/dag/+/bwg/ - Dragon Age & Bioware General #998

A New Dawn Edition

Previous: News:
>Daddy is gone, he left us for Beamdog
>Gameplay trailer for Obsidian's new RPG Tyranny now out
>New ME trailer, along with new info. Most of the leaked stuff appears to be true
>EA is shutting down the Bioware forums. Posting has been disabled, but you can access the archives until October 25th
>Divinity Original Sin 2 is in Early Access (IT WILL HAVE WAIFUS EVENTUALLY)


Andromeda info: pastebin.com/BiK2KhPw

Dragon Age Shit:
>Check THIS before asking questions:
>DA:O Mods

>How do I import my save into DA:I?
You can use this website to create your own DA World History by bringing over your choices from the previous games. You need an Origin account.

>Where is my Warden?
Putting millenials in their place

>/dag/ (incomplete) Art Archive

>/dag/ booru

>Help me /dag/+/bwg/, I want to get comfy!

Friendly reminder ywn be as high as Cullen

Other urls found in this thread:


Let's not allow the thread to die again, children


So do we have anything special planned for thread #1000?

Meetup in Branson, Missouri

hate all of you

'tism-lad will probably get drunk and curb stomp a homeless man

But we love you...

I'll literally post my ass

Are you hot girl or hot boy tho

do cullenites fantasize about tempting him with some lyrium in bed?

What if you laced your dwarf puss with it?

punishing him if he gets too close?

That's pretty far though. Why there of all the places?

I am officially 31, /dag/.
To the pastures I go.

If you're a successful man that's ok, if not kys

>requiring lyrium for a romp

>Why there of all the places
I find the thought of a /dag/ meetup in Baptist Las Vegas amusing

Soon you won't have enough room to put all of the candles on your birthday cake!

K.. what are the criteria for success as a woman?
I don't like throwing money away though. It feels a little retarded.

You don't understand. It's all the tackiness of Las Vegas, but with no gambling, no prostitution, and no liquor stores

>what are the criteria for success as a woman?

Pretty similar to a man I suppose, but men can wait longer to get married generally speaking, and can wait until near the end of their lives to have children if they want.

So, probably have a decent job or at least be married to someone successful (at least a combined middle-class income). Have one or more kids maybe. If you don't want kids then I guess have some pets at least.

So, breakfast for dinner at Denny's then?
Ohh, ok.

>So, breakfast for dinner at Denny's then?
Exciting times. I can't wait for January when we get to #1000

Fanart of Bioware characters at Denny's when?

Closest I could find

Close enough for government work.

What's the best armor type for warriors in Origins, massive right?

Massive has the highest actual armor ratings, yes but also the most fatigue

dennys sucks

Fuck you, man

Hi guys. I like dragon age!

Sucks to be you


Cause you're about to get cornhole'd in Blackwall's barn

Do you guys discuss lore on here at all? Or mostly Denny's? Denny's is fine.

We talk about hashbrowns and corn flakes sometimes too

Well good, as long as your covering all your breakfasts basics.

Because dragon age sucks!

Sleep well friends

If I were going for a berserker type dual wield warrior, would the massive be the best option?

nah, lower fatigue

Berserkers usually have low armor, no? More like dex tanks or just bruisers. Anyway, you'll probably want medium armors I would guess, maybe heavy if you can get enough strength.

So just throw shit into str, dex and con and wear medium armor

I'd offer to make a new collage if I didn't hate 95% of /dag/ posters, which I do
Happy birthday, mommy...

43rd for Solas

which /dag/ posters do you not hate

Mommy and fellow solaswives

How thick is Iron Bull's foreskin?

Literal cancer

Deal with it

is this your first dragon age game? just curious

No, I just haven't done dual wielding warrior
Haven't played any other DA than origins though.

Like venison jerky

Lewd slutty elves?

>Haven't played any other DA than origins though.
why not?

>what are the criteria for success as a woman?
All girls know that, it's at least two biological kids and a happy marriage to a successful and loving husband of nordic descent.

Not really a fan of how 2 looks and I don't have enough HDD space for inquisition. More a fan of the RPing in Origins than anything. Just not a fan of the voiced protag or the limits

The rest of the games are dogshit, DA2 is liked a really rushed Mass Effect with swords and DAI is a singleplayer MMO.

>tfw randomly deciding to reorganize my room at 2 AM

>not living in a hovel or under a bridge/passover like a true /dag/na

Cute /dag/na!

hi /bgw/
i think i fucked up / game fucked up

playing bg2, i did all the spellhold shit and replaced korgan with imoen "temporarily" when i got her back and played through underdark with her

thing is, korgan never left, i think he is still standing there in the spellhold basement, and he isn't at the copper coronet, and i don't think i can travel back to spellhold. any tips to get him back in my party?

Enable console and teleport back

thanks man


What other kinds of equipment am I gonna want? Like what axes and armor

>happy marriage

>He wouldn't marry his waifu

No it isn't, as long as neither of the two are immature self-centered hedonists it's entirely possible if not likely for it to be a happy union but in the days we live in that kind of person is rare which is why it's considered a success and not just normalcy.
You heard me, Muhammad.

She is not the kind that needs or wants to marry anyone.
She a best

Happy and lasting marriages are a meme from a time where people died at 30-40, you will go on each other's nerves after a decade to the point where it's a mere convenience thing in case neither of the two can afford to end it because of money, kids or both.

Most annoying people in the thread:
>solaswives, elfhaters and serafags
>k-pop fags
>fake /meg/ refugees

>mr. sword
>normal waifufags who don't seek attention (Tulpa included)
>people who is currently playing DA and posting results
>suddenly game/lore discussions fags
>kurwas, rpgs, obsidian, got, etc. fags (no ov*rw*tch allowed)

Wanted to quote Describes my parents pretty well at least. One day I will be a rich internet star and give both 1 million eurorinos to see what happens.

Don't you dare skipping post numbers in case this one dies. The 1000 has to be earned.


Do you think hateful solaswfe only cries herself to sleep on weekends or is it daily?

>from a time where people died at 30-40
What kind of shithole do you live in? Either you've bought into a progressive myth or you come from a really shitty place.

It's reality, the happy everlasting marriage you dreamed of as a little girl is fiction and so is your husbando.

It's wednesday, my dudes

Also imagine how cool it would be to have #1000 and warden day at the same day. Fucking POST
Post about memerriage too if you have to.

Do you understand we much hit TWO bump limits in two days for this to happen, right? Rolls? Images? Shitposting? Can we do it?

We need the 000000 get so people come here and congratulate us!

We are not ready for guests!

>It's reality
No it isn't, people lived about as long even in ancient greece as we do today. The biggest difference is child mortality and more advanced medical problems and diseases. You can kiss my cellulite ridden fat ass.
>the happy everlasting marriage
That's a modern warped look on what marriage traditionally entailed. It didn't need to be happy as much as functional, like with all relationships marriages have their ups and downs but the important thing is to put effort into it and that you are willing to put it before your selfishness. In this century of the self many people expect instant gratification with minimal work, in this age of hyper individualism people easier give up on each other and become socially dysfunctional. We have regressed as people.

The whole "marriages always sucks" attitude is both a self fulfilling prophecy and a lie told to justify reckless fornication and serial monogamy. I've been very happily married for five years and maybe it won't last forever but I'm going to make it last as long as I can, all it takes is hard work, that you really talk to each other and are honest and finally that you always strive to become a better person. If you can't see that you're just a bitter lonely twerp who rationalise not even trying.

My biggest criticism of Origins is that you can't be more of a promiscuous fuckstick

You're mostly fighting Darkspawn so there's not much time for that, unlike you're into getting it on with werewolves, beasts and darkspawn that is.

>You are a normie after all
I can't possibly tell you how disappointed I am

There's loads of opportunities
>Some chicks in Lothering
>that mage that begs to be spared in the Circle tower
there's loads of them user

does your poor husband know that you lust over a bald elf

I'm starting to think I'm the only genuine waifufag here. You're all 3d married or have a 3d partner. Disgusting.

Maybe I'm just not a delusional fuck, you can't tell me that you will not be sick of your husband in another 5 years.

Maybe 2 threads in 2 days is a bit much to ask after all...

I'm not married, almost don't go outside and have 2d waifus. Let's hold hands.

They're all uggos though, you must have some really low standards.

Sometimes a man's gotta have release user

I'd buy a Solas body pillow if I could

I'm never going to be sick of him, maybe you should try finding people who aren't insufferable to be around? Not everyone is awful. Even if all attraction inevitably fades somewhat with time that's not everything you know.
I actually romanced Cullen and my husband kind of looks like him.

And it'll take husband's place on the bed and the husband will sleep with a dog?

But you can't because your 3d husband would find out.

>everyone who posts elves is a samefag xD

>tfw cucked by a solas bodypillow