/edg/ - Elite Dangerous General

Because we deserve our own thread Edition

>Where do I buy x module/weapon for my ship?
High-tech systems have the best inventory, look there. The higher population the better.

>What's this RES you guys talk about?
Resource Extraction site. Spawns pirates and space cops that shoot each other. HAZRES is best left alone until you have a Vulture or better.

>Pilots Guide:

>Steam Group (post your commander info in the announcement so we can add you)

>Change HUD color:

>Markets Tools:

>Ship & module discounts
Go to eddb.io/station
Set power to Li-Yon Rui
Set reference system to your current location
Set Station sells ship/module to what you need
Find Stations
Enjoy 15% discount

>Test your ships before you buy:

>I have a question!

>Where to grind fed/empire rep?
Shu Babassi/Wu Giangi/17 Drac

>Is Horizon worth buying?
No, ask again in 4 months

So guys, which fighter is currently the best playable? I don't like the Taipan much.
Also, plasma repeaters.

So, the T16000M CFS Hotas release got postponed. I preordered. fml

Edgy thread
Fking braben

Dead thread. Dead game.


The dorito shaped one.

I don't feel like flying big ships anymore and there's no way I'm going back to asp, what would be the best for general stuff, DBS/DBE?

You couldn't just let it die, couldn't you ?

Nah, I haven't played for a while and just remembered 2.2 is coming out soon, so might as well check it out.


DBS is really neato. Great agility and versatility. Big ships are so overrated, especially now that the dads have discovered the Anaconda.

What is the best modded weapon loadout on a Corvette? I run dual C4 MCs with Corrosive+Incendiary and some beam lasers.


>low pressure diamonds

>no elite ranks

how do I get to have twenty bajillion space dollars like you :(

Sothis until your fingers bleed.

Do you wait for your missions to all align to the same target or grab everything and then spend a whole day docking in different systems?

>Star cuckizens merge with our general and completely destroy it
>new one dies
What's your favourite feature from 2.2?

The new neutron stars, and pretty stoked for the glass cannon fighters. I kind of like it.

no one cares

Beautiful ship.

>imperial cucker

So, I heard that ship transfer prices will be pretty steep. In the billions to get your A-rated Cutter from the bubble to Jacques.



Too bad imperial ships aren't that good.

Like 15kk to haul a corvette for 100ly. The price scales linearly based on distance and it also takes quite some time. All hail Braben!

Btw I remember reading initial patchnotes and there was a part about buying engie mods or special effects with credits.

Is that a thing?


People have to workgrind for it.

Define "good"?

There are so many hapless noobs in ED, that all a ship takes is a skilled pilot.


I just see no use real for them, except for may be the courier. iEagle flies like a brick, Clipper is a worse but prettier Python, Cutter is a spacetruck that costs more than any other ship in the game.

The Cutter can be very decent in combat. Not as good as the Conda or Corvette, but with dirty drives and some modded shields, it outlasts all.

Spess legs when?

When you give more money, goy

I'll protect you from the dreaded page 10, CMDRs

Good idea to return to separate /edg/ but not the best time. Shoulda waited for full 2.2 release, not many /edg/elords have beta access.

>>new one dies
yeah maybe there's a fucking reason.