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owg - Overwatch General

>The 69% Club

>The Overwatch Open is currently airing

>King's Road, Defense first
>Playing D. Va
>Start out by killing the enemy Junkrat, the enemy Zarya, and by the time I'm done killing her the Junkrat is back for more and I kill him again
>I get killed by the nades he leaves behind and while trying to get back in my mech
>Fucking hate those things, their AOE is annoyingly large and I keep forgetting he has them
>Watch the kill cam
>There's 4 guys on the objective and by the time I've respawned, we've lost the first point
>In less than a minute
>I have Gold elims with just those 3 kills
Strike one
>Proceed to try and salvage the damn match, remain the player with Gold elims throughout the entire round
>Lose horribly despite my best efforts (Silver objective time, before anyone asks)
>Nobody on my team seems to be able to do anything and, with just 11 elims, I still end the round with Gold elims
Strike two
>Team comp was acceptable, during defense, but apparently someone thought it was a brilliant idea to play Mei on attack here instead of picking a second tank
>Same goes for the Reaper and Junkrat, we really needed another fucking tank
>I tell them in chat that I should not be having gold elims A: as D. Va, and B: with just eleven elims
>They brush me off or ignore, saying "good for you" as though I'm bragging when really I'm just telling them to get their fucking shit together
>We SOMEHOW manage to get two of the three points during our attack turn, but we get shut down horribly by a Bastion/Roadhog/Zarya combo that wait for us on the payload
>Nobody thinks to switch so they can deal with this in any way
>No Pharah, no Genji, no Roadhog, no nothing
>I try my best to get whatever kills I can and see if I can shut down Bastion, without luck
>At best I could distract him for a while until I got hooked or plasma-beamed to death, with Defense Matrix doesn't prevent
>End the game with Gold elims and Gold objective time, as well as Silver damage
I am a little bit upset.

There's no point in playing solo, right? I should just uninstall this shit game.

Cutest and best pairing

According to the ADL, Pepe is now a hate symbol.

Ban that frog fucker Lucio

Jamison Fawkes!

i got to masters solo

but its unfun playing against groups and with groups all the time

i would basically quit and come back if they add 6v6 solo queue option

Lads I just hit 3k, does that mean i'm no longer a shitter?

Why do they force pro teams to play 2cp

After a win, do support players still get less of a rank up than other heroes??