died for a little bit edition
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someone shitpost about something
Remember that bugged marelok in the market I mentioned yesterday? I noted down the numbers and it awards its own 3k mastery. Now I'm pissed I missed when they fucked up like this a month earlier with a duplicated kogake.
>My reply was 11:20 EST
>Thread died for 35 minutes
It really says something about this general and its players
don't bully DE!
they work very hard for your entertainment, you ungrateful pricks
Wow, enough bugs like that and the discernible lead of Grand Master Founders(tm) will be negligible.
Says the guy who didn't use his rain.
You should have let it stay dead
I have a noggle forever stuck on the outside of my ship.
you reap what you sleek user
It's ok, because it's the stalker one. He deserves it.
What noggle is it user?
who /800kendo/ here
Stalker one. He's placed on the urn from Baro.
I keep hovering around 700k because I keep selling maxed out primed mods.
i have 15k
Stop avatarposting! (In a tactical potato voice) Fakken sent.
hi avatarfag
>thread died
>new one made
>hide thread
>close browser
Wow so hard. Why are cucksoles+avatarfags so dumb?
Blue potato at ludi
>PC shills showing elitism over a game no one likes
>PC still replying to consoles
>PC this mad
Wtf I hate corpus now.
>why are cucksoles+avatarfags
you answered your own question
>"hi guys! check out this cool avatar pic of CUTE valkyr!"
>go away
when will this end
Jokes on you I play on xbox one
At least they make good thick robots. We'll just take them after we eradicate them.
Ruk is giving a lot of pay lately.
Cute frog!!!
>Telos Boltace caused my spare Memestrike to jump from worthless to 300p+
GRAPHICS - Because graphics make a shit game good :^)
FPS - Because 60FPS isn't good enough
INDIE GAMES - I love Gone Home and UNDERTALE
PRICE - Paying 1.2k dollarinos for a graphics card sure makes me cool amazon.com
>implying elitism is free
>avatarfag triggered by a meme and now arguing with no one
again, when will this end
I said one thing and disregarded the replies, the fuck you talking about?
When does anything ever end?
grow up and move on consoles are trash
The cutest of frogs
>playing skyrim or fallout
>PC elitists still paying 2000$ for HD boobs
>PC still replying
>PC still mad
>that AMD
>aftermarket everything
I don't care, you deserve this (You) for finding gold like that.
>be consolecuck
>thought i was playing on a inferior platform
>tennogen suddens launch on console
>mfw buying tennogen shit with the plat i traded
>mfw PCucks will never ever have those cool syandanas and skins without paying real shekels
>mfw there are more goyims on cucksole than PC so it's easier to acquire plat and scam stupid shitters
>mfw I just sold it for 400p
how do people struggle with plat in this game?
>people still think consoles can be better in any way
here have an anime
>PC has to pay more money on top of their 200000$ gaming PC that they use to exclusively play a bad game and shitpost on Veeky Forums to obtain items that the creators won't ever see a dime of
>PC still this mad
>replies with anime
>PC still replying
>PC still this mad
Ok, you can calm down now.
>Early part of the thread is shitposting
This general should have been dead even longer.
>Mariana node on Earth actually uses the underwater tileset
Wow so the valk fag completely shit on the general now like TQ...
The general is shit but at least we're not getting raided by.. fuck I dunno, that /tv/ autist,Barneyfag, or something worse.
as a neutral party who has and uses both
>console pointing towards a cost that is not forced on all PC players
>console ends their argument with "PC still mad" hoping that it will come true
get good at shitposting
>looking for a quick exterminate on earth for finding silver grove
>mariana is underwater
So, what happens if you don't actually have an arsewing to do that mission, like every new player? I did notice the node doesn't have an arsewing icon, but I didn't pay attention to if it actually used arsewing tiles besides dead-ends.
Even if it was, when we came back the shitposting would be even worse still.
Post glitch screenshots as an attempt to be interesting and something that isn't asking for info as you guys just shitpost people asking questions away, and all generals can be is ether A) people ask questions and get answers, regardless of how common a question it might be. B) People post stuff about the game. C) People shitpost like anywhere else on Veeky Forums.
I only played it once so far but it didn't have any sharkwing bits
These young asshoppers won't get better at shitposting. They think they've reached the apex of shitposting.
Is it already being incubated or do I need a core?
has to be bait
it's never sharkwing
it's just the uranus tile on earth because the mariana trench is underwater
>Says you need a core
>"Do I need a core?"
Yes. Yes you need a core.
Are you doing the Kubrow quest?
Okay. It's just odd because every time I end a mission it tells me: "Now just wait for your egg to hatch."
Make the core friend. Then it will be incubated. You need that first.
Done. Darn you have to wait a full day and a half... that's some bull shit.
Out of curiosity, what's the longest wait time in the game for an item or pet?
Equinox probably
lo X ley its better
I just got this message, what is this ?
What did they mean by this?
A message
I guess it means:
"I feel entitled to having the best players so they can help me win!"
What were you doing when you received the message?
Where do i farm affinity now that Draco got killed?
fucking nitain
should i even bother with sabotage farming? have any of you tried?
I was making Team Health Restores
Sedna, Bere
Eris, Akkad
Eris, Xini (For relics)
Or just ask some friends to carry you through the Tacticool alert?
hierachon on pluto
What's your guys' thoughts on titania? Worth the farm or not? And is the lore really THAT good for her quest?
Stop Penn posting please. I love this man but I dislike you so I feel conflicted whenever you do it.
she's mediocre at best, can't do anything well. There are better damage frames and there are significantly better CC frames.
>And is the lore really THAT good for her quest?
hahaha what? People actually liked that shitty plant scan quest?
She is fun to dick around with.
I make it a point to house all frames, but you can at least get MR points from leveling her.
No. it's just "I love trees, wah I have to make weapon, I want to be with trees, I put in a program so weapon can protect trees".
nigga what am I going to do until my doggo hatches?
>The lore
A girl ends up planet protector, and fails, twice, at her job. Then fails a third fucking time.
No no, if anything her lore just summarizes her usefulness in a nutshell.
i still compulsively scan rare plants in case i ever want to fight the specters over
it's kinda fun
go outside :^)
well you're already here, shitposting presumably
>Be valkyr
>Walk into a nullifier bubble
Why people play her? Waifuism?
Farm cat imprints and farm carrier prime.
pretty much, yeah
Fill out your Codex, and wait for DE to fix the Camera, Apothic, and Sculpture entries.
>Manic spectre
>It warps all across the map before leaping up and grabbing a Reaver out of the sky to maul its face
Manics need to calm the fuck down
The level generator specifically has tiles that require archshit to traverse disabled, exactly for the reason you described.
They did this with the starchart rework and you can find a bunch of other stuff like this on other planets. Most of them have nodes on ships that are actually placed on top of ships visually on the map and mars, for example, has a mission placed on the ice cap mission that's using the europa tileset.
>Windows XP theme
Well I wasn't gonna, but I kinda have to now user.
you dont enter the bubble lol
puff it away with either a maxed sentinel weapon (like Stinger) or by melee it
And the resource deposits, the ones for argon, circuits and alloy plates are still fucking missing.
Shotgun Amp drops from the feyarch spectre
I sexually identify it as an attack helicopter.
Or use a better tank frame and shoot at it :^)
What are those "ayatan cyan stars" you pick up every once in a while ?
I'm like level 20 or something dude...
Is there a Devstream today? Or are they on hiatus until War Wiffin is released?