana,as many as her womb can hold!

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

For the first time ever, I'm making a smurf account for laughs. I'm OTP Jhin and running speed builds on him. Any suggestions for a summoner name? I'm currently sitting on Speed Jhinzales but it sounds kinda cringe.

I think I just found my second main after Soraka. Gems man is so fun.

>I lost to Illaoi because I couldn't understand that she yells how to beat her


I bought Zyra and will try it in a Ranked game and you can not stop me

Also, I get Eye of the Watchers or Frost Queen's Claim on her?

user where's Nocturne?

new 3v3 gamemode on SR?

>turbonormie chadfag Taric highest sexual skill
>Vel'Koz doesn't have the highest sexual skill

Fuck is this chart?




>Not perfect

He's not my husbando and even IM saying Taric is THE best.

Hey, Talon, not bad at all.

>Speed Jhinzales

cringed so hard I bit my lip and got blood all my shirt

thanks a lot faggot

>stop playing for 2 weeks
>log back in today
>4 games, 4 wins

feels fucking amazing
playing kassadin was tons of fun, might try him out more.

D-did you just call Taric? Mister "Homomemerotic" a chadfag?
That's Darius and Garen.

oh, are we still pretending her ult can be dodged if you want to 1v1 her?

H a s a g i

I wonder if he changes experiences in the bedroom too?



Post yours and say something about others.

How do you die from an illaoi ult nigga, haha just walk away nigga haha

>click illaoi
>click ground
>illaoi ults for one bonus tent
>continue 1 and 2

crutch shitter detected

I bet you play lucian too you nigger.


>Implying a void creature would be an expert in human sexuality

>99% of the time its the worst sex you've ever had
>that 1% of the time that you get the lucky crit rollAND then you have to roll the dice on whether or not its going to be the best fuck of your life
>he crits and it ends too quickly

Taric is my favorite support

I will roll just because why not?

My money is going on either Kled, Graves, or Ekko.
Azir or Taric pls.

Who is getting the season 6 Victorious skin?


Why is she so perfect?

Trundle, Lucian, Braum, or Jhin are the best contenders.

Gangplank is also a viable pick but I'm personally not putting him up there.



Swing off branches eat bananas stay clear of big cats

Can someone post their pick em, I dont know who's good and bad anymore.

Are there any keys for quick map info gathering? I know there are the F keys that focus camera on different teammates, but are there any keys for specific spots on the map like mid lane, baron, dragon etc. that you can set up.

Start Reffillable Potion and upgrade it to Hunters Potion after 2 camps.

Who's gonna be the top champs in worlds? Will we see any interesting changes?

I'm hoping for tristana. She's my favorite champ and I'd love to see her in pro play

What was the original question?


>favorite champ
>Wants all the shitters and wannabes to play her so they can complain and have her nerfed

But why?

It's going to be a midlaner to go along with the mag e update.

>queue up for a jng game get given adc instead
>get ganked by 4 of them while guarding my jng's blue side
>press tab and see that mid(fizz), jungle(eve), ADC(ez), and support(zil) all share same tag
>enemy ezreal gets babysat by eve and fizz the entire game
>get killed like 5 times during the laning phase via tower dives/4man ganks and I'm behind in farm
>he still loses
>mfw type "babysat and still lost lul" as their nexus is being destroyed

ADC is fun, I can literally shit on people by playing like a bitch how is this not the most contested role in league?

>tfw you realize it MIGHT be Cassiopia

Does anyone know if Imp stream?, I want to check if he's still good ar the game or washed up.

Basically "I've heard people say mean things about sona, calling her a half minotaur, is she really that busty? Also is she available for marriage and does she want a lot of children?"

I added more bullshit cuz i thought they'd put more into the response if i sounded genuine

>No sex king
fuck off

>implying it won't be Malzahar

Also Ekko will probably get the victorious skin.

I thought Quinn was good enough now where people wouldn't say "wtf Quinn mid?" in champ select now

what did you play?

>last game of this night
>get a kid premade bot
>Vayne and Thresh
>they both feed and blame it on the rest of the team
>at some point all of them start insulting just everyone
Every time

>Forgets about the fact that he JUST got PROJECT

Quinn mid is great. Its perfectly fine.


The fact that he just got project doesn't mean anything. Victorious is about which champ had the largest impact on the season.

I love Lissandra!
she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!


>Thinking Riot wont give their favorite champ ANOTHER skin

What is the average breast cup for each LoL faction/country?
What about penis size?

Someone needs to ask Ritto.

Yeah, it's an upcoming TDM mode.

I think she's actually in a really good place right now. I've never met someone who said tristana was busted, in fact people get confused when I lock tristana in because "she's not meta". I think that seeing her in pro play might make her more popular, but I doubt people will bitch. Plus apparently she's one of the first they're looking at for season 7 so why not get some out of her before they change her up?

Same reason I want Nami at Worlds. I love her, I love seeing high level play of her, and I think she's very well balanced to not get steamrolled with nerfs after worlds.



>like yelling vengance lady
>riot gutted her so hard shes basically useless
>this happens to every champ i like
Who does lolg want me to play so they get gutted?

hey does anyone have that lee sin comic where he says he likes it when someone walks away and hes facing the wrong direction it looks like its drawn in mspaint by someone on lolg and is monochrome please help me find them comic

Ranges up to G-G-G-G(allon)-cup Sona for the ladies to as big long and thick as Mundo's arm for Teemo's cock for the gentleman.

I'm sure.

lucian and thresh are a tumor on this game

Except when any champion does well in competitive play, it's automatically seen as a threat that must be nerfed.

See at the beginning of this year: Pantheon

Pantheon was picked for pro-play for three games, and as soon as that happened they just flat nerfed the fuck out of him. Not even a gentle one either they just hit him hard.



>tfw you get lee and vayne on your team 2 games in a row

I liked yelling vengance lady too senpai.

I still play her though. She's not that bad.

>permanently 2v1 top
>not a single moment that im up top is there not an enemy with poppy
>team still fails to take towers solo
>still maintain highest damage
>they see me die then decide its time to stop doing their wolves or raptors and come die under tower 4v5
why cant people play the map

gotchu senpai


>tfw get vayne mains on my team two games in a row
>They both carry
Vayne mains have a 90% chance to feed. But when they pop off, holy fuck.


Thats pushing it He's got symptoms but he's been fine so far.

riven unironically takes some skill to play

certain champs are just so lame that anyone can pick them up and look like they main that role

lucian thresh are just prime examples

>want to see my favorite champions get played to the best of their ability
>want to see someone shit all over someone the way I could only dream of doing
>want best yordle and best sushi to be appreciated
>can't because riot can't into balance

rip. So it's just going to be Luc/Ashe/Jhin/Ez/Jinx/maybe Vayne as far as adcs, huh?

riven ironically takes some skill to play

Why is it that /lolg/ seems to have the most juvenile posts of any general on the whole board? Not to mention half the posts here are lacking in proper sentence structure, punctuation, etc. Is it true that there's a lot of underaged kids here?

>Thresh takes no skill to play

>a support is cancer
You need to stop playing this game.

kled loses lane to literally everyone

lucian wins lane against literally everyone

they are hugely different