
/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #369

Just fuck my backline up Edition



Friend list:

/ssg/ Rankings:

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

Sep. 30th - Oct. 2nd: Roina, Luka, Vivid Fear, Anael, Niarose, Metatron, Serestia
Oct. 7th - Oct. 8th: Renee, Karpila, Kiki, Elua, Jheet, Choi, Aiolos
Oct. 14 - Oct. 15th: Angela, Blade, Beatrice, Celus, Damien, Askeladd, Jiho

Current events:
Ring the Bell: 9/19 - 9/30
Light Cosplay Poll: 9/26 - 10/02
Fredrica Rival Match: 9/25 - 10/8
Rasiel Boss Match: 10/01 - 10/02 and 10/8 - 10/9
Mission Event: 9/29 - 10/14
More info can be found in-game

Previous Thread: →

I'm gay.

>fully clothed in regular clothing
Disgusting. You can't play soccer like that.

Is the suspect on the mission event the same for everyone or its random for each person?

Stones for Elaine?

I'm trying

Red reflex, SC, Dark HP, Blue pass

I thought maybe this would be good: Red reflex, Blue pass, Battalion, Blue pass. More overall pass power, more reflex, more tankiness. But missing out on the crit dmg boost. And also, I feel like batt is wasted if you don't have enough crit, the attack boost is kinda wasted if you can't crit. But on the other hand, she'll probably never crit because crit debuffs / crit resist debuffs and the batt is more useful for just making her tankier.

I love Uriel!

Would not Nut to/10

>Randomly get Xiao Lang
>Sheep Loli
>Actually goes "Baah! Baah!" in best voice

How viable is a 3* ranked up to like 6* guys?

Not viable

Is Malcolm any good?