/mmg/ Mega Man General

Cosplay Edition
Thread No. 113
Discuss anything Mega Man related. Art, OCs, Music, Fan Games, the comics, cartoons, etc. Discussion about Mega Man-esque games, Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Red Ash and Inafune is also welcome.

>Previous Thread

>list of all games

>List of fan games

>Comic, Manga, other printed media

>Music Playlists and Albums
A TON of Mega Man remix albums (and some Gunvolt CDs)

>Cartoons and Anime

>Our booru!

>Here's our discord chat

Other urls found in this thread:



Cut me some slack, user. I'm on fucking nyquil

It's ok.
Hope you get better.


I plan to buy the striker pack but I wont be able to afford it on day one.

I just hope ASG2 isn't too heavy, blockwise.
I only have 4000 of those left in my 3DS, I need to get a bigger SD card.

Hi everyone, I made a google doc for 2017 Mega Man cartoon predictions. If anyone has predictions about the show, characters, merch, etc, you're free to add them. We can check off the list when the show starts airing/as we get new info.

Thank you. This seems pretty solid and realistic.

I'm adding some stuff in red.
If you want to delete them, feel free to do so.

Y is Viper liked so much here? Sure, I don't see anything wrong with him aside his anger issues, but I thought the fanfavorite was Merak

No worries, it's supposed to be open forum.

Nah, meanwhile he is liked, it's just me, who waifus him, posting images.

Ok then.




I need to set a timer for how long it takes things to arrive here after being posted.

It's an amazing picture.

I want to squish that megaman until he explodes.







Why did Dr.Light see fit to set Jewel Man's gigantic jewel upside down?
He is a laughing stock.

Jewel Man's design is incredibly tacky anyway.










When does the eShop usually update for US and EU?

Around 6AM EST I think

That's sooner than I expected.

I was actually incorrect. NOA updates the eShops on Thursdays at 9am PST.

About 2pm GMT Time is the usual time for PAL.

It really wouldn't look better the other way.

I just read through it. Seems pretty solid to me.


I've added a couple things in purple.

>Expect a boom in porn
Isn't this true of anything Roll appears in though?

Eh, always good to remember.

As long as we get cute fanart and memes, it's all good.


Anyone knows how long it takes for a retail to arrive?

No clue but striker pack isn't coming out till the 4th.

Depends on the shipping you select.





3 more hours.



did Protodude announce anything more about that special thing?

Last I heard was "not necessarily a coloring book"




Holy shit, streaming is so painful

Holy shit, already got reviews

Destructoid - 8.5
Gamespot - 8.0

Are these reviews for Gunvolt 2?




You know, after seeing Shovel Knight as a boss, I'm actually curious about how difficult the game would be if he were a playable character since the levels weren't designed for him.

Can we all stop and concentrate a bit in Desna's booty. Because... damn... DAMN...

Also, there is a loli's booty for those interested.

But still, Desna's is just... damn...

Booty? I'm sorry. I was looking more at her glowing boobs. We can't see them glowing from this angle, but damn, does that angle compliment them!

Damn... I'm more into booties, but now that you mention it... damn.


>Muscular, fit manbooty never.

>tfw no Merak body pillow


Another Gunvolt 2 review from Operation Rainfall. This one goes a little into some plot details, so for those attempting to remain entirely untainted by spoilers, tread carefully with your line of vision.


>No Day-chan bodypillow.
>No Azure striker Gunvolt simdate

>Can I get some (you)?

So, is it good?

Of course. A great improvement on the first game.

Describe it to someone who never played the first game then.
Just a comparison so I can understand.

You could always download the demo

>3000 and something blocks
Dear god.


>Not playin the first game of the only megaman spiritual successor that exists
Dude, what the hell?

>only megaman spiritual successor that exists
bruh thankyou for not counting mighty blunder 9

You can either play as Electric Human Mega Man, or Religious Crusader Mega Man. Electric Mega Man's gameplay is about tagging enemies in the right way to maximize points, it can be kinda like a puzzle game. Religious Crusader Mega Man can take the boss' powers and use them himself while not touching the ground; your combo drops if you land. Both games end on a tragic note, which I quite like.




I'm in favor of Zonda filling everyone with love.

Perfectly fine by me

I'm psyched to pick it up but I won't be able to grab the striker pack until I get paid again on the 12th.

Are we ever going to get that Mega Man anime?



Copen is weird to control.
Joule is a cutie.
Teseo is our mascot for sure.
Xiao best trap.

Copen's a lot of fun once you get used to him, in my opinion.

I hope so because Roro-chan is CUTE and I want to give Mytyl lots of hugs.
That kid is adorable, I wonder how they can be related

I hope inti does a duet concert

I do too.
Also, I don't know if its because I'm a chump in water stages or that Milas is really difficult to dodge but it seems that they made the game harder this time.
I managed to die during the boss fight for once.