/wfg/ - Warframe & Shitters General

The War Without Edition
>Previous ded:

>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/SYUXsKPv
FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg (embed)
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Tierqueer Filter: ghostbin.com/paste/by42s

CURRENT UPDATE: The Silver Grove
> forums.warframe.com/topic/688644-the-silver-grove/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/691098-the-silver-grove-hotfix-3-nekros-primeĀ /
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_NeverEver

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


patrician OP confirmed


Thanks user, that other thread was pure cancer


>thinking this general will last longer than 30 minutes
>PC still making threads
>PC this mad

wew indeed

The girl who draws these really has a kink for undergarments.

That faggot is losing his mind in the other thread. So now we have 3 Elite Autistic posters with only 1 filter.

Try not to make this thread die. Because this will be my last post for now. I tried to help you guys, hopefully it works.

Enjoy the grind and buy plat


my boner can't get any more stiff
STILL haven't cum because no one let me


Equip Gersemi + Titantitty's Animation. Thank me later.

were they all afk? how did they miss that many?

>PC can't stop replying to me
>this kills the warfrae general
>implying not my plan all along
>implying I am not your sweet release from the suffering of this mortal realm
>PC still this mad

We shall be free soon user, soon.

Why are you still here then?

no, we didn't miss anything
how the fuck did this guy get 2k pickups in a the Mobile Defense sortie that took 4 minutes when he was parked on top of the console each time and didn't move

because I-I want permission like a proper slut
p-please stop, I can only last so long before I start beg

Firestorm/AOE increase for secondary explosions, when????

What makes you think some will give you permission?
I sure as all fucks won't

Don't look at me
I just post stuff here


How come from the hours of 4 AM to 5 PM, the general is trash?

The ERP, spam, and TQ need to stop. Or this entire general should just play the game, or don't.

Fuck if I know.

>other thread is consolecuck shitposting
>this thread is pornposting and ERP

why don't mods just nuke both threads so we can start over

last night i fell asleep before i saw who won the roll

You should stop too.


it's starting to hurt a little

You faggots actually expect anybody to play the game?


Stop what?

Oh, you mean your definition of avatarfagging?

Because I think you should kill yourself for being as autistic as you are.

Will ERP for Plat




you're literally avatarfagging, not even up for discussion, mods have given their definition of avatarfagging on Veeky Forums

for everyone else: just report and move on

I'm not that guy, but thanks for assuming and I suggest you follow your own advice.

Fridge Largemeats

because the OMG CUUUUTE VALKYR IN SOMEONE CROTCH is now associated with someone arguing that EHP is subjective and that puncture damage effects frames differently

gg, no re

Good Dog

Maybe if the devs released an UPDATE we wouldn't have this problem we still would

Fuzzle Butt

Persistent posting, fuckboi.

You can leave now.

You can call it what you want, but it's still avatarfagging.

This is the worst general in all of Veeky Forums. I hope you are proud. If Warbros was still alive this wouldnt happen.

>tfw used to play with bros and have fun on ts
>tfw this thread is now just pornography

That Nova is cute.

I wonder when DE will let us use stock skins on our primes? Never

> and are attempting to emote with, or post as if you are speaking through it with it
>a user persistently attaches to their posts in an effort to uniquely identify themselves

Learn to read.

What I said was taken out of context, yea I used the wrong word but I never said anything about anything affecting different frames differently.

That was twisted by TQ and his wanktastic lackeys that enjoy shitting on the thread.

>If Warbros was still alive this wouldnt happen.


Only thing left to be #1 at is shitposting
DE removed any competitiveness from events
Then just stopped making them all together

>EHP is a subjective thing (as in damage type affects it)
>Warframes have ferrite armor and flesh, affecting their resistances (EHP)

There's nothing to "twist" you're just fucking retarded. Please, explain explicitly what you meant by the two statements above

Also, did anybody save the link for the Feedback post on avatarfagging on Veeky Forums?

I'm saying the drawing is cute, and I'm pretty sure it won't be a long time for DE to let us have the ability to use the stock skins of regular frames on the primes.

>five(5)+ generals in the last three(3) years
>according to several anons in each general, every one of them is "the worst"
you fucks need to obtain some perspective, y'all probably have diabetes. go see a physician

>That was twisted by TQ and his wanktastic lackeys that enjoy shitting on the thread.
and its entirely your fault for saying something so dumb while you were trying to impress the big kids with your buzzwords

now you are defending it, which only digs the hole deeper

Subjective was the wrong word.

All warframes have ferrite armor and flesh, so using impact damage as a baseline would work differently in EHP calculations versus puncture or slash.

Also Veeky Forums.org/feedback?q=4553&action=show What I do isn't avatarfagging.

You don't even know what avatarfagging is, how long have you been on Veeky Forums for? Do you even know why we have that rule?

I'll give you a hint. Jupiter.

What makes Nova good? Do you just spam her 4 and that's it?

You cast ball, you shoot ball, ball charges with tons of damage, you guide ball to enemies and win. Combine with 4.

>> and are attempting to emote with, or post as if you are speaking through it with it
>>a user persistently attaches to their posts in an effort to uniquely identify themselves

yes, that's literally what you're doing


>What I do isn't avatarfagging
you have a folder full of white and black valkyrs using the bastet helmet in the relays with her face sticking out of various codpieces

you are avatarfaging

>Have a set of images of frames between the legs of other frames
>Add images to multiple posts
>Somehow not avatarfagging
Wew lad.

you stupid fucking retard
Effect HP is how much hp you will have in total BEFORE YOU START APPLYING DAMAGE TO IT


Speedva for defense farming
Slowva for everything else

persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc.; persevering:
a most annoyingly persistent young man.
lasting or enduring tenaciously:
the persistent aroma of verbena; a persistent cough.
constantly repeated; continued:
persistent noise.

>Effect HP is how much hp you will have in total BEFORE YOU START APPLYING DAMAGE TO IT
EHP is actually the measurement of how much damage a single HP can absorb.

>he's still wanking about the subectivity
How many times must I say it was the wrong word?

This general is dumb.

>he actually plays Nezha
This is the most useless frame I've even seen
Shit damage
Shit CC
Shit survivability

>All warframes have ferrite armor and flesh, so using impact damage as a baseline would work differently in EHP calculations versus puncture or slash
Except warframes have identical armor types and thus identical resistances, holy fucking shit you are so retarded

also that's not the feedback post I was looking for, there was a feedback post about avatarfagging on Veeky Forums, in which mods said "spamming pics of your character is avatarfagging if it's not relevant to the discussion"

Why is tonkor-zephyr so fun?

Well, Nezha is pretty much a Rhino.
His Warding Halo is a pretty good aug for him when it comes to walking defense targets.

>a most annoyingly persistent young man


Oh the other one pretty much says the same thing, but with vg characters.

Still not avatarfagging.

Also, I never, once again, ONCE FUCKING AGAIN.

Repeat after me.


Actually, you said it quoting me.


>>All warframes have ferrite armor and flesh



Fucking stupid.

Why is Europe the worst continent?

Yeah a worse Rhino
Stomp beats spears
Charge beats chakram
Iron Skin beats halo unless you have the augment
Roar beats a shitty fire dot

his warding halo is garbage, it gets shredded in seconds against sortie-level enemies


orthos or galatine?

Stop talking

like this

it is pissing me off

seriously fucking stop?

>This immediately lowers the level of discourse, and derails the thread to be about the avatar user instead of about the topic of discussion.

report the avatarfag and don't reply to him anymore


i want to try a simu zephy instead tonktonk is super boring

best boipussi tho

>avatarfagging for weeks
>says something stupid and then tries to defend it
>makes a fool of himself
>console valkfag is now known for this idiotic defense of his post
>he now knows why being anonymous on Veeky Forums is a good thing

Not until you fucking acknowledge that you're just fucking with what I say to piss me the fuck off.

Hey fuckface, watch the language.

as though the thread was going anywhere before

a bully user probably started the shit-on-avatarfag-fest to get the reply count up higher than the consolefag general

tennogen W H E N ?
literally goldmine right there

Goes without saying.

the question is
why not?

I just need to wait until 5 PM. The shitposting derailers will leave.



Yea you will, because once 5 PM hits everyone from Murrica comes and shits all over TQ and his buttlovers.

As if DE'd fucking allow it.

reminder that shitters come in all forms

this general is great

someone shitpost

I could start it again if you want.

You didn't specify what to shitpost.

Well that was pretty dumb, do it again


loud, boisterous shitposting

They let that flight attendant nova stuff in. If it was a little subtle so it's not as obvious and people bugged them about it long enough I think they'd eventually yield.
I mean, look at valkyr's immortal, that already looks like sukumizu if you squint a little, that's the kind of subtlety I'm talking about.

Just because Thiccbecca posted about it doesn't mean it's actually coming.