League of Legends General

urmum edition


#zamph #dota2 #zamph2 #umadbro

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Guys why dont my Japanese voices work anymore? ;_;

How to fix ARURF

>Enable all champs
>everyone on each team gets 1 ban
>start lvl 3
>disable gold and xp on creeps kills and ALL objectives
>give everyone same amount of passive XP gain and gold gain

Fizz is one of those strange champs where he is maximum cancer but people ignore him / dont play him much for some reason

FUCK of course there was a new thread, repost

Did my worlds pick em with almost no team knowledge right when it was put up and havent touched it since.

good? bad? how horrible is it and what should i fix

Why aren't you playing AP Janna?

Fizz is gutted shit right now what are you talking about


Because gets shitted on by mages, range.

i main fizz, but i hate playing against that so much. I always get low and have like 0 mana lul.

Because you are probaly Silver low Gold or some shit

I wanna BREED shyvana and have a cute 3/4 human, 1/4 dragon daugheru

Just make ARURF: Ascension

>it's another ghost of zamphira posts shitty reddit memes episode
i fucking hate these arcs

Fuck you talking about

That nigga literally dashes in, auto attack once then Trisckter the fuck out and he already won the trade

Not to mention he can steam roll so hard if he get one kill

Sorry to disappoint anyone who voted yesterday but I decided on just doing Ezreal-only on my account for unranked-Dia

I thought about Morgana but I didn't really want to have to play Morg top and shit, Ezreal I can just queue Mid/Bot and do whatever

Only 1-0 right now in placements, don't have full T3 runes yet. Looks like first placement game was like high Silver/Gold 5 MMR. I also need to namechange the account to something memetic, since it just currently has an old in-joke name I had with some friends

I'm autistically logging everything to an excel spreadsheet like I do with my main accounts just to chronicle my journey through low elo

Any suggestions on comical Ezreal names?

Shit's not even good for Reddit, it's 9gag tier at this point.

What is Zamph doing nowadays anyday

>not hexakill ARURF one for all for one twisted treeline where all 12 players play one random champion with 80% cooldown on TT

Real advice:
Weeklong URF with top 15 most picked champions every day banned from the mode

thats true. But he is really weak against mages who know how to play against him. Poke him with some abilities, if he wants to cs. take barrier, exh or even tp. play safe and wait for late. fizz is only good at early and mid.

he showed up a few months ago and curbstomped people with aurelion sol to get to masters then disappeared again

>sorry I didn't give a shit about your opinions yesterday
>give me your opinions today
Just pick a number and whoever gets it names your character

As Kayle, I always take TP no matter what for that late game splitpushing and map control

>fizz uses his 100+ mana waveclear/escape/damage ability to escape shitty trades

another shitter just whining about a champ that beat him in lane

No, the constant nerfs require him to be picked ONLY into hard counter matches and even then he MUST snowball in order to have any impact. Constant nerfs to w q and removing damage amp on ult has left him flaccid and completely killed tank fizz

xth for breast waifu

nice game lolbabbies

how do i play this bitch

Silver ELO adc player here. I know it's not the best to learn on a champ with a dash since it doesn't teach you positioning, but I got cait a few days ago and I've been having a blast winning with her. Should I stick to cait or go back to Ashe/Sivir?


does poppy have decent AD scaling? why does everyone just build tank on her? curious

Well people acted like Morgana mid was some kind of thing that was hard to climb with or something and it's not

I just play so much Morgana on my main accounts and I don't particularly want to support in low elo games

Also if I was going to do Morgana I'd want to name the account "Sinful Succ" and get the skin but you CAN'T BUY SUCC MORGANA ANYMORE

Buy Tear push buttons receive literally free elo

>First game in like 40 that Yasuo goes unbanned
>Instantly locked
This is just tiring.

>when you win the game you don't deserve to

damn polish cosplayer


Why does Ignite keep getting better every time I listen to it?

What's this item called?

Chilly mittens or bad sheen

Chilly Mittens

I love Lissandra!
Ashe a shit
Chilly mitten

Cold Glove of le Ebin Utility

hey thats another icon for my collection, thanks lissfag

300$ bucks

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

Frosty Fist

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I don't know but I've experienced the same thing

don't you mean in zac?

You'll have to fite this anonv first, be careful

Don't you mean (You)?|

Don't you mean Kog'maw?


oh, it's just massive autism then

please go somewhere else


*translator note: Nani means "what"

You know what's going in her, don't you?

*dodges your friendliness pellets*
pshh... nothing personal... kid

>tfw there aren't any good Mordekaiser skins
It hurts.


Admittedly its probably the worst Pentakill skin, but its still pretty damn metal

Penguin Puncher


t. every bruiser ever

Q and ult scales AD good

If I tried carrying from Support as Zyra/Sona/Raka how high could I get?

Pros seem to be building this in their View games. When do I take this instead of going Warrior TF into tank or just Warrior into tank? I can only see it being useful when I've already built a BC after warrior and I need just a bit more damage but want to go full tank afterwards

And by view I mean Vi

I wish I had tried Zilean mid before, this shit is so cash.

Killed by Ekko

>play Darius
>everyone plays Darius
Wew lad

Gold 1
Diamond if you can be a greasy tryhard

Every bruiser except trynd irelia fiora ekko and the ghost of fizz

what the hell is "river shen" and how did it manage to carry a game without smite

>He doesn't know about the river shen tactic.

Not him but wtf is that

>riot still hasn't made a beyblade garen arena game mode
what the fuck are they doing in there exactly

Basically, a jungler/support kinda thing where he doesn't farm and simply goes from lane to lane constantly ganking. Since he's not farming or even stepping in the jungle, he's not a jungler. So River Shen.

He only ganks and takes scuttle

Her passive gains damage and shield size based on her max health. Her low Q cooldown (coupled with % health damage) and passive tank from W sort of naturally steer her towards a bulky build. More time alive, more time hammer smashing.

Wouldn't you be massively behind in level and gold?

how are you not severely underleveled and kinda useless

you don't need cs when you have kills

Yeah, but you would also be constantly ganking. You basically make every lane a 2v1 most of the time, meaning you put them at a disadvantage as well and recover if you get kills.

Farm heros

Also he can fuck with the other jungle a lot but ya if the ganks dont work u suck

It's pretty fun unless you go against Morgana or Orianna

So basically your bot auto lose and you have a shitty underlevel Shen

What kinda retard actually do this

Well it does sound like it would be extremely annoying to play against

Should I practice some of my lesser-played champs or try to keep climbing?

Which one do you want to do?

I just checked winrates and neither of those have a good score against Zil?

All these people who weren't around at the time of blitz+Ali duo roams at level 1

I can't decide, that's why I'm asking someone else

Can't wait to see NA get embarrassed tomorrow

Been here since season 3, if it is older than that then i dont know but it is probably some shitty bronze hipster tactic

>he thinks ROX is going to make it out of groups
>their adc loses lane to Gosu


>Doubting america

>le gosu is le bad maymay xdd :^P

Ali blitz dual roam was legit, shit almost didn't have a counter.


I chuckled.

i wanna make plenty of hatchlings with this half breed!

didn't gosu drop to diamond 2 though

>they hit the hook and I am kill
>implying riot can balance

It's not that they shit on you, but they negate your bombs all laning phase