Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following: ● READ THE OP. ● Read the cards. ● Lurk and read the archives. ● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above. ● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play. ● If you want to improve, netdeck and playtest constantly. ● Read the cards you fuck.
second for >this mad at a thread nothin personnel iron
Brody Turner
You broke Veeky Forums rules/ettiqutte for a meme, fuck you faggot.
David Reed
>autism will never leave this place why?
Christian Rogers
So is the new card shit or not?
Jackson Turner
gotta wait till the rest of the predator plants come out
Lucas Gomez
new card looks like it's shit
Joseph Lee
So why the hell is wall of revealing light limited?
Joseph Myers
because life equalizer memes
Eli Ross
Life equalizer
Austin Baker
Why are the ban lists split in such a way that makes the tcg shit?
David Jenkins
David Taylor
So is dark magician finally good now?
Lincoln Nelson
Manga cards in Booster Special confirmed, called it. This means we'll probably get Sora's Manga cards, since he doesn't have any other anime cards. Which means Frightfur Daredevil and Pendulums. The Premium Pack will probably focus on Yuya, Yugo, Rei and Reiji.
Brayden Peterson
good joke he's still shit, only difference is that now he's getting cucked by malicious
William Sullivan
I just hope they print shit that can help magicians
Angel Stewart
so more odd-eyes soon? based
Wyatt Russell
Just give me frightfur fusionist
Evan Bennett
They don't call him "D-Hero" for nothing.
Tantan in Metalfoes?
Jack Garcia
he was the real ultimate D
Logan Jenkins
He uses Performapals and Odd-Eyes in the Manga, no Magicians
>He uses Performapals and Odd-Eyes in the Manga, no Magicians fuck that's right welp guess magicians really are gutter trash now
Thomas Russell
Bentley Butler
Combine with this > >Level 2 >Scale 8 >Pendulum effect: Once per turn, you can Special Summon one Fluffal from your Graveyard.
Post set 12 pass beasts decks. FT Rafflesia to trigger /dng/.
Gabriel Johnson
So what are the viable ftk's this meta? or has it switched to something more cancerous?
Mason Rivera
Any reason you're playing Rabbits and Rams? Just for more names?
Isaiah Peterson
Pretty much. That, and if Invoker survives, i detach to summon Rabbit, then let her die to recycle one of the Xyzs.
Colton Robinson
Wouldn't it be better to max out on Horse since he has actual stats?
Julian James
Probably better to do 1 Rabbit and 3 Horse, yeah.
Jordan James
If you use mass driver on a card thats unnaffected by card effects what happens?
Leo Sullivan
Lucas Scott
Hashtag unchain the chain
Chase Ortiz
>playing any juuni that isn't rat don't do this pls
Nathaniel Diaz
you get jadge called on you for playing with banned cards
Jeremiah Gonzalez
he succ me
Luis Butler
anyone got the OCG pic with the most palyed decks?
Cooper Jones
i only play traditional yugioh at my friday night yugioh events
read op
Jace Phillips
How can i be a maximum dick at locals without getting penaltied
Nicholas Green
>I play traditional You do not belong here
Jack Perry
Play BA
Jaxon Scott
Bentley Jackson
Play barrier statues
Ryder Ross
Did anyone else think of using last strix and phantom knights launch to summon OERD? Or any DARK that's level is 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 or 11? good to see shun and Yuto working together again
>vanguard i sure love having such locked decks and having my decks made useless every new pack
Bentley Price
YGO does that too.
Then again YGO has a more bearable artstyle than Vanguard.
Angel Baker
>SPFE-JP009 捕食植物キメラフレシア Predator Plant Chimera Rafflesia Level 7 DARK Plant-Type Fusion Effect Monster ATK 2500 DEF 2000 1 “Predator Plant” monster + 1 DARK Monster (1) Once per turn: You can target 1 monster on the field with a Level that is equal to or less than this card’s current Level: Banish it. (2) During attack declaration, when this card battles an opponent’s face-up monster: You can activate this effect; until the end of the turn, that opponent’s monster loses 1000 ATK, also this card gains 1000 ATK. (3) During the next Standby Phase after this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can add 1 “Polymerization” Spell card or “Fusion” Spell card, except “Diffusion Wave-Motion” from your Deck to your hand.
Zachary Wood
Nice fucking stale meme, this was never true
Zachary Perez
It's worse in yugi though unless your deck is called burning abyss
Carter Carter
>YGO has a more bearable artstyle than Vanguard
Meh, Dimension Police have pretty cool ass art more than most comparable yugioh machine monsters
Dylan Baker
you can at least meme it up in yugioh.
Alexander Torres
I'm so glad that the new main dude is gonna play Shadow.
If anything, it's the other way around, some old decks make a return with new support.
Nolan Rogers
>he doesnt know how to meme in vanguard
Kayden Anderson
>tfw been playing the same vanguard deck with slight upgrades for the past 3 years
Cameron King
Super Conductor Tyranno
Jack Butler
I don't get this meme
Jonathan Russell
What is it standing on?
Connor Garcia
Easy; play stand triggers
Juan Ortiz
How come Exodia is such an iconic card but never brings any hype to a real duel (in fact, all it brings is dead silence and a weary look from your opponent).
Joseph Cook
do tell, i played minerva but as far as i can tell the decks dead (yet my jp sr is still worth the same price??)
Parker Mitchell
Quillbolt Hedgehog.
Ian Bennett
what is legendary decks 2
Evan Perry
My main is Raindear, which just got support
Vanguard prices tend to stay the same for some reason
Nathaniel Perez
>dinosaur Into the trash it goes
Tyler Green
lazy cashgrab banking on nostalgia
Jordan Morgan
Minerva with Regalie is still a strong deck, you would have to update it though with strides and what not, but it's still stronk because it doesn't need GB to work.
>for some reason No reprints, though we're getting something like premium gold with reprints for every clan but Nubatama and Angel Feather because fuck Refros.
Logan Gutierrez
Cheap Black Stones and geminis for my pet deck.
Luke Ross
You just need to update it, its still decent.
Though vanguard singles are expensive as fuck
Charles Long
Your opponent has summoned (yes, really) Exodia Necross.
Name at least three ways to stop this seemingly invincible beast before he destroys your ass.
Michael Hall
Banish one of the pieces in grave with literally any of my Infernoid monsters.
Levi Clark
Brayden Russell
Noah Anderson
Banish it with Abyss Ragnarok.
Aaron Martinez
im saying it is exodia: the hype
Holy Dragon, Sanctuary Guard Regalie? ill look into it, i just remember link joken and that fire one coming out and destroying everything. Also whats the vanguard ruling for japanese cards?
Adam Myers
Good luck, Lightning.
Tyler Green
Kaiju, Kozmojo, Honor Ark
Henry Powell
Kaiju ;)
Gavin Stewart
does this mean silent tom reprints
can i go back to this game already
Josiah Gomez
The armor is used to increase his weight and thus his momentum behind swings. It's used to split the armor of his foes rather than increase his own defence.
Charles Lopez
Ragnazerp ;) thanks for the +1 BRO
Xavier Murphy
I mean Regalia, you know, the Legion one, though I have seen some people using Fenrir and Minerva so the deck can have the best of both worlds, on top of that the biggest weakness about Genesis, deck out, was covered by a Stand trigger that shuffles your drop zone with your deck and lets you draw a card, also Genesis got support on the newest set.
Austin Sanchez
Maybe, maybe not, though Silent Tom is pretty cheap because OTT didn't have new support for almost a year, but if you wanna get him then do it fast because there is gonna be new OTT support soon.
Xavier Evans
>lvl 8 with 3300atk wtf ban this!
Joseph Johnson
Is ygopro system shit or just I keep drawing drawing the 3 traps I play on my first hand constantly because of shitty luck?
Carson Martin
imagine if juunis got a monster that gave the xyz it's under an ophion effect
Easton Ward
percy's shuffling algorithm is shit.
Easton Wilson
i dont know what the fuck juunishi's are like what the fuck i mean really i dont get it how do they have any speed aren't they really brick heavy, aren't the XYZ monsters relatively weak i dont get it at all what the fuck do you do with them?
Nicholas Butler
stack them ontop of eachother
Joseph Gutierrez
You play Rat.dek
Robert Lewis
>summon terrortop >go off >??? >crystal wing + drancia
Jose Peterson
Yugioh has never had particularly good machine designs, yeah. I mean, my favorite is probably Machina Fortress, and it doesn't even look that great. Also >mentioning DP but not NG
Ryan Bennett
Nathaniel Perez
>Yugioh has never had particularly good machine designs What are Qlis What are some Cyber Dragons What are Gadgets What are Antique Gears What are Deskbots