I unload things and put them on shelves late at night at Walmart. Someone pls kill me.
/lolg/ league of legends general
Ryder Cooper
Samuel Davis
Less Lulu stuff, they are still there though.
Fill this thread with your waifu if it makes you feel better.
Matthew Barnes
nah the LA Rams pay me well
Jaxson Davis
Matthew Gutierrez
Caregiver. I'm a top lane main support secondary
Christopher Green
any eurocucks here? i wanna beat your ass
Isaac Brooks
Are Yasuo mains the new Riven mains?
All they do is go 0/10 and flame
Oliver Evans
if yall want to watch worlds together without twitch chat pls come
Bentley Garcia
What is this about championship jewels?
Alexander Lee
holy shit dude >>>>>tumblr blogposting