>WoW Yeah, WoW, but I've been playing for a while now with a short break in Draenor. Personal issues.
>Ramin :D Ramit inmah ashol? Kiwi gonna be sad!
And for Mish
Hunter Gutierrez
Listen, listen. Real talk and personal feelings aside. I think Undertaker and Sad Hanako Dork should leave, for the good health of this general. I've watched this general grow and devolve and while I realize it is never going to be not gross, it could be a little less gross if they leave.
People who respond negatively will of course be banned, so mind yourselves.
David Wilson
Why will he be sad?? Where is he anyways? Why don't I get a cute nickname!!? :(
Matthew Sanchez
Don't think so.
Josiah Ortiz
For my readers, past and prospective, know that I am lurking and posting on this thread, so if you have anything to ask, ask away.
I won't be using my trip, except to respond to personal enquiries.
James Thompson
You are literally cancer, hitler and the biggest piece of shit in these threads. Leave, never rerturn, stick a fucking baseball bat up your ass and die from internal bleeding.
Adam Ramirez
You contribute nothing. Nothing you've said during your stay in these threads has had any merit. Your presence makes this place worse.
You really should leave.
Gavin Diaz
Irrelevant opinions, please stay try to on topic, anons.
Justin Bell
>tfw KS was my first VN >tfw all the others I've tried don't even come close
kill me
Liam Young
I'll reply just to humor you I can sort of understand people thinking Undie is "gross", though he doesn't shove it down our throats and he's a net positive to the thread for him being an alright guy I think the same of SHG, and I can't understand how he is gross at all
Jack Jenkins
Well I'm gonna go nap. You have fun, 2013.
I know the feeling.
Mason Kelly
Nth for a happy Hana!
Aiden Harris
try this
Jace Green
>he's a net positive. Disagree vehemently. Really sick of his personal blogging and his ego is out of control.
>sad hanako guy He's annoying and boring, literally all he does is come in and thank himself after dropping trip to say "SHG and Undie are the best part of this general!", when not doing this he feels the need to stop by the thread and leave us facebook status updates like "not actually going to post today but please have a nice day :)"
Also the obesity fetish stuff imposed on your waifus is totally fucking gross. y/n?
Thanks, you too.
Chase Price
Oh and he made up viscous lies about me for attention. So I don't care for this "nice guy" meme.
John Morris
>ego is out of control. Oh that's a good one. Look who's talking.
>thank himself after dropping trip Which he doesn't, but even if, at least he TAKES his trip off to suck his own dick, unlike you.
Your opinion is as irrelevant as last year's snow.
Daniel Morgan
>Your waifus
So like, why ksg? Of all places, why come here? I'm honestly curious if you've ever read the game or not.
Fuckin owch
Isaiah Walker
Nice non-opinions I guess? Try to stay on topic, I'm just trying to address a thread issue we've been having lately. No need to be defensive.
It's right up there on my backlog.
Isaac Wood
Holy hell, Garden of Cripples is really well written so far.
Narrator dude, how long did it take for you to put together this idea?
William Scott
>last year's snow
I didn't snow here last year at all. I'm praying for a white christmas, lads.
Jose Mitchell
Okay, I'm gonna address it
I personally feel like KSG is a great and social place to be, and that off topic conversation is alright in the context due to the nature of the game. It keeps the community active, and people keep producing media for it, It's what holds us together
Now, I see that sometimes the personal talk can get a little too much for some people, but at the end of the day if it keeps the community going and a place for people who've played the game to come, then that's acceptable. That's my opinion at least
I wear a name, as does the other "cancerous" trips, and you're free to filter us. And if people don't reply and want to talk, then we won't. But that's the thing: people do want to talk about that sort of thing, and that shouldn't be stopped just because its not some other person's idea of a "true /ksg/", if you don't like it then don't take part in it, but leave people who do
That's my 2 cents at least, maybe I'm too idealic. I won't address it again, as you know how I stand now
Maybe he has a soft spot for me ;)
See you Ken
Samuel Taylor
A few hours.
Lucas Reyes
>I'm just trying to address a thread issue we've been having lately. Yes, YOU are the issue. I am very much on topic here.
>owch Truth is painful, but some people have mental capacirty of an amoeba and cannot comprehend it.
Ayden Walker
It's not fair!! Really? Huh, well that's pretty damn good. For writing the actual quest story, did you have pre-written ideas of how it'd go with paths they'd take, or did you throw it together on the fly?
Sebastian King
>I feel like breaking all these rules in this thread I am totally new to is okay because they're things I personally enjoy.
>It's okay if I break all the rules and disregard the almost give year old community etiquette because it makes the thread kind of more active (not really?)
Well that's great, champ, but how about you fuck off for a little bit and let relevant people discuss the health of the thread?
Good as in actually good or good as in "Wow undertaker your fiction maybe obesity fetish smut but it's totally in-character, you captured Lilly so well!!"
Justin Richardson
may be*
Xavier Lopez
There will always be name/tripfag like you Come here, first thing you do is trip and treat Veeky Forums like a steam chat Then after a few months you leave forever and never come back Well except the extra-autistic ones
Gabriel Peterson
The latter is mostly the case. I had an idea of which events would trigger following certain actions taken by the players.
On the other hand, you can see how much improvising took place in those threads in which I offer only the write-in option.
Oliver Sanders
I'm seeing that now haha it's really interesting. Did you ever DM before? Or was this a first experience type of thing?
Gavin Anderson
At least post my less crap ones man haha And why don't you try being even more cancerous Taker? Maybe you'll get one then ;)
Lucas Phillips
Justin Reed
What is this "haha" meme?
Juan Russell
So are we picking teams now? KSG Civil war?
Jason Hughes
Better late than never and what not.
Tyler Young
It's not my first experience. I would say questing is radically different from DM'ing, however. To be precise, it's a little bit easier.
QM'ing, too, has its rules. For instance, a post shouldn't be too long or too short, in general, and the decision taken by the players should have a meaningful impact on the story.
Indeed, one of my biggest faults as a QM is that sometimes I fail to provide meaningful decisions to be taken.
Nolan Jackson
I like them all to varying degrees!
I guess I'm not trying hard enough. I can strive for greatness though!
Adrian Davis
Dibs on the IDGAF team!
Elijah Powell
"I hope KSG sinks and burns" the post.
Not as bad as supporting the blogtrips at though.
Blake Ross
Wyatt Barnes
That's adorable!!! You did a real good job!
Huh, facinating. Alright, I think I understand. I've never done anything like that, but I always kinda wanted too. I think you've done well :D
David Bennett
Disregard the "at", please.
David Torres
Wow man, looks great!
Shoot for the stars Taker, don't let him down!
You could just take the Tell-tale route, and just give the allusion of choice. All paths lead to the same route ;)
Do you come up with all the routes beforehand? Or dynamically?
Hunter Thompson
That's nice. Well done!
William Nguyen
Why is no one acknowledging my concerns?? How can no one agree??? You're all fucking bakas.
Easton Davis
As I was saying, I have a general idea of what will happen next. There's no way the players will want to give up on hunting the Dead Apostle, so that is going to happen one way or another later.
This said, the players might want to join the art club or play boardgames with Shizune. It's less 'route' and more 'dynamic storytelling'. At least that's how I feel.
Anthony Green
We're all to shocked by the realisations to respond.
Connor Howard
Which Katawa is your favourite?
Tyler White
Oh damn I almost missed this in all the mess that's going on! That's adorable dude, awesome, really!
Luis Flores
Isaac Jones
Jayden Allen
G'evening doods! How were we all today? What fun and interesting things did we all have planned? Do you think Emi has a lot of shoes to accessorise who casual legs? Do you think she has a pair of high heel legs? u cheeky cunt.
Ich bin zwölf und was ist das?
Thomas Hall
i appreciate how you show up in these trying times to deliver art when you-know-what is shitposting
Joseph Kelly
You can check the previous thread for clarifications.
Julian Wood
Parker Kelly
>Hanako. Man, I got her bad end the first time I played this game. I played the entire thing by the guide, but then on the last question I was so confident in myself that I chose wrong and then everything turned to shit. The whole "don't treat her like a porcelain doll you fucktard" still sticks with me. Never played that route to get the good ending.
Do you ever feel like getting a bad end, while unpleasant, is a good experience. So you don't want to dilute it by playing it again and getting a good end. Kinda sticking with your mistakes sorta thing?
David Gonzalez
You're welcome
Hunter Martin
Jayden Harris
How the heck did you get her bad end? Either way yeah, it was nice, early ksg was really nice.
Luke Rivera
Hanako doesn't have a good ending, put your trip back on.
Julian Rivera
Afternoon kiwi! How was your day at work? I must ask the question... Are you a LITERAL pastry puffer?
Logan Smith
>Do you ever feel like getting a bad end, while unpleasant, is a good experience. So you don't want to dilute it by playing it again and getting a good end. Kinda sticking with your mistakes sorta thing? This was actually a huge inspiration with me in How Far. There's some real strength in the bad endings, and there should be a bit more of an aftermath to the curtain call, in my opinion.
Jordan Morris
Oh, Veeky Forums. I thought we had Morgan Freeman or somethnig show up.
Today was better because we were dealing with commercial sized portions. >I'd hope she does. Emi seems like she'd really love to dance Don't need heels to dance. Give her a pair of sneakers and she can boogie.
See above.
>spoiler In a sense.
Chase Cooper
>>How the heck did you get her bad end? The question was like "do you wanna go to town or stay in your dorm". Being my retarded self, I thought "oh hanako is shy she obviously doesn't want to go out.
Thinking back to it makes me so mad at myself.
I wouldn't know, I've only played the "bad" ending.
Yeah, the Suzu Scissorlips bad ending seriously sticks with me. I have 0 desire to redo the good ending because while it was astonishingly wistful, the bad ending was so fucking good. I don't think I'll ever forget how that made me feel at the time.
Josiah Turner
>In a sense. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Henry Hall
Huh, I thought you moved on.
It's whatever you want it be.
Henry Parker
Moved on from what?
Robert Myers
if you get a chance or feel like it you should go back and give Hanakos good end a try, that trip to town is really special and what happens moving on is nice. It's wonderful to see her happy.
Aaron Phillips
I'll consider it a good thing, for the sake of catgirls!
Tyler Morris
Hey man, not much here, you?
>spoiler I think walking in them normally is hard enough, let alone with prostetics, no?
Ah, thanks for the clarification
Julian Jones
I thought you didn't like Hanako anymore.
Kayden Martin
Well maybe you shouldn't listen to literal memeboys in /ksg/, I'm pretty sure I've never suggested I don't like Hanako ever.
Nathaniel Myers
It only pretends to like Hanako to have an excuse to shitpost here It hasn't yet realized that the mods and janitors are adamant about being worthless, and that it technically doesn't need an excuse in the first place since administration will never do anything ever
Ryan Davis
>You? Zoning out until bed.
>I think walking in them normally is hard enough, let alone with prostetics, no?
1. I wouldn't know 2. Based on my purely theoretical point of view I think the issue in walking in them comes from the awkward position it puts your feet in but when you have no feet. just and interchangeable shoe socket it kind of negates that.
>maybe you shouldn't listen to literal memeboys in /ksg/ >mfw I got the implication form you. Do try settle down, you were doing so well.
Jace Green
No problem, that's what I am here to do.
Ian Smith
>I like Hanako!! people I don't like can't like her too! waahhhh :'( *wipes teary snot off face onto hoodiee*
Yeah okay, bub.
Okay, show me where I made the implication then.
Joseph Long
No idea.
Sebastian Sanchez
You don't say.
Adam Edwards
Nope. I say
Gabriel Watson
Brandon Thompson
I wish I could say my post was actually a trap to provoke it to shitpost, therefore proving my post right (which it did) But my post wasn't actually a trap, the shitposter actually just proves people right whenever they make bad comments about it, all by itself What kind of circus sideshow is this?
Hudson Hughes
Your turn to play with fire now I see?
Michael Harris
Fire? Nah, ol' 2013 is a bundle of fur and love. You're all just bad at conversation.
David Ross
You are a little bit frightening at times.
Still love you. No homo.
Luke Barnes
Given that Rin never really had a 'casual' set of clothes in game, what do you think she wears outside of school?
You fear what you don't understand.
Owen Fisher
Shorts and tank top
Sorry, raid night, semi-active.
Connor Perry
I'm starting to like this new tablet. yes yes.
Jaxon Powell
Likewise. I shouldn't be getting this giddy over a WIP.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
I'm starting to like this image.
Sowee ;_;
Matthew Allen
You are forgiven.
Cooper Torres
Thank you, I promise I will be better! Wed/thy/sun are my raid nights so... You know.
Jason Cox
I think something hipster-y, like a blazer or overalls or something like that. A little out there
Looks great so far man
Oh, where is the user that posted this image everythread?!?! I'm worried now
Robert Butler
>or overalls But we already have that!
>Oh, where is the user that posted this image everythread?!?! He's been gone for ages.
Camden Torres
>He's been gone for ages. Rip user. Gone but not forgotten.
Jaxon Phillips
Yeah but I mean I bet she wears them all the time. And a casual blazer idk