Leaps in AI technology make self-driving cars the norm

>leaps in AI technology make self-driving cars the norm
>"driving" becomes a hobby
>boring, design-by-commitee executives make their corporations focus entirely on building self-driving cars
>engineers who are passionate and want create something exciting leave these corporations to make their own companies that focus on "driver cars"
>"driver cars" are designed for people who enjoy driving as a hobby, and therefore, focus heavily on driving involvement, with little to no compromises for the average person who just wants to be driven
>leaps in materials technology allows them to be built from stuff that is stronger than steel but significantly lighter, like carbon nanotubes, meaning safety doesn't sacrifice aesthetics and visibility
>since self-driven cars have no need for high powered engines, and will likely be electric/3-cylinders/etc, emission standards on driven cars loosens due to how few their are
>driving becomes a cool skill that impresses, like playing guitar or being a good athlete, and can get you laid
>normies no longer make the roads unsafe with their shitty driving, and driving cars becomes more exciting than ever

Is my optimistic future unrealistic, Veeky Forums?

The only problem is that your scenario will make "drivers cars" so expensive as to be out of the reach of most people.

Owning a "driver's car" will be financially equivalent to owning a nice boat or a horse

This won't be true until they either invent the self-driving motorcycle or motorcycles are effectively outlawed. They will always be the cornerstone of cheap motoring thrills. $12k buys you a new machine that will outrun a Z06.

User-oriented motors aren't going anywhere within a century. Plus, you will always have the luddite corner of the market who aren't enthusiasts, but also refuse to trust an AI with their life. This AI technology will also always heavily rely on complicated and expensive sensors. I can't foresee car manufacturers including a self-driving capability without providing either tandem driver control or at least backup manual control. Can you imagine?

>guys, a bird shit on my sensor periscope
>a drunk teenager threw a pumpkin off of an overpass and hit my sensor periscope
And then you die and your family sues and wins.

>>a drunk teenager threw a pumpkin off of an overpass and hit my sensor periscope
this seems oddly specific

I dont think people realize how limited self driving cars are.
They are NOWHERE near as good as they want you to think they are.
They do testing in their nice sunny silicon valley hugbox or in the california canyons to "prove" how well they move

but tell me right the fuck now what a self driving car is going to do in the dead of winter in northern U.S. or hell fucking canada, alaska, or even god damn russia

all your sensors all your cameras are going to get frozen over and unable to function, and if the salt stuff is still the same then all those self driving cars with their intricate components will rust away

Motorcyclists will still be free.

they went from
>barely able to follow a dirt road
>able to pretty confidently and safely navigate a major metropolitan area (san fancisco) in a little less than ten years
what will they be like in the next 5 years?

self driving will become, if not standard, a very highly requested feature, pretty quickly.

i'm ok with manual driving as mostly a hobby piece, they fucking regulators will finally leave us alone, and the best part is safety won't matter that much since all the other cars will be able to actively avoid a manually driven car

The regulators wont leave us alone, in fact they'll have more of a case of dismissing us as selfish short sighted assholes
We're going to be gun nut tier in terms of the mainstream media

...I heard that.

>living in a 1st world cuckhole

ayy lmaoo

>We're going to be gun nut tier in terms of the mainstream media

except a car's sole purpose isn't to inflict harm or kill a person

Ban assault cars, they're too fast and nobody needs them. They're a hazard to our society.

This is already a thing over in California in terms of discussion points, the rest of you will eventually have to deal with it too and it'll suck. Why can't liberals not be gigantic faggots and realize that lifestylism does nothing to help the world?

there is no such thing as an "assault" car

please stop trying to draw parallels between your "gun" hobby and cars

It's not assault cars, but rather the idea that being into car culture is inherently harmful. Car shows get raided over here with cars getting taken away because 'the only reason you'd have mods like that is because you're an illegal street racer'.

>idea that being into car culture is inherently harmful.

which no one has

the only thing "luburuls" have againts cars is that they pollute

You're an idiot. I live in California, I've seen this shit, I'm tired of it. I'm leftist, I hate liberals because they do a bunch of meaningless bullshit that harms communities I care about all because it makes them feel better. Peak lifestylism.

>he never stole jack o' lanterns and threw them at cars on mischief night
Did you spend your teenage years in a bubble?

If most cars are automated and therefore safe drivers that would be more reason to invest in a motorbike or street-legal gokart which offers vastly more fun per $

>Wagecucks being driven around megahighways in their autocars
>Teenage biker gangs causing mayhem on the streets
Just like muh Japanese animes.

Wow! 200 horses at 12000RPM!

Falcons and commodores are still legal in Australia.

I wish but probably not. The move to driverless econoboxes and electric cars will definitely eventually cause a ban on all human-driven cars public roadways. Reatrictions on cars (emissions, noise, safety etc) will get even stricter, even on private race tracks, because why stop at just transport and commuters? It's pretty obvious that there are groups of people in the government who would like nothing more than for all personal motorized vehicles to drop off the face of the planet. The legal drivers' cars that do exist at such a time will be in low quantity, very expensive, heavily regulated, and have usage limited only to a select few tracks. Even those select few tracks will eventually dwindle in number because of lack of public interest (no car culture to grow up in, no desire to race cars).

People who want to see cars gone are playing for the long term win.
>autonomous cars sure are a cool piece of tech!
>autonomous driving modes are now available on all new car models!
>safety restrictions now dictate your car cant be more than [x] years old to be legal on roads.
>autonomous mode now required for highways
>autonomous mode now required for all roads
>New cars are all electric or very high mpg
>Old cars relegated to track use only
>safety/emission regulations forced onto tracks like they were onto normal cars today, effectively banning all but the new track only non-autonomous cars from any usage at all
>These cars and track priveledges will be heavily taxed, very expensive. Driving is now only for the rich
>general public eventually loses all interest in non-autonomous cars
>even the rich lose interest because the public doesnt care about them showing off at tracks

People like Jay Leno see this future as desirable, but to the rest of us that don't own a huge warehouse with 100+ cars it might be the worse case scenario. The problem is that it becomes a hobby only available to people who have the money. Being a car enthusiast is already an expensive hobby even if you own a shitbox in simply time alone, not even counting the money you spend. Now even if you're able to make your shitbox drive desirably, you now have to trailer that motherfucker to a track and back.

They're not, but statistics show that they're a more effective killer than firearms. Which says something when an object designed to kill is less effective than one that isn't.

Coming from a country that has effectively banned guns and treats car enthusiasts like gun nuts, don't dismiss his concerns.

No, but your spelling is awful.