/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

OTP Edition

>Teamspeak for Veeky Forums operations
The password is: Operations

Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/R6GO
PS4: Add dazint8 and join the /r6g/ community that way
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI (the 'I' are capital 'i's)

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery
(layout with less scrolling) imgur.com/a/rVmZG/layout/horizontal#0

>Official news

>Known Issues:

>Useful links
Barrel attachment comparison as of Sept 23: youtu.be/-cov6N2YLH0
Maps: r6maps.com/
Drawing board: rainbow6.ubi.com/siege/en-US/whiteboard/landing.aspx
Sound Propagation: youtube.com/watch?v=fI4YfurxVZU
Weapons and Armor damage comparisons: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fr6MsLNfjDlPESlHGUQxoRiR3yChpewKQAlsOHXG5A8/htmlview?usp=sharing&pref=2&pli=1&sle=true

>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.
(MEGA link provided by user)
(From site)

Friendly Mission Successful:

Other urls found in this thread:




should have saved flatchanka for the new thred




Last time I'll post my proud moment of fat Russian saving his fair maidens life.


Whatever number for it's fucking early

>thought I had the drop on him
>turns out he's just bugged

>when you wipe the floor in Ranked

>Is this genuinely worth the price
>The Potato Masher

Of course it is. Aren't you seeing the results on video?

Here, there's even one for Siege.


And for reference, again, here's the GTA video and the exact build component video.

You got bamboozled by some guy that thinks everyone needs a high-tier gaming PC, when you really don't. You can see here that even modern games run great at 60fps on high, or mid/low at 4K / 1440p or 1080p @120 fps.

I'm sorry, it just hurts me when people spread misinformation when the evidence is right fucking there.

I got disposable as fuck income, I'm gonna build one of these fuckers myself and post results in the following months

Nice, make sure to do your research and everything though. You might even get better deals on the same or better parts than the ones in the video.

>bandit/jaeger/1-3x m4 gsg9 recruit most of the time because of the challenge


Is a GTX 660 enough for this game? Can it reach 144fps?

This post is dedicated to Mike 'Thatcher' Baker

Mike 'Show me an argie I'll go get my khakis' Baker
Mike 'Come in the embassy and I'll break your knees' Baker
Mike 'Wiped them clean at Goose Green' Baker
Mike 'If you're from Arabistan then I'm your hitman' Baker
Mike 'I'm old, I'm bold, so do what you're fucking told' Baker

How does Thatcher feel about Millennials?


What's the best cpu that goes with a gtx 1070? Thinking about upgrading from my 770 and shit amd fx8350. It has to be intel though, no way I'm staying with amd.

German defense recruits actually good. 3 barb wires + c4 + decent gun. Sometimes they actually should be picked over bandit.

Any i5 is good, really. An i5k if you want to overclock (be aware, the regular i5's can be soft overclocked a little bit. I do it on my i5 4440)

>Show me an argie I'll go get my khakis


i know

>tfw having to play against 4 headshot machines

I don't want it to bottleneck my gpu in the long run though, like my 8350 is doing right now. Is the i5 future proof?

Reposting from last thread for autism and reference sake

Seamus "Sledge" Cowden
Mike "Thatcher" Baker
James "Smoke" Porter
Mark "Mute" Chandar

Eliza "Ash" Cohen
Jordan "Thermite" Trace
Miles "Castle" Campbell
Jack "Pulse" Estrada

Emmanuelle "Twitch" Pichon
Gilles "Montagne" Touré
Gustave "Doc" Kateb
Julien "Rook" Nizan

Elias "Blitz" Kötz
Monika "I.Q." Weiss
Marius "Jäger" Streicher
Dominic "Bandit" Brunsmeier

Timur "Glaz" Glazkov
Shuhrat "Fuze" Kessikbayev
Maxim "Kapkan" Basuda
Alexsandr "Tachanka" Senaviev

Sébastien "Buck" Côté
Tina "Frost" Lin Tsang

Craig "Blackbeard" Jenson
Meghan J. "Valkyrie" Castellano

Vicente "Capitão" Souza
Taina "Caveira" Pereira

this one

Stop this meme. What the hell do you think they're releasing still right now? Newer generation i5's and i7's. There's a reason. And no, you don't have to get the latest gen.

And there's no point in getting i7's over i5's if all you do is play games. Hyperthreading, which is the only feature i7 has over i5, is not used in gaming.

Oh nice thanks, I'm gonna have to sell some of my belongings but it's worth it.

Requesting a drawfriend to draw Frost trying to teach Kapkan how to pronounce her name and he's struggling because he's russian.

Alright thanks, I just don't want my gpu to be held back by the cpu is all.


>Mike "One Less Argie Makes Me Hearty" Baker


>every round's the same thing
>inb4 people who actually know what they're talking about disagree with me


Never understand people's extreme desire for tons of game modes, I played Conquest exclusively on Battlefield and couldn't care less, same with TF2, CS, CoD etc I just stuck to one or two modes and that was fine.

They most likely just think it's boring because they die every round.

True story.

What's Thatcher's opinion on recruits?

>at least they can't equip fookin LAZARS

>Testing out shadowplay on a match
>Leave shitty mic turned on in options
>Constant background buzzing noise
>Heavy breathing
>Awful voice


>where muh tons of game modes and a single player

JUST dilute my game as much as possible, focusing on doing a few things right is a trash ethos amiright?

>heavy breathing
Go lose some weight you fucking loser.

All you have to do is just eat better. Not that fucking hard if you compare it to the results.

>join a casual lobby
>there's some muslim with loud chanting in the background
>through perfect cosmic alignment, the next game is on border
>mute my mic because i know someones going to say something and im going to fucking die
>hear a click as someone else puts on their mic
>oh god this is it
>"hey laguros"
>here it comes
>"is this what your neighbourhood looks like?"
>"ok fuck you bitch"
>starts babbling terrorspeak
>tries to kill him
>gets downed and teabagged

Fucking screened for future keks

Requesting Kapkan and Frost in special feelings parody. Bonus points if Kapkan says the line in Russian.

lol ebinnnnn

What's that game Squad like? Is it kind of like a pretty modern age RO2?

It's on early access. Developers are dragging their feet now that they got paid. Don't fall for the meme, wait until official release.

So I just drew this dumb idea.

It's an old joke, but it checks out.

God, I'll never be original.

It's like calling Thatcher 'Margaret', people were doing it back in beta. Still, great work drawfag. You make the general proud.

I like it, drawfriend.

Poor Thermite, there's a shop of him as a frog and now he's a bug.

has the magnum always done 77 damage?

i could've sworn it was like 60 or so a week ago

Thanks, friend.
Here's another little thing I did that's probably been already done before.


I don't think it's ever been done quite like that. Well done user, it's super cute

What is it about /r6g/ that we seem to attract the coolest drawfriends?

I don't know how it has become an implicit rule that almost all drawfriend content needs to have the operators in their full combat gear, even when it doesn't make sense, but I love it.

Kinda separates us from other places, I think.

They all proceed to ignore him and eat with their hands.

Seems like the Vivendi spook is over. Ubisoft will remain as is.


Don't exactly know how they look without it.

God damn too true

Exactly, which is a good thing


>Recruits can't put attachments because Thatcher won't allow it

>These sorts of videos exist

Console-friends, why. This is even cringier than console CoD4 montage videos


This guy annoys me
>hey guys I upload top10 montages submitted by other people also buy my shirts
Also console friend here, most of us are p shit, but once you get into high gold/plat it gets way better. Not PC tier, but pretty good

>no connection issues, everything is running smoothly
>team's winning despite having a level 0
>4 v 2, hunting down twitch
"you have been removed from the match"

He always say to them that when he was an FNG during Nimrod he only got his knife and his MP5, and it went just fine.

>How'd a muppet like you pass selection?

what other cheeky terminology apart from FNG and FUBAR do military people use?

Jesus. I usually don't mind cringy videos or montages but why?

That narration and poor timing, some of the those plays are just every day plays.

>some of the those plays are just every day plays

Because only 10 people bother submitted anything to his shit show.

Don't forget regular exercise

I saw military men using these two (in written expression only) :
SNAFU : Situation Normal : All Fucked Up
BOHICA : Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

Other are either too technical or situational anyway.

Now compare that to actually entertaining Siege videos like this



Same shit, different day.

>Charms are also displayed on the right side of the weapon so they can be displayed during the end match showcase
>an extension can be bought (priced at maybe 30,000 or 50,000 renown) that will allow you to add a second charm onto your weapon


>more pointless fluff

I prefer gameplay substance thank you. One charm is more than enough.

How strong do you have to be to carry around a real life riot shield?

>that Montagne clutch at the end against pro players

this guy needs to khs

Like reaaaally strong dood!!

>COD4 montage videos

A ballistic riot shield can weight up to 9kg (or 20 lbs), 7kg (17 lbs) in general.

I unironically like watchinf old cod montages. Not the 360 trickshot ones but really high killstreaks or big killing sprees are pretty cool.

>playing some casual
>team ranged from level 24-106
>all negative W/L and K/D except me
>round 1: 2 kills 2 assists 0 deaths
>round 2: attacking
>team plants
>get 2 kills and another assist
>cannot clutch for win
>faggot level 24 tries vote kicking because i didn't clutch
>his w/l is 0.3 and his k/d is 0.4
>thinking he has any room to clutch-vote when he shouldn't be playing this game at all
>round 3: end up getting 4 kills and 1 more assist
>final score: 8 kills, 4 assists, 0 deaths
>carry team all the way to victory
>votekick fags BTFO

Is there any better feeling?

Did another meme, lads.
Always wanted to do this after Twitch's buff.




What is this joke about? Saw it in the drawfriend thread

Did I miss some reddit spergout or something?

*drawfriend gallery, sorry

poor thatcher

Is that pic based off of that one WebM of someone getting a triple kill as Kapkan and then saving Frost?

Sure is, pal

Sweet, Twitch love!

I think someone started spamming Reddit stuff and Tachanka memes, or when the old version of the drawfriend gallery was posted on Reddit.



My proudest moment. I'm streaming a bit if you care at all. Mic broke the other day unfortunately.